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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

Crow  154 | 9463
11 Oct 2014   #661
Russia is not European culture.

It is. Russia is European culture.

Considering how much German blood flows in the veins of Polish people I guess we can call them brothers too.

Its actually the opposite. Eastern Germans are most probably entirely Slavic. Just assimilated and Germanized former Slavs.

I beg to differ!

Please, spare me of these nonsenses.

Things change. Take this example... We in Serbia have medieval chronicles. Back in the middle age, German King Barbarosa visited Serbia, among else, in order to settle the deal about Germanic miners who wanted to come to work in Serbia. Then, as it is written in chronicles, during the dinner, German King and his complete escort, eaten with their hands/fingers. It was considered utter savagery in medieval Serbia. Even peasants in Serbia were more advanced then German king. And look at the situation now, after many centuries of Germanic/Anglo-Turkish/Islamic schemes around Serbia and after Slavs failed to coordinate, Germany is prosperous while Serbia tries to cope.

But, things would change again. Already change.

The term Slavic culture is as meaningless as Germanic culture in describing modern nations.

Wrong. Term `Slavic culture` is far to be meaningless. i often in my life sow how similar/same cultural bonds connects Slavs, while at the same time establishing clear difference between Slavs and non-Slavs. Culture is fundamental thing of any civilization.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Oct 2014   #662
This statement is false. Romanians did invade Poland in the 'Deluge' with Sweden

It isn't "false", since Romania didn't exist back then and I wrote about Romania, not Romanians. It was the historical Principality of Moldavia that took part in the Deluge.
Szalawa  2 | 239
11 Oct 2014   #663
It was the historical Principality of Moldavia that took part in the Deluge.

Both Walachia and Moldova, two of the three (third one being Transylvania, that one was more Hungarian then anything) founding principalities that make up modern day Romania, with Moldova carrying heavy Slavic influence.

It isn't "false", since Romania didn't exist back then and I wrote about Romania, not Romanians.

Well in this way you must separate the nation from the state

Interesting note is Romania was Poland's original ally back in WW2 when they shared a border. Romania soon join with the NAZI's (for protection as they feared a Soviet invasion), but still lets Poles escape through their country on condition they completely disarm.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Oct 2014   #664
Well in this way you must separate the nation from the state

Why? I simply wrote that Romania as a state never did anything bad to Poland. You called this statement false, although it wasn't. That's all.
Szalawa  2 | 239
11 Oct 2014   #665
Why? I simply wrote that Romania as a state never did anything bad to Poland.

Sure, why would they need to? Same goes for any other nation that has not done anything bad to Poland

Could posters focus on the fact that the thread concerns Germans and Russians please. A new thread can always be started if you wish to focus on Poles and Romanians.
Paulina  17 | 4465
11 Oct 2014   #666
Sure, why would they need to? Same goes for any other nation that has not done anything bad to Poland

Szalawa, I was simply summarising the info from the articles I provided. You wrote that "there must be a reason for" the fact that Poles dislike Romanians and I've explained that there aren't really any real reasons for this dislike, only misconceptions, stereotypes and usually lack of knowledge too.

So I guess we can end the topic of Romania and Romanians already? :)
Sasha  2 | 1083
14 Oct 2014   #667
Maybe young Russians should try those :)

Maybe they should or... maybe they should change something on a larger scale first.
Well to make it all clear from the beginning I should have probably started from the point that Russian Orthodox Church seized to exist at the very same time when Russia (in traditional understanding of the word) did. Since then, official church has been an obedient servant of the government. Whatever direction the authorities were up to, they could count on church's approval and blessing.

But it's not that the Church had been altogether separate from Tsarism before 1917. It actually hadn't but it hadn't been an obedient extension of the power either.

What makes you think that?

Somehow many Poles including this board on many occasion have pointed out this affinity if you will of the ROC and the authorities. I have never said it's groundless but that the reality we must deal with.

What I meant was that Poles have lots of sympathy for Ukrainians nowadays, despite the fact they aren't Catholic and Russians and Ukrainians seem to hate each other despite the fact they're Orthodox.

Aha, got your point. But this might have come across as 'cut off the nose to spite the face' syndrome for many Russians. Or simpler said it may be that you consider things done by Russia utterly wrong and by Ukraine mostly right. The latter is by the way exactly my situation. I side with Ukrainians I sympathize with them just because I believe that they are the victim party in the conflict.

For Russians, it seems, Catholicism is a Western invention and yet another sign of "Polish betrayal" or sth, I guess

That is largely correct speculation.

Btw, Romania is an Orthodox country - do you feel like you have a warmer attitude towards Romanians than, I don't know, to Poles or Finns or Hungarians?

That was an interesting choice of nations. My personal rating would be 1. The Poles 2. The Finns 3. The Romanians 4. The Hungarians. The selection is based on that I know very few Romanians and very fewer Hungarians to know a lot about their culture and be attracted to it by virtue of that. I dare say that my rating will look the same at the domestic level. The Poles will overcome the Finns with closer culture, language and temperament.
Sczur  - | 28
18 Nov 2015   #668
I am a German American Truck Driver but I prefer Polish people Polelock are more hospitable more willing to defend Christianity and don't have their head up their ass in there narrow pursuit of perfection
18 Nov 2015   #669

First of all your nickname is spelled incorrectly. Secondly please tell me who are those "Polelocks". I as a native Polish would like to get to know the very hospitable people you mentioned.

As to the topic i feel offended when someone confuses me as a Russian and me and my friends like to fool around calling each other "German". It looks like this.

-Hey guys (mr X) is German!
-No! You are!
-I'm not! You're German. Hahahahaha!

I disslike both nations almost equally. Russians a bit more due to our history.
Sczur  - | 28
1 Dec 2015   #670
We Germans tried to protect you from the Russians.
Ktos  15 | 432
1 Dec 2015   #671
I always dreamed of Germany disappearing at the hands of Polish, ever since I was a little kid and I am still hopeful. However, thank you for warning against Russians only you Germans should keep your noses away from Poland, you are the ones who caused most trouble to Poland. My question is who will protect Poland from Germans?
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Dec 2015   #672
I always dreamed of Germany disappearing at the hands of Polish

Too late ... Germany owns you already ...

...ever since I was a little kid

Isn't it sad that xenophobia starts at such a young age, and that it's always the fault of the parents?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
1 Dec 2015   #673
Too late ... Germany owns you already ...

Nothing lasts forever.
1 Dec 2015   #674
Isn't it sad that xenophobia

Isn't it sad that modern so-called Westerners don't remember nor care about the past acting "tabula rasa" and the only thing they do for their country and memory of their ancestors is counting bodies and crying over spilled milk? Can understand British, German and Russian though. They were doing harm to other usually innocent coutries so it's easier to forget.

Can understand British, German and Russian though.

Obviously i should add US to the list.
1 Dec 2015   #675
"It is. Russia is European culture"

For a long time in Europe the attitude was Russia was truly confused whether it is European or Asian .
Crow  154 | 9463
1 Dec 2015   #676
So question is- Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

eh. Speaking purely philosophically, this dilemma could be even increased if we are aware that newest genetic founding says that Russian Slavs originate from Polish Slavs, or to say that are Russians children of Poles. What also increases dilemma is that are Germans nothing but romanzied and then germanized Serbs. Now, Poles generally likes Serbians and one who is Pole hardly can be sure as if some trace of a Serbian still live in a German. He can`t be sure. Simple can`t.
Bartkowiak  5 | 114
1 Dec 2015   #677
Ah Crow, you and your 'theories'. Germans are not Serbs but Germanized Sorbians, the true natives of Eastern Germany. Russians may have originally come from Polish genetics, but we are far from related, it's like comparing a German and Swedish Finn; both are Germanic but so different that the other would punch one if compared.

Crow, I don't know what planet you live on. But certainly not Earth, Gerries aren't Serbs and Serbs aren't Gerries. Simple, FULL STOP.
TheOther  6 | 3596
1 Dec 2015   #678
Isn't it sad that modern so-called Westerners don't remember nor care about the past

Isn't it sad that people talk about fighting during WW2 and about hating whole nations even though they were born 50+ years after the end of the war?
jon357  72 | 23361
1 Dec 2015   #679
Extremely sad, @TheOther, isn't it. Fortunately most people in real life aren't haters.
2 Dec 2015   #680
Talking about the past isn't hating. Being cautious and suspicious towards someone due to his past is common sense. Calling people that are being carefull haters is stupidity.
Rafal  - | 24
2 Dec 2015   #681
If you want to make russian behave like a robot give him some vodka. To do achieve such behavior from german you need legislation. We know them both and hate them, and love them equally. ...Jew driven americans are THE poblem.
jon357  72 | 23361
2 Dec 2015   #682
Talking about the past isn't hatin

Hating an entire nation because of the past is sheer insanity.
Lyzko  44 | 9745
2 Dec 2015   #683
True, but it's sure good for the entertainment industry:-)
Sczur  - | 28
2 Dec 2015   #684
Russians are the red man they are cruel they do rape and torture Western Europeans are the sheep of the house of Israel descendants of Jacob not Esob. We are the covenant people.Poles are better than Russians Ukrainians and checks
TheOther  6 | 3596
2 Dec 2015   #685
True, but it's sure good for the entertainment industry

... and the British tabloids, unless you count them as 'entertainment' ... :)
Lyzko  44 | 9745
2 Dec 2015   #686
I do, namely, as bad entertainment:-))))

WWII has long since become such a mini-.maxi-cottage industry, Normal Finkelstein even referred to the Holocaust factory (..for which, incidentally, he caught hell from other religious groups)


Back on topic please
Sczur  - | 28
2 Dec 2015   #687
how much of hatred for my German people as a result of three generations communist propaganda. Turns out the Chinese don't hate the Japs as much. Has the Communist suppose they do you may not like what Hitler did in your country but at least he did something to protect you from the Russians
Crow  154 | 9463
2 Dec 2015   #688
Poles are in crazy situation. They can`t hate neither the Germans, neither the Russians.
nothanks  - | 626
3 Dec 2015   #689
Culturally - competition with our Slavic brothers in the East
Socially - competition with our Germanic neighbors

'German made' is a brand [declining one] while Russian life we shared for 50 years and it was un-fulfilling. We are now emulating the American way. Hopefully sooner than later we can find a happy median.
12 Dec 2015   #690
I got a bit upset and couldn't even rid all the info you post .
If you like to make a post find a nice one and positive ...
Poles in general /normal Poles not the one on your post do not hate Russian or Germans . We had our diffrences in history and we may have more in future but we have German Friends and Russian friends , we are despite diffrences close cultures .

DElete this dishonest post and start doing something better and I'm sure this will bring you more glory than looking for enemies around our homes .BOOO YOUUU

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