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Why could some Czechs dislike Poles/Poland?

pawian  226 | 27817
19 Feb 2019   #1
If you feel like, you can start such a thread, why not.



Historical reason 1

similarly to Polish German case, Czechs had a land conflict with Poles. Of course I don`t mean the ancient times when the medieval Czech prince invaded Polish territory, occupied the capital and stole the remains of saint Adalbert. I mean the times 100 years ago when, after WW1, new states appeared on the map of Europe and Czechs claimed the same area as Poles, namely Tsesin Silesia or Zaolzie region. First, in 1919, Czechs took over Zaolzie after a quick invasion. Later, in 1938, Poland recaptured the region from weakened Czechs, already deprived of Sudeten region by Hitler. I suppose Czechs prefer to ignore 1919 and only remember the events of 1938, which indeed don`t evoke positive feelings.

Read about the conflict:

Historical reason 2

the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact countries in 1968 was another national trauma for Czechs. Unfortunately,. Poland took part in it, although it didn`t have to because some communist countries refused and nothing happened, e..g, Romania. But Polish communist leaders feared that communism-free Czechoslovakia might get close to Germany and Western Europe and that was against Polish strategic interests then. Most Czechs understood that Poles had no choice and were prone to forgive that act. Unfortunately, the behaviour of Polish soldiers only made the situation worse, because they didn`t treat Czechs too nicely - there was an infamous killing of Czech civilians in Jicin by a drunk Polish soldier. Although Polish democratic governments apologised a few times for the invasion, I suppose some Czechs might still bear a grudge.

Sociological-psychological reason 3A

although they are closely related Slavic nations, Czech and Polish national characters seem different. Poles are said to be rebellious, always ready to fight for independence or resist foreign occupation. Czechs on the contrary - easygoing, do not take instantly to arms to fight for freedom but prefer to wait and see what happens. Hans Frank, the governor general of occupied Poland, once said:

In Prague, big red posters were put up on which one could read that seven Czechs had been shot today. I said to myself, 'If I had to put up a poster for every seven Poles shot, the forests of Poland would not be sufficient to manufacture the paper.'

Read about Hans Frank:

I suppose some Czechs might not like this Polish impetuousness and moments when Poles look down on Czechs while discussing war merits. Yes, but let`s not forget that Prague survived the war and is an architectonic pearl while Warsaw was razed to the ground and rebuilt as a socialist city.

Sociological - psychological reason 3B

Also, Czechs are said to have a sense of humour, I mean the ability to laugh not only at others but also oneself. Poles are great at laughing at others but when laughed at, they immediately get tense and offended. Czechs seem to be more relaxed, and it can be seen in their culture, e..g, books or films (Czech comedies are very popular in Poland).

Linguistic reason 4

Czechs might not like when Poles deride their language which indeed sounds funny to the Polish ear. Some Czech words are the same as Polish ones but have a different meaning - cerstvy means fresh in Czech and stale in Polish.

What else?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
19 Feb 2019   #2
I see we won then.....mods put your post back.... LOL!!!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
19 Feb 2019   #3
No, it wasn`t their fault, it is the forum`s algorithm, it works automatic in one-off content mode, I suppose. Mods and admin are really OK. Thanks. :):)

But I certainly share your happiness. :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Feb 2019   #5
What you seem to be saying, pawian, is that from your point of view, Poles resist imposed dictatorial authority in comparison with the Czechs.
Moreover, the Czech people accepted their fate, from '38 when you know whose armies merrily marched into the Sudetenland, then again when
Soviet tanks rolled on through the streets of Prague in '68, a mere thirty years hence, am I right about that?

In addition, you assert the Czechs have what has been termed a "sense of humor" an "ability to laugh at themselves", I believe you wrote.

I submit you ought to re-read your history, since your remarks concerning Czech national charactaristics need some serious amending, particularly as regards the reaction of the Czech masses at the onset of so-called Prague Spring. What we all saw on TV was only part of the story. The armed resistance of those not all too keen on a Russian occupation was sizable, I can assure you. Skillful PR is what it was:-)

Photographs made by Nazi photographers back jjust before the official outbreak of WWII, and of course the film footage of Czech citizens standing along the sides of the street, weeping into their handkerchiefs as Wehrmacht troops goose-stepped by was also a clever propaganda stunt, engineered no doubt by the Germans, in order to show the basically "passive" nature of the Czech people, who were portrayed as essentially distant Germanic cousins in arms, as compared to Polish "Untermenschen", whom Hitler knew would be troubleLOL

The Czech people fought back plenty, believe you me, and while there were to be sure more than enough lacrimosity to go around, the blood, sweat, and toil, amply fought back the waterworks from the Czech national tear duct, my friend!!
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Feb 2019   #6
The armed resistance of those not all too keen on a Russian occupation was sizable, I can assure you.

I heard about a few incidents by restive individual soldiers but on the whole the Czech army stayed in the barracks to avoid a massacre.

The Czech people fought back plenty,

Plenty is a disputable expression. :)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Feb 2019   #7
You first must look at the geopolitics of Czech history before making such casually outlandish statements, paw! History knows something rather different.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Feb 2019   #8
For what it is worth,in my experience Poles get on very well with Slowaks.
Not so well with Czechs.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Feb 2019   #9
Odd as well, because Polish is so much closer on the surface to Czech than to Slovak:-)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Feb 2019   #10
Absolute rubbish.
Slowak is much closer to Polish than the frankly weird sounding Czech.
I thought you were some kind of linguist?
Obviously not.......
Lyzko  44 | 9723
21 Feb 2019   #11
When I hear Czechs speaking, it reminds me a little of Polish (even their accent interference in English or German).
Slovak sounds closer to Southern, perhaps more Eastern, Slavic languages.

Linguist, yes. However, I'm not native to Polish and so to a Polish native speaker, you'd no doubt be correct in what you say.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
21 Feb 2019   #12
When I hear Czechs speaking, it reminds me a little of Polish

When I hear Czechs speaking I understand very little and some of their words sound the same as Polish words but have a different meaning.

When I listen to Slowaks speaking it is like an Englishman trying to understand a very strong Glaswegian accent,if I concentrate hard I can get most of it.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
22 Feb 2019   #13
Hmmm, have to think about that.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Mar 2020   #14
Cieszyn city which lies on two sides of the Czech-Polish border has been divided again. Due to the virus threat, citizens living in two parts can`t visit each other. Poles put a banner: I miss you, Czech.

Czechs replied with a similar banner: I miss you, Pole.

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Crow  155 | 9700
22 Mar 2020   #15
Poland`s government problem is blind obedience to Vatican and readiness to act against Polish interests. Its disguising to Czechs. Essentially, I understand them. Boii. They love Poles just don`t have that much nerves with Poles as we Serbs have. We Serbs are famous by our nerves. Scordisci.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Mar 2020   #16
Due to the virus threat, citizens living in two parts can`t visit each other.

It's absolutely awful. My friend is from Cieszyn, and she said that for many people, it's simply unthinkable that they can't move freely between Cieszyn and Český Těšín. It's made even worse by the fact that there's a sizable Polish minority in the town, and I've read several accounts of how people moved to Český Těšín (as it's cheaper / schools are better than Cieszyn) and now they're stuck on the wrong side of the border.

However, of course, some Polish guys got caught a few days ago trying to swim across the Olza/Olše so they could buy booze in the Czech Republic :D
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Mar 2020   #17
It is difficult but as a popular meme says: our grandparents had to fight in a war. We just need to stay in.
23 Mar 2020   #18
What about religious differences between the two? I've read/heard that Czech Republic is as much "irreligious" as Poland is Catholic?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
23 Mar 2020   #19
Yes, but we are talking about Cieszyn Silesia area which has always had strong Protestant church/churches and a lot of believers - from 10 to 50%.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
21 Jun 2020   #20
Fortunately, Czechs didn`t take the latest Polish occupation of their territory too seriously. They showed their famous sense of humour.

But Poles weren`t worse with their comments and memes:

  • Action (Prague, not Bratysława)

  • Reaction
Crow  155 | 9700
22 Jun 2020   #21
You on Slavic West are all crazy. Why can`t you be normal like South or East.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jun 2020   #22
You on Slavic West are all crazy.

Yes. Now the Polish strategic goal isn`t Intermarium. It is Interchapelmarium - Great Poland from the Sea to the Chapel!!!
Crow  155 | 9700
22 Jun 2020   #23
It seams Duda wants Poloczechoslovakiu. Maybe as the prelude to a wider conglomerate.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
22 Jun 2020   #24
Maybe as the prelude to a wider conglomerate.

Hmm, we need to think about it. As a gesture of good will and a little encouregement to Czechs, its capital should be in Prague. What do you think?

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Crow  155 | 9700
23 Jun 2020   #25
Czechs are decent people and Slavs and can be reasoned. You Poles are lucky to work with them. Just don't fix something that isn't broken.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2024   #26
Czech love Poland coz they can buy quality products here much cheaper than in their own country. Amasing!

Polish stores are being stormed by our southern neighbors. The Czechs are looking for one product that has long since become a luxury item in their country. It is butter, a cube of which costs as much as PLN 14 in the Czech Republic. The media say that so-called butter tourism is flourishing in the country.

It is not without reason that one of the articles in the Czech media was titled " Czechs can only envy the Poles about the price of butter ". While in Poland the cost of buying a cube is not yet particularly burdensome for the wallet, across our southern border galloping inflation significantly increases the price of this spreadable fat.

Alien  26 | 6528
14 Nov 2024   #27
. It is butter

If it continues like this, they will start coming to Poland for beer. 🍺
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Nov 2024   #28
Exactly!!! And for Czech sausages!!!! Coz Poland produces the best sausage in the world, even for other nations. That is one of the reasons I love this country so much. :):):)

Why could some Czechs dislike Poles/Poland?

Simple. Some envious Czechs ask themselves a question - why is Polish butter so good and cheap while ours isn`t??? And they start hating Poland for being a better country to live in.
Alien  26 | 6528
15 Nov 2024   #29
start hating Poland for being a better country

....butter country. 😄
OP pawian  226 | 27817
15 Nov 2024   #30
Good pun. :):):)

Some envious Czechs ask themselves a question - why is Polish

The same applies to roads - Poland has built more good roads in the last decades than Czechia.
The same applies to the seaside - Polish one is by far more developed and welcoming for tourists than the Czech one.

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