The BEST Guide to POLAND
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lightalma  7 | 13
21 Mar 2010   #1
enkidu  6 | 611
21 Mar 2010   #2
Nowhere. Such a map of Poland in the 1880's do not exist. :-)
Lukasz K  - | 103
21 Mar 2010   #3
You can find it for example here:

map old poland

But of course it is not a "map of Poland", becouse there was no Poland at that time...


plk123  8 | 4119
22 Mar 2010   #4
well, there was the kingdom of warsaw of course.. during some of that century..
vetala  - | 381
22 Mar 2010   #5
kingdom of warsaw

You mean Duchy of Warsaw, which existed for 8 years between 1807 and 1815?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
22 Mar 2010   #6
Isn't there a map somewhere on the net shwoing pre-partition Poland with the three partitions superimposed thereon in different colours showing the Russian, Prussian and Austrian partitions?
SeanBM  34 | 5781
22 Mar 2010   #7

This should be of interest to you:

Polska Poland Borders 990 - 2008
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Mar 2010   #8
Fine, but what kind of Gatesian meanders must be followed to actually see the map rather than just that funny little coloured box at upper right? Couldn't you have done the required clickery and gadgetry at your end so the map would immediately show up?
OP lightalma  7 | 13
27 Mar 2010   #9
Thank you very much for the interesting map. I am really trying to find a family in med 1800s that were from a long long of counts and countesses. The trouble is where exactly did they live? Since the countess lived in the mid 1850s giving birth to the one I seek in 1886. I want to go to Warsaw in June and see if I can find the name. But the place is going to be a big challenge since the country kept changing.

Thanks so much again. Do you know if I will be able to search in english? When I go there?

plk123  8 | 4119
27 Mar 2010   #10
Do you know if I will be able to search in english?

not a chance... and if your peeps were not from Warsaw then you're wasting your time looking there.. you need to go to the parish they were from and try there.. good luck.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
27 Mar 2010   #11
Couldn't you have done the required clickery and gadgetry at your end so the map would immediately show up?

I don't know if you are talking about the map I posted but as mine is the only map with red, I think it is me.

And to answer: I have no idea what you are talking about, I just posted a youtube link that I thought is interesting.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
27 Mar 2010   #12
I just posted a youtube link that I thought is interesting.

I love it.
ForVictoria  - | 6
14 Jun 2010   #13
Lukasz K.....Thank you for posting the historic map of Poland. My nephew and I are researching my grandmother (his great-grandmother) who left Poland in 1914 to come to the United States and settle in Chicago. There is very little of her history that was left for us. We do know she came from Lipnik which at the time of her emigration was in Austria-Hungary.

Your map let us know that our ancestors were from what looks to be the Tatra Mountains. Thank you for this link to our heritage....

22 Mar 2015   #14
My grandfather wrote on his US Draft Registration card that he was born in Turly, Poland in 1882. It may have been near Warsaw or Vilna. (I don't know which Polish-born grandparent came from which area.) Sometimes he wrote he was from Russia-Poland. Does anyone know where that is or was?
Looker  - | 1129
22 Mar 2015   #15
The name is Turły. The town lies on the east from Vilna, but on Belarus area, not in Lithuania. It was Poland at the time. Check the google map.

Look at these photos of the Polish Kotwicz Family Court in Turły, (from 1939 and now)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
23 Mar 2015   #16
The town lies on the east from Vilna, but on Belarus area, not in Lithuania. It was Poland at the time.

It wasn't Poland at that time (1880). The nearest to the description of "Poland" was the 'Kingdom of Poland' which was formally in unity with Russia, but its autonomy was scraped long before that time. Nevertheless, the tsars of Russia retained the title of King of Poland until the collapse of the House of Romanov on the Russian throne.
29 Nov 2015   #17
I am looking for Diendufka, Poland, between 1880 and 1887'
Looker  - | 1129
30 Nov 2015   #18

No such place in Poland. Probably misspelled. The guessing will be hard without any written source available.
A long shot - maybe Bieńkówka?
'uf' and 'ów' is almost identical in Polish pronunciation.
20 Jan 2017   #19
I am trying to find information about the Town of Grupa in Poland during the 1880s. I have ascertained that my grandmother and family came from this town but I cannot find any information about it --- I do not see it on any map nor when I do an internet search nothing comes up with that name. Can someone help me with this??? Thank you in advance.
21 Jan 2017   #20
I can only find a village, not a town with this name:-,_Kuyavian-Pomeranian_Voivodeship
TheOther  6 | 3596
21 Jan 2017   #21

In the 1880's, the village was part of the German Empire. Try either "Ober Gruppe" (Polish name: Górna Grupa) or "Nieder Gruppe" (Dolna Grupa).
25 Jan 2017   #22
I am trying to find Sadomerski, Russia Poland in the 1880's. Can anyone help?
TheOther  6 | 3596
25 Jan 2017   #23
You are probably looking for Sandomierz:
16 Feb 2017   #24
Seeking Jewish family ancestry from Poland. c. 1886 > Joseph Greenberg /Grynberg /Gruenberg? was born 01/01/1887 - died in October of 1952 in San Francisco, California. Family name may have been changed?

Family said to have lived in/or near Warsaw.
Joseph came to the US before WW2 and lost touch with family in Poland.
He married in the US --Mitzi / Mary John ( Catholic) from Czechoslovakia .
His Granddaughter Kathy is seeking to find what happened to Joseph's family.
We have no names of his parents.
A sister is said to have accompanied him to the US but no name is known for her.
It's thought they probably perished in the Holocaust.
I have looked at Yad Vashem but not knowing names doesn't help !
Thanks for any help anyone may have.
TheOther  6 | 3596
16 Feb 2017   #25
Google for "Joseph Grünberg" and "Warschau". Quite a few hits.
15 Mar 2017   #26
Legend in family..Jewish Rabbi married a Polish Countess. had to be the 1800's. Any knowledge of this.
DominicB  - | 2706
15 Mar 2017   #27

Sounds more like legend than reality.
15 Mar 2017   #28
German family name 'Jacobi'...any help?
jon357  72 | 23654
15 Mar 2017   #29
Legend in family..Jewish Rabbi married a Polish Countess. had to be the 1800's.

A lovely story. If you have any birth certificates, death certificates etc from the twentieth century, you might contact the Gmina Zydowska in Warsaw who help people to trace their family history.

Often families develop very romantic stories that become more and more romanticised in the retelling however are based on a (sometimes more prosaic) grain of truth. It would be wonderful if you could get to the bottom of the story.
15 Mar 2017   #30
German family name..'Jacobi', any help in post of Jewish Rabbi marrying Polish Countess.

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