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Kashubians are nation in Poland?

VicPhilly  - | 14
4 Aug 2011   #61
Des Essientes: it obvious that people always interbread all over the world. Especially today. The definition of a nation has nothing to do with race anymore and this is my point. Today's Germany is vastly populated by races genetically far from those who lived in northern Europe 3000 tousands years ago. And in case of Poland, people who lived in the same area spoke different languages and were part of different countries. When you concider genetics, you will see that people who live around the Baltic Sea have the same characteristics although they speak and spoke different languages. Kashubians are not a nation, and genetically are equal to all tribes which occupied the Baltic coast. They have developed a culture which is a mixture of influences. Just like any other culture. This process continues especially in countries with high immigration. For example British culture influenced by Indian, German by Turkish.
Ironside  50 | 12959
4 Aug 2011   #62
Ironside: I would appreciate a little bit of respect and not calling me an idiot

Sorry dude, I meant nothing by what I said but this:
You read the book. You evidently did not understand it.
Your point maybe of some interest to others, not familiar with the field.
However if you want a honest opinion on the subject (ie Goths equals Kashubians). I can give you one - this is a only stipulation, one which is highly unprovable and improbable.

A fact that people were mixing in the past and are mixing nowadays is irrelevant here.
If you want to play with silly theories with others laymen be my guest.
Do not mind me.
At all.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
4 Aug 2011   #63
Kashubians are nation in Poland?

A minority in Poland, yes. A nation within Poland? No.

You may tell me where this fabled nation called "Kashubia" is, if you like ;)

or a Polish dialect?

Kashubian is a language closely related to Polish, not a dialect. Like with Silesian language, some will disagree.

and Silesians are completely weird, they'd rather be part of Germany.

I'd love to hear you say that to my Silesian relatives ;)
5 Aug 2011   #64
The German author, Guenter Grass, considers himself of pure Cashubian heritage, although a German, not Polish, native speaker, from Danzig aka Gdańsk LOL!!!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
5 Aug 2011   #65
Gunter Grass considers himself half German and half Kashubian because that is what he is.
5 Aug 2011   #66
And yet the Poles revile him nowadays ever since his distant Hitler-Youth past surfaced around five or so years ago-:) Technically, he's German since he was born on ancestral German soil and Poland sure doesn't claim him as one of theirs (..never did, never will!). Nonetheless, Danzig is Gdańsk these days, and is likely to remain so for the foreeable futureLOL

So what is he then? A German-born person of Slavic ancestry who identifies SOLELY with both his German mother tongue and the land of his upbringing!
Ironside  50 | 12959
5 Aug 2011   #67
he is what he says he is ,,,,,geee
5 Aug 2011   #68
Ever heard of PR, Ironside?

Ironside  50 | 12959
5 Aug 2011   #69
?something to eat ?
5 Aug 2011   #70
-::)))!!!! PR = Public Relations, genius. I can say I'm a Prussian nobleman, but does that make it so?? We'll admit the 'Cashube' part of his story and call it a day, allright?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
5 Aug 2011   #71
So what is he then? A German-born person of Slavic ancestry who identifies SOLELY with both his German mother tongue and the land of his upbringing!

Gunter Grass has a German father and a Kashubian mother. His wikipedia biography identifies his mother as Kashubian/Polish. If you would read his works you would see that judging by many of his main characters, which may be assumed to be projections of himself, he does not identify himself "SOLEY" with Germany and the German language, because these characters' ethnic mixture of both German and Kashubian is stressed. Oscar Matzerath, Grass's most famous character, was definitely more sympathetic towards his Kashubian side as is evinced by the love he shows for his Kashubian granny in both The Tin Drum and The Rat, and the hatred he shows towards his Nazi German father.
5 Aug 2011   #72
Indeed, Des Essientes. "Beim Haeuten der Zwiebel", his latest masterpiece, "Hundejahre" in the 60's etc.. all speak to his Cashubian, not to mention his German, roots. Writers though, are notoriously cagy folk and will often alter their own past in an attempt to build a kind of literary wall around themselves.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
6 Aug 2011   #73
I've just cut a deal with the government of Kashubia and will process Kashubian passports for those who wish to travel. These passports will allow the bearer to bi pass the burly Kashubian border guards who were personally trained by the Swiss Guards.

Anyone interested should contact; Kostek Kashubinski at 007 Reagan Avenue in New Wroclaw, Pomerania.
Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438
6 Aug 2011   #74
I wonder how long it's going to be until "someone" starts to define what a real Kaszub is and what is a "Plastic" one ;)
9 Aug 2011   #75
what a real Kaszub is and what is a "Plastic" one ;)

Plastic Polish Kashubians rock!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
9 Aug 2011   #76
Did alot of Kashubs emigrate to Canada? I was reading a study of national vampire legends and the Polish ones documented were gotten from elderly Kashubian-Canadians living in a community somewhere in the Great White North.
dolmaczera  - | 1
4 Sep 2012   #77
Kashubians definitely are a nation. Don't believe otherwise. After centuries of being told that they are either Poles or Germans even some Kashubians will tell you they aren't a nation. However, the history if you are willing to discover it, says that they are.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
5 Sep 2012   #78
What about Linda? Was she a kashubian ?
26 Mar 2014   #79
I am totally frustrated by SOME kashubians, I am descended from Polish Eastern Galician Noble Poles, who gave their lives to defend the Eastern Borders for glorius Poland! My grandfather, Pawel Sorokowski, of 100% Polish descent (descended from the Polish noble family of Blazej Srokowski), was a loving peacefull man who only got angry when he was referred to as non Polish because he lived east of most ruthenian - Ukrainians! I have only the most respect for Kashubian - Poles for their tenacity towards the Polish ethnic group! I consider the Kashubians as the most purely Polish ethnic group as they resisted germanization! From what I've read they speak the purest of Old Polish! Remember Kashubian - Poles, you can't pick your relatives! Most Kashubians besides being totally related to the Polish tribes (Western Polish Slavic), were Polish patriots by choose! As a Polish descendant whose noble ancestors migrated from Western Poland to the Eastern borders as reward from the Polish King who enobled them, and to defend the borders, I had the utmost respect towards the Polish-Kashubians who clung on to their Polish identity and their PURE Polish language!
jon357  72 | 23528
26 Mar 2014   #80
Most Kashubians besides being totally related to the Polish tribes (Western Polish Slavic),

Identity today isn't based on ancient tribes.

I had the utmost respect towards the Polish-Kashubians who clung on to their Polish identity and their PURE Polish language!

Some choose not to - that is their right. Hard to know what you mean by 'pure Polish identity' (why the capitals?) since Polish is a living and evolving language not an ossified ancestral one.. Were you to get a time machine and go to those tribes you mention you and they would have nothing to say to each other and no common recognisable language to do it in - even a few generations back, you'd have a pretty hard time making yourself understood.

I am descended from Polish Eastern Galician Noble Poles, who gave their lives to defend the Eastern Borders for glorius Poland

Aside from the fact that 'nobles' isn't a good translation of szlachta who made up between 12 and 18% of the population, how would your relatives impact on anyone else's cultural identity or they on yours?
20 Jul 2017   #81
Kashubs are Kashubs - They have always been Kashub, they are today and they will always be Kashub. They are not Polish or German. Yes, they have been governed , ruled and controlled by the Germans and the Polish, but that does not make them either. The Kashubs are not German enough for the Germans and not Polish enough for the Polish, they are Kashubs. Their home and native land is Kashubia or in the Kashubian language " Kaszëbë ". The Kashubs are a people and they are a nation. They have their own land in Europe, they have their own language, their own history and most of all their own identity as a people and a nation. Please stop the bullshit about them being Polish or German. You are not defined by who governs and controlls you. You are defined by who you are culturally. Wiedno Kaszëbë i na wiedno Kaszëbi - Always Kashubia and forever Kashub.
Crow  154 | 9557
8 May 2021   #82
moved from:

It is all about Serbs with you..... please stop pretending that you care about Poles.... who suffered much more than Serbs in WW2.

You again ignore Kashubs, Lusatians, Silesians, etc brothers while sitting in Britain and waiting for global flood, you actually don`t care neither for Polani and Poland as a whole.

If I`m Kashubian Serb I would tell you to fo* off and stop burring me alive. Kashubs also exist you ignorant. If I`m Kashub long ago I would report you to Admin for constant insults on ethnic level because when speak of Poland you never speak of Kashubs.

Not to say that harming Balkan Orthodox Serbs, Vatican most directly attacked interests of Poland. Being loyal to Vatican on Balkan means being loyal to Germany. And being Serbian means being neutral on Russia, having warm feelings on Poland and resisting to Germany. You can be Catholic, Orthodox or whatever if you fight against Serbs here you have Vatican for ally. Then, when they finish with us they will distinguish Poland. That is why Gavrilo was from Serbia and not from Vatican or western Europe.

Vatican hate Poland! You can turn into salt, into Catholic salt, but they will hate you because you are Slavic!

...and distribute food, teach kids, preach Ten Commandments and console the old and the sick. They oppose gay marriage bs and abortions.

or they make you poor and dependable on them, rape kids while they teach them, preach Ten Commandments and console the old and the sick just to hypnotize masses. Many of them are gay and force woman to abort when they are fathers OR they don`t wish woman to abort when they are fathers in secret.
Novichok  4 | 8580
8 May 2021   #83
If I`m Kashub ...I would report you to Admin for constant insults on ethnic level because when speak of Poland you never speak of Kashubs.

Just to be sure that I decoded that sentence properly, because he does not mention Kashubs, he commits a violation that should be reported to the Administrator.

Either I am missing something or your post is insane. Before this gets resolved, whatever you are on, take less of it.

BTW, before I left, nobody told me that Poland had this creepy group of weirdos. I always thought that being Polish is binary - either you are or you are not. Why the commies would tolerate this nonsense is a mystery.
jon357  72 | 23528
8 May 2021   #84
Kashubian Serb

Kashubian or Serbian or half Kashub, half Serb?
Crow  154 | 9557
8 May 2021   #85
because he does not mention Kashubs, he commits a violation that should be reported to the Administrator.

Of course. Ignorance that border with intentional ignorance should be punishable. Poland is named after Polani and we all know that Kashubs also live in Poland. Why always Poles, Poles, Poles... Why not Poles and Kashubs, Poles and Lusatians, Poles and Silesians. Poland is country of Kashubs too, is it not.

All this is even more important when we know that Kashubs feel frustrated because majority in Poland accuses them of being pro-German, what is highly insulted considering genocide Kashubs suffered from Germanics and considering Kashubs provided assess to Baltic to Poland.

Serbian national TV > Kashubs talk of their Serbian origin, on loyalty to Poland but also of violation of their rights in Poland >

Either I am missing something or your post is insane.

You missed something.
Novichok  4 | 8580
8 May 2021   #86 10% Amish and 5% Cherokee.

considering Kashubs provided assess to Baltic to Poland.

Bullsh*it. The weirdos are not a sovereign nation to enter into treaties with Poland and grant access to the Baltic. Poland always had it and will have it, Kashubs or Kashubs.
Crow  154 | 9557
8 May 2021   #87

Let us make sure that Kashubs see they are loved in Poland, that Poland care, that Poland isn`t their to assimilate them but to protect them. Etc positive things that will make Poland great.
Novichok  4 | 8580
8 May 2021   #88
They should have been expelled along with the Germans if they feel separate from the true Poles in any way.

that Poland isn`t their to assimilate them but to protect them that one day soon they will declare themselves a separate country. What a great idea...
Crow  154 | 9557
8 May 2021   #89
That is insane to say. Man, you are all their in Poland Serbs in origin. Even Eastern Germans were Serbs just 500 years ago.
Novichok  4 | 8580
8 May 2021   #90
Just think of Poland in a different format

There is only one format. Poland is for the Poles - white and 100% Polish. No hyphens, no 'yes, but", or "except".
Loyalty is a subject only if it is in doubt or suspect. It does not even exist in the minds of true Poles as anything worth discussing.

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