In an interview to one of the best-known literary and art magazines of the period, "The Century Magazine" in 1894, Nikola Tesla, among other things, said:
......Evropa neće nikad moći da isplati veliki dug koji ima prema Srbima što su oni, žrtvujući sopstvenu slobodu, zaustavili taj varvarski prodor. Poljaci su kod Beča, pod Sobjejskim, dovršili ono što su Srbi pokušali, a za svoju uslugu civilizaciji bili su nagrađeni na sličan način.....
Translation >
``......Europe can never pay off a large debt owed to Serbs by heavy casualties, which they have succumbed to fighting barbaric intrusion (of the Turks). The Poles under Vienna completed what the Serbs could not do, and almost the same as these were rewarded for their services to civilization.....``
source > lisbon.mfa.gov.rs/odrzavanje/uploads/TESLA_en.pdf