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skateboarder0162  1 | 6
24 Feb 2020   #1
I would like some books on the Barbarian tribes of Poland. I'm chronicling the barbarian start of Poland to have a good foundation for my future noble family, as I am the first generation of my Dabrowski bloodline in the United States of America.

My sister and cousins have all failed and quit to be with American-English/Isrealian. With them having failed so soon I am lucky to not have to try any harder than take Polish language classes in Chicago. Had they been serious I would have joined the Polish Land Forces, swordsmanship would of been as real as it is now too, and I would of probably taken some dance classes specifically from Poland.

I've Role-Played in the U.S.A. for fun while teaching myself athleticism. So after the classes I'm going to enjoy duplicating my arbitrations into Polish and reading fantasy/mercenary novels.
Tacitus  2 | 1280
24 Feb 2020   #2
A good start would be your definition of "Barbarians". Because in the original sense of the word, Barbaroi were all non-Greeks. The Romans later applied the term to all people not under their dominion, so in the case of Poland, it would apply to all. Do you mean tribes that lived in what is now Poland during Ancient times?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
25 Feb 2020   #3
Exactly. The term "barbarian" became used to denote ANY non-civilized nation or group, for instance the Northmen aka "Vikings", "Goths", and "Vandals"!
kaprys  3 | 2076
25 Feb 2020   #4
Do you want historical or fantasy books?
If the latter, read the Witcher. Or Polish legends.
If the previous, any book on history of Poland will do. The thing is that different Slavic tribes were united so that the formation of the state could begin.
pawian  223 | 26977
25 Feb 2020   #5
The thing is that different Slavic tribes were united so that the formation of the state could begin.

Yes, they were united with fire and sword by the most powerful tribe, today called Polanie.

Do you want historical or fantasy books?

How about Stara Baśń?
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
25 Feb 2020   #6

Excellent clip.
pawian  223 | 26977
25 Feb 2020   #7
The one I showed is short. See the longer version with subtitles:
OP skateboarder0162  1 | 6
27 Feb 2020   #8
@Tacitus Oh, really? I was taught to be a pure-blood you ignore everything about everything but barbarian might as an individuals progression to that might. I had only Egypt to rival through the ages. Greece were held by fake-roleplayers so I chose to abandon knowing about them. I know General information though, how could I not. But I took swordsmanship to earn my spiritanimal. I'm a very knowledgeable person, smart, intelligent and can speak English as well as write it real well but pardon my barbarianism in this post; it's just to further my pride... all I had were black knights and lone rangers to get me here. And I dont study black knights - I understand what those are. As for rangers I understand Master Ranger, Ranger of the North, the Ranger Commandant.

Yes, yes what do you know about those tribes? Give me a history if you could, please.

I don't have much patriotism in Poland apart from them fighting knights back as a kingdom, being mercenaries for Hungarians until the Hussars became privately personal, and vaguely about how the Republic forms. I have learned of Poland having barbarian tribes and that is amazing. My pride humbles me knowing I do not need to be a soldier of virtue but I can be a barbarian-commander for my father, Dariusz Dabrowski. So I'm learning.

If you do get puzzled you can tell me about the tribes conforming together to create the state and tell me, in as barbarian as you can (King Boleslaw to me is knightly instead of barbarous- that's where I can figure out for myself) what kinds of fighting did they impose on others outside of their territory, were other tribes slain to them, and so forth.

@kaprys I want fantasy mercenary books. A bit of a romance to it, I do not like magic fantasy. I'm hoping to find a dashing lone swordsman, or a grim lone swordsman and some easy novels in that way. But in the actual Polish language.

If you know any historic barbarian books on Poland please do tell me. They can be in English as well as Polish.

@Lyzko thanks for the clarity. So is "Poles" in Polish or in English? I've been reading it English all this time.

@pawian Polanie. Thank you. Do you have anything more to say about Polanie?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
27 Feb 2020   #9
Well, "Polish" refers generally to one's nationality, whereas "Pole" might be simply enumerating various nationalities, for examples, Basia's a Pole, Daniella's a German, Chuck's an American, Byung Wuk's a Korean..... as opposed to denoting that person's heritage.

As you know, somebody can be from a country in the sense of having been born there, yet NOT be technically ethnically part of that country's heritage.

Polish means the language of Poland as used in English. Guess it's all really a question of both grammatical as well as generational usage. To my ears as an American native speaker, "Are you Polish?" sounds more acceptable then "Are you a Pole?"

OP skateboarder0162  1 | 6
27 Feb 2020   #10
And yes @pawian do you know any Polish specific films of that sort? I got lost to Saxons and until now, after getting through France's legionnaire legend of those Crusaders am finally learning of Poland. I can find some knightly movies my self, and later in my life after the Polish classes I'll be able to respect myself correctly to ask of/for Polish knightly films at a Polish film distributor in Chicago. As well as barbarian kinds.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
27 Feb 2020   #11
"Man of Iron" was a popular favorite at one time. There was also "Sword & Fire", but I barely remember the original name any longer or who directed it.
OP skateboarder0162  1 | 6
27 Feb 2020   #12
@Lyzko here in the U.S.A. I too like hearing it that way. In fact it derogatorily became known to me that the other way is how commoners would talk to other commoners (the ones they would keep deeming as peasents(instead of the usual Lords & Ladies) while pretending to consider them as gentlemen and women of a sort. That's how Overlords would be able to reap the commoners, but as the topic is those "Are you a Pole?'s" kind wouldn't believe themselves pious and fallin on themselves instead) in England.

I'd imagine that person born in that country as an immigrant if they chose to not become part of the heritage. And should they live in the country too if they weren't a mean Low-Lander with a spear I'd have to become a Baron and seize that land. But of course that's preposterous.

I have Sword and Fire coming in currently. It may be a week or so before my library gets it. I appreciate the gesture for "Man of Iron" but I've had parents who showed me some Jewish movies, like the "Pianist". I chose to do roleplaying instead and actually listen and understand girls specifically to become an opponent party-animal. I'll be fine in Poland once I return/visit or whatever it'll be with the common man anyways.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
27 Feb 2020   #13
Sorry, but you should indeed specify what 'barbarian' means to you. There is a defined 'border' between the barbarian and the Christian time in Polish history and that border is the year 966.

One of the contemporary writers who writes historical fiction is Elżbieta Cherezińska whose novels, based on historical facts, go back to the times of Mieszko I (966-992) and his son Boleslaus I (Chrobry or Brave; 992-1025). You will find a bit of romance in those books, too. Even if those mentioned first rulers of Poland were Christian, I think there was a lot of barbarian 'amosphere' about and around them in Poland at that time,
OP skateboarder0162  1 | 6
28 Feb 2020   #14
@Ziemowit thanks. That sounds just what I am looking for.

I'm just looking for a more barbarian heritage is all. I know that at 966 and onward Poland became a kingdom. I want to know about Poland before the actual kingdom, which I understand is just barbarian. From tribes, to merging of tribes, to battles/wars, to possibly even hunting and training, names too is important to me.
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
28 Feb 2020   #15

Seb, I hope you find your barbarian roots..... :-)
Weimarer  6 | 357
29 Feb 2020   #16
Were there germanic tribes in today poland in that era?
Lyzko  43 | 9685
29 Feb 2020   #17
Yes there were.
One of the reasons many Poles, particularly from Northern Poland sometimes appear almost Germanic in facial structure has to do in part anyway with their early exposure to certain Germanic tribes.

While this hasn't all been proven one hundred percent in every instance, there is sufficient evidence nonetheless to conclude that early Polish inhabitants had definite, if not prolonged, contact with Germanic tribesmen.
Ironside  50 | 12816
29 Feb 2020   #18
almost Germanic in facial structure

Stop with your anecdotal obsession's, I don't even want to bother to correct your ignorance. Maybe many Germans especially in the eastern Germany appear almost Slavic in their facial structures and it is more likely to be true given it is a fact that in historical times Slavic tribes were extended over to the river Elba. While area around Berlin belonged to the Jaxa clan.

What is with your American obsessions about a race?
kaprys  3 | 2076
29 Feb 2020   #19
To claim that people from a certain part of a country may have facial features inherited from tribes living there over a millenium ago is naive.

There were some Germanic tribes in present day Poland just like Slavic tribes in present day Germany.
Weimarer  6 | 357
29 Feb 2020   #20
Why so agressive? Im a Thuringian. The germanic tribe Thuringii is known to often have done expeditions east into what is today Poland so i assume there was contact there.
Miloslaw  20 | 5111
29 Feb 2020   #21

Mate, your obsession with racial and facial characteristics places you in a very uncomfortable position as a Jew.


And Slavs came to your area too, so what is your point?
Weimarer  6 | 357
1 Mar 2020   #22

There were never slavs in what is today Thüringen.
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Mar 2020   #23
First of all, you claim your family came from Silesia so you yourself are not 100 percent Thuringer. Secondly, eastern parts of present day Thuringen were inhabited by Slavs in the 8th century.
Weimarer  6 | 357
1 Mar 2020   #24

1. One grandmother comes from silesia. Thats not my family. Its a small part of my family. And her family is not original silesian but comes from Hessen, moved to Silesia in 19th century.

2. Name me those slavic tribes that lived in eastern Thuringia.
Ironside  50 | 12816
1 Mar 2020   #25
East of the river Saale - Sorbs.

" 1327 the first prohibitions on using Sorbian in Altenburg "
Weimarer  6 | 357
1 Mar 2020   #26

Im west from Saale.
Ironside  50 | 12816
1 Mar 2020   #27
Your ancestors could have relocate after all we talking like more than 1000 years. Not that I care. Just being meticulous here.
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Mar 2020   #28
Do you want me to give you the name of the very Slavic guy who worshipped Svetovid exactly where your house is located :)
There were Slavs in what is now Thuringen - contrary to what you stated.
Why does the flag of Thuringen resemble the Polish flag?
jon357  72 | 23400
1 Mar 2020   #29
And her family is not original silesian

Perhaps they're Jewish.
Lyzko  43 | 9685
1 Mar 2020   #30
Sometimes the truth is disquieting, Milo! Sorry you can't handle it. I thought a little more of you than all that:-)

@kaprys & Ironside,

Try to be politely objective for a change and credit me with a little common sense on this topic. After all, if I weren't sure of my statements, I'd scarcely post them on open forum now, would I!

Furthermore, what makes either of you all any more of an authority on the subject than I? You know about as much of my educational/academic background as I do of yours.

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