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Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?

Crow  155 | 9721
19 Aug 2010   #1
Polish civilization is older then English or French. Why then Poland follow them?

One always listen about French or English interests, British or USA interests. There are even Russian interests, etc, etc.

but i never in my life heard of Polish interests. How is this possible? Especially when we know that Poland represent older civilization then England or France. /Hand on heart, i heard that earlier in past Poland had its own interests but today is different./

For the sake of God, Poles still using language of their ancestors, for more then thousands of years old. Nor French, nor English speak native languages of territories of modern day England and France but still, they have their interests, Poles don`t. So, again, how is this possible. Are Poles biggest gentlemans of this Europe and respect every wish of others?

just curious. Thanks
David_18  65 | 966
19 Aug 2010   #2
Are Poles biggest gentlemans of this Europe and respect every wish of others?

Let us just get our economy equal to the ones in Germany and France etc etc..

And then you will see the poles rise again ;)

Right now we don't want to risk to much, since we just had 55 years of communism.
Amathyst  19 | 2700
19 Aug 2010   #3
@ Crow

What the fek are you on about now...What level of civilisation are you talking about? Arrow heads from 2,000 years ago have been found on my Island..which means we were creating tools to hunt with..which means we were "civilised" in that we didnt hunt with our bare hands...You need to be a little bit clearer..As for language, we have spoken many dialects on this your "Lanauge theory" means fek all..English is an evolving language...Unlike the brains the male population of Serbia which dont seem to be able to evolve past - beating people to death! You're no better than the Arabs!
sascha  1 | 824
20 Aug 2010   #4
Arrow heads from 2,000 years ago have been found on my Island..

and the corpses of the dead animals?

You need to be a little bit clearer..As for language, we have spoken many dialects on this your "Lanauge theory" means fek all

and u still do...;-) Welsh, Scottish....

English is an evolving language.

Where to? Integrating Indian words?

Unlike the brains the male population of Serbia which dont seem to be able to evolve past - beating people to death! You're no better than the Arabs!

What a differentiated statement. Bravo. I see u follow the applicable press.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #5
Again defending your people Serb-Sascha???

dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
20 Aug 2010   #6


Often read, often heard... Like watching CNN. Boring.

Na, I've been ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
20 Aug 2010   #7
Polish civilization is older then English or French. Why then Poland follow them?

Actually no its not, the civilisations are about equally old if you count proto tribes of each as their root civy.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
20 Aug 2010   #8
but i never in my life heard of Polish interests. How is this possible? Especially when we know that Poland represent older civilization then England or France. /Hand on heart, i heard that earlier in past Poland had its own interests but today is different./

Your question about Polish interests shows that you are confusing politics with culture. Polish culture may be stronger and older than either France or England but politically Poland is much weaker due to foreign domination which weakened the country politically.
plk123  8 | 4119
20 Aug 2010   #9
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Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?

this may be one of the most interesting things you have posted here crow.. cool..
now, of course PL has interests.. like there was discussion in another thread, PL is recovering from ww2 and the commie occupations of the past.. it is doing rather nicely, don't you think? will poland be a world or even an european powerhouse? we'll see but finding the possible shale deposits may add to its interests.. PL still has a strategic location on the continent being halfway between east and west and north and south.. PL has access to the sea.. all those things will help.. and PL has already established as the ballsy EU member.. so it's all good in my book.



Don't get me wrong but i just don't like it when people on this forum tends to get personal with me. Where im from or where i live ain't your business.

but when you say "we" you imply that you're from PL.. and so, are you? hmm

Do you associate question about ur knowledge on topics as rudeness??

yeah, that's weird but maybe you guys ought to take it to PMs.. eh?

Your question about Polish interests shows that you are confusing politics with culture. Polish culture may be stronger and older than either France or England but politically Poland is much weaker due to foreign domination which weakened the country politically.

over the last century and a half..

Actually no its not, the civilisations are about equally old if you count proto tribes of each as their root civy.

yeah and all of europe started to gather into bigger clans (countries) all about the same time too..
jwojcie  2 | 762
20 Aug 2010   #10
Polish civilization is older then English or French. Why then Poland follow them?

Because youth is so refreshing ;-)

PS. btw polish civ is not older, but lets not go into that...
milky  13 | 1656
20 Aug 2010   #11
Well Ireland and its culture is far older than Poland, if you view it from the one dimensional pathetic lens of crow, but what the f0ck has this to do with capitalism.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
20 Aug 2010   #12
Well Ireland and its culture is far older than Poland,

Ireland and culture? Puhhhleaaaaseee!
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Aug 2010   #13
That's just provocation, Sok. Ireland has a thriving potato culture ;) ;) Seriously though, their tourism industry is impressive. The Emerald Isle has many attractions.
milky  13 | 1656
20 Aug 2010   #14
The Emerald Isle has many attractions.

And don't forget about the people
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Aug 2010   #15
How could I forget? ;) ;)
milky  13 | 1656
20 Aug 2010   #16
and from the heart of Ireland .

I think the tourism board could use this one.
OP Crow  155 | 9721
20 Aug 2010   #17
Actually no its not

yes, i am right and you arn`t right. Slavic civilization in general and particularly Polish culture is far much older then any Germanic, Anglo-Saxon or Romanic culture in general or in particular. If you don`t have stomach or brain capabilities to accept it that`s your problem but that`s how it is

just one example:

spot this list of designations for cousins in Serbian (similar is in Polish) language. i would like that somebody offer alternative list in English/French language >>>

1. sin (Srb.) --- son (Eng.)
2. otac/tata --- father
3. deda/djed --- grandfather
4. pradeda --- grand-grand father
5. cukundeda (read - chukundeda) --- after grand-grand father
6. askurdjel --- next step in blood line
7. sukurdjel --- next step
8. rebalo --- next
9. kurebalo --- next
10. beli orao (meaning- `white eagle` in Eng.)--- next

This comparison between Slavic/English/French languages needs to show how are Slavic languages obviously much older. Even simple-minded person can notice that. Designations for cousins (for people that are in blood line) is very good indication for deep roots of one language (because one language needs a lot of time to invent diverse list of words for all kind of cousins).

Comparing to Slavic languages, English, French, Spanish or German languages are on the level of little baby. No, rather on the level of microbes. With all due respect of course on all European non-Slavic languages

the civilisations are about equally old

only in your dreams

which means we were "civilised" in that we didnt hunt with our bare hands...You need to be a little bit clearer..

clearer? Listen then... if ancient Slavs, particularly Polish /as genetic findings confirms/ ancestors back in time known also as Sarmatians didn`t influence and give their seed to Britain, its really questionable how long would Brits hunt and eat with their bare hands.

Brits even were unable to ride horses properly while Poles didn`t learn them, considering that Poles very early acquired `winged cavalry tactics` (Gusari > Husari) from Serbs (Racowie). Then from Poland, such a superior cavalry tactics was spread all over Europe and even world.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #18
Comparing to Slavic languages, English, French, Spanish or German languages are on the level of little baby. No, rather on the level of microbes. With all due respect of course on all European non-Slavic languages


But still you try your best to spread your inanity in such a microbic language...what happened??? ;)
OP Crow  155 | 9721
20 Aug 2010   #19
what happened??? ;)

ask archduke ;)
jeden  - | 226
20 Aug 2010   #20
Some things wchich Crow wrote are interesting and probably true or almost true. But I can not see real civilisation in East (Poland) and North +England+ Europe before V century. And NO IMO naked men with spears(druids) are not civilisated people.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #21
ask archduke ;)

Will do...;)

And NO IMO naked men with spears(druids) are not civilisated people.

Define civilization then...
jeden  - | 226
20 Aug 2010   #22
Define civilization then...

well skilled army
.... etc.

Romans, Greeks, Egiyptians were civilisated, but druids or german tribes or slavs not
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #23

The tribes back then had architecture and law too...
Do you think someone with better autobahns is more civilized than the neighbour who don't have them? (or not as well build ones)
jeden  - | 226
20 Aug 2010   #24
o fak,


coz that:
well skilled army

all of those civilisations had every of those aspects of civilisations so romans, greeks, egyptians were civilisated. there are more civlisations ofc. but i gave You only example

The tribes back then had architecture and law too...

The quality of architecture or law. Why we can talk for hours abot roamnian anfd greeks architecture but as far as druids architecture we will say : Stonehedge and they lived in forest. ( what is not a true)

Why we can talk for 6 months about roman law ( i had this subject on my university) but as far as druid law we will say : it was sth. like it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #25
You are an helpless idiot if you think having the bigger army makes one more civilized!
Hitler was right then, wasn't he!
But who knows people will talk about Nazi Germany in a few hundred years similiarly...after all they had been so developed compared to their neighbours!

Have a look at might help open your eyes...

The popular view of Celtic society is that it was primitive and uncivilized. Terry Jones sets out to challenge this view. Far from being primitive compared to Rome, it was an advanced society that was in some ways even more advanced than Rome. For example, many of the roads in Gaul that were assumed to have been built by the Romans, turn out to have been built by the Celts themselves....

Decline and fall of the Roman myth
We were 'barbarians', but early British civilisation outshone the Roman version, says ex-Python Terry Jones. We just lost the propaganda war

The fact that we still think of the Celts, the Huns, the Vandals, the Goths and so on as "barbarians" means that we have all fallen hook, line and sinker for Roman propaganda.We actually owe far more to the so-called "barbarians" than we do to the men in togas.

Time to update your beliefs!
jeden  - | 226
20 Aug 2010   #26
I noticed BB that you like to call sb idiots nazi etc.

I gave you my definition of civilisation, you don`t have to agree with me, if you like be like druids - OK then. I will stay with Romans. ;)


Yeah....I'm losing my patience quicker than I was used to...sorry...

OK, but try , I`m going sleep, we will end tommorow
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
20 Aug 2010   #27
I noticed BB that you like to call sb idiots nazi etc.

Yeah....I'm losing my patience quicker than I was used to...sorry...

But I really have a problem with lazy brains...and stating that the murderous roman empire which enslaved the world and even murdered whole people for his own gain is hold up as "civilization" whereas their enemies and victims are sold to us as "barbarians".

And especially galling if one of us, whose ancestors fighted these killers, bought that victor propaganda and still beliefs these myths...

That is equally to a Pole or a Jew buying and believing Hitlers subhuman boggles the mind.
But just abit more reading or even googling would help you think otherwise...but some are just to lazy for that!

Some food for thought:

The european "barbarians" had such things earlier than the "civilized" Egyptians? Huh???
'Can't be...or can it?

Paulina  19 | 4558
20 Aug 2010   #28
and stating that the murderous roman empire which enslaved the world and even murdered whole people for his own gain is hold up as "civilization" whereas their enemies and victims are sold to us as "barbarians".

Yeah, you tell him, BB! ;) I think this is one of few moments when I can identify myself with Germans:
MareGaea  29 | 2751
20 Aug 2010   #29
Polish civilization is older then English or French. Why then Poland follow them?

How about Stonehenge? And Tara?

European civilisations are indeed just about equally old.


M-G (tiens)
OP Crow  155 | 9721
21 Aug 2010   #30
Romans, Greeks, Egiyptians were civilisated, but druids or german tribes or slavs not

jeden. Listen,... if we were to speak about Europe (not only Europe!), Slavs (read Sarmatians) invented all what is crucial for existence of civilization, even by modern day standards.

Did you know that skill of bridge building Romans learned from Slavs? Yes, many things with which Romans were proud of were invented by Slavs. In comparision to old Slavs, antic Romans or Greeks were not more intelligent but they were greedy and didn`t hesitate to use force to satisfy their greed. They enslaved Slavs (Sarmats) and use exactly Slavs as primary labor force. Even Latin word for slavery (sclavus) coming from the ethnic name of Slavs and English word for servant coming from the ethnic name of Sarmatians (Sarmatian name was universal name for all Slavs before was replaced with name of Slavjani- Slavs in Eng.). Roman and Greek hegemonism interrupted development of independent Slavic civilization and forced old Slavs to actually contribute to foreign civilizations and cultures.

Slavic (ever since Sarmatian time/Aryans) inventions on the field of agriculture changed the life style of people from Europe, Eurasia, Asia and all the way to Near-East and Ind river. Use of crop rotation and the mould-board plow allowed for greater production in tuff soil. The mould-board plow according to Medieval Life & the Hundred Years War, by James F Dunnigan and Albert A Nofi, allowed the early Slavs to become efficient farmers. This elaborate metal and wood device was developed by Slavs. Its design allowed six or more oxen to pull a plow and break up virgin ground, or the heavy, even on clay laden soils. As an example of the impact of this new plow, consider the huge population growth that occurred after its introduction.

Or shall we just mention Polish `Sarmatism` as early seed of democracy in modern sense of the word. Etc, etc, many other achievements of ancient Slavs as their contribution to global civilization.

Home / History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them?

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