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OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #661
Kielce - what went wrong?: 1920s

If one compares the fashion in the streets of Kielce (or any other European city) 100 years ago and today, one cannot help but wonder what went wrong meanwhile?
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #662
Before we make fun of India or joke about Cанитарные Bойска, we would be well advised to remember that (...) on the threshold of the 20th century there was no running water (...) Europe.

Sorry, Torq, but this is a nonsense comment... That was over a centaury ago. In case you haven't noticed - a lot changed in Europe during one century lol

one cannot help but wonder what went wrong meanwhile?

You mean what went wrong with your head? I don't know, you tell me - it's your head after all... 🤔
OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #663
You mean what went wrong with your head?

Are you trying to pick a fight, girl? Find someone your size. :)
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #664
@Torq, no, I'm just bluntly expressing what I think about your comment :)
jon357  72 | 23402
16 Jun 2024   #665
what went wrong meanwhile?

The advent of cars. It meant the end of hats and long warm dresses.

The women's clothes look uncomfortable and constricting, though warm. The men's suits aren't that different from how I dress now.
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #666
The women's clothes look uncomfortable and constricting, though warm.

And ugly. Grandma clothes. 😒
Also - unpractical, because those long skirts would get dirty quickly during autumn and winter time.

The men's suits aren't that different from how I dress now.

AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #667
the fashion in the streets of Kielce (or any other European city) 100 years ago and today, one cannot help but wonder what went wrong meanwhile?

Yeah, we've gone way too far with casual slobdom. But, I'm happy that neckties and jackets are no longer requirements.
jon357  72 | 23402
16 Jun 2024   #668
Also - unpractical, because those long skirts would get dirty quickly during autumn and winter time.

I remember my granny saying that women wore those when she was a kid and if they wanted a pįss or worse when they were out and about, they just squatted over the gutter since those long skirts provided privacy.

In the days before washing machines, those long skirts must have been a real hassle and permanently mucky.

But, I'm happy that neckties and jackets are no longer requirements

Ties are largely useless, however jackets are still worn. I mostly wear proper jackets rather than things that just look like kids' clothes.
Alien  25 | 6322
16 Jun 2024   #669
The men's suits aren't that different from how I dress now.

I hope that they are different and even very different.🕴
OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #670
The men's suits aren't that different from how I dress now.

Unfortunately that's not how most men dress these days. A street in any European city a hundred years ago looked much more civilised.

And ugly.

Not nearly as ugly as sleeveless, bellyless crop tops and leggings on some women. Some things just cannot be unseen 0_0. If we are to tolerate this new fashion, then there have to be weight limits introduced for certain items of clothing and police should come down like a ton of bricks on women who don't respect the limits.
jon357  72 | 23402
16 Jun 2024   #671

Better cut and better fabric.

very different

But not very different.

A street in any European city a hundred years ago looked much more civilised.

Even back in the 70s men dressed more formally. And going out in the 80s involved a proper jacket. Then clothing companies started to market 'sportswear' at people, cheap to make, high retail markup. It always seems rather shameful to wear sportswear while not doing sports.

leggings on some women. Some things just cannot be unseen

A divorced friend who takes his kids to school says that he saves all the camel toes for his wank bank.
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #672
Yeah, we've gone way too far with casual slobdom.

Not in Poland, imho... People here don't come to the store in the mornings wearing pyjamas :)

In all honestly however, even though I like it when people dress nice, I prefer it that nowadays comfort is more important than superficial appearances. 🤔

and if they wanted a pįss or worse when they were out and about, they just squatted over the gutter


In the days before washing machines, those long skirts must have been a real hassle and permanently mucky.

Yup. Of course, those two ladies in the photo probably weren't washing them themselves - their servants were doing it for them...

there have to be weight limits introduced for certain items of clothing and police should come down like a ton of bricks on women who don't respect the limits.

Why only on women? How about half naked men on the coast coming to stores and restaurants like they're still on the beach? 🤨
OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #673
It always seems rather shameful to wear sportswear while not doing sports.

Exactly! Why are you making so much sense today, Jon? Well, apart from the conservatism, Middle Ages etc. in the other thread ;)

How about half naked men on the coast coming to stores and restaurants like they're still on the beach?

Same thing. A painful fine the first time, jail after the second offense.
AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #674
If we are to tolerate this new fashion....have to be weight limits introduced for certain items of clothing and police should come down like a ton of bricks on women who don't respect the limits

🤣🤣. Man, I agree. It was that long ago that a fat woman would do her best to hide the fat. Now, they flaunt the cellulite like it's bling. And, don't get me started on tattoos.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Jun 2024   #675
one cannot help but wonder what went wrong

Clothes were used to signify social status. The better you dressed meant you didn't need to do manual labor.

Working class people used to dress up as best they could and when they could for aspirational reasons.

Then socialism and communism came along to eliminate social distinctions. No one wanted to be targeted by appearing to be rich (or richer than they actually were) so they dressed down.

The advent of cars. It meant the end of hats and long warm dresses.

What a ridiculous answer!

You can thank feminism, sexual liberation for women and ultimately "SlutWalks" for the pathetic and even revolting way women "dress" in public today.

Women also used to stay at home and knew how to make and mend their own clothing. You can forget that skill ever coming back.

Women also dress trashy in the workplace because they know they lack other skills so it is the only trick that still works in getting advanced especially with Boomer managers deciding who will get promoted.

Women are still the largest segment when it comes to buying and following fashion trends. They are happy to spend what little money they have to wear something for one season (if that) and have it all end up in a landfill.

4 places where our clothes end up when they are discarded

however jackets are still worn. I mostly wear proper jackets

I'm sure you do!

Lenka  5 | 3515
16 Jun 2024   #676
I prefer it that nowadays comfort is more important than superficial appearances. 🤔

Same here. Sorry but I love jeans and trainers. I like the fact I can run/ climb/ play with a ball etc. I feel more energetic and go get it.

I do like smarter clothes too but my physical freedom is important to me.

Not to mention not all walks of society dressed that smartly. The images we have is usually based on the upper classes.
AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #677
t I love jeans and trainers

I do too, I'm a jeans and t-shirt guy. But, what's happening nowadays is unseemly slobdom that is uncivilized.
jon357  72 | 23402
16 Jun 2024   #678

Jeans are practical, but I've never liked trainers. Too much hassle to lace up and they look bad quickly. Some people really take them seriously given the crazy prices for ones that look much the same as the cheap ones.

And, don't get me started on tattoos.

They look good on maybe 5% of the people who have them.

The images we have is usually based on the upper classes

It filtered down. As did the literal clothes since they were sold and resold until they became rags.
OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #679
don't get me started on tattoos

Prison "culture" entering everyday life. And they think tatoos look good on them *facepalm*

The images we have is usually based on the upper classes.

Not really. Most people tried to dress smartly even under early communism, Poloniusz. While selecting photos for this thread I came across a photo (taken in late 1950s) of a queue of men wearing suits, hats and long coats - they were waiting in the queue to buy tickets for a boxing match in Wrocław. :)
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #680
You can thank feminism, sexual liberation for women and ultimately "SlutWalks" for the pathetic and even revolting way women "dress" in public.

In what kind of neighbourhood do you live, if women there dress in a "revolting" way? lol Or better yet - which country? 🤔

Women also dress trashy in the workplace because they know they lack other skills so it is the only trick that works in getting advanced

You're sick from hate towards women. Get help.

Women are still the largest segment when it comes to buying and following fashion trends.

So? Someone is making money on making those clothes.

Sorry but I love jeans and trainers.

It's not that I "love" them, but I simply can't imagine my life without them :)
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #681
Prison "culture" entering everyday life.

Tattoos have been present in many cultures around the world for thousands of years and ignorant people like you behave as if prisoners have invented them :)))

Most people tried to dress smartly even under communism

In the past people cared more about appearances. I remember how my mother would obsess over me getting my clothes dirty when I would go out to play outside in the playground when I was a kid, because "what neighbours will think". I hated it. I felt free only at my grandma's in the countryside, because noone would see me in the yard and I could play as I wanted to.

But, what's happening nowadays is unseemly slobdom that is uncivilized.

AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #682

Meaning a lack of modesty, courtesy, self-awareness, and taste. It's like some folks are basically saying, "eff you" with the way they present themselves.
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #683
@AntV, that is a rather general statement, so I'd appreciate some examples of what you mean. 🤔
OP Torq  8 | 954
16 Jun 2024   #684
Tattoos have been present in many cultures around the world for thousands of years

Sure. However, in Europe they survived into modernity mostly as a part of prison/social margin culture. Well, sailors had them too. :)

I could play as I wanted to

Don't compare children playing at their granma's house in the countryside to adults walking the streets of cities.

The way people dress mirrors the state of general culture/civilisation. We live in a decadent, dying out, society, so it's only natural that the dress code is practically non-existent.
jon357  72 | 23402
16 Jun 2024   #685
Well, sailors had them too

Still do, in theory. There are strict rules about what the tattoo can be of and what voyage etc it represents. I'm entitled to several from the time I spent working at sea however I've not bothered and nor did most of the people I was on board with.
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #686
However, in Europe they survived into modernity mostly as a part of prison/social margin culture. Well, sailors had them too. :)

And nowadays soldiers and police officers wear them too, so you'll have to learn to live with that, I'm afraid :)))

Don't compare children playing at their granma's house in the countryside to adults walking the streets of cities.

I will, because it's the same mentality - appearances more important than comfort and common sense.

We live in a decadent, dying out, society, so it's only natural that the dress code is practically non-existent.

Bullsh1t. There's still a dress code - in the street and at work and for different occasions, etc.
AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #687
that is a rather general statement

Of course it's a general statement, as we are talking about a general topic. Examples: women who dress and leave nothing to the imagination, men who dress like they are in a locker room. Fat people who let it all hang out. And so on and so forth.
Paulina  17 | 4488
16 Jun 2024   #688
Of course it's a general statement, as we are talking about a general topic.

Yes, but "lack of modesty, courtesy, self-awareness, and taste" may mean different things to different people.

Examples: women who dress and leave nothing to the imagination

Again - this is subjective. So what does it mean to you?

men who dress like they are in a locker room

I have no idea what this means. You mean wearing sportswear?

Fat people who let it all hang out.

I am yet to see obese people walking in the street with their naked bellies hanging out. Is this what it's like in the US?
AntV  3 | 670
16 Jun 2024   #689

If you do 't understand what I mean, I can't do or don't care to help you understand it. I'm not much into forum pedantry.
Poloniusz  5 | 970
16 Jun 2024   #690
if women there dress in a "revolting" way? lol

It was you and your female cohort who made your admissions:

I love jeans and physical freedom is important to me.

It's not that I "love" them, but I simply can't imagine my life without them :)

This is such a problem that even HR departments try to address it as tactfully as they can knowing that it is women who are ALWAYS the absolute worst offenders:

The Difficult Conversation about Inappropriate Attire

Consider clothing which is unacceptable by virtue of:

- Place and time such as wearing yoga pants or gym gear to a job not in a gym, wearing an cocktail dress to a manufacturing facility, or wearing jeans and tank top when in the office,

- Lack of fit (which can be when clothing hangs off the body or when the body hangs out of the clothes).

- Style and organizational culture including: Too revealing, think low tops, high slits, short skirts or shorts, backless or strapless tops, sheer, undergarments or lack thereof showing, etc.,

Have you ever worked in a 21st century office environment which tried to formally publish and enforce a dress code? No, clearly you haven't.

The backlash is ALWAYS from women. A-L-W-A-Y-S.

It is immediate and intense too with shrilly outrage over even the mere thought of having them conform to any dress standard which is considerate of other people.

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