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Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread

Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
21 Feb 2024 #511
*gets all nostalgic again*

So I'm not alone in this!

But really, "früher war alles besser", right? Right!

...okay...even better after 1989....the best! :)
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Feb 2024 #512
Everything was better in 1980s.
Computers, music, movies, cars... everything

No, that's not correct. Cars, for example, broke down more often.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
21 Feb 2024 #513
...okay...even better after 1989...

... sure. But then... sometime in 2000s, the entire demonic, woke, neo-marxist angriff started. :-/ Or maybe not started but became more obvious and impudent.

Cars, for example, broke down more often.

Not if you knew how to take care of them. Then they never broke down. Ever heard of Mercedes W123?
Ironside 50 | 12345
21 Feb 2024 #514

beer and coke tested better that for sure..
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Feb 2024 #515
beer and coke tested better

Beer was often unpasteurized and there was no Coke Zero.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
21 Feb 2024 #516
beer and coke

Talking about one-syllable things that were better in the 1980s: pope.

EDIT: church, girls, food. All one-syllable things were better.
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Feb 2024 #517

From today's point of view, very conservativ, but he single-handedly overthrew communism.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
21 Feb 2024 #518
....nah, that honor belongs surely to Gorbatschow....he started it all in Russia.....and he denied East-Berlin the military to end the protestations in a bloody chinese way....who knows, the wall would maybe still stand without him.

For an East-German that all was Gorbatschow, not the pope!
Alien 22 | 5225
21 Feb 2024 #519
For an East-German

So is the difference in worldview between an East German and a West Pole.
Bratwurst Boy 9 | 11884
21 Feb 2024 #520's understandable....the pope back than was a famous Pole....of course he had his own people cheering for him! :)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
21 Feb 2024 #521

he single-handedly overthrew communism.

Totally agreed.

I was brought up as a Polish Catholic but lost my faith many years ago but could still see that the Polish Pope was the best Pope in my lifetime.
Alien 22 | 5225
22 Feb 2024 #522

Certainly not


It's just your imagination, we were all younger then.
churches were fuller, that's a fact, but only in Poland.
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Feb 2024 #523
They look the same as many of the derelict Victorian era factories in England.

Both very depressing.
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Feb 2024 #524

There's beauty in industrial architecture. I've never understood why some in PL turn their noses up at Łódź but consider bungalows pretty.
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Feb 2024 #525
industrial architecture

It is too vulgar and crude to me.
mafketis 37 | 10789
22 Feb 2024 #526
I've never understood why some in PL turn their noses up at Łódź

I think when many people think of Łódź they automatically think of Ziemia obiecana.... that remained my mental picture of the city until I visited a summer or two ago. Now I have a different mental picture that's much nicer (and leafier!)
jon357 73 | 22653
22 Feb 2024 #527
vulgar and crude

And stuccoed bungalows aren't? Industrial environments can be sophisticated and beautiful like a Lowry townscape.

much nicer (and leafier!)

It's got that feel that only planned towns of a certain period have. In a way it was more atmospheric when it was a bit shabbier; one reason filmmakers like it so much. I could happily live there.
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Feb 2024 #528
stuccoed bungalows

Sorry, I don`t know what you mean.
Ironside 50 | 12345
22 Feb 2024 #529
All one-syllable things were better.

Not so sure some were into inhaling glue or somesuch and do weeds. and kompot.
pawian 221 | 24284
22 Feb 2024 #530
Not so sure some were into inhaling glue

the mongrel, for example. That glue sucked out his brains completely.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
24 Feb 2024 #531
Farmers' Rage: 2024

protesty rolników

"Down with the EU's climate policy", "Let EU maniacs eat worms themselves" - says the banner on this farmer's tractor. Farmers' protests, caused by the EU attempts at cooking the frog a bit too fast, continue all over Poland. EU geniuses decided to destroy European farming and at the same time import food from huge, owned by international concerns, farms in South America and Ukraine (where EU farming laws don't apply and the European norms for pesticide use are very often exceeded twentyfold (!)). Polish farming can feed 120 million people and it's a strategic resource of primary importance for Poland.

It's a bit ironic that the group that benefited the most from Poland's EU membership is at the moment the most euroskeptical (to put it very mildly). If only the Marxists ruling the EU could possibly go a bit easier on their leftard agenda, all this could have been avoided. Alas, leftards will leftard.

Perhaps the Brits knew what they were doing when they left the Union?
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Feb 2024 #532
only the Marxists ruling the EU

The EU isn't ruled by Marxists.

Perhaps the Brits knew what they were doing

Of course.

And Poland could leave too, however geographically it is in a weaker position.
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Feb 2024 #533

And economically. Brits got a cough after brexit, Poland will acquire TB and pneumonia.

EU geniuses decided to destroy

Why are you so radical????? :):):)
OP Torq 7 | 1152
24 Feb 2024 #534
The EU isn't ruled by Marxists.

Well, I should have written neo-Marxists.

Poland could leave too

... and surprisingly many people are talking openly about it these days.

Why are you so radical?

You're right. Calling them geniuses was going too far. :)
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Feb 2024 #535
Brits got a cough after brexit

Not much of one, however we have more deep water ports than the rest of Europe combined, have London which if it was a separate country would be richer than most in Europe and have the northern industrial base as well. That and a culture wehre panicking and over-analysis are rare.

Poland is of course stuck right next to Germany who see the EU as the next stage of their mercantile ambitions. That and the EU agricultural policy; existing to satisfy 'farmers' in southern France and Italy with just a few hectares and a mixed output combined with an intense lobbying from the factory farms that exist to provide what people actually eat.

In a transnational organisation like the EU there will always be winners and losers. The losers will not be in France, Germany, Northern Italy or the Netherlands.

I should have written neo-Marxists

You could've, however it would've been equally meaningless.
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Feb 2024 #536
Calling them geniuses was going too far. :)

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Otherwise, you will be nominated the governor of Northern Poland Oblast by the Kremlin regime. hahahaha
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Feb 2024 #537
Or conversely don't do as the romans...
pawian 221 | 24284
24 Feb 2024 #538
don't do as the romans

When you are among crows, you need to caw with them.
jon357 73 | 22653
24 Feb 2024 #539
Or scatter some corn soaked in warfarin...
mafketis 37 | 10789
24 Feb 2024 #540
Well, I should have written neo-Marxists.


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