For the record..,Two azholes and one azholette were not able to name even one benefit of moving to Poland.
Life in communist Poland - personal relations
The last thing I would want to do is convince you of any benefits of coming to Poland
Thousands in the US think about coming back to Poland to die. Many read PF. For their benefit, please name the top five benefits of coming back to Poland.
I would never give up the joy of seeing my four granddaughters so there is zero chance I will ever leave "America".
Say hi to yours...
I would never give up the joy of seeing my four granddaughters so there is zero chance I will ever leave "America".
Say hi to yours...
Thousands in the US think about coming back to Poland to die
I don't see any need to convince them either. You care, you do it.
OK, I tried to find them...They just don't exist.
On the opposite side, Poles are taught the British perversion of English. Yuck!
But it's changing fast...Soon, you will be learning Ebonics and how to say "aks".
On the opposite side, Poles are taught the British perversion of English. Yuck!
But it's changing fast...Soon, you will be learning Ebonics and how to say "aks".
Poles are taught the British perversion of Englis
And loving every single moment. I think it's general consensus that the British accent is more charming.
, I tried to find them...They just don't exist.
What a great moment for Poland. Couldn't be more proud!
I think it's general consensus that the British accent is more charming.
...if one is a dumb royal "princess". Real men speak American.
It's fascinating how leftists, woke morons, and Euros turn shy...
If somebody asked me why I chose the US, I would ask how much time do you have...
What a bunch of bootlicking idiots...
kids engaging in a rather dangerous game of racing cars
This reminds me of a more dangerous game or pastime in wintertime - car sledding. There were numerous accidents which forced the authorities to start a campaign warning about the risks. I remember posters at my school.
The Festival of Soviet Russian Song was organised in Zielona Góra in communist Poland. As a small boy, I knew nothing about it coz it wasn`t broadcast on TV. It was only covered by papers which I didn`t read. As a teenager and uni student I heard about the festival but me and my mates considered it degeneracy and singers who performed there were renegades to us, especially in times of Solidarity and martial law.
To my surprise as an adult man, I learned that a lot of popular and even famous singers started their careers there when they were young. They didn`t boast of their participation in the festival for the reasons mentioned above.
One of them is Michał Bajor. Amasing, but he won the 1973 Festival with this song. And he was only 16 years old!!! What a voice!
The song is about a charming woman called Siemionovna. The video was made in the Old Town of Zielona Góra with a lot of pretty women around the singer.
To my surprise as an adult man, I learned that a lot of popular and even famous singers started their careers there when they were young. They didn`t boast of their participation in the festival for the reasons mentioned above.
One of them is Michał Bajor. Amasing, but he won the 1973 Festival with this song. And he was only 16 years old!!! What a voice!
The song is about a charming woman called Siemionovna. The video was made in the Old Town of Zielona Góra with a lot of pretty women around the singer.
organised in Zielona Góra
There were their barracks there, luckily they moved out 30 years ago... today they would probably be happy to move in again
The mod must be drinking heavily tonight. Denaturat which blinds people. :):):):)
Communism produced a lot of posters. Some of them warned not to drink toxic alcohol called denaturat which caused blindness among others.
toxic alcohol called denaturat
Meths (short for methylated spirit) in English. Nasty stuff.
This picture was doing the rounds online a couple of years ago. Do you think it's genuine?
Nasty stuff.
As far as I remember my grandma would use denaturat to wash a rooster after killing it for chicken soup and she would singe it to get rid of the remnants of fathers or sth. 🤔 Ugh, the smell...
Do you think it's genuine?
Probably a joke lol
As far as I remember my grandma would use denaturat to wash a rooster after killing it
Sounds absolutely disgusting to me...... but maybe saved you from illness.
but maybe saved you from illness
I'm guessing that was the point.
use denaturat to wash a rooster after killing
We used to have a sort of spirit stove that used it. Smelt dreadful.
Meths was also popular for cleaning windows and degreasing engines.
Nowadays, it rarely contains methanol, due to the effect that can have on meths drinkers. I think,they just put some th8ngs in to give it a nasty taste and smell nowadays.
Communism produced a lot of posters.
After work, beer strengthens and refreshes you! It has calories that you need! Drink nutricious beer produced by state breweries!
After work, beer strengthens and refreshes you
Calling for alcoholism, even though beer was quite difficult to buy in communist Poland.
even though beer was quite difficult to buy in communist Poland.
You mean good quality beer - there were shortages coz most of it was exported.
However, there was always cheap beer available which we called pee.
Got my first computer in 1985, when I was still in pre-school, but it was just a ZX Spectrum 48k.
Not just but a cult mini computer which a lot of young people dreamt of but it was only available for hard currency in Pewex shops.
GefreiterKania 33 | 1480
17 Aug 2024 #411
was only available for hard currency in Pewex shops
Well, you could buy a used one for Polish zlotys on giełda komputerowa, but they were all rather expensive in the 80s.
My dad brought me mine from West Berlin and still one year later I was the only kid in my class with his own computer. It's amazing how it all changed in a mere 40 or so years.
how it all changed in a mere 40
Mere 40 means you are like those biblical heroes who lived 200 years and longer, like Henoch, for example. hahahaha
southern Poland to the town of Rabka
There were agro fairs in one of the squares in Rabka. Those memories will stay with me forever - peasants offering livestock and produce straight from horse drawn carts.
Those fairs and open air markets were fully capitalist enterprises in a communist country - peasants could sell anything at free market prices.
Donald Duck chewing gum was very popular in Poland back then because the package contained a mini cartoon story and everybody wanted to collect them coz normal comic books with Disney characters were never published in communist Poland and their availability depended on private import.
So did the import of Donald gum. The state companies didn`t import them and it was Polish tourists who brought them to Poland. They were bought in the West and in result were sold at astronomical prices here - 5 communist zlotys per piece. I remember it like today that at the time a ride on a city bus/tram cost 1 zloty. So did a daily newspaper or a phone call no matter how long.
My sister and me collected those cartoons and we had a few dozen each. Unfortunately, we left home early during various disturbances and we didn`t take our collections with us. My sister still regrets her lost collection cos our mum packed it up in several boxes and took to the countryside for poor village kids.
So did the import of Donald gum. The state companies didn`t import them and it was Polish tourists who brought them to Poland. They were bought in the West and in result were sold at astronomical prices here - 5 communist zlotys per piece. I remember it like today that at the time a ride on a city bus/tram cost 1 zloty. So did a daily newspaper or a phone call no matter how long.
My sister and me collected those cartoons and we had a few dozen each. Unfortunately, we left home early during various disturbances and we didn`t take our collections with us. My sister still regrets her lost collection cos our mum packed it up in several boxes and took to the countryside for poor village kids.
Poland was never communist.
The fact that the communist system here was milder at certain times than in other countries doesn`t mean it didn`t exist. Polish communists tried to make it as communisty as elsewhere but the nation`s resistance prevented it.
I loved Polish "communism". Streets were safe, nobody was homeless, I was never hungry, education and medcare were free. As in "America", we had two parties and elections every four years.
The Red Army was standing guard in Legnica to keep Western warmongers from "liberating" Poland Vietnam style...
Nobody was lying that we were a democracy.
Nobody had private pronuons. Men didn't menstruate and were no allowed to take showers with women. Women had no dicks.
I had no problems with getting my first Communion and Confirmation. Churches were wide open and nobody was there to record who was inside.
May 1 parades were 100% voluntary.
We couldn't just leave but foreign scum couldn't get in to rape, steal, and murder, either.
Buying New York Herald was as easy as Trybuna Ludu. I was able to listen to Voice of America and BBC. I visited US Embassy many times just for fun and nobody interrogated me why.
Never saw a Soviet soldier even once. Nobody I knew was raped by any of them.
If I recall more horrors like these I will post them...
The Red Army was standing guard in Legnica to keep Western warmongers from "liberating" Poland Vietnam style...
Nobody was lying that we were a democracy.
Nobody had private pronuons. Men didn't menstruate and were no allowed to take showers with women. Women had no dicks.
I had no problems with getting my first Communion and Confirmation. Churches were wide open and nobody was there to record who was inside.
May 1 parades were 100% voluntary.
We couldn't just leave but foreign scum couldn't get in to rape, steal, and murder, either.
Buying New York Herald was as easy as Trybuna Ludu. I was able to listen to Voice of America and BBC. I visited US Embassy many times just for fun and nobody interrogated me why.
Never saw a Soviet soldier even once. Nobody I knew was raped by any of them.
If I recall more horrors like these I will post them...
Streets were safe,
Of course not. When you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, you could be beaten up by drunk hooligans. I still remember how my mates or other people warned me not to visit certain notorious places where assaults were frequent.
nobody was homeless,
Of course. The homeless were removed from streets by the regime police using force on those resisting. That is why you never saw them.
May 1 parades were 100% voluntary.
Not exactly. They checked the attendance and those absent ones had to submit official explanation why they didn`t come.
If I recall more horrors like these I will post them...
They are not horrors but fairy tales for good kids. Hey, we are not going to bed yet! :):):)
I loved Polish "communism
The shops had bread, vinegar and cans of sardines. You could buy a car after waiting 15 years for the down payment. etc.
I am sooo sorry. I lied. I never lived in Poland till September 1, 1966. I never attended Polibuda and got my MSEE in Feb 1966.
I never translated a book from English. Here is proof that I didn't:,contains,Julius%20T%20Tou&tab=default_tab&search_scope=primo_all_scope&sortby=date&vid=48TUW_VIEW&facet=frbrgroupid,include,850951326&lang=en_US&mode=basic&offset=0
Actually I was born in Gary, Indiana and everything I said about Poland was just my imagination - including my last address at Nowy Swiat 47a m. 4.
Also, I never attended high schools number 14 and 37. I just pulled those numbers out of my rear end.
Talking to Polaks is an out-of-the-body experience - these azholes always know better...Even about the events they were never part of...
These morons know what you think before you do...including Putin...
I never translated a book from English. Here is proof that I didn't:,contains,Julius%20T%20Tou&tab=default_tab&search_scope=primo_all_scope&sortby=date&vid=48TUW_VIEW&facet=frbrgroupid,include,850951326&lang=en_US&mode=basic&offset=0
Actually I was born in Gary, Indiana and everything I said about Poland was just my imagination - including my last address at Nowy Swiat 47a m. 4.
Also, I never attended high schools number 14 and 37. I just pulled those numbers out of my rear end.
Talking to Polaks is an out-of-the-body experience - these azholes always know better...Even about the events they were never part of...
These morons know what you think before you do...including Putin...