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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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What are Poland's pagan roots?

jasinski  10 | 62
30 Jan 2010   #1
pre 966 of course
PolishNutjob  1 | 74
30 Jan 2010   #2
That's easy ...
jonni  16 | 2475
30 Jan 2010   #3

And look at this nonsense, from the same site:
OP jasinski  10 | 62
6 Feb 2010   #4
who is thi jesus. it sounds middle eastern. iam talking northern europe.
childwithin  8 | 136
6 Feb 2010   #5

i don't think there's much of it going on in poland
OP jasinski  10 | 62
6 Feb 2010   #6
what? there wasnt much paganism going on in poland? is that what youre saying? excuse me if i chuckle. maybe people with knowledge of history and not christians should answer this one for me. that would be greatly appreciated. thanks. lets think perun and veles. by the way iam just joking around, but i would like a serious answer.
childwithin  8 | 136
6 Feb 2010   #7
what i meant was there is not going much right now, but you probably have noticed
OP jasinski  10 | 62
6 Feb 2010   #8
oh yeah not much of it going around these days. what i meant was: i was joking about sounding conceited, but i would like a serious answer concerning the polanie and their pagan religion. i mean what was their religion.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
6 Feb 2010   #9
Unfortunately as the Poles had no writing while pagan, and thus we know very little about the peculiarities of their faith. We do know the names of several gods and goddesses but, as Georges Dumezil wrote on this topic, a list of names is not a mythology. The so called "Book of Veles" has been exposed as a fraud.

That being said the familial resemblance of the various Indo-European cultures is apparent in their mythologies as well. By examining less obscured branches of paganism one can make assumptions about Poland's. Dumezil inferred that the Slavs resembled the Germans having a mercurial god head their pantheon. This would be Svarog who thus corresponds to the Nordic Odin, and the Aryan Varuna. Etymology shows clearly that the name Svarog is of Iranian origin, and so the Sarmatian ancestory that Poles claim may be in fact be the case.

Poland's former partner Lithuania being the last country in Europe to abandon paganism has much more known about its indigenous faith, snake worship and all!
marqoz  - | 195
11 Feb 2010   #10
The Polish pagan roots are Indoeuropean ones.

There are a few traces of it in documents from X-XIII century left by monks or priests trying to convert folk and expel any superstitions, old wives' tales or pagan rites.

Unfortunately they were too much erudite. They knew Roman and Greek gods, goddesses and daemons. And they used to use their knowledge while describing awful pagan activities. As an effect there is a big mishmash of Slavic, Greek and Roman entities. Many researchers fought to resolve this puzzle. Some of them adding even more confusion by adding some Baltic and Germanic parallels.

There were many potential mythological figures identified: but they are from different areas and times.
OP jasinski  10 | 62
7 Mar 2010   #11
okay thanks des essienties.

thanks too marqoz.
AnndY  - | 20
21 Mar 2010   #12
Perun its Thor..

Argier - Ariel - Anioł - Angel..

Odyn - its Kupidyn!! - the night 23-24.06 noc świetojańska, Sobota (so-bo-ta;yes-becose-there; scha-bat) - Saturday (hi' Sit-at-Ur)

Swaróg - its in nordic Gaarm.. lord of underworld.

Russ-iał-ka = Walkirie.
Russ (that's "we") aił (płowił - lets say "looks 4 us") ka (ona- "she") <-> We (we) - ki (took) - r - ie (in the hell ;) )

There are lovely majestic legends written by Jan Kochanowski (1530-84) and others.. just look for them.
22 Feb 2011   #13
Merged thread:
Slavic Vernal Equinox, pagan and modern customs??

Can anyone tell me anything about the Vernal Equinox celebrations that happen in Poland, modern or pagan? I am doing a research paper and need some more info. I have found out about Maslenica, but have read that is an Eastern(?) custom.

Polish death- and winter- goddess; equivalent to the Russian Marena. Her name seems derived from Slavic words for 'to freeze, frozen'. She appeared dressed in white, a color of winter but also death in eastern Europe. Her effigy, including her broom, was carried through the village and thrown away on the outskirts or ritually drowned as a purificaiton rite either to welcome spring or after a death. The meaning of the Polish month of Marzec (March) is 'to freeze'.

Slavic cultures believe that Death has no power over the living during Ostara. Slavic Ostara rituals include symbolically throwing Death into a river to drown. After this ritual drowning, Slavs pass red-dyed eggs among celebrants during their procession to the Ostara ritual feast.

This is some other information I have found but am wondering how accurate it relates to actual customs/traditions.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!
Daisy  3 | 1211
22 Feb 2011   #14
Being a lazy bugger I found this


Eostre is another name for the Spring Equinox, when day and night are of equal length. It falls on or around March 21st. Other names include Ostara and Eostar.

In Old England, the Anglo-Saxon name for April was "Eostremonath". Eostre was possibly a Goddess of the Dawn as the word "Eostre" is related to "East". As the Sun risies is the East each day and this is a time of growing light, this is very fitting. The Anglo-Saxon year consisted of two seasons - Summer and Winter. Winter began at Samhain and Summer began at Eostre.

The Easter bunny


To add to this, I was always told that Eostre had a hare and that her hare could lay eggs, she is always shown with a hare and a basket of eggs

*that picture would make a lovely avatar*

  • eostre.jpg
JozefKPilsudski  3 | 15
22 Jul 2011   #15
Paganism in Poland?

We all know that the majority of Poles become Christian in 966, but I was wondering lately if some Poles remained Pagan afterwards.

If you know of any Polish pagans that kept their beliefs I'd be very interested and if there were still pagans living in Poland I would like to know for how long for as well.

pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2011   #16
Many of them occupy themselves with posting in this forum.
JozefKPilsudski  3 | 15
22 Jul 2011   #17
Good, because I'd liek to know some information.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
22 Jul 2011   #18
We all know that the majority of Poles become Christian in 966, but I was wondering lately if some Poles remained Pagan afterwards.

The word "pagan" comes to us from the word "paganos" which meant "countryside" and this is because when the Roman Empire converted to Christianity it took much longer for the people in its rural areas to abandon practicing the rites of the old faith and one can safely assume this was also the case in the nascent Poland's remote areas as well. Neighboring Lithuania provides an even more recent example. Despite officially converting in 1386 rustic Lithuanians were still engaging in pre-Christian shamanic practices such as sacrificing one of their eyes to attain inner vision as late as the early 20th Century according to the Lithuanian-American archaeologist Marija Gimbutas.
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2011   #19
Good, because I'd liek to know some information.

You should start with this thread then:
What is polands pagan roots? merged

followed by this:
JonnyM  11 | 2607
22 Jul 2011   #20
I was wondering lately if some Poles remained Pagan afterwards

Some traditions remained, especially in the Kurpie region and parts of Podlasie. But very discreetly. Some customs like casting wreaths into water on the solstice and throwing water at young women on Easter Monday to make them fertile are common throughout Poland today.

If you want to know about the neo-pagan scene, you could check out - it's largely about shamanic paths, but with some useful contacts for neo-paganism. Most of the users of that site speak some (or even a lot of) English.

The word "pagan" comes to us from the word "paganos" which meant "countryside" and this is because when the Roman Empire converted to Christianity it took much longer for the people in its rural areas to abandon practicing the rites of the old faith

Yeah, we know. So does the dictionary.
nott  3 | 592
22 Jul 2011   #21
JozefKPilsudski:We all know that the majority of Poles become Christian in 966,

a minority, Mieszko and his court. The rest followed rather reluctantly, with the missionary methods including breaking out teeth of those who didn't see the light.

JozefKPilsudski:but I was wondering lately if some Poles remained Pagan afterwards.

There was a big pagan uprising as late as in the 13th century.
Nathan  18 | 1349
22 Jul 2011   #22
pre 966 of course

Something changed?
pawian  224 | 27236
22 Jul 2011   #23
nott -
There was a big pagan uprising as late as in the 13th century.

Actually, in 1037.

But Polish version is much more informative:
nott  3 | 592
23 Jul 2011   #24
pawian: Actually, in 1037

Wiki is a gang of ignorants just showing off anonymously, and everybody knows it.

Having said that, I must reluctantly admit that this time you might be somewhere close to the actual truth. Somehow I managed to move Masław two centuries into his future.
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161
23 Jul 2011   #25

bring back our beloved Slavic Deities!!!!! <3

Bailobog - The white God of the waxing year; Guardian of the summer. Bailobog would defeat his brother in battle every Koliada to take his rightful place as the ruler of the waxing year. At Kupalo, Czarnobog would defeat Bailobog in battle to assume his position of ruler of the waning half of the year. Bailobog is said only to appear by day to assist travelers to find their way out of dark forests or reapers in the fields.

Please read rules #11 and 12
JozefKPilsudski  3 | 15
23 Jul 2011   #26
Thanks for all the replys, I think I'm going to do more research on this.
hythorn  3 | 580
30 Sep 2011   #27
The means of pagan worship and even the types of gods can vary within a country.
Just because people in the North worship an oak tree, it does not mean that the people in the South do

there was no universal pagan church with a pagan archbishop at its head
so it is by and large irrelevent how pagans in the UK worshipped
and the reason that we know so much about UK pagans is that the Romans wrote about
them before slaughtering them

Although the Lithuanians were still pagan in the 15th century this does not mean that Polish pagans
worshipped the same gods

The greatest influence that paganism has on Poland today, is that cremation is still unpopular
20 Dec 2011   #28
Polish gods and goddesses (pictures) -
30 Nov 2014   #29
The ancient polish tribes believed in a variety of God's that they shared with most other slavs. The head of the slavic pantheon was piorun, the slavic god of thunder. He, like Zeus in greek mythology, is head of the gods. Other slavic gods include Dadzbog, who represents the god of wealth and fortune. The polans also had a number of fertility and gods of love.

Woman were highly respected in slavic society, they were viewed as gate ways to the spirit world. The sun, also was very important to the slavic-Polish religion.
Varsovian  91 | 634
19 Jun 2015   #30
Merged: Polish pagan temple Chram Mazowiecki?

I've just found where the pagan temple Chram Mazowiecki is - extremely well-hidden. I've walked past it countless times without ever suspecting. I must admit I find Slavonic mythology fascinating.

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