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Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?

Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Aug 2024   #121
Can we please get back On-Topic now.........

American military should be paid by Europe for being in Europe or leave and let Europe be the superpower Europe has been dreaming of for so long...
They could even take the third shot at Russia and cut it up into smaller pieces - just like NATO and the blue dress hick did to Yugoslavia.
I would be so proud of Europe...
Korvinus  2 | 564
7 Aug 2024   #122
The US should have dropped one on each fvcking Jap

and on one each fvcking Rus
Novichok  4 | 7775
7 Aug 2024   #123
Those "fvcking Russians" saved a lot of Americans as America's allies...
They could have stopped at the Polish border and say Fvck you! Do the rest yourself or wait for the French...hahahahahahahaha...
Then the AK would be begging them to "occupy Poland" and go all the way to Berlin.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
7 Aug 2024   #124
each fvcking Rus

The Russians were very lucky that they were not hit by a nuclear bomb.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
8 Aug 2024   #125
nuclear bomb.

The Russians at the end of World War II had an army of millions and about 20,000 tanks. If they had gone further west, they would have reached Portugal in 3 months. It was only because of fear of an atomic bomb that Stalin did not take advantage of this situation.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
8 Aug 2024   #126
Then the AK would be begging them to "occupy Poland" and go all the way to Berlin.

Yet another ridiculous post....... have you got your clown hat on today Rich?
johnny reb  46 | 7601
8 Aug 2024   #127
Then the AK would be begging them to "occupy Poland" and go all the way to Berlin.

Only a full-blown idiot 🤪 would disagree with you Novi.
Novichok  4 | 7775
9 Aug 2024   #128
Poles were greeting the Red Army with flowers...A copy of the French and the Americans in Paris.
Were the Soviets as nice as the Americans? No! But a lot nicer than the SS and Gestapo.

I have a simple task for Russia haters...

If the US Army is at the top of the nice scale with a score of 100 and the Gestapo at 0, place the Red Army on the day it made Warsaw a Gestapo-free city.

I want a number. No poetry, no stories, no adjectives. Just a number...
OP Alien  23 | 5533
9 Aug 2024   #129
I want a number

Unfortunately the number will not be enough because it will end up in random. Of course the Soviet occupation was better than the German one. Under the Soviets one could live (almost) normally.
Novichok  4 | 7775
9 Aug 2024   #130
I am all for American aid to Europe after we pay off the national debt of 35 trillion bucks.

Anybody in support of this very sound idea? Let's vote...
OP Alien  23 | 5533
11 Sep 2024   #131
During the debate, Harris mentioned the threat to Poland posed by Putin if he occupied Kiev and Trump did not. Harris won the votes of Polish Americans this way. Not bad, not bad.
jon357  72 | 22950
11 Sep 2024   #132
Not bad, not bad

She's clever.

Welcome President Harris!
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 Sep 2024   #133
She's clever.

I didn't watch it and I don't trust our media....a summary why she would be a clever prez? Pretty Please???? 😏 (Nato? Ukraine? Europe? Immigration?)
jon357  72 | 22950
11 Sep 2024   #134
a summary why she would be a clever prez? Pretty Please????

Or a summary of how her appalling rival wouldn't.

President Biden has done pretty well, and President Obama before him.

What do you think about Agenda 25? Do you not agree that it's pure fascistic evil?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 Sep 2024   #135
I don't know it, that's why I hoped for a summary from people more near the spot....our german media only ever knows one litany "Trump bad Trump bad Trump bad" (and it was proven to be wrong) and that gets boring!

....oh well....maybe I better read up for my own...
OP Alien  23 | 5533
11 Sep 2024   #136
well....maybe I better read up for my own...

Look at what the mainstream media is writing.
jon357  72 | 22950
11 Sep 2024   #137
litany "Trump bad Trump bad Trump bad"

He is bad. A truly appalling individual.

What do you think of the fascistic Agenda 25?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 Sep 2024   #138 - what exactly is so fascist about these points?

PS: German media scoffed and mocked and insulted Trump already before, as he was right with Germany's energy dependence on Russia and NATO-duty-shirking....they also all cheered Merkel and now we know what a deadlock her reign was for our their opinion is not much worth...!

  • Project 2025
OP Alien  23 | 5533
11 Sep 2024   #139
German media

You can't just reject your own national media. If you listen to foreign media you will automatically be influenced by their propaganda. Because you probably don't think that media intended for foreign audiences are completely neutral. for example, such RT in English.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11675
11 Sep 2024   #140
But you can look for real sources, like the link I posted....not some politicial influenced translated opinion of something...but the real thing, from the developers and THEN look for all sides of it!

In Germany it's hard to get an unbiased opinion even more so in the original!
Novichok  4 | 7775
11 Sep 2024   #141
Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?
We "aid" the poor. Europe is rich and happy. They opened the borders to the hordes to share their wealth.

So...Buy what you need from us and fvck off.
Ironside  50 | 12331
11 Sep 2024   #142
We "aid" the poor.

the poor LGBT activists and all other genders. That is a fact.
You screw over hard-working, taxpaying citizens of other countries. That you pretend - oh is not us.
Why don't you F off? You are one of the plebs that do not gain anything in the process. So you don't matter.
Novichok  4 | 7775
11 Sep 2024   #143
Can you disassemble this salad into smaller components? Preferably with paragraphs or numbers - like 1, 2, 3...

Please stay on the subject if you can...

Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?
AntV  4 | 712
11 Sep 2024   #144
@Bratwurst Boy

Project 2025

You are wise to be cautious about what others have to say about it.

I guarantee you most, if not all, who comment on it haven't actually read it. It's a large document.

I suggest going to the horse's mouth to get the actual gist. Then, you can disagree or agree with what it actually proposes as policy recommendations.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Sep 2024   #145
Why American military aid to Europe and Poland is important to America itself?

Because America needs Europe for trade.Simple.
That was the main reason America joined WW1 and WW2..... late, but it took them a while to work it out.......
Novichok  4 | 7775
11 Sep 2024   #146
Because America needs Europe for trade.Simple.

The US can trade with Europe just as it trades with China.

Nothing to do with military aid. Duh!

BTW, Europe makes nothing we can't buy from Asia or make ourselves.

No perfume BS, please.
Miloslaw  21 | 5012
11 Sep 2024   #147
The US can trade with Europe just as it trades with China.

Yeah as an inferior partner......

Nothing to do with military aid. Duh!

You could not easily trade with a Fascist or Communist Europe....DUH!

BTW, Europe makes nothing we can't buy from Asia or make ourselves.

Europe makes better quality goods than Asia and the USA can't make anything anymore that is cheaper than buying from Asia......even your beloved pick ups are mainly Asian! Drop your tailgate down and serve up a Chinese takeaway!
Novichok  4 | 7775
12 Sep 2024   #148
Yeah as an inferior partner......

What is an inferior partner? When A sells to B, who is inferior?
OP Alien  23 | 5533
10 Oct 2024   #149
When A sells to B, who is inferior?

It depends on what A sells to B.
OP Alien  23 | 5533
1 day ago   #150
If A sells low-processed products to B and B sells highly-processed products to A, then A is inferior to B.

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