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Pokłosie (film on Jedwabne)

polonius  54 | 420
15 Nov 2012   #1
Has anyone on PF viewed this film already or heard about it?

It is a feature film based on one of the most controversial episodes in Poland's World War Two history, the Jedwabne massacre of Jews by their Polish neighbours. It was released Friday in the country's cinemas.
ShawnH  8 | 1488
15 Nov 2012   #2
or heard about it?

I heard about it.
Ziutek  9 | 160
15 Nov 2012   #3
I saw it last night. Pretty good.
15 Nov 2012   #4
Was it balanced? Was it fair? Or was it 'fair and balanced' (either way)?
Ziutek  9 | 160
15 Nov 2012   #5
Well, it was a work of fiction not a documentary, so it just showed the point of view
of the protagonists. There was nothing very controversial or very much detail about the historical context.
Gruffi_Gummi  - | 106
16 Nov 2012   #6
Was it balanced? Was it fair?

Czesław Bielecki (a prominent Polish politician, a Jew) has said:

Based on my family's wartime experiences, and on my own 1980's experience as a dissident, the painted picture of these evil and primitive villagers is a highly selective representation of the reality. I feel offended by this film.

OP polonius  54 | 420
16 Nov 2012   #7
Historian Jan Chodakiewicz alleges that Pokłosie is an attempt to make Poles feel guilty of the Holocaust.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
16 Nov 2012   #8
He can allege all he wants, it doesn't make it true. I bet the vast majority complaining haven't seen it, however.
Ironside  50 | 12959
16 Nov 2012   #9
the most controversial episodes in Poland's World War Two history, the Jedwabne massacre of Jews by their Polish neighbours

Controversial/ Rather unproven.

Historian Jan Chodakiewicz alleges that Pokłosie is an attempt to make Poles feel guilty of the Holocaust.

He may as well be right.
16 Nov 2012   #10
I bet the vast majority complaining haven't seen it, however.

I'd be amazed if more than a handful, at most, of them have actually seen it.
1jola  14 | 1875
18 Nov 2012   #11
Was it balanced? Was it fair? Or was it 'fair and balanced' (either way)?

The viewer is left with the closing scene of murderous Christian Poles crucifying a Jew on a side of a barn. I think that's why they called it a thriller.

If you liked this film, you will most likely love this one:

The portrayal of Poles and the blacks is similar in both films.
OP polonius  54 | 420
24 Nov 2012   #12
Here is an excerpt of a private review of the film 'Pokłosie' by a fellow-Polonina. My own asessment is not as negative.

The movie is presented as fiction but also as a follow up on Jedwabne.I read a few reviews and they all seem to agree that Poklosie is even worse than "Neighbors". There are very few good reviews and the public seems to avoid the film. Like the Neighbors first chapter, the script for Poklosie seems to have been written by a Russian intelligence officer and not by Pisakowski. It is a propaganda film in the true Soviet tradition with gory details and mindless malice. You may wonder why the Polish Government with some help from the Russians funded such a film and is now promoting it...

No wonder that Wajda liked this film, since he was the director of the first successful Communist propaganda film "Diamonds and Ashes". In that film the Communist are portrayed as caring and well educated victims of Nazism and the AK as evil Nazi Collaborators full of hate and not caring about people. Wajda's film and Andrzejewski's book on which it was based was commissioned by Jakub Berman the head of UB (Polish clone of NKVD). One might ask who commissioned "Poklosie" and who commissioned Gross's book?
jon357  72 | 23528
24 Nov 2012   #13
You mean you disagree with it. Would you rather the only viewpoint presented was yours?
OP polonius  54 | 420
20 Dec 2012   #14
Aku Aku
For the benecfit of the non-Polophonic expats this poster wrote:

Pasikowski, Dariusz Jabłoński and Maciej Stuhr as well as a few others are making careers for themselves as prostitutes for a certain group of New York Jews (not all Jews, of coruse). It's plain and simple. Like Jerzy Kosiński, later Marian Marzyński (Shtetl) and still later Gros, each of those gentlement has built their career by maligning Poles.

Pasikowski, Dariusz Jabłoński i Maciej Stuhr i paru innych robia kariere jako prostytutki pewnej grupy Nowo Yorskich Zydow (bo nie wszystkich Zydow). Proste. Tak jak Jerzy Kosinski wczesniej potem Marian Marzynski (Shtetl) potem Gross. Kazdy z tych panow zrobil kariere produkujac oszczerstwa na temat Polakow.
Aku Aku  - | 1
21 Dec 2012   #15
Thank you Polonius.
15 Mar 2015   #16
The film does not end with Poles crucifying a Jew. It ends with Poles crucifying a fellow Pole, because he cared about giveing a dignified burial to the gravestones of the dead Jews of the village he lives in. There are negative representations of fairly primitive villagers, but, sorry, I have known Poles in Chicago and New York not too far off from those villagers. On the other hand there are also very positive representations of Poles--the Priest, the 2 brothers, and the nurse, and even the Police captain and even the old people....Its a complex story and the film raises issues worth looking at. Its not anti Polish, its pro dialogue.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
10 Jul 2021   #17

Today is 80th anniversary of Jedwabne

worth remembering.
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2022   #18
Today the 81st anniversary.

As always, decent Poles came to pay tribute to murdered Jews.
As always, ultra nationalists came too and protested against blaming Poles for the atrocity. They carried banners - I don`t apologise for Jedwabne. Let the perpetrators apologise. Perpetrators means Germans to them.

  • 2be25DSC00194.jpg

  • 0226fDSC00210.jpg

  • 5f612DSC00278.jpg
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #19
decent Poles came to pay tribute to murdered Jews.

Not if they deny that Polish Death Camps existed, they are not decent Poles but shamless anti-semities like you!
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2022   #20
they are not decent Poles

Actually, there are more decent Poles than you can imagine. We reject the rabid radical nationalist idea that it was Jews who killed themselves. You said it in another thread. We also reject normal radicals who claim it was Germans who did it.

No, it was a few dozen Poles who did it - they professed extreme nationalism and were ready to murder. Unfortunately, a lot of others who didn`t participate in massacres stayed indifferent and did nothing. That is the greatest danger - indifferent people. Coz each society produces murderers who aren`t repulsed by the idea of killing another person. It is the duty of all others to contain those murderers. That wasn`t done in Jedwabne. People observed but did nothing.
Alien  25 | 6438
10 Jul 2022   #21
Can you read fotos?. On the first foto I can see only 2 persons who dont want to apologise and 3 police officers and 1 Israel flag? On the second foto can see 8 bystandets and 3 persons in move. On the last foto we can see 4-5 clergy persons, 1 police officer and max. 4 bystanders. My conclusion; Nobody cares.
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2022   #22
Can you read fotos?

Yes. :):):)

only 2 persons

As a long standing member of the forum, you should know that we have limitations in posting photos. That is why I provided the link to the site where you can see not only more photos bot also more people in them. Go back to my post. :):):)

Nobody cares.

Exactly. Just like most of Jedwabne didn`t care when Jews were murdered.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #23

Relax, you make no sense. You must be very upset that you and your anti-semitism has been exposed. Come clean and all will be fine.

Just say it. Polish death camps are real.
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2022   #24
Relax, you make no sense.

I am relaxed but I still worry about you coz you are in complete denial, claiming that Jews killed themselves.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #25
Come on it was a joke. Why are you so upset? Poles killed all the Jews except those few they didn't!
After all they had Polish death camps for Jews. You deny their exitence! That makes you one in denial and anti-semite!
pawian  226 | 27585
10 Jul 2022   #26
Come on it was a joke.

Stupid one.

Why are you so upset?

Coz WW2 atrocities, either on Jews or Poles are not laughingstock suitable for derision, you halfwit.

After all they had Polish death camps for Jews. You deny their exitence!

Yes, I deny what you are so vehemently implying. You are both Polish and Jewish hater. Or. more correctly: hater of Jews and Poles. Ha!
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Jul 2022   #27
Yes, I deny what you are so vehemently implying

Sorry for calling you a little coward, I take it back. So you deny that Polish death camps existed.
That makes you anti-semite, radical nationalist and Polish scum.
Glad we are on the same page!

hater of Jews and Poles.

Maybe I'm Jewish or Polish or both. Would that make me something else than what you claim that Im?
You like to label people left and right on moment notice and with little if any consideration. So, I would like to know more about your lables.

By the way. Why I'm a hater? Would that make New York Times and all newspapers that write about Polish death camps haters of Poles or Jews or both?

Stupid one.

It was a joke, if they are stupid or wise that doesn't matter, what matters are they funny,
pawian  226 | 27585
11 Jul 2022   #28
Glad we are on the same page!

Fortunately, we aren`t. You are nationalist svoloch full of hatred, I am normal. :):)

they funny,

You are imagining things. :):)
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
11 Jul 2022   #29
You are nationalist svoloch full of hatred, I am normal. :):)

So you keep saying but there is evidence to do contrary. Evidence and facts against you just saying it.
You can claim what you want we all know those are just pitful attemps to divert atention from yourslef.
By that expression - we are on the same page I meant that you admitted after some time that you ' you deny that Polish death camps existed.That makes you anti-semite, radical nationalist and Polish scum.'

That you and me recognise that fact and agree with it. I see you are in denial!
pawian  226 | 27585
11 Jul 2022   #30
to divert atention from yourslef.

Yes, I have never been an attention seeker. You know me so well, after those years. :):):)

That makes you anti-semite,

If you say so....:):)

Polish scum.'

OK, so be it. :):):)

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