once, when I was taking German lessons, in my mother asked me not to practice my German out loud.
Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?
After Poland got its freedom back ( from Russia, thats the reason Poles hate them, 50 years of communism)
All the western companies went into Poland and destroyd all the Polish companies, that slowed Polands
economy down a lot, and now that we in European union we cant have as many factories etc, becouse
we HAVE TO import things from other countries like Germany, which is the reason why the prices went from
(example sugar) 0.20 euro (before we joined eu) to 1.25 euro now
All the western companies went into Poland and destroyd all the Polish companies, that slowed Polands
economy down a lot, and now that we in European union we cant have as many factories etc, becouse
we HAVE TO import things from other countries like Germany, which is the reason why the prices went from
(example sugar) 0.20 euro (before we joined eu) to 1.25 euro now
Unemployment in Poland was right around 20% before ascension. Which Polish companies were destroyed? Apparently not the ones employing people. Might want to ask the farmers why sugar is so expensive.
Logical thinking dude
after Poland joined the Europe they could leave the country really easy
the ones that were strungling to find the job left, european union didnt destroy Polish companies
becouse there was basicly none when we joined the eu anyway
after Poland joined the Europe they could leave the country really easy
the ones that were strungling to find the job left, european union didnt destroy Polish companies
becouse there was basicly none when we joined the eu anyway
11 Apr 2011 #515
OH Gosh. Are you kidding me. I'm Polish and when i rode your post i got laugh. don't you know what was the secont warld War? Don't you know that russians Caputed Poland in Comunism times? Germans killed above 11 milions of Poles between 1939-1945 and got 70% of Polish culture legacy :( They just stole things from the houses and got it into Germany. For example they took almoust everything from my gradmother's house and she had nothing left. It's really sad story and i know that it's 21st cantery but poles have that in blood that they remember their history really well.
thank you and stop talking about EU :)
thank you and stop talking about EU :)
Don't exaggerate like a crazy person.
29 Apr 2011 #517
adamek9611 is right:P If you currently not living in Poland you don't know how does the live here look like. You live abroad so you can't say anything about history. You even perhaps don't know when the 2nd ww started. So you're not real patriot.
PS. Stop copying sb's texts it's plantive. I hate that and i'm 100% with adamek
PS. Stop copying sb's texts it's plantive. I hate that and i'm 100% with adamek
Germans killed above 11 millions of Poles between 1939-1945 and got 70% of Polish culture legacy
Poland lost ~6 million people, not 11 million.
definitely Germans
True.Never forgive,never forget.
29 Apr 2011 #521
Poland lost ~6 million people, not 11 million.
Poland in 1939 - 35 million population
Poland in 1945 - 23 million population
Do the maths again.
*6 million is just the number of murdered and killed Polish citizens*
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
29 Apr 2011 #522
Poland in 1939 - 35 million population
Poland in 1945 - 23 million population
Do the maths again.
Poland in 1945 - 23 million population
Do the maths again.
Minus the Germans, the Belorussians, the Ukrainians...all what was counted as polish citizens before the war.
Poland lost many nationals in the East during the border shifting and expelled the Germans in the West...then there are the Jews murdered by the Nazis.
...the agreed upon number of dead ethnic Poles is about 3,5 Mill.
Of all the countries involved in the war, Poland lost the highest percentage of its citizens: over seven million perished,over three million of them Polish Catholics and the remaining three million were Polish Jews.
Of all the countries involved in the war, Poland lost the highest percentage of its citizens: over seven million perished,over three million of them Polish Catholics and the remaining three million were Polish Jews.
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2138
29 Apr 2011 #523
and expelled the Germans in the West.
"and the Germans got expelled in the West" Don't you mean?
and expelled the Germans, could be picked up as Poles wanted it and and did it by them self with great joy
twisting of words how lovely
Minus the Germans, the Belorussians, the Ukrainians...all what was counted as polish citizens before the war.
There were minorities wanting peace, some other a Poland, some other an independent country of their own... Mix of mixing I would say :)
Back to the topic: Both nations have wrecked the country and killed Poles BUT, I can fairly add that an German soldier would offer some sausage to experience an family Christmas in Poland and Prussia (proto-Germany) tried to build up Polish terrain (for self gain, but non-theless) while Russian nation... Did what it did huhm
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
29 Apr 2011 #524
twisting of words how lovely
What twisting?
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2138
29 Apr 2011 #525
So you were sincere in that "Poles expelled Germans and willingly wanted them out of the picture?"
No matter their political agenda?
No matter their political agenda?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
29 Apr 2011 #526
"Poles expelled Germans and willingly wanted them out of the picture?"
Erm....did they not???
Mr Grunwald 33 | 2138
29 Apr 2011 #527
My family is an living evidence of that not being true, Mr
Also many other family's with German roots were allowed to stay. Most of those that went were opportunists or never wanting to see hell again. Or pro-Germany Germans. Those that didn't want it stayed.
Although fear of SU was a great motivator
Also Poland or Polish politicians had nothing to say, they were the losing side or pawns of SU (if you call those "Polish" commies Poles...) Soviet Union was the driving push of relocating any minority to where they wanted (Stalin to be specific).
Also many other family's with German roots were allowed to stay. Most of those that went were opportunists or never wanting to see hell again. Or pro-Germany Germans. Those that didn't want it stayed.
Although fear of SU was a great motivator
Also Poland or Polish politicians had nothing to say, they were the losing side or pawns of SU (if you call those "Polish" commies Poles...) Soviet Union was the driving push of relocating any minority to where they wanted (Stalin to be specific).
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11969
29 Apr 2011 #528
*6 million is just the number of murdered and killed Polish citizens*
Not really... don't treat "6 million killed Poles" like "6 million Jews" stuff. It's not clear how many people died... The number of Polish citizens killed during WW2 was estimated by commies after WW2. They said It's 3 million Jews and 3 million Poles with Ukrainians etc. excluded as they were counted as Soviet losses... In my opinion the number of ethnic Poles killed during WW2 (another issue is a definition of an ethnic Poles...) is definitely less than 3 million (more like 2.4-2.5 million and of course not all of them killed by Germans) but the total number of pre-WW2 citizens of Poland killed was much higher than 6 million, in my opinion more like 7 million.
Soviet Union was the driving push of relocating any minority to where they wanted
Weren't decisions about post WW2 "population transfers" made by "Big Three" ?
Soviet Union was the driving push of relocating any minority to where they wanted
Are you saying that Germans were in the minority in Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia in 1944/45? You're kidding, are you?
well Brautwurst
Poles axpelled and Poles were expelled, all of this happened with the objection of our legal goverment
Poles axpelled and Poles were expelled, all of this happened with the objection of our legal goverment
Neither. Why should I hate them? Because of history? Then the Czechs should really hate Poles.
The Soviet decision not to intervene in Warsaw and also the Katyń debacle will forever stick in the craws of Poles. I'm reading Armageddon by Leon Uris and have learnt a lot about the Soviet mentality. Yes, Poles were seething at the Nazis for what they did but I think the feeling of betrayal and creating false hopes hurts Poles more.
PlasticPole 7 | 2641
30 Apr 2011 #534
Neither. Why should I hate them? Because of history? Then the Czechs should really hate Poles.
Excellent point! There's no use hating because of the past. It gets you nowhere.
You need to catch the culprits as and when. Many were smart enough not to hate based on who they were. There were stories of Generals protecting civilians as they knew that they took no part in hostilities.
30 Apr 2011 #536
Whom do the Polish people hate more: Germans or Russians?
We're on 19th page of this thread already, but I think it would be reasonable to ask ourselves:
"Do we really have to choose whom we hate more?" Can we not find it in our hearts to hate
both Germans and Russians equally? Do we have to favor one of our neighbours over another?
Bless you oracle of the North.
30 Apr 2011 #538
Just trying to fight discrimination and promote equality.
30 Apr 2011 #539
I'd say we poles as a whole ( i personally dont dislike Germany and even like Russia) dislike more Russians, well Germany is our archenemy a sparing partner, but they usually played honorably they didnt make a point of destroyin everythin, they were only stealing, while Russians were, in that case, almost as barbarian as Sweden
sorry for my english :) i want to add once again i dont have anthin against Russians and Germans :) cool and friendly ppl
sorry for my english :) i want to add once again i dont have anthin against Russians and Germans :) cool and friendly ppl
30 Apr 2011 #540
wHAT IS THE TRUTH?The truth is that after a millenium of suffering AND ATROCITY its stil,Pole hates Jew,Jew hates Pole,German hates Russian
etc,etc.I cam to this forum to answer questions that are like a stone in my mind.Maybe when we see the evil in our own ethnic groups we can see the good in others.We owe the milionjs of Polish,Jewsih and Ukrainian children that suffered and died a PLEDGE OF HONOR.We honor their memory by turning away from hatred.I have no more hate left its to heavy a burden to bear.I can only love the Lord with all my heart,which will let me see the Lord in everyone.
etc,etc.I cam to this forum to answer questions that are like a stone in my mind.Maybe when we see the evil in our own ethnic groups we can see the good in others.We owe the milionjs of Polish,Jewsih and Ukrainian children that suffered and died a PLEDGE OF HONOR.We honor their memory by turning away from hatred.I have no more hate left its to heavy a burden to bear.I can only love the Lord with all my heart,which will let me see the Lord in everyone.