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Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians)

Vlad1234  16 | 883
2 Jun 2020   #121
what one and his own civilization gains from expansion

Typically it is the lebensraum (living space), natural resources and slaves/cheap workforce.
pawian  226 | 27585
24 Jun 2020   #122
"The great organizers of the Lithuanian nation genocide" - J.Stalinas A.Hitleris

There are nationalist idiots in every country. Lithuania isn`t an exception.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
24 Jun 2020   #123
In my opinion ( That is worthless to moderation ) is that Pilsudki was a good man (Given the times) that didn't kill millions like Hitler and Stalin did.

My grandfather said (One of Pilsudski's officers) that it was very possible that if the battle of Warsaw was not won the Bolshevicks could have gone on to take advantage of decimated British,French,German Imperialist nations and installed leftisst ( knock statues down ) commie rule in Europe way before Hitler even got a chance to build Nazi Germany.

Oh the irony Hitler or Stalin which would you choose.
call1n  2 | 192
16 Jul 2020   #124
Hitler and Stalin could not agree on who would get Poland. No one in the UK or the US suggested that Poland should not be apart of the USSR or of Germany.

Jews to this day suggest that the world turned its back on them. They insist that Poland was guilty.
It really is the fact that early day communist were majority Jewish and they were the ones that wanted Poland.
Poland did not turn its back on Jews, Jews turned their back on Poland.
16 Jul 2020   #125
Jews represented the majority of secret commie police in Poland - the UB/SB which was the same thing basically as the NKVD or KGB
pawian  226 | 27585
16 Jul 2020   #126
Jews represented the majority of secret commie police in Poland

No, it`s a myth: Jews were majority in top management. Middle and lower ranks were 80% ethnic Poles. Sad but true. It was mostly a Polish peasant simpleton from the countryside who tortured his Polish compatriots during cruel investigations. .
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Jul 2020   #127
Polish peasant simpleton

So how do you explain Salomon Morel.
pawian  226 | 27585
16 Jul 2020   #128
So how do you explain Salomon Morel.

Very easy - he was one of those 20% which remains when we subtract 80% Poles in commie police.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Jul 2020   #129
he was one of those 20%

That's interesting can you point me so the source that gives these percentages , I have not come across this, I would like to understand more.
pawian  226 | 27585
16 Jul 2020   #130
Dear Dolno, there is a lot of info about it scattered all over the net, I also know it from books and papers.

Read the paragraph which begins with these words and the next one:
Według [historyka i posła na sejm z ramienia Prawa i Sprawiedliwości - przyp. red.] Ryszarda Terleckiego w 1945 roku 95 procent funkcjonariuszy było narodowości polskiej,

According to a PiS historian, 95% of UB members in 1945 were ethnic Poles. In 1953, it was close to 100%.

If we assume that some functionaries feared revealing their true background, it gives us a rough number of 20% who weren`t true ethnic Poles.

Sorry, the Jewish UB myth was inspired by patriotic Poles who wanted to avoid tarnishing the nation with such atrocities which UB commited on Poles,. No, it was mostly Poles against Poles. Sad but true.

That is why you should understand why I am against rightards who are ruling now : they also divide and conquer the nation like those communists in the past. They put Poles against each other and relish the fruit of the confrontation.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
16 Jul 2020   #131
That is why you should understand why I am against rightards who are ruling now

Dolno knows nothing about Polish politics , apart from its a great way to wind people up .

I am currently having fun here with my more liberal friends they hate the term fagowski that I picked up here on the forum. laugh a minute.
pawian  226 | 27585
16 Jul 2020   #132
Yes, Fagowski vs Dupa. It is the same belittling used by both sides. However, it is more often exploited by rightards - they enjoy being nasty creatures.
call1n  2 | 192
18 Jul 2020   #133
Kiss my ass.
I am referring to the early day communist of the soviet union were Jews.
Put that together that the Polish Provisional government was also run by Jews.

You don't have a case. It is just that pornographic sites such as Wikipedia hide what they know is true.

Leon Trotsky's real name was Michael Bronstien from the Bronx, New York.

That is all I need to know.
gumishu  15 | 6228
18 Jul 2020   #134
Fagowski vs Dupa

My favourite is Kopertfield (a nickname for Grodzki)

Back to the topic please
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
19 Jul 2020   #135
To get back on topic
Lithuanians have all the reason to be negative towards Piłsudski, it's just the scale that was stretched, a bit too much
call1n  2 | 192
19 Jul 2020   #136
I could see why Lithuania did not like Piłsudski. Lithuania was part of the Russian Empire.

At this time Lithuania and Poland should get together and be the centerpiece of European Identity. The UK and their secret Pan-Germanism. Two world wars were staged to hide that the UK and Germany are the same entity. The EU is Hitler's dream
Crow  154 | 9560
19 Jul 2020   #137
The EU is Hitler's dream

Actually, of those magnates behind Hitler. Magnates of Vatican, Germany, UK, USA, and France. EU is nothing but revival of dream where Austro-Hungaria and Germany wanted to create a merged and united state. Fortunately, happened Gavrilo and in case of EU, they made a mistake and moved against Yugoslavia.

The UK and their secret Pan-Germanism. Two world wars were staged to hide that the UK and Germany are the same entity

It was business for the UK and the USA. They didn't like the idea but they entered in it the same way they entered in the destruction of Yugoslavia and partition of Serbs.
pawian  226 | 27585
19 Jul 2020   #138
Lithuanians have all the reason to be negative towards Piłsudski,

Yes, after all, he organised the fake Żelichowski`s mutiny which seized Wilno region for Poland.

Piłsudski had no other choice and did it in a clever way. If I was Lithuanian, I wouldn`t like Piłsudski, either. hahahaha

Polish Chief of State Józef Piłsudski surreptitiously ordered Żeligowski to carry out the operation, and revealed the truth several years later. The area was formally annexed by Poland in 1922 and internationally recognized as Polish territory in 1923. Nevertheless, Lithuania continued to claim the Vilnius region.[1][2]
Crow  154 | 9560
19 Jul 2020   #139
Polish Chief of State Józef Piłsudski surreptitiously ordered Żeligowski to carry out the operation, and revealed the truth several years later.

What we know it could be his political maneuvering, compromise with some circles. He maybe never ordered such a thing to Żeligowski. And, after all, to whom he revealed anything? Who is that witness?
pawian  226 | 27585
19 Jul 2020   #140
which seized Wilno region for Poland.

Of course, I was thinking of secured, not seized. Sometimes my thoughts wander off too much.

nd, after all, to whom he revealed anything? Who is that witness?

It was Żeligowski himself who confided in his subordfinate officers, among others heroic Witold Pilecki.
Crow  154 | 9560
19 Jul 2020   #141
It was Żeligowski himself who confided in his subordfinate officers

Well, I`m no obliged to trust it. Non is obliged. Neither is history obliged. So simple forget that info.
OP Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
20 Jul 2020   #142
There is no reason to omit it, Lithuanians know it, Poles know it. Poles are not Soviets that need to hide things under the carpet to function
Crow  154 | 9560
20 Jul 2020   #143
Alright, if it happened it happened. Lithuanians should learn and love Poland more.
pawian  226 | 27585
14 Jan 2023   #144
A/Some Lithuanians have made post stamps of Piłsudski side by side with Hitler and Stalin

That`s funny coz most Lithuanians during WW2 allied with Hitler in order to get rid of their greatest enemies, Poles and Soviets. That is why, juxtaposing Hitler and Stalin in a Lithuanian card looks quite hilarious.

Home / History / Piłsudski, like Hitler and Stalin (according to some Lithuanians)

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