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History behind Poland and Turkey's Relationship

rock  - | 428
14 Nov 2011   #61
I completely agree with you. We have to improve trade and direct investments between us. Both countries have this potential.
Thanks for the links.

Turkish tea is one of the symbols of Turkish friendship.

American author Katherine Branning who wrote a book about Turkish tea tells it perfectly at the link below.

Here is a brief article for Turkish-Polish relations and friendship.

Thank you Poland :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
22 Jan 2012   #62
From economic point of view both countries are of lower importance to each other - about 1 - 1,5% of foreign trade (for Poland and for Turkey similarly).

Trade is worth $5 billion a year and should double within the next few years, It's not really "low importance".
rock  - | 428
22 Jan 2012   #63
Here is one recent attempt for developing economic relations. Turkish airlines wants to buy LOT.
Crow  154 | 9560
29 Oct 2014   #64
Merged: George Friedman predicts clash of interests and even war between Turkey and Poland

Interesting elaboration by George Friedman

So, by the Friedman, Turkish power, among other regions, influence Balkans. Its obviously region where directly clashes Polish and Turkish vital strategic interests. As Friedman suggests, Poland fears from strengthening of Turkey

George Friedman Predicts war between Turkey and Poland

TheOther  6 | 3596
29 Oct 2014   #65
Japan and Turkey will be future dominant powers that start a war with the USA? Poland will join the Americans in that war because she is afraid of Germany, Russia and Turkey? Sure ... ROTFL. Friedman has obviously never heard of the European Union and the end of WW2 several decades ago. What a clown.
Crow  154 | 9560
29 Oct 2014   #66
What a clown.

don`t say that for Mr Friedman. Many has plans for Poland and so, Friedman, too.

But, particularly in this case, Friedman said some things that could be truth. Turkey is mortal enemy of Poland. We knew it after all, already. What makes things even worse is that is Poland in alliance with its strategic enemy- Turkey, via NATO. At the same time, i`m not just sure that Poland can count on USA.

Interesting that Friedman didn`t mention Britain and France on the side of Poland. Isn`t it?
Paulina  19 | 4505
29 Oct 2014   #67
Turkey is mortal enemy of Poland.


Crow, you're clueless about Poland as always :) This year Polish president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey to celebrate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 315th anniversary of continuous peace between Poland and Turkey.
TheOther  6 | 3596
29 Oct 2014   #68
This year Polish president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey to celebrate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 315th anniversary of continuous peace between Poland and Turkey.

We have to subtract the years of the partitions, I assume? There was a reason behind the invitation from Turkey, of course:

"Poland supports the continuation of European enlargement to the east, with Turkey and Ukraine at the top of the list."
Paulina  19 | 4505
30 Oct 2014   #69
We have to subtract the years of the partitions, I assume?

Haha, TheOther, I knew you'd write this :)
The Ottoman Empire was the only state, apart from Switzerland apparently, that didn't officially recognise the partitions of Poland and its disappearance from the map of Europe.

There was a reason behind the invitation from Turkey, of course:

So? As I wrote, Turkey clearly isn't a mortal enemy of Poland and vice versa... :)
TheOther  6 | 3596
30 Oct 2014   #70
Turkey clearly isn't a mortal enemy of Poland and vice versa

Of course not. But if you watch Erdogan turning Turkey into an islamist state, I wouldn't trust them and I certainly wouldn't want them in the EU. I have no idea why Polish politicians seem to promote this idea. Are they kissing up to the Americans?

I knew you'd write this :)

Yeah, I couldn't resist... ;)
Paulina  19 | 4505
30 Oct 2014   #71
Americans? What does it have to do with them?
Btw, Poland was also promoting Ukraine's candidacy.
As for "Erdogan turning Turkey into an islamist state" - read what Sikorski said in the link you posted.
TheOther  6 | 3596
30 Oct 2014   #72
Americans? What does it have to do with them?

The Americans were the ones who pushed western European nations into opening their gates for Turkish workers in the 1960's. The USA were also behind the idea that Turkey (as a NATO member) should become part of the EU. They are meddling in European affairs as usual and it looks as if Polish politicians support that. Not that they will be succesful though, because Germany and other powerful EU members like France are against a Turkish membership. And so is the majority of European citizens, it seems:

read what Sikorski said in the link you posted.

He weaseled out...
"On growing criticisms against the Turkish government's undemocratic moves in a bid to cover up corruption and graft claims, Sikorski refused to comment on Turkey's internal political affairs..."

Btw, Poland was also promoting Ukraine's candidacy.

Yes, please see post #5. Although I don't think a Ukrainian membership is a good idea. There are too many poor countries in the EU already, and the last thing you'd want is a member which has to deal with a civil war in its borders.
Crow  154 | 9560
30 Oct 2014   #73
Polish president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey to celebrate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations and the 315th anniversary of continuous peace between Poland and Turkey

ha? sure?

Serbian president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey, too. i`m not sure for what reason.

Are you sure that our presidents knows what they doing?

But if you watch Erdogan turning Turkey into an islamist state, I wouldn't trust them and I certainly wouldn't want them in the EU. I have no idea why Polish politicians seem to promote this idea. Are they kissing up to the Americans?


If you continue this way, your view would be more and more closer to the view of the George Friedman
Levi_BR  6 | 219
30 Oct 2014   #74
The current president of Turkey (Erdogan) is a potential menace to technically EVERY COUNTRY in the world, not just to Poland.

He is a megalomaniac sociopath that would not think twice when he have the opportunity to impose his ideology on People.

He have this kind of Neo-Ottoman delirium that, YES, can be extremelly dangerous.


Unfortunately not many people see it.
Borek Falecki  - | 52
30 Oct 2014   #75
Friedman has obviously never heard of the European Union and the end of WW2 several decades ago. What a clown.

... dirty old granddad, it's time for the grave, not for the games of youth.
TheOther  6 | 3596
30 Oct 2014   #76
If you continue this way, your view would be more and more closer to the view of the George Friedman

Not really, Crow. I don't believe that Japan, Poland or Turkey will ever be global powers, and I believe even less that they will be at each other's throat at some point in the future. What Friedman said was nonsense in my eyes.

I agree though with Levi BR that Erdogan is a dangerous guy. He will do everything in his power to turn Turkey into an islamist state and he might also try to reestablish the old Ottoman Empire. Turkey seems to sponsor terrorism and Erdogan and his AKP are meddling in the affairs of other countries - even in western Europe. Erdogan is an islamist, and the secular Turks (including the Turkish military) know it.
smurf  38 | 1940
30 Oct 2014   #77
George Friedman!

He's cuckoo bananas. Plus he's also the CEO of an 'intelligence corporation'. So it's in his best interest to stir up paranoia.

But let's have a look at the kind of scum that Friedman works for:

On Sunday night, WikiLeaks announced the initial release of what it's calling the Global Intelligence Files, a collection of 5.5 million emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor. The group claims those emails, to be released over the coming weeks, show Stratfor's involvement in operations like monitoring activists seeking redress for the Bhopal chemical disaster on behalf of Dow Chemical, payments to the former head of the controversial Pakistani secret service, and even the use of the company's information for insider trading.

Also, they operate illegally on the financial markets partnering with absolute scumlords Goldman Sachs:

Some emails reveal that Stratfor had been partnering with Shea Morenz, a former Goldman Sachs director, along with other informants, in order to profit from what could be considered insider trading. Stratfor planned to use the intelligence it gathered in order to profit from trading in several worldwide markets

But have a look for yourselves:

The guy and his 'intelligence corporation' are filth.
God/Allah/Buddah/Thor/Flying Spagetti Monster etc. bless the wonderful people at Anonymous for takings them down once already and the good people at Wikileaks for releasing their emails
Crow  154 | 9560
30 Oct 2014   #78
alright, Fried looks funny but, not that funny


Exactly. Point is Erdogan`s lunacy, not the lunacy of the George Friedman.
sobieski  106 | 2111
30 Oct 2014   #79
I still prescribe to Bismarck's idea. The best would best would be to build a wall around the lot = the balkans and forget about them.
NIkolaybg  - | 10
30 Oct 2014   #80
I doubt that Bismarck has said such a stupid sentence. This is so for 2 reasons: first, because he maintained the theory of the "balance of powers" (there should be equilibrium between the Great powers, meaning every new gaining should be compensated); and second, because Balkans were important as the "gate" to Bosphorus, and particularly the connection between the Black sea and the Mediterranean sea. All Great powers had their interests on the Balkans and supported different Balkan states at different times. Both Balkan wars were just the "preliminary round" of the Great war.

The same is today. There is a serious clash between the interests of the USA and Russia. During the Russian-Georgian war in 2008, for instance, Russians used their navy located in the Black sea. This was decisive for the final victory of the Russian forces. Today the Black sea region is important because of the situation in Ukraine. Just think what would the USA have done had the Balkan states not been members of NATO? Thus I cannot agree that the Balkans should be merely ignored. On the contrary: the situation there should be observed carefully, and particularly the ambitions for Great Albania or for a New Ottoman Empire.
rock  - | 428
30 Oct 2014   #81
This year Polish president was on a two day visit with his wife in Turkey to celebrate the 600th anniversary of diplomatic relations.

Exactly Paulina. Turkey and Poland are strenghening their friendship. I am happy to see that. There were lots of activites, exhibitions, films, concerts in Turkey about Poland and many Turkish people attended them with pleasure.

Our countries have great potantials, being in EU or not, it is a win win process and this will be seen in the future.

On the other hand, Erdoğan does not mean Turkish state. Yes, he is very strong nowadays but who knows what will happen 10 years later. He can not change the secular system in Turkey. That is impossible.
TheOther  6 | 3596
30 Oct 2014   #82
He can not change the secular system in Turkey. That is impossible.

How then was Erdogan able to get all these generals arrested? How was he able to block YouTube and Twitter in Turkey? I believe that was just the beginning; especially now that he was "elected" (cough, cough) president.
Crow  154 | 9560
30 Oct 2014   #83
I doubt that Bismarck has said such a stupid sentence.

Me, too. Bismarck actually wanted to see Balkan as part on new German reich.

Balkans were important as the "gate" to Bosphorus, and particularly the connection between the Black sea and the Mediterranean sea. All Great powers had their interests on the Balkans and supported different Balkan states at different times.

Its not only about strategic meaning of region. Balkan is the old core of the Western world, birthplace of it. So, Balkan has significant moral meaning. It is prestige place for world powers to control.

Both Balkan wars were just the "preliminary round" of the Great war.

Exactly. Events on Balkan were additionally complicated by the meddling of western European powers.

Just think what would the USA have done had the Balkan states not been members of NATO?

Serbia still isn`t part of NATO. Serbia declared its neutrality on global military alliances. But, that is exactly the problem in the eyes of the west of Europe and USA.

Exactly Paulina. Turkey and Poland are strenghening their friendship. I am happy to see that. There were lots of activites, exhibitions, films, concerts in Turkey about Poland and many Turkish people attended them with pleasure.

Its not about friendship. Its about `killing Poland softly`, by annihilating Polish interests on Balkan, while west of Europe holds Poland.

But, Serbians still hold, as would Turkey learn in a harder way.

How then was Erdogan able to get all these generals arrested? How was he able to block YouTube and Twitter in Turkey? I believe that was just the beginning; especially now that he was "elected" (cough, cough) president.


Turkish propaganda movie on the Net, part of Neo-Ottoman euphoria >>>

The Glorious Turkish Ottoman Elite Troops vs. the whole Polish & Serbian Army -1444 Varna

rock  - | 428
30 Oct 2014   #84
How then was Erdogan able to get all these generals arrested? How was he able to block YouTube and Twitter in Turkey? I believe that was just the beginning; especially now that he was "elected" (cough, cough) president.

Erdoğan did not do it alone. He did it with the help of Gulen Movement who serves to CIA. Erdoğan and USA was working together in that years ;)

Those generals were not only secular but also patriots.

When Erdoğan started to shout Israel and Turkish-Israel relations became very problematic, USA take her support back from Erdoğan and Gülen movement who was the partner of Erdoğan released the corruption cd's, telephone records about Erdoğan and his ministers.

He made people believe that this is a game against him and manage to block Youtube, Twitter etc.

Now, I do not think that his position will let him do everything from now on. The election in 2015 is very important and we will see the future of him and Ak Parti.
Blanketsniffer  1 | 25
30 Oct 2014   #85
crow. please shut up already. dont try to sell slav ******** in this forum anymore please no poles really care about your serbian blood. they simply do not care.

I was reading most of your post in this forum and all you promote is "islam hate". turks having war against poles ?? there are 1 milion poles visited turkey this year. as a being a very sitrict muslim no pole did care about my blief they were all okay with that. and its so ridicilious you keep talk about historical facts and skip the part of serbians holocaust agains muslims in balkans and rapism agains them numbers reaching number of 36000. you keep talk about how great serbian race is and how common it is with poles but you know its millions of kms away from the truth I was in both poland and serbia and I can guarante you that bro you should evoluate maybe millions of years to be like poles.
Levi_BR  6 | 219
31 Oct 2014   #86
On the other hand, Erdoğan does not mean Turkish state. Yes, he is very strong nowadays but who knows what will happen 10 years later. He can not change the secular system in Turkey. That is impossible.

I hope so... for the good of the mankind. He is an extremist lunatic in charge of a 70 million people country.

If he would be able to change the country, he can start a war with global proportions.
Wincig  2 | 225
26 Oct 2016   #87
You underestimate Erdogan. Before being an "islamist", he is first and foremost a pragmatist. Look where relations between Turkey and Russia or Turkey and Israel were 12 months ago and where they are today. A very cunning politician indeed!
26 Oct 2016   #88
Why is Erdogan is a real turkey?
Because every time he opens his mouth he's like: gul gul gul gulan
Lyzko  44 | 9720
27 Oct 2016   #89
True. Erdogan claims he IS Turkey and that his opponents are the sworn enemies of Islam:-)

She certainly has swung farther to the right, hasn't she! And to think back to her first FEMALE prime minister some twenty years ago.

Times sure have changed!
Crow  154 | 9560
27 Oct 2016   #90
True. Erdogan claims he IS Turkey and that his opponents are the sworn enemies of Islam:-)

classical dictatorial stance. All know that Erdogan thinks of himself as of Sultan.

A very cunning politician indeed!

Indeed. And he now generally wants to improve relations with Slavs.

I was reading most of your post in this forum and all you promote is "islam hate".

not true. Simple, that`s what you say isn`t truth. On the first place i like things to be clear. Fair business with anybody who pays taxes to state. That`s my moto on this forum. People know me. Then, among other things, i raised question of decapitate (by the Turks) heads of Polish nobles that are still in Turkish possession. i loudly ask that Turks give back those heads to Poles if they really care for good relations with Poles and Slavs in general.

crow. please shut up already. dont try to sell slav ******** in this forum anymore please no poles really care about your serbian blood. they simply do not care.

i understand that you for sure don`t care.

and its so ridicilious you keep talk about historical facts and skip the part of serbians holocaust agains muslims in balkans and rapism agains them numbers reaching number of 36000.

that is `my dear` anti-Serbian war propaganda. So, don`t be deluded by those numbers. Please, 36.000??? Even if soldiers of Bosnian Serb army have two penises instead of one, that number is great exaggeration. Seriously man, i assure you, cases of rape were rare and were regularly sanctioned (perpetrators were punished) by authorities of Serbian side. Not to mention that, unfortunately, crimes of rape were committed by all sides involved in conflict.

how great serbian race is and how common it is with poles but you know its millions of kms away from the truth I was in both poland and serbia and I can guarante you that bro you should evoluate maybe millions of years to be like poles.

i would contemplate on this.

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