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Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread

Poloniusz 4 | 793
2 Feb 2024 #451
"Chatsworth Gardens"

No one said it's called that. You are making stuff up now to save face because you know you are wrong and got caught out by me when you were attempting to mislead another Polish member of PF.

has however been called that in English for at least a century.

Everyone knows your advanced age means you've straddled two centuries but you haven't provided a scintilla of evidence to back up your absurd claim.

You need to go back to Britain where you belong and be put out to pasture.

And coincidentally I found the perfect place for you too; right down to the name!

Saxon Gardens (plural) with no evidence in sight!

Saxon Gardens

"Our Retirement Living PLUS development in the attractive town of Oakham near Rutland Water, is now selling. The development features 29 one bedroom and 29 two bedroom apartments, designed exclusively for the over 70s."

The point is to make it intelligible.

If anyone on here followed your poor advice they would be unintelligible.

After all, you are the one who admittedly runs your translation "services" out of your run down flat and you still got to hustle on the road at your old age to eke out a living.

Clearly, delivering quality never mattered to you and this is why you are still on the prowl to dupe another unsuspecting customer.

a bit safer at night now the police patrol it

You mean safer for Poles now that you stay away due to the police presence.

Police patrols in public spaces are only necessary when diversity rears its ugly head.

Indeed, do you not realize that Polish families would be uncomfortable at the sight of an old single gay British foreigner with Ottoman roots like yourself seen lurking and loitering around for hours on end with no reason to do so?
jon357 73 | 22653
2 Feb 2024 #452
age means you've straddled two centuries

Hasn't everyone whose balls have dropped and who've had their hole?

I never bother much with your posts; just arguing pointlessly and posting stuff from the internet. Funny sometimes though and always very very predictable.

Come to Europe sometime if you're allowed to travel unaccompanied; you might find that real life is more interesting than the internet and there are even some ladies who might take an interest in you for 100zl (or 50 by the main road to Garwolin).

You might even learn three or four words of Polish.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
2 Feb 2024 #453
Polish-Persian brotherhood: 1942


Polish-Iranian friendship started much earlier than... .
For thousands of Polish refugees from USSR during WW2, Iran became a home away from home.

Iran 2

Writer Ryszard Antolak noted, "The deepest imprint of the Polish sojourn in Iran can be found in the memoirs and narratives of those who lived through it. The debt and gratitude felt by the exiles towards their host country echoes warmly throughout all literature. The kindness and sympathy of the ordinary Iranian population towards the Poles is everywhere spoken of".

Iran 3

Iranians truly set an example of hospitality which has not been forgotten in Poland until this very day.
Alien 22 | 5228
3 Feb 2024 #454
Polish-Iranian friendship

In the meantime this friendship was forbidden.
OP Torq 7 | 1152
3 Feb 2024 #455
friendship was forbidden


If you say so, Alien. If you say so.

GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
3 Feb 2024 #456
Requiem for an artist: 2024

Janusz Majewski

"Today the pace of my films seems too slow. However, after cuts and speeding up the narration, they would lose their atmosphere. (...) It's also a question of my temperament - I hate being in a rush", said late Janusz Majewski.

The great director, who gave us Zaklęte rewiry, C.K. Dezerterzy (with the unforgettable character of Gefreiter Kania played by Marek Kondrat) or Lekcja martwego języka among many other films, died last month, on 10th January.

Janusz Majewski

One could write a lot about the chevalier of Polonia Restituta and Gloria Artis orders but I think his work speaks the best for him and itself. For me, personally, he was the greatest adapter of literary fiction for screen in the history of Polish cinema.

Requiem aeternam dona ei, Domine...
pawian 221 | 24284
9 Feb 2024 #457
That`s what AI generated when asked about Polish motifs
the women`s protest against discrimination and Independence Day nationalist demonstrator.
Poland divided into two..

Poloniusz 4 | 793
10 Feb 2024 #458
the women`s protest against discrimination and Independence Day nationalist demonstrator.

AI is intelligent but not very original.

Men care about things greater than ourselves like nationhood.

Women only care about themselves and aren't interested in who provides them with comfort and utility just as long as they get it and preferably for little to nothing in exchange.

Men are makers and women are takers.

Novichok 5 | 7804
10 Feb 2024 #459
Men are makers and women are takers.

That alone wouldn't be bad.
The bad is when some old sucker believes that he met the love of his life in a three-time divorced lying bi*ch who recently discovered the alternate use for antifreeze.
Poloniusz 4 | 793
11 Feb 2024 #460
The bad is when some old sucker believes that he met the love of his life in a three-time divorced lying bi*ch who recently discovered the alternate use for antifreeze.

Sadly, there are many such cases.
Alien 22 | 5228
11 Feb 2024 #461
discovered the alternate use for antifreeze.

Are you saying that women's inventiveness knows no limits?
Ironside 50 | 12345
11 Feb 2024 #462
he women`s protest a

Not women some fringe leftis minority.
jon357 73 | 22653
11 Feb 2024 #463

A million turned out in Warsaw alone.
pawian 221 | 24284
11 Feb 2024 #464
Women only care

Women care about everybody else and sacrifice their time, energy and resources to make people happy coz such is their nature. Goddess bless them all.

At the same time, it is males who are mostly selfish and uncaring in life and think only about pampering their sick egos. Too many males are mysogynist azholes, just like Poloniusz. Women refuse to form relations with such losers, that`s why they become so embittered and frustrated..

Goddess, don`t bless those azholes - punish them with even more frustration. hahahaha
pawian 221 | 24284
11 Feb 2024 #465
A typical Polish city according to AI - it sports the features of Warsaw, Gdańsk and Krakow.

jon357 73 | 22653
11 Feb 2024 #466
A touristy city anyway, perhaps instructed by whoever worked the AI to contain specific elements.

The result would probably differ if it was asked to synthesise Wloclawek, Sieradz. Nowy Dwor and Grojec.

Nice picture though, although it looks more like a dove or than the atmosphere of a city in Poland.
pawian 221 | 24284
11 Feb 2024 #467

That`s what my MI - Monkey Intelligence - associates with Grójec:

jon357 73 | 22653
11 Feb 2024 #468
There's quite a nice kebab shop there.

And of course plenty of apples.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
16 Feb 2024 #469
Sad duty: 1939


Looking at general Tadeusz Kutrzeba's face you can tell that he's not happy. In the photo you see him approaching the commander of German 8th Army, general Johannes Blaskowitz, to discuss the capitulation of Warsaw (which Kutrzeba would sign on 28th September)

We all know the story, no point to sprinkle salt on old wounds; there is however something that escapes many historians and commentators - 1939 was the last year of Polish independence. After the war we were a Soviet satellite for 44 years and then - when the chance for independence finally appeared - venal scoundrels and various foreign agents ensured a rather smooth transition into being an American satellite.

The year 2024 is the 85th consecutive year of Poland being a dependent vassal state. Last time we waited 123 years to regain our independence. Will we have to wait equally long again?
Alien 22 | 5228
16 Feb 2024 #470
The year 2024 is the 85th consecutive year of Poland being a dependent vassal state

Do you have a high fever? Because you're talking nonsense.
Alien 22 | 5228
16 Feb 2024 #472
In this case, yes.
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
16 Feb 2024 #473
Oh, how I wished I was talking nonsense, Alien.

Alas, that's the sad reality. Look at the vomit-inducing, obsequious servilism of consecutive Polish governments towards the USA and tell me we don't act like their vassals.
Paulina 16 | 4323
16 Feb 2024 #474
Do you have a high fever? Because you're talking nonsense.

I agree.
Alien 22 | 5228
16 Feb 2024 #476
Alas, that's the sad reality. Look at the vomit-inducing, obsequious servilism of consecutive Polish governments towards the USA and tell me we don't act like their vassals.

Applying your logic, a country like Germany is not independent either, and has been since 1945.
Ironside 50 | 12345
16 Feb 2024 #477
We don't act like their vassals.

The one thing is a dependency on your ally when your ally is significantly stronger in every way and quite the other that song, dance, and circus that Polish politicians from both parties are doing, I would say PO ones are worse in this regard but only some.

What we have is something I have been talking about for a long talking here a lack in Poland of proper elites and decent political representation in this country. The quality of our politics and journalism is low.

We deserve better!
GefreiterKania 28 | 1234
16 Feb 2024 #478
and quite the other that song, dance, and circus that Polish politicians from both parties are doing


Damn it, the older I get the more I agree with you on everything (almost), Iron. 0_0

We deserve better!

Hear, hear!
Alien 22 | 5228
16 Feb 2024 #479
Damn it, the older I get the more I agree with you on everything (almost), Iron.

This should make you think about it.
Ironside 50 | 12345
16 Feb 2024 #480
Maybe you should start not only thinking but reflecting upon yourself for real!
Unless you are a renegade in that case you should withhold your worthless opinion.

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