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Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians?

tornado2007  11 | 2270
6 Mar 2008   #421
I know i don't qualify as i'm not Polski but out of the two nations, the Germans have to go down as the worst for me :-)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 Mar 2008   #422
So you only steal half as much, Tornado? :)

And P_Z: indeed, forgot about drinking Christian babies' blood; it's been too long since I done that. Hm, should go get me a Christian baby for the weekend, feel like drinking :) But only after I poisioned the drinking water here in Dublin with pestilente :)

M-G (so here we are)
Grounded  4 | 99
6 Mar 2008   #423
But only after I poisioned the drinking water here in Dublin with pestilente :)

One could say you're a wee bit late for that but ...........
tornado2007  11 | 2270
6 Mar 2008   #424
So you only steal half as much, Tornado? :)

well if i was polish surely i would say Germany too, i mean the Polish and the Ruski's at least have something in common, they have felt the full force of the German (Nazi) ware machine didn't they.

Ok so Joseph wasn't such a nice guy but he wasn't a shade on uncle Adolf was he
Grounded  4 | 99
6 Mar 2008   #425
the Germans have to go down as the worst for me :-)

Care to elaborate?
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 Mar 2008   #426
One could say you're a wee bit late for that but ...........

Don't say that - there are still cases of the Black Death found in Third World countries, and of course all caused by Jews, so it should be hard, but not impossible to find some virus-samples there...

And Tornado: I am well aware of what happened back then.

polski_zyd  2 | 72
6 Mar 2008   #427
And P_Z: indeed, forgot about drinking Christian babies' blood; it's been too long since I done that. Hm, should go get me a Christian baby for the weekend, feel like drinking :)

it makes really good black pudding or kaszanka as well.

But clearly the babies have to be taken to the shohet first. :)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 Mar 2008   #428
But clearly the babies have to be taken to the shohet first. :)

Yeah, we don't want baby-blood that is not koosjer, don't we now? :)

tornado2007  11 | 2270
6 Mar 2008   #429
And Tornado: I am well aware of what happened back then.

i know i was just explaining a little why a polak may prefer to dislike Jerry more than the Ruskies.

Care to elaborate?

if only i had all the time to write about it, really i think the forum would be overloaded with information :)
Puzzler1  1 | 5
6 Mar 2008   #430
Whom do the Polish people hate more: Germans or Russians?

- We don't 'hate' any of them; it's a gross exaggeration to say we do. I've never heard any Pole say he or she hates the Russians or Gerries. I suspect you've never really met such a Polish person either, you've just made it up - exaggerated - you have, mate. One should speak in accordance with the facts and one should not exaggerate, i.e. lie, mate.

polski_zyd  2 | 72
6 Mar 2008   #431
Yeah, we don't want baby-blood that is not koosjer, don't we now? :)

Definitely not. :) I know my history... even my wieprzowina is ritually slaughtered
<g> ;)
Puzzler1  1 | 5
6 Mar 2008   #432
even my wieprzowina is ritually slaughtered
<g> ;)

- :))))

You seem to be a nice chap. Shalom, mate.
polski_zyd  2 | 72
6 Mar 2008   #433
haha thanks, though maybe that should be szalom for the Polish forum lol
Szczery  - | 22
9 Mar 2008   #434
Ok so Joseph wasn't such a nice guy but he wasn't a shade on uncle Adolf was he

You need to learn your history or perhaps live through a communist regime. Stalin was far worse then hitler. The only difference being stalin is OK because rather then killing millions of jews he killed millions of ukrainians. But ukranians are european so there lives don't matter anyway right? Not to mention all the other people his regime has killed. It far out-does anything hitler's regime did in terms of shedding blood. As a pole I would rather take chances living under national socialism rather then the soviet-marxist scum that controlled the majority of slavic lands for the last 50 years. What is worse? we will never know. However free is clearly best.
gaby_cute_chick  - | 4
25 Oct 2008   #435
They hate Russians and Germans(not ALL of the polish). They hate russians because they want everything and they hate germans because they think that they are the best.That's all
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Oct 2008   #436
The official Austrian broadcast was brought to you by gaby_cute_chick, that station u have learned to trust and depend on, NOT
Filios1  8 | 1336
25 Oct 2008   #437

Mar 6, 08, 13:18

Thats odd... Puzzler was here more recently than I thought, but with a new account? Same guy? Polonophobe man?
6 Feb 2009   #438
"Whom do the Polish people hate more: Germans or Russians?"

Why should I hate Germans?
They are very nice people.
I've met few Germans - one of them even showed me his private gas chamber located in his cellar.
Like I said before - they are very hospitable people.

And what's wrong with Russian?
They are like brothers to me..wait...I hate my brother...doh
suzumiya  - | 1
6 Feb 2009   #439
Now the total economic is depress down, may German need the help of polish .

I like your words. Not ereryone own a gas chamber in his cellar in the world!
LAGirl  9 | 496
6 Feb 2009   #440
I thinki that they hate the Russians because every Polish person I have known said they hate Russians. I dont blame them.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
11 Feb 2009   #441
Well, I generally hate "Moscovy" Russians. If a Russian is behaving like a human beeing = no grudges same goes for Germans, if their not "Prussian/Nazi" like I tolarate them. I even bet many Poles would say the same. Tho when I think of what the nation/country of Russia/Germany has done to Poles and Poland, we/they are VERY kind to the neighbours
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
11 Feb 2009   #443
we/they are VERY kind to the neighbours

What do you think they could/should do? :)
12 Feb 2009   #444
"Whom do the Polish people hate more: Germans or Russians?"

Heh, nice thread. It takes for granted that we hate at least one of them ;-]
I don't hate Russian. We have a lot in common. A lot of people from the Russian elite was of Polish descent.
And we understand (I haven't said that we always agree ;-]) each other.
I used to live with Russian here in London. We used to play chess and drink vodka - sometimes even both things at the same time.LOL

As for Germans. We just don't understand each other, we don't have a 'common language' and I doubt we ever will.

  • chess
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969
12 Feb 2009   #445
As for Germans. We just don't understand each other, we don't have a 'common language' and I doubt we ever will.

Well, millions of Poles who came to Germany over the centuries, settled here and assimiliated might think differently...

It takes a special closed mind to hate whole peoples and to believe neighbours can't understand each have a long way to go still!
12 Feb 2009   #446
It takes a special closed mind to hate whole peoples and to believe neighbours can't understand each other....

German teaching me how to understand other people and how to understand a neighbours...
People should know when they are embarrassing
plk123  8 | 4119
12 Feb 2009   #448
damn, mr. kraut, still fighting the battle i see. lol. keep fighting the ignorance man.
12 Feb 2009   #450
Well, the German's a tough customer on here. Give him some damn credit.

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