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Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread

AntV  5 | 791
16 Jun 2024 #691

If you do 't understand what I mean, I can't do or don't care to help you understand it. I'm not much into forum pedantry.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
16 Jun 2024 #692
if women there dress in a "revolting" way? lol

It was you and your female cohort who made your admissions:

I love jeans and physical freedom is important to me.

It's not that I "love" them, but I simply can't imagine my life without them :)

This is such a problem that even HR departments try to address it as tactfully as they can knowing that it is women who are ALWAYS the absolute worst offenders:

The Difficult Conversation about Inappropriate Attire

Consider clothing which is unacceptable by virtue of:

- Place and time such as wearing yoga pants or gym gear to a job not in a gym, wearing an cocktail dress to a manufacturing facility, or wearing jeans and tank top when in the office,

- Lack of fit (which can be when clothing hangs off the body or when the body hangs out of the clothes).

- Style and organizational culture including: Too revealing, think low tops, high slits, short skirts or shorts, backless or strapless tops, sheer, undergarments or lack thereof showing, etc.,

Have you ever worked in a 21st century office environment which tried to formally publish and enforce a dress code? No, clearly you haven't.

The backlash is ALWAYS from women. A-L-W-A-Y-S.

It is immediate and intense too with shrilly outrage over even the mere thought of having them conform to any dress standard which is considerate of other people.
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #693
If you do 't understand what I mean, I can't do or don't care to help you understand it. I'm not much into forum pedantry.

It's not "pedantry". I'm honestly curious what bothers you exactly in the way people dress and why.

It was you and your female cohort who made your admissions:

Wearing jeans and trainers when going shopping or to the park is "revolting" to you?? :D 🤦

This is such a problem that even HR departments try to address it

Maybe in the US. I haven't noticed such a problem where I live. Where do you live, Poloniusz?

Have you ever worked in a 21st century office environment which tried to formally publish and enforce a dress code? No, clearly you haven't.

I worked in a 21st century corpo and the dress code depended on what kind of job you were doing. The management was wearing typical office attire and IT people - pretty ordinary, casual clothes - nothing inappropriate or revealing though. My female boss had short hair and wore bland office attire, no make up and no jewelry even.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
16 Jun 2024 #694
Wearing jeans when going shopping or to the park is "revolting" to you??

Changing your story as you go along I see.

I haven't noticed such a problem where I live.

Really? Where do YOU live, Paulina?

Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #695
Changing your story as you go along I see.

No, that's what you're doing here:


Yes, really. We're discussing work place environment now and not street protests.

Where do YOU live, Paulina?

I asked you first. So, where do you live? Are you ashamed to admit where you live? :)
OP Torq  8 | 1132
16 Jun 2024 #696

zniszcz patriarchat

She could very easily destroy patriarchate just by sitting on it.
AntV  5 | 791
16 Jun 2024 #697

🤣🤣🤣. Now that's funny!
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #698
She could very easily destroy patriarchate just by sitting on it.

That's a low life comment. How about you post your photo, so we could have a laugh too :)

🤣🤣🤣. Now that's funny!

You can post your photo too, Mr Beautiful :)))
OP Torq  8 | 1132
16 Jun 2024 #699
that's a low life comment

Oh, you're such a gloomy pill, Paulina. Cheer up :)

How about you post your photo

In your dreams. :)
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #700
Oh, you're such a gloomy pill, Paulina.

No, I think that making fun of people's looks is in bad taste and is a proof of bad character. You're simply being a bully.

Cheer up :)

I wonder how would you feel if a bunch of women would made fun of your looks :)

In your dreams. :)

Yeah, it's easy to make fun of other people's looks, isn't it. Weakling.
Lenka  5 | 3535
16 Jun 2024 #701
That's a low life comment.

That kind of attitude towards women look actually has the opposite effect on me. It makes me care even less what I wear.
OP Torq  8 | 1132
16 Jun 2024 #702
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #703
That kind of attitude towards women look actually has the opposite effect on me. It makes me care even less what I wear.

I know what you mean.


Grow up.
OP Torq  8 | 1132
16 Jun 2024 #704
You bore me, ladies. Good night.
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #705
@Torq, that's a pity if being a decent human being "bores" you. That's not very Christian of you.


"So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets."
(Matthew 7:12)
Poloniusz  4 | 852
16 Jun 2024 #706
No, that's what you're doing here:

Nope, but I would never expect you (a woman) to be honest in a conversation. You lost the argument and that's why you needed to change the setting of when you dress inappropriately to make it sound appropriate even though earlier you said casual clothes was all about your freedom and you couldn't live without them.

We're discussing work place environment now and not street protests.

Where did they get those clothes from? Obviously there is a demand for them.

Granted women will wear something once and throw it away but don't tell me revealing clothing like that is limited to private bedrooms and street protests.

Woman will wear elements of that at work and make sure to reveal it to key males they want to manipulate for sex and/or promotion. It happens all the time. But your earlier description of your workplace sounds like it is run by a lesbian so it is highly unlikely any men ever worked there and so weren't confronted with the inherent problems female coworkers bring to the work place.

So, where do you live?

After you, women first! :)

She could very easily destroy patriarchate just by sitting on it.

Indeed, and then she would be the first one to complain that she can't find any men to date, marry and provide for her.

She looks oblivious that her appearance and attitude are completely off-putting. But then again maybe she isn't and is angry because she knows at her age she could never turn things around and hopes to poison the minds of young women as a way to get back at men.
Ironside  50 | 12415
16 Jun 2024 #707

Typical feminist BS, shaming men for honesty. They are never going to be men equal as they are so emotionally fragile.

Grow up.

you grow up. stupid.
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #708
You lost the argument and that's why you needed to change the setting of when you dress inappropriately

I didn't lose any argument and I didn't change any setting. I didn't write when and where I wear jeans and trainers. I only wrote that I couldn't imagine my life without them (as in - if they didn't exist at all) and not that I wear them all the time and everywhere o_O

Granted women will wear something once and throw it away

That usually pertains only to menstrual pads, but I'm guessing that a guy like you who's never been with a woman doesn't know such things :)))

don't tell me revealing clothing like that is limited to private bedrooms and street protests.

Depends what you mean by "revealing clothing like that". If you mean being half naked with a tape put over your breasts then I certainly haven't seen it anywhere.

Woman will wear elements of that at work and make sure to reveal it to key males they want to manipulate for sex and/or promotion. It happens all the time.

Where? Where does it happen "all the time"? Do you have any real life examples from your own experience? :)

After you, women first! :)

But that's not a secret - I often write where I live - Poland, Holy Cross region, Kielce :)

Now your turn - where do you live, Poloniusz? :)))
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #709
. But your earlier description of your workplace sounds like it is run by a lesbian so it is highly unlikely any men ever worked there

Well, you're wrong, as usual :) She was married to a guy (who was an alcoholic, unfortunately) and was feminine, it's just she dressed modestly. And it was a big company, so of course there were men working there :) Her boss was a guy, for example.
Poloniusz  4 | 852
16 Jun 2024 #710
I only wrote that I couldn't imagine my life without them (as in - if they didn't exist at all) and not that I wear them all the time and everywhere

Right and then you said you wear that for shopping and to the park. That's why I called you out for changing your story.

I'm guessing that a guy like you who's never been with a woman doesn't know such things :)))

You have to guess because you don't know. Women always have closets full of clothing worn once (if that) because they are slaves to fashion trends. I pointed this out earlier and the harmful impact it is having on the environment. You said you didn't care because at least someone is making money off of it.

Depends what you mean by "revealing clothing like that".

You know what I am talking about and you should realize by now that the female game of playing dumb in order to gaslight doesn't work anymore.

Seriously, it is so obvious that is comical.

Where? Where does it happen "all the time"? Do you have any real life examples from your own experience? :)

You need to work in a real office that is busy and with heterosexual men and women working there. Not some hideaway back office operation managed by a butch lesbian.

where do you live,

The world is my domain with Poland at the center. :)
pawian  220 | 24841
16 Jun 2024 #711
The world is my domain

You should apply your own advice in practice:

You need to find the courage to be brave.

Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #712
and then you said you wear that for shopping and to the park.

Not really, firstly, I asked you whether "wearing jeans and trainers when going shopping or to the park is "revolting" to you".
Secondly, when I wrote that I can't imagine my life without jeans and trainers I didn't specify when and where I wear them, so I didn't change any "setting" or "my story".

Women always have closets full of clothing worn once (if that)

You either have no experience of living with a woman or American women differ greatly from Polish women (which I doubt that they differ that much).

You need to work in a real office that is busy and with heterosexual men and women working there. Not some hideaway back office operation managed by a butch lesbian.

I already explained it to you that I worked in a big company with heterosexual men and women working there and the boss that was directly over me wasn't a butch lesbian, but a heterosexual married woman. Do you have reading comprehension problems? :)

The world is my domain with Poland at the center. :)

What a coward you are! :) Are you that ashamed of where you live? Why? 🤔
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #713
I pointed this out earlier and the harmful impact it is having on the environment. You said you didn't care because at least someone is making money off of it.

No, I didn't write that I don't care about "harmful impact it is having on the environment" (which I'm sure is lesser than that of all the plastic that is being thrown away by both men and women :)) That comment of mine was an answer to this: "Women are still the largest segment when it comes to buying and following fashion trends."

Fashion industry provides work for many people and that's a fact.

You know what I am talking about

No, I don't really know what such a f*cked up misogynist like you has in mind, so please, explain it to me :)))
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #714
Btw, my boss looked like a younger, prettier and slimmer version of Beata Szydło, but with blonde hair and without the usual Szydło's brooch:


I didn't know that Szydło is a "butch lesbian" :D
jon357  73 | 22632
16 Jun 2024 #715
Fashion industry provides work for many people and that's a fact.

Probably millions worldwide. Work for people who need it the most manufacturing in India, China, Turkey etc, plus many many design and retail,jobs elsewhere. Clothing is very big business.
Paulina  15 | 4429
16 Jun 2024 #716
Sorry, but I just have to comment on this:

Granted women will wear something once and throw it away

I only throw away clothes if they literally fall apart. If I know I won't wear some clothes anymore I either give them to my female cousins if they're in a good shape, leave them at my grandma's so they could be used when working in the field or in the garden or as rags for cleaning or I donate them to charity. It's also always been a kind of "tradition" in my family that women would leave their kids' clothes for younger kids in the family. The same with toys - they'd be passed on to younger generation. Even nowadays if I know that I won't wear some shoes and they're in a good condition I give them to my aunt who has the same shoe size as me.

My mother doesn't throw anything at all, because she's very tight-fisted.

You could say that in my family nothing goes to waste and it's the women who take care of that.

I do have some clothes that I haven't worn yet, but I don't throw them away - they're waiting patiently for their turn :)))
OP Torq  8 | 1132
16 Jun 2024 #717
Geez, it was only two photos from Kielce streets a hundred years ago, and now - over 50 posts later - the discussion is still going on. I have to choose a less controversial topic than clothes for the next photo. I don't know... abortion or death penalty maybe.
Alien  22 | 5456
16 Jun 2024 #718
abortion or death penalty maybe.

Boring. 🥱
Poloniusz  4 | 852
16 Jun 2024 #719
Polish women

I know many Polish women both personally and professionally. But wasn't there a comment made on here recently by a different poster saying they believed you were actually a man posting as a woman? :)

Anyway, at every meeting, at every event (formal and informal) with them each one always wears a different outfit each time. This is without exception and I've known them for years and some for over a decade!

Nothing is worn twice or mixed and matched. Nothing.

This includes the accessories.

And each one obviously has a shoe collection that could give the legendary Imelda Marcos a run for her money.

Where do they get the money though? If they have husbands or boyfriends the telltale sign is that their male significant others always drive beat-up cars and dress very shabbily. It is the men in their lives who get the most mileage out of their own clothes.

If they don't have a man in their life to pay for their expensive lifestyle then they live with their parents or alone in a low rent apartment in some sketchy neighborhood.

"butch lesbian"

Yes, they are known to have a fashion sense closer to most men than women. From butch haircuts, to a preference for jeans, to comfortable footwear that is always too informal and out of place for any social gathering. Based on your posts you seem to have a lot more in common with them than the typical Polish women I know.
pawian  220 | 24841
16 Jun 2024 #720
I know many Polish women both personally and professionally

No, you don`t. You can only watch them on satellite TV which shows Polish soap operas.

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