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Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
9 Nov 2018   #31
It would be much better if Poles show some respect to grandfather Svetovid.

How can they and what's the payback?
You do realize that we are discussing nukes, guns, armies and the wars that kill millions and you are bringing up fictional stories about gods and popes meant for impressionable kids and confused adults?

western Europeans prepare ground to grab everything from Poland.

What is that supposed to mean? Poland has an army, doesn't it? What is "everything"? Can you make a list?
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Nov 2018   #32
Its not all in the money. There is something in the spirit, too. If they brake your spirit, all your money, all what makes you belong to your foe.

What army Poland have that is Polish army??? Ask Polish army to whom it serve, to NATO, to EU or to Poland?

If Poland tries to abandon NATO or EU, Poland will be portioned. Mark my words. If Poland try to hide behind sovereignty it would be impossible because official Poland violated very principle of sovereignty on example of Serbia. Swinouscie, Silesia and who knows which regions will be targeted. Germany will just pay some local politician to call for outside ``help`` and that`s it. Bye Poland. And that would be internal NATO/EU question.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
9 Nov 2018   #33
If Poland tries to abandon NATO or EU, Poland will be portioned.

Be specific. Do you mean German tanks rolling in just as they did in 1939? Who would order Poland's partitioning? Who would do the partitioning? Would Russia be part of it, again? Would the US, which controls the Security Council through its veto power, and NATO just stand by and smile? The US could finish off the EU very quickly if it wanted.

It would be helpful if, instead throwing ten single-sentence things into one post, you covered one in reasonable depth. Minus gods.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Nov 2018   #34
No, Russia won`t be involved. What Russia can. Poland is part of NATO. Telling you. It will be declared as internal NATO thing. First, Poland will be demonized in mass media (what already started). Then, if Poland start more to resist to EU/NATO, internal problems in Poland will start initiated from outside. It was all seen and experimented by western Europe and Clinton in Yugoslavia and Serbia. Some locals in Swinouscie or Silesia will rebel, some locals will attack Polish police and army, official Poland will react and NATO will use force against its own member to pacify non-democratic government. Duda will then, as traitor on duty, say how he regret, how he apologize because of bad behavior of Poland and he will then sign capitulation. I think, NATO will create at least two-three new states from what remain of Poland.

It will be perfect crime.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960
9 Nov 2018   #35
Do you mean German tanks rolling in just as they did in 1939?

We would need to borrow some functioning ones first...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
9 Nov 2018   #36
It will be declared as internal NATO thing.

I may be naive. You know, old age. But I just can't see Germany and the US being part of that scenario and, without them, it just will not happen. The rest of Europe is a bunch of powerless and irrelevant metoos.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Nov 2018   #37
Be specific. Do you mean German tanks rolling in just as they did in 1939?

I think they will use black migrants this time. To underline the point. Black Nazis are needed. After all, propaganda war always follow real war. Later will come White Nazis.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Nov 2018   #38
See what I mean



I can imagine them invading Poland. You know how in WWII, USA mobilized Moroccans when made land invasion on Italy? Yes, and order to Moroccans was to rape as much as possible Italian woman.


Oh, they are already IN

Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
9 Nov 2018   #39
See what I mean

No, I don't. If that is the threat to Poland, I am going to sleep like a baby tonight.
Crow  155 | 9699
9 Nov 2018   #40
ahaha hahaha hahahah

I like you pane brate Mazur. You have spirit.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
9 Nov 2018   #41
Rich,Crow is the resident nutter on this forum,as I am sure you have worked out for yourself.....
Best ignore him.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
9 Nov 2018   #42
I am really curious what is behind curtain #1...
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Nov 2018   #43
Beware Poles and spread the word among Poles on the Net. Poland is in serious trouble.

I heard what Tusk today said referring to Duda and Polish government, that is Poland ruled by `modern bolsheviks`.

Listen Poles. Its all the game. Reality is that Poland have traitor Duda for president and that other traitor Tusk attacking Duda.


Either Duda and Tusk (those that corrupted them) works together or Duda represent one path to treachery, while Tusk represent other path to treachery, that is they both aren`t together in treachery but have different masters.

In any case, you would have elections. If those elections aren`t decided already (what is great probability), you Poles would be put in situation to vote for two traitors, Duda and Tusk. Real Poland need third political option. Real patriots that are interlinked with Serbs and Hungarians. But would you Poles get chance or fate or Poland is already decided, I don`t know.

God help you Poles. Just remember that one Serbian was the only one to tell you the truth. I f*** THEM all
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
11 Nov 2018   #44
...were coordinated by The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact:

"In addition to stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol that divided territories of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, and Romania into German and Soviet "spheres of influence","

That's true. But what USSR would be expected to do if we assume it would be a normal, reasonable country? If it would abstain from division of Poland and Baltic states, then all the prize would go to Nazis. What US, for example would do on USSR place?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
11 Nov 2018   #45
But what USSR would be expected to do if we assume it would be a normal reasonable country?

Interesting question, actually. I suspect if it was a normal reasonable country, then Poland would have allied with it in the face of German aggression.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
11 Nov 2018   #46
USSR had the option of supplying weapons to the Polish armed forces. German forces were really strained on ammonution. Leaving eastern Poland secure would create a long period of fights with the Germans, prolonging any attack on USSR. Just as it had proxy wars in the Cold War, it could had happened in 1939. The conflict of 1920 made that pretty impossible tho.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
15 Nov 2018   #47
Interesting question, actually. I suspect if it was a normal reasonable country, then Poland would have allied with it in the face of German aggression.

It would be not a bad idea for USSR to ally with Poland, but only from a retrospective point of view. Because how could they know back then that Germany going to attack them after they will swallow Poland? Enter in terrible war with Germany and loose dozens of millions of its own citizens just to protect Poland? Also we can't know how the Western Powers would react if USSR would be the first to attack Germany even under excuse of Poland protection. And if USSR would be able to count for their supplies in this case.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Nov 2018   #48
From their point of view, occupying the eastern part of Poland was logical. The move created a buffer Germans would have to attack first. Hard to argue with this.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
15 Nov 2018   #49
Germany always saw Russia in particular as their fabled land for future domination aka "Drang nach Osten" (Eastern Expansion), the fulfillment of a dream, quite similar if you will, to the US' doctrine of "Manifest Destiny".
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Nov 2018   #50
From their point of view, occupying the eastern part of Poland was logical. The move created a buffer Germans would have to attack first. Hard to argue with this.

If they wanted to have a buffer they would rather support Poland against the German invasion. I would argue that they wanted to remove the 'obstacle' for their future invasion on Europe.

I would agree with Victor Suvorov on this one:

"Suvorov challenges the view that Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime attacked an unsuspecting USSR on June 22, 1941 with a much superior and better prepared force. Instead, Suvorov argues that the Soviet Union was poised to invade Nazi-controlled territories in July 1941.

Suvorov claims that Stalin successfully manipulated Hitler into removing the "buffer zone" (Poland) between Europe and the USSR. Suvorov further argues that Stalin's goal was the export of communism to other countries"


The fact that many historians criticize his thesis but not the facts and numbers cited in the book adds to his credibility.

Just because Hitler was a bloodthirsty maniac doesn't make Stalin a peace loving animal. They both wanted to expand their rule over Europe. The difference is that the USSR has "won" and their narrative became the standard version of history tough in schools.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Nov 2018   #51
It would be not a bad idea for USSR to ally with Poland

USSR or Russia today have never had a love of Poland.
They see Poles as rebels and trouble makers.
And quite rightly so.
But that is what we are and we will never be friends with Russians.
Spike31  3 | 1485
15 Nov 2018   #52
They see Poles as rebels and trouble makers.

I would rather say that we are a freedom loving nation, but I get what you mean :-)

"rebels and trouble makers"

I imagine that's how Brits called those nasty Americans during American Revolutionary War at the end of XVIII century
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
15 Nov 2018   #53
Yes,and The Irish rebels too.....
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Nov 2018   #54
I know that defending the USSR and Russia is not the mainstream here. I got it. Still, I never saw one single Russian in Poland during the darkest moments under Stalin. I never heard of mass executions of Poles by the Soviets, Katyn aside. Poland was liberated by them and the rest of Europe by the Americans. Just in the battle of Kolobrzeg, they lost about 100,000 dead. Those numbers are hard to comprehend.

Yes, there were rapes and other crimes committed by the Soviet individual soldiers. That, and imposing communism later, does not even remotely compare with the German SS, Gestapo, death camps and the rest. So, let's keep things in perspective.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
16 Nov 2018   #55
They see Poles as rebels and trouble makers.

Modern Russia sees Poles as a ...rebels?! A country which is member of EU and NATO?

But that is what we are and we will never be friends with Russians.

Why exactly? Is there any objective reasons to be an enemies? I thought we are all the humans and share the same basic values? Well, majority of people in any country...
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
16 Nov 2018   #56
Why exactly?

Because to some simpletons Russia cannot be trusted and Putin is evil. If you ask why, the best you will get is because he was with the KGB. The fact that he was in the intelligence gathering business matters little. The KGB tag is like being called a racist. End of discussion.

FYI, I am known here to be a Russian troll. Which is a lot better than a mindless liberal, in my opinion.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883
16 Nov 2018   #57
Many millions of Russians were born and live outside of modern Russia...
mafketis  38 | 11260
16 Nov 2018   #58
So they should adapt to the countries they're in. It's not a problem unless they want to live like they're in Russia...
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
16 Nov 2018   #59
Is there any objective reasons to be an enemies? I thought we are all the humans and share the same basic values?

Unfortunately,you Russians have proved time and again that you don't share those same values.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
16 Nov 2018   #60
I'd go easy on the preachiness there, Milo!

Admittedly they don't, but do we share theirs?
Anyway, hypocrisy cuts both ways too.

Home / History / Occupation of Eastern Poland in 1939
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