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History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship

Crow  154 | 9560
25 Nov 2016   #91
Merged: Why Polish people tolerate alliance between Poland and Turkey ? Tell me, please

Let me openly ask my Polish sisters and brothers why Polish government, parliament and people tolerate alliance between Poland and Turkey? I understand NATO obligations but I can`t understand that there aren`t at least some politician or political organization in Poland that would demand end of Poland`s alliance with Turkey. What Poland have in common with Turkey? Turkey in past always acted against Slavs. This modern Turkey actually act even against all positive values of humanity. So, what kind of farce is alliance between Poland and Turkey? Is that weakness of Poland. Inability to have its own stance? Is that sign how is complete Polish society weak? Are all Polish Slavs ruled by bunch of corrupt weaklings?
Crow  154 | 9560
25 Nov 2016   #92
How is even possible that Polish diaspora already didn`t protest against Polish-Turkish alliance?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
25 Nov 2016   #93
Poland and Turkey

Unlike you Turkophobic Balkan fanatics, starting in the 19th century Poles have had a warm spot in their heart for Turks. Poland and Turkey had fought many wars and battles but Turkey, the Ottoman empire, was the only state that refused to recognise the partitions of Poland. In the sultan's palace there was an empty place for the Polish envoy. When ambassadors were being presented to the sultan, he would ask: "And where is the envoy form Lechistan?" A courtier would reply: "He has no yet arrived." The building of the Polish legation was left intact for all those years. The key to the buildig was returned to the Polish ambssador after Poland regained its independence in 1918.
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #94
Turks are sinister. They killed Slavs on one side and offered friendship on the other side.

Poloniuse3, tell me, when that Polish envoy finally arrived to meet sultan, did he apologized for Vienna?

And see, that independence what Poles regained in 1918, wasn`t thanks to Turks. They and Austro-Hungarians were for status-quo on Balkans. But, when Serbians escaped their domination, Poland got free.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
26 Nov 2016   #95
Serbians escaped their domination

More Serbocentrism?! No direct conneciton. Perhaps only indirectly -- when the Habsburg empire was weakened in one area it became difficult for the empire to keep other areas under control. Remember: Serbia is NOT the centre of the universe. Neither is Poland, France or Germany. Maybe only America richly deserves that title.
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #96
Honestly, Poloniuse3, I don`t know what you talking about. What Serbocentrism?

I wanted only to underline that Turkey didn`t give a sh** for liberation of Poland. Neither did Austrians, Hungarians, Russians, Brits, French, USA, Germany even less. Only Serbia, no matter itself deeply in sh**. Serbia had contacts with Prince Czartorisky over coordination of Serbian (from Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian rule) and Polish (from Austro-Hungarian and Russian rule) liberation. Then happened Gavrilo and rest is history.

So, what Serbocentrism? It was merely simple truth. Same way as it is fact that Poles were first to come in aid to Serbians when Ottoman Turks invaded in 14th century, while Russia was still weak and unable to help us and while western Europe didn`t give a sh** if Turks exterminate us, it is also great fact that only Serbians were interested in liberation of Poland prior to WWI. Facts.
26 Nov 2016   #97
Crow, your "facts" are pure fiction. I came across few of your posts (mostly writing about Polish and Serbian history and geopolitics) and, as a fellow Serb, I always wonder what the heck is this guy talking about?!? Serbia and Poland never had any notable historical connections nor our two nations ever felt any particular affection for each other. No, we didn't give a sh** about the partition of Poland, we had our own worries. Likewise, Poland didn't give a sh** about liberation of Serbia from Ottomans. You are twisting historical sources, I think you know that very well, but you are here on some sort of mission of creating a myth of Serbian-Polish friendship, which doesn't exist. Pan-Slavism in Serbia is dead, we only have russophiles. Anyhow, this topic is about Polish-Turkish relationships, not about Serbia, so I apologize for taking part in this hijacking.
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #98
Fortunately, people can google on all I post here. That`l do for my defense, from unknown characters likes of you. So, good night.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Nov 2016   #99
Serbian-Polish friendship, which doesn't exist.

Oh So So very wrong that your trolling of Crow is so laughable, I won't even try to defend the Polish Serbian relationship , because it needs no defence, to the people of Poland or Serbia.

No need for you to sign off brat Crow, stand strong in your unity with the Polish people, we stand strong with the core values of Serbians.
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #100
Let us stay calm and let`s not be upset. Provocations are something normal and again, something abnormal.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Nov 2016   #101
stay calm and let`s not be upset

Its ok crow I am calm and not upset, I was just stating the facts.

Lets get back to the topic.

With the recent news that Europe has suspended EU membership talks with Turkey , Erogden is threatening Europe with migrants, does anyone think he is right?
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #102
Trump and Putin would now molest Erdogan.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
26 Nov 2016   #103
Putin would now molest Erdogan

I thought that Putin was romancing Erdogan, trying to break his loving for the EU
Crow  154 | 9560
26 Nov 2016   #104
Erdogan is restless. Crazy sultan. Putin and Trump would give him stereo.
Wincig  2 | 225
8 Dec 2016   #105
Well if those refugees exist in the fırst place, it is certainly not the fault of Turkey but rather that of the West
Crow  154 | 9560
18 Mar 2017   #106
New winds on the horizon, as we see that Turks worsening their relations with western Europe and wants better relations with Slavs.

Take Kosovo as example, which is constitutionally part of Serbia, while UN protectorate and while effectively under NATO occupation, after all, while under Shquiptar occupation. Anyway, Russian-Turkish agreements include removal of Turkish army from Kosovo and that way Turkey avoiding deeper confrontation with Serbia and Russia, once when these two moved to liberate Kosovo. Turks finally recognize what is Slavic realm and giving up from manipulating with Muslims in the region for neo-Ottoman aims.

Good. Good.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259
18 Mar 2017   #107
and giving up from manipulating with Muslims in the region for neo-Ottoman aims

I see that Erdogan still has neo-ottoman aims especially after saying that turks in Europe should have 5 children
Marsupial  - | 871
18 Mar 2017   #108 first time i see that used. Also i agree. He is trashing the place.
Crow  154 | 9560
20 Mar 2017   #109
I see that Erdogan still has neo-ottoman aims especially after saying that turks in Europe should have 5 children

Its the problem for western Europe. See, God knows what He doing. After all, western Europeans collaborated with Turks when ottomans invaded and its ok now that they ``merge`` with Turks.

But, Slavs still have two major problems with Turks. Two old issues. First. Many stolen Serbian children by the Turks during Turkish yoke and then there is that issue with missing decapitated Polish heads. Turks have to give back heads of Polish King Wladislaw Warnenchyk and nobleman hero Zawish Czarny. I don`t see how Turkey can repay these debts other then to simple drop dead.
gregy741  5 | 1226
20 Mar 2017   #110
Poland and Turkey had fought many wars and battles but Turkey, the Ottoman empire, was the only state that refused to recognise the partitions of Poland.

man stop this bollocks..nobody had any warm spot beside maybe only repeat this idiocy after clueless cretins.ottomans refuse to recognise cus they hated Russia and were at multiple wars with Russia,not because they love Poland.polish girls were being sold in istambul market for cheaper than price of a cow ,at the same time.

maybe you educate yourself in this topic ,and learn how "branki" by ottomans and their vasals were conducted like.entire east ukraine were depopulated almost completely cus of slave trade..and it was exceptionally brutal business lasted for centuries.go fok yurself with your warm spot for ottomans.
Crow  154 | 9560
20 Mar 2017   #111
go fok yurself with your warm spot for ottomans.

I would tend to say same. Polonius sometimes sound truly disgusting.
jon357  72 | 23528
20 Mar 2017   #112
"decapitated Polish heads"

I doubt anyone wants Turkey to return them to Poland. They must be rather ripe by now...
Crow  154 | 9560
20 Mar 2017   #113
Retrieval of the heads have practical, moral, ethical, philosophical, metaphysical and even magical significance.
jon357  72 | 23528
20 Mar 2017   #114
magical significance

Maybe Kaczynski and Erdogan can dance around them
Crow  154 | 9560
21 Mar 2017   #115
That`s just one more nasty joke on Poles, jone357. Its not nice of you.
jon357  72 | 23528
21 Mar 2017   #116
Less nice to mythologise the past, prolong dead rivalries, ignore the traditionally warm relations between Poland and Turkey and pretend there's such a thing as national memory.

Dried up old severed heads from centuries ago don't impact on today.

What matters is the Turkish community in Poland, the Polish community in Turkey (and I don't mean the village of Adampol), trade between the two countries and the cultural links that have lasted from Mickiewicz's stay there until today.
Crow  154 | 9560
21 Jul 2017   #117
In our time, for the first time in history, China compete with Turkey and Germany for the influence on Balkans. Isn`t that amusing.
Paulina  19 | 4505
11 Feb 2023   #118
I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, but that's the best I could find.

Polish firefighters saving people from the rubble in Turkey after the tragic earthquake:

They've saved 12 people so far.

🚒 👏👍

Doggy looking for people under rubble:

Crow  154 | 9560
27 Feb 2025   #119
At a time when Polish USA diaspora pump money to Bosnian Serbs >

Turks coming in the region to strengthen Muslim element >

Türkiye Strengthens Defense Ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina Through Armored Vehicle Supply

Crow  154 | 9560
1 Mar 2025   #120
In respond to recent Turkish movements in Bosnia and regional tensions, Hungarian and Serbian special police holds joint exercises in Serb Republic within Bosnia.

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