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Introduction to Polish history! From a Polish perspective

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12023
5 Jul 2022   #31
Yes they were cunning and sucessful warriors family.

Still....even those have a beginning somewhere....a first.....
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #34
a sucessfull slave traders..

Hey, cojest, how about helping the guy become a better storyteller instead of bsing about slave traders.
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
5 Jul 2022   #35
wow......never heard that....

Did you know that at the time 700 - 900 there was slave trade that florish in this area, lots of sliver arbic coins from that time..

Saxons were into it as well before Christianity. As a pagan you didn't live as a eco, free, firendly guy on the forest floor but you could as well become a slave or a live offerning to gods.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12023
5 Jul 2022   #36
Who were the slaves? And who were the buyers?

As a pagan you didn't live as a eco, free, firendly guy

Nah.....I'm not a lefty Hippie at all....I just have something against all that religious conversion....all people today fearing a muslim takeover....well, they are the modern pagans, heh:)

A REAL European is/was a pagan....everything else had been imported from far away places...the Middle East no's not native to Europe, to Europeans, never has been....just saying!

(but more of that and the Admin removes us)
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #37
Kashub, try this...Whatever you wrote so far, cut it up into simple, one noun and one verb sentences - with dates if applicable. Like: In xxxx, y did z. Then add adverbs and adjectives but only if absolutely necessary and never the subjective kind to show how you feel.

Next, combine sentences to make things less mechanical. Write in Polish and google translate into English. This will show you if what you wrote is understandable and will eliminate English spelling and punctuation errors. If you prefer to write in English, install Grammarly.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12023
5 Jul 2022   #38
.....not this written for Poles or foreigners? It might need slightly different approaches and explanations...maybe....
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #39
.is this written for Poles or foreigners?

Obviously for foreigners. Poles already know their history.

Why am I the only one here trying to help the guy? With all these teachers crawling under every PF rock, plus Z, he should be inundated with offers of help. Instead, all he gets are these stupid polite smiles.
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Jul 2022   #40
@Bratwurst Boy
English speakers, which is why I wrote it in English on a forums regarding Polish matters/topics since it's

Poles already know their history.

I must disagree on that one, most Poles remember what they had to memorise to pass examinations, knowing one's own history is a bit of a stretch...
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #41
I was being facetious. I hated history as a composite of facts with very few whys.
Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #42
Every nation interprets their own history in accordance with what makes THEM come out smelling like a rose!

Rarely is the opposite the case:-)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #44
Obviously there are exception, B.B., you know that! You ought to know me by this time. However, the Poles have typically been the opposite of the Germans.

At numerous Holocaust rememberance cerememonies over the years, the Germans have been the sole bearers of responsibility, carrying the show as it were; in all instances, both the Poles and the Austrian reps in attendance, said NOTHING!!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12023
5 Jul 2022   #45
Obviously there are exception, B.B., you know that!

...yeah...hence the smiley:)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #46
Of course, why else?
One of the bravest and most selfless pieces of critical internal examination
was an old RO-RO Verlag paperback by the SPIEGEL-journalist Dieter Zimmer.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jul 2022   #47
One sentence. What a mess...

And that's why professional authors have editors ..........

@Kashub, don't take Novi's advice of writing in Polish and using Google Translate. Keep writing in English. You'll develop your English language skills and develop your own writing style po Angielsku. It's a good project :)
Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #48
We only hope, jon!
OP Kashub1410  6 | 580
5 Jul 2022   #49
What history books did you read if I might ask. Is Poland part of the axis there? I am being serious
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #50
And that's why professional authors have editors ..........

And how is he going to get that service or ANY feedback? So far you and other weasels here gave him nothing. Google translator will be a crutch but at least he can take the first steps under some supervision. If not google, you?

You'll develop your English language skills twenty years.

develop your own writing style po Angielsku.

Before you develop your own English, you have to first know English. Duh!
pawian  226 | 27583
5 Jul 2022   #51
being invaded and engulfed by mongolian rule for a long long time.

Which left permanent scars in Russ people`s psyche. Unfortunately.

first crowned King of Poland: Bolesław

1025 AD.

Romantic rendition

  • bol7.jpg

  • 6ca4c2b938b84a208.jpg
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #52
Which left permanent scars in Russ people`s psyche. Unfortunately.

Are you going to moan or help him write in better English?

Romantic rendition

History is not about romances so chill out, little girl.
pawian  226 | 27583
5 Jul 2022   #53
to moan

Where did you see moaning? Do you mean you see things which don`t exist? :):):)

write in better English

His English is good enough and additionally very vivid when it comes to describing the past. You wouldn`t be able to write such texts, that is why you are so envious that we pay attention to Kashub instead of you. HA!

Monastic Order from the Crusades

Called Krzyżacy - Cross Bearers - a name that evoked fear among Poles for two centuries. Yes, despite religious background, they were svoloche, like RuSSists today.

  • krzyzacy2Kopiowani.jpg
Novichok  4 | 9051
5 Jul 2022   #54
Where did you see moaning?

OK, lamenting...Here:


Are you going to help him or not?

You wouldn`t be able to write such texts,

If that was my ability to write in English I would kill myself.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 547
5 Jul 2022   #55
Right Rich, Write like a zombie, with no feelings whatsoever, and necessarily short and to the point, in one-syllable sentences.:::)))
pawian  226 | 27583
5 Jul 2022   #56
History is not about romances

Of course it is. Darling, where did you get your education? In a Mongol school?

romantic, ideas.

Exactly. Dobrawa married Mieszko when he was still a pagan. Soon, she forced him to adopt christianity in 966 by refusing to sleep with him. The power of love!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1521
5 Jul 2022   #57

Don't mind Novichok. He wouldn't know good literature if it slapped him in the face. :) He hates poetry and denigrates the Polish language in which the greatest poetry of the 20th century was written (Miłosz, Herbert, Szymborska).

If I were to give you any advice regarding your writing, I would advise using more poetic metaphors and slightly longer sentences.
pawian  226 | 27583
5 Jul 2022   #58
Dobrawa married Mieszko when he was still a pagan.

Romantic rendition of Dobrawa

  • 2_zote_banknote_a.jpg
Lyzko  45 | 9751
5 Jul 2022   #59
"Axis". Kaszub?? What on earth do you mean? You must know that if you're speaking here about WWII, the Axis Powers were limited solely to Germany, Italy, Spain, and Japan as opposed to the Allies, namely Britain, the US, France, The Soviet Union, and of course Poland!

What histories have you been reading, seriously?
Miloslaw  20 | 5140
5 Jul 2022   #60
both the Poles and the Austrian reps in attendance, said NOTHING!

Mate, you really need to stop your attacks on supposed Polish antisemitism.
And focus more on countries like the USA where it is rife.

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