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POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country?

Teffle  22 | 1318
14 Sep 2011   #451
I guess Polish perception is quite logical, as it is in CE then everything west is WE

OK so where does Germany fit in - if Poland is central is Germany suddenly west or is it central too?

Must be central according to the other crtiteria, but I doubt you would ever hear a German talking about "western Europe", as if they were not also part of it.


: )
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #452
You're referring to Kaliningrad, right?

yes, and also to White Russia, which is practically Russia.
teflcat  5 | 1024
14 Sep 2011   #453
White Russia

Blimey, haven't heard that since the old queen died.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
14 Sep 2011   #454
Byelorussia = White Russia, they all speak Russian there, only a minority speak the White Russian dialect. Belarus is an artificial creation only a matter of time before Russia re-unites with Belarus.
Ironside  50 | 12946
14 Sep 2011   #455
Byelorussia = White Russia, they all speak Russian there, only a

Please, spare us from dispalys of your proud ignorace,
jwojcie  2 | 762
15 Sep 2011   #456
OK so where does Germany fit in - if Poland is central is Germany suddenly west or is it central too?

My sentence you were reffering to suppose to be a small joke... Oh well, if I have to take an official stand on the issue then for me currently central Europe consists of Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary, maybe Slovenia too. Come on, how come a country which consits of parts from Russian Empire, German Empire and the Austrian-Hungarian Empire is not central? We have it all. Even Atlantic climate zone is ending somewhere in the middle of western Poland...

Heh, but if KingAthelstan says that Poland is in EE then it must be :-)

PS. KingAthelstan, please do not refer to Economist as a credible source regarding CEE geography. In recent years they were notoriously ridiculed by CEE forumers because of their pathetic level of articles about CEE...
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
15 Sep 2011   #457
Heh, but if KingAthelstan says that Poland is in EE then it must be :-)

get over it, everybody in England says Eastern Europe. ffs I know it causes you allot of buthurt but stop being such a douche.Bbe proud of your slavic roots, The UN sees Poland as EE ffs look it up.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
15 Sep 2011   #458
You are in Eastern Europe on the borders of Russia.

basic geographical fact is that Europe ends at the Ural mountains. Have a look at the map if you can be arsed.
Which would put Poland and Germany quite definitely in Central eUROPE. Mitteleuropa??

everybody in England says Eastern Europe

nah only uneducated douchebags like you, oh and the Daily Mail.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
15 Sep 2011   #459
The UN sees Poland as EE ffs look it up.

Name me three things the UN got right in the last 10 years....
legend  3 | 658
15 Sep 2011   #460
Politically: Eastern
Geographically: Central
modafinil  - | 416
15 Sep 2011   #461
16 pages of this. It must have been answered somewhere and then resurrected by a fool or a troll.
East is to the right of Germany. When in the UK there is talk of Eastern Europe, Poland is included. It contrasts with Western Europe.

There is also a central Europe which has Germany, Poland etc. It contrasts with the surrounding areas as the periphery. Like a doughnut Central Europe is the hole.

That's all there is to it.
Anyone who says it is not either East or central is a lunatic. Anyone who says it can be only one or the other is simple minded. No offense meant.

The OP should be POLAND: EASTERN AND CENTRAL European country. (As a statement)
But then there would be little else to be said.
Barney  19 | 1729
15 Sep 2011   #462
....there would be little else to be said.

Poland is in Northern Europe.
It is good to hate people for reasons of latitude as well as longitude.
modafinil  - | 416
15 Sep 2011   #463
Poland is in Northern Europe.

Yes...well...There's a fine line between lunacy and its contrast. Whether it runs horizontally or vertically, from a global perspective it's circular, eventually.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
15 Sep 2011   #464
OK so that is sorted then.
Poland is in Eastern Central Northern Europe.
Let's move on....
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
15 Sep 2011   #465
Yes...well...There's a fine line between lunacy and its contrast. Whether it runs horizontally or vertically, from a global perspective it's circular, eventually.

who one earth said I hate Eastern Europeans? I have a great fondness and respect for Eastern European culture. spasiba

so Lvov and Brest in the 2nd Polish republic was in Central Europe lulz who ya kiddin???. no way Torvarish, No way. the Germans see you as Eastern Europe as do the the Scandinavians. get over it for gods sake.

DER SPIGEAL : isnt nicht english,1518,759325,00.html
modafinil  - | 416
15 Sep 2011   #466
who one earth said I hate Eastern Europeans? I have a great fondness and respect for Eastern European culture. spasiba

Que? I was pointing out that the lateral and medial contexts of Eastern and Central are used for contrast depending on the situation being described and the two abstract classes aren't mutually exclusive. Think of Venn diagrams if that makes it any easier for you.

Barney cleverly moved the goal posts(or context) on me, and then implied that classifications are also divisive. I then played on the idea of longitude and latitude lines. How on earth you thought my response to barney meant you hate Eastern Europeans is something you need to figure out for yourself, at least not with my help.

You didn't understand my earlier post on you wouldn't of written your last one which is easily dismissed by looking at the context in which Der Spigiel published its article.
Palivec  - | 379
15 Sep 2011   #467
Historically and culturally: Central Europe. Feeling when you cross the border: Eastern Europe.
emha  - | 90
15 Sep 2011   #468
Feeling when you cross the border: Eastern Europe.

BratWurst ::) you have never been to Poland.
Feeling when you come to Berlin :) : Asia Minor
Palivec  - | 379
15 Sep 2011   #469
I'm not Bratwurst. I'm not even German. But contrary to most Americans here I actually know Poland. Compare the twin cities of Goerlitz/Zgorzelec or Cieszyn/Těšín and you know what I mean.



southern  73 | 7059
15 Sep 2011   #470
Usuallly eastern Europe is combined with hot women,booze and excitement.Central is just nature,old architecture and perversions.I don't know why someone would not like eastern taste.
Natasa  1 | 572
15 Sep 2011   #471
Usuallly eastern Europe is combined with hot women,booze and excitement.

Uninhibited, free spirits. Dream like experiences. From female perspective.

Central is just nature,old architecture and perversions

Choir of Vienna boys. They are the symbol for all mentioned. Kids (nature), sing in the Cathedral , tutored by few good men.

I don't understand why would somebody like to belong to central camp (as a style, incline to kitsch)?

Plus, slaves and masters, dominatrixes, blood, coprophilia etc., etc....

Poland according to this division could be both, Central and East Europe. And very lovely combo ;)
KingAthelstan  9 | 141
15 Sep 2011   #473
of course it's Eastern, I have no idea why these Polaks get so wound up about it?
Ironside  50 | 12946
15 Sep 2011   #474
Sure you don;t being an Englander and all, but you sure do know shortcut to your dealer don;t you mate ?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
15 Sep 2011   #475
Whether Eastern or Central, the Jews have too much power and influence.
Barney  19 | 1729
15 Sep 2011   #476
Of course
Why didn’t anyone else think of that........OK we can close the forum now.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
16 Sep 2011   #477
Geographicaly its Eastern europe............but, its always faced West (cept when invading eastwards and grabing moscow etc ;) ) being for so long the b!tch of Rome has left a freaky amount of snobbery which recoils at being lumped in with those barbarian ortho types.....what I cant understand is the desperate need of some to be a little fish in a big pond when they could be the big fish in the local pond,ah well.
Ironside  50 | 12946
16 Sep 2011   #478
Geographicaly its Eastern europe

gee ....geographically it is central Europe, now more then ever, politically it is eastern Europe
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
16 Sep 2011   #479
politically it is eastern Europe

How do you mean?
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
16 Sep 2011   #480
gee ....geographically it is central Europe, now more then ever, politically it is eastern Europe

politically it's western Europe! (NATO, EU ring any bell?)
Geographically it's Central Europe (before world war 2 I would say Central+Eastern Europe)
While culturally I would say central + eastern Europe

in military sense western with eastern history package

One can really get confused sometimes :)

How do you mean?

I also wonder how on EARTH can it be politically eastern?!

Geographicaly its Eastern europe............

You know Europe ends at the Ural mountains (It's very hard for me to say it but it's the truth, truth hurts) But Russia is in Europe and it's in Eastern Europe. Poland WAS in Eastern Europe but you know the story about Jałta I guess so I don't need to make an lecture right? Right

I don't know why someone would not like eastern taste.

Your talking from an tourist perception, the greatest distaste for a Pole hearing it's eastern isthat Russia is eastern and Poles (being one of the largest group of Slavs) DOES NOT want to be seen as Russians. It's an great mission if you ask me cause people who do not understand the difference between Slavs (God people still call all the countries that used to be Yugoslavia for "Oh it's ex-Yugoslavian right?")

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