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Polish history is 100% glorious

ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #211
Be nice and tell as why I am antisemite.
Or better give us link to whole post.
Anyway I am antisemite and VERY proud to be called by you that way. For me it means I say TRUTH and you belong to bunch of Jews trying to stop me.

here is the TRUTH your kind of Jew is LIEING ver. : bitte

proud to be called anti-semite
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #212
Well, it was a period of widespread violence against Jews with of course the culmination in the Kielce incident. Most of them in Eastern Poland, however, there was violence in Western Poland too and in Krakow, which doesn't really lie in Eastern Poland.

Yes, Kraków is in the South and was in the Austrian partition. Well, as I wrote - it's just a theory ;) Maybe Russian partition had some influence, maybe it was because it was the poorest partition and least developed, I don't know.

It's not like, of course, Russians invented anti-semitism and it came from Russia to Poland :)

Paulina, ender is an anti semite, not covertly but openly. He even proclaimed himself to be proud of it. I mean stupid is as stupid does, but to be actually proud of it, takes the biscuit :)

I was just curious if by writing "Kosher Zeitung" he meant "Gazeta Wyborcza" :) Because I gave a link to an article in and this newspaper is called by people with radical right-wing views (those who are anti-semites at least) as "Jewish", "communist", "anti-Polish" and stuff like that ;)

I said nothing like that, and it didn't.

I meant that there were pogroms before and Jews were killed.

Easy Terran was saying that the Poles were only puppets in Ruskie's hands.

What do you mean by that? A crowd of ordinary people killed the Jews. The police did almost nothing to stop this. Do you have any evidence to prove it wasn't the case?

Important date, important meating (July, Nurymberg... do I have to draw a picture here???)

And what about other pogroms in history of Poland? How would you explain them?
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #213
And HERE is proof how smart is that brain-washed Jew

MareGaea Threads: 41Posts: 4,943Joined: Feb 6, 08Gender: Male Jun 19, 10, 12:05 / #90

Hitler was an anti semite. Hitler started WW2, so indirectly it lead to WW2. KZ were built for this purpose

And Poles helped Hitler in Ghetto Rising
this film was made by Jews in 90ies I think

proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jews
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #214
For me it means I say TRUTH and you belong to bunch of Jews trying to stop me.

Ah well, I hear they feed you three times a day in the institution.

According to ender the Communist régime in Poland consisted solely out of Jews and the Jews were out for the kill. Well, you get deluded minds like that all the time. You know, a skewed view on history is not that bad, but if you blame other ppl for what you did to them, it gets malicious. I never denied there were Jews amongst the Communists back in the days, but there were also Poles and there were many more Poles amongst the Communists than Jews and it's not other than logical: there were simply not enough Jews left after WW2 to fill the entire ranks of the Communists. They were murdered in WW2, remember that? So this is where the myth of the Communists in Poland consisting of mainly Jews end. They couldn't come out of the Soviet Union, for as you know, the Nazis killed Jews there too! And Stalin as well as the Russians weren't that big a fan of the Jews either. Still strikes me that a group is being punished by another group because of some of that first group were part of yet another group, while there were more members of the second group part of the third group. I guess it makes sense to the insane mind.

One day the Poles will admit and then the road lies open for acceptance. But until then, there will be sick minds maintaining the most glorious nonsense known to mankind.

this film was made by Jews in 90ies I think

Ah, your favourite (and only) example. How many times have you posted this single example? 13290 times? However, you never seem to mention the title of the movie, so we can actually check whether it's made by Jews or not.


M-G (tiens)
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #215
According to MG Hitler started WWII to kill Jews, Poles are so skilled that they are able to fit 1600 Jews in shoe box. And Jews culture is at least 100 000 old and all this time they spent on Polish land. And Poles made this movie to trick Jews.

not only ;-), check above

However, you never seem to mention the title of the movie

Fully, I've seen only one Israeli film (gay film BTW)

proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jew smearing own **** on hotel walls in Cracow

Content removed
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #216
One day the Poles will admit

Admit what?

and then the road lies open for acceptance.

What acceptance?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #217
According to MG Hitler started WWII to kill Jews, Poles are so skilled that they are able to fit 1600 Jews in shoe box. And Jews culture is at least 100 000 old and all this time they spent on Polish land.

You know, I will talk to your doctor to increase the dosage as the one you're getting now doesn't seem to work enough. My stupid little boy, you would not recognize sarcasm even if it hit you right in the face, now wouldn't you? And besides, I never said that Hitler started the war to kill Jews.

You still haven't mentioned the title of the film. And upon which do you base that it was made by Jews? On one of the comments to this clip at YouTube? Hardly a reliable source, isn't it? You can mention that before you leave this thread.

Admit what?

That it was them who committed the Pogrom in Kielce. Besides you and a few others on here, the usual suspects all deny it. And admitting that one's history might not be as glorious as one always has thought it was, is the first step to accepting that it was just that, which in turn means coming to terms with it, which in turn means letting the past go and move forward instead of remaining in the past.


M-G (from under every stone and rock they come crawling)

From your link:

The term Żydokomuna originated in connection with the Russian Bolshevik Revolution and became a prominent antisemitic stereotype[15] expressing political paranoia[11] and targeting Jewish communists during the Polish-Soviet War.

And even more:

The vigor of antisemitism during the first post-war decade cannot be exclusively attributed to the prominent role of individuals of Jewish extraction in the newly-established Communist regimes. Various factors played a role-from the continuation of traditional anti-Jewish sentiments (ethnically or religiously inspired) to the overall radicalizing effect of the war and the fear that the Jews who returned from camps, exile or hiding would reclaim their [property].

And I could go on to show you how your own link undermines your statements :D

Now go away before I pee in my pants laughing.

Edit: oh, and I could report you for that last remark about my mom, but I won't; I am sure everybody else can read it too. Now fcuk off.


M-G (hahahaha, next!)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
19 Aug 2010   #218
One day the Poles will admit and then the road lies open for acceptance. But until then, there will be sick minds maintaining the most glorious nonsense known to mankind.

Well good you say you don't deny that there were Jews among the communists at one point. There might be the start of normal dialog on the bad that both Jews and Poles have done to each other.

The problem with you is that you generalize about Poles doing anti-semitic things to Jews by trying to define most or all Poles by bad Poles (and never answering the question WHY Jews CHOSE to LIVE in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS if Poles are as bad as you say).

All people like myself do is point out the bad things that some Jews have done to Poles and you go crazy.

If you want to say that SOME Poles did bad things to Jews, that may be a fair statement. Just like SOME Jews did terrible things to Poles. That's what this comes down to in my book and any fair minded person's book is that there is good and bad in all groups. Wouldn't you agree? Or do you? Or do you think there were bareley any bad Jews that existed?

Here is information about the bad behavior of Jews from JEWISH SOURCES

From the Book "Revolution From Abroad" - Jan Gross (hardly a Pro-Polish guy)

Pg 32"What Poles and Ukrainians report, often with biting irony, the Jews do not deny: "Jews greeted the Soviet army with joy. The youth was spending days and evenings with the soldiers" "Jews received incoming Russians enthusiastically, they [the Russians] also trusted them [the Jews].

The first days of the Bolsheviks' presence were very nice. People (Jews) went out into the streets, kept looking over tanks, children walked after the soldiers"

Stalin's Jews

Why don't you address these above statements from JEWISH SOURCES??? Are they anti-semitic liars?? LOL

Not to mention what the US, British, Dutch and Russian governments have said about the origin of communism years ago. Forget about the Poles.

Of course it would be unfair to define all Jews today by the bad behavior of these Stalin Jews, since every group has bad and good as I have said many times. But you have to admit that Jews were DISPROPORTIONATELY represented in Soviet-Communist ranks. That's all Poles are saying in RESPONSE to you trying to demonize Poles in general by the bad behavior of SOME Poles.

So tell me MareGaea, in your opinion how many Jews have Poles killed according to you? I want to see where your coming from.

One day the Poles will admit and then the road lies open for acceptance. But until then, there will be sick minds maintaining the most glorious nonsense known to mankind.

Where have you been the past 2 decades? For the past 2 decades. From Walesa on, Polish governments have been falling over themselves either apologizing to Jews for perceived anti-semitism and or the Polish governments are Pro-Israel.

Meanwhile Jews are put on a pedestal and NEVER asked in public by the Polish government WHY did MOST Jews CHOSE to Live in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS? Was "anti-semitism" the reason why Poland was a MAGNET for Jews for ONE THOUSAND YEARS?


What is really sick minded is when a nation of people have to virtually get on there knees and beg for some kind of forgiveness from Jews especially when that nation gave Jews (who weren't always angels themselves) more relative freedoms and opportunities to develope their families and culture when virtually every other nation was hostile to Jews.
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #219
What do you mean by that? A crowd of ordinary people killed the Jews. The police did almost nothing to stop this. Do you have any evidence to prove it wasn't the case?

Pogrom doesn't mean killing, so yes there were pogroms but mostly against property, and the rest I would classified as political conflict, Jews in Poland had their own party's, and they were fighting as well, Poles were killed too.

In 1918 and 1919 were during the war with soviets and Jews rightly or not were seen as Bolsheviks V column.
70 victims in about 20 years is not big number, I would like to check this data, it may take time as I have real life to attend to :)

What I meant was - there was no intent to kill before and wasn't carried out on such a scale(proven even by unchecked above number).

and this newspaper is called by people with radical right-wing views (those who are anti-semites at least) as "Jewish", "communist", "anti-Polish" and stuff like that ;)

this newspaper is called by people with brains - lying rag!

I-S(The truth cleans your mind,truth refreshes,truth is beauty, beauty is truth.)
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #220
And I have to say most 'Polish secret police' were Russian or Polish Jews.

proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jew

and new page new youtube to remind 'historical and original' film from Ghetto Rising
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #221
That it was them who committed the Pogrom in Kielce. Besides you and a few others on here, the usual suspects all deny it.

Well, for most normal people in Poland it's pretty obvious that Poles did it, I think. And there is a memorial plaque at 7 Planty Street and a monument nearby (not very impressive though, I must admit :/) uncovered during an aniversary of the pogrom (it was transmitted live by Polish TV) and on this occasion there was a concert in an open-air theater of Jewish kantors from Israel which I attended with my mom (there were a lot of people, whole families with children) so I guess we're getting there slowly...

And admitting that one's history might not be as glorious as one always has thought it was, is the first step to accepting that it was just that, which in turn means coming to terms with it, which in turn means letting the past go and move forward instead of remaining in the past.

I agree.
But after 50 years of hibernation facing the truth is painful and we're probably still in the stage of digesting it all...
It's not pleasant to know that your compatriots killed their neighbours out of some irrational prejudices, so people try to rationalise it or blame it on somebody else or deny it.

And, I think, some Poles are afraid to admit what was done in the past because they think that also present-day Poles will be labeled as some monsters who have anti-semitism in their genes.

I can see sometimes the same fear in some Russians blaming the Nazis for the Katyń massacre. It seems they don't believe that Russians could do such a thing. And probably they don't want to.

I've noticed the same about Turks denying Armenian genocide. They don't want to be viewed by the world as monsters.
Of course, people who deny such things or try to blame it on others choose the wrong way, they just make the world believe they didn't change. But it's sometimes difficult to explain this to them :)

Well, I guess the best way is to educate people in a calm and not agressive manner.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #222

Oh no no no! You have no new material? Here they are again...The Stalin Jews! That link to that column I have seen pass by for about 500 times by now. Is this the only source there is for....The Stalin Jews! ? Also, everybody knows that there were loads of Jews in Poland. Question is why relationships detoriated since the 1600's. Yes - it's not sth that just came to be in the 20th century, no! It's already 400 years old! So of the 700 years the Jews were in Poland, about 300 years were happy and peacefully with no friction whatsoever. Then sth must've changed as they weren't friends anymore for the biggest part of that time. Under Pilsusdki they were pretty much emancipated again, but after that it was party time again with Endecja and all the fun that happened in the 1940's and after. In the 20th century a new script came into play: the Jewish Communist! This was a new club, mainly alive in the heads of non-Jews, who looked in envy to the better-off individuals of "THEM". Nobody really knows where this myth comes from, but it is assumed that this pamphlet by the White Armies of the Russian Civil War lays at the bottom of it:

It was an invention of the White Anti Communist Propaganda who abused the fact that Leon Trotski was of Jewish descent in order to put a nice new flavour to the war: random killing of Jews. And it happened: tens of thousands of Jews were randomly murdered during the Russian Civil War, as well as with the Polish - Soviet War, which of course was a part of the Russian Civil War. You have to hand it to the propaganda machine of the Whites: they did a very good job; nearly 100 years later ppl still believe their story.

Your referral to Gross' book is proof that he is as neutral as can be - so Neighbours and Fear weren't such lies after all? Or is Gross only a good guy when he writes convenient things?

The elite in Poland has long admitted that the things at stake here were committed by Poles, now only the common man has to admit it and we can go all smilingly through one door. Here's another part from Gross:

An insulting debate was conducted over the semantics of a new monument to replace the old one that held the Nazis responsible for the crime; the inscription that was finally decided upon honors the dead but does not name their murderers, despite complaints from Jewish groups and the Israeli ambassador. The commemoration ceremony was boycotted by almost all of Jedwabne's residents, who posted signs reading "We Do Not Apologize" and "Let the Slanderers Apologize to the Polish Nation." Also not in attendance were any representatives of the Polish church: not the local priest, Edward Orlowski, who had claimed that "what happened in Jedwabne also happened all over Europe," or Cardinal Józef Glemp, who said in a statement that the Jews should apologize for collaborating with the Soviets.

What is really sick minded is when a nation of people have to virtually get on there knees and beg for some kind of forgiveness from Jews especially when that nation gave Jews (who weren't always angels themselves) more relative freedoms and opportunities to develope their families and culture when virtually every other nation was hostile to Jews.

Nobody is asking anybody to go on their knees. Only open admittance that it happened and was perpetrated by Poles. Not by Soviets, Tommy James and the Shondells, Eskimos or alien invaders from the 3rd moon of Jupiter. Only thing you have to do, and what the entire world wants from you, is to say: "yes, it was us. We did it and we are deeply ashamed of it that we have done so." Nobody will kill you for it. Nobody will humiliate you for it. Example: the Dutch have admitted many times that they invented the slave trade of black Africans to the Carribbean, North- and South America. Nobody killed us for admitting that and we're doing pretty well ever since this admittance. But they will keep killing you if you keep blaming others for it. Luckily the group ferociously denying it or blaming on some other group or on the group themselves is getting smaller and smaller. Thank God for progress.

Anyway, I would write more, but I have a report for work to finish tonight and I have to do some other stuff as well. It has been fun for today, come again, all of you. I'd be happy to rebuke all of the myths and other nonsense used to justify the murder of innocent survivors of history's biggest organised killing. But that was the quintessential point of this discussion anyway: Kielce as a precendent as to why the whole world thinks Poles are notorious anti semites. Too bad the example started to lead a life of it's own and that not has been focused on the mechanisms I posted in that respective post.

But feel free to spill some more. It's been very entertaining so far, I'd love to see more of it :)


Well, I guess the best way is to educate people in a calm and not agressive manner.

True, but a good way as well is to use humour :)

Edit 2: Doctor! Doctor! Come quick! Ender is doing it again! He needs his medication!

M-G (tiens)
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #223
"yes, it was us. We did it and we are deeply ashamed of it that we have done so."

But I didn't kill anyone :P

(I've learned this from Russians ;D)

So, maybe it should be like this: "yes, it was the Poles. Poles did it and we are deeply ashamed of it that are compatriots have done so."

Paulina (just wondering if this version would be acceptable ;))
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #224
Paulina (just wondering if this version would be acceptable ;))

kiss the ass would be appropriate now...

I-S( well?)
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #225
Size of barn in Jedwabne where 1600 Jews where burnt
16m x 7m; 52ft x 23ft; 17y x 7y I am proud from with my ancestors, they where able to fit 1600 people into the shoe box and burn them.

here is picture

proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jew

  • foto_01_f_f.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #226
kiss the ass would be appropriate now...

You know, Ironside, I know a Russian who is a member of Memoriał
( )
and dug the bones of Polish officers killed by NKVD, created a blog about Katyń where he puts information and evidence concerning the massacre and is discussing it with Russians and trying to convince them on the internet that NKVD did it. And you know how some Russians call this? Kissing the ass of Poles :)

The same is with one Russian woman from Moscow and I've learned a lot from her (but probably not enough).

I'm not kissing anyone's ass. I just try to explain some things and find out something for myself too.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Aug 2010   #227

Darn, I can't look on this forum or you're at it again. This time you should get your facts straight: 1600 was the total number of deaths in Jedwabne, of which between 250-400 were put in the notorious barn and burned alive.

The Nazis managed to put more than that in cattle wagons which were smaller than that barn, so it's not really spectacular.

Anything else you want to share with us?


M-G (darn, having so much fun, it's probably going to be late before I finish that report)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
19 Aug 2010   #228
myth A: the Jews were commies, a myth that apparently still lives today, remarkably;

Yet at the same time, they love to claim that "the Jew" allegedly runs the entire media, owns all the banks, owns too much property and too many businesses - none of which seem like even slightly Communistic activities to me ;)
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #229
Polish officers killed by NKVD,

I don't think the comparison is right, you should know it yourself...
Seanus  15 | 19666
19 Aug 2010   #230
I think Russia is fighting an uphill battle with a gradient not measurable by any theodolite if it thinks that it can befriend Poland. You just have to do a cross sweep of Polish fora and you will see the NKVD or its successor, the KGB, being mentioned.
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #231
et at the same time, they love to claim that "the Jew" allegedly runs the entire media, owns all the banks, owns too much property and too many businesses - none of which seem like even slightly Communistic activities to me ;)

don't be daft ....
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #232
1600 was the total number of deaths in Jedwabne, of which between 250-400 were put in the notorious barn and burned alive


The Nazis managed to put more than that in cattle wagons which were smaller than that barn, so it's not really spectacular

even bigger bollox

Let me simplify so you saying Poles put 250 Jews to barn, burn them, then they build another burn in the same place, put 250 Jews and they did 4 times more within ONE day. YOU MADE MY NATION GREAT. THAN YOU. Forget about 1600 people, think how great and determined thous people were.

I am even more proud from my German neighbors they were able to fit 1600 people to ONE wagon. How many wagons they needed for 2 000 000 people? hmmm 1250 MAN

I am proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jew
MediaWatch  10 | 942
19 Aug 2010   #233

Stalin's Jews,7340,L-3342999,00.html

Why don't you address what this Jewish writer said about Jewish involvement in Communism???.

Of course it shouldn't be a reflection on good Jews like you, so what's the problem?

You want to know if I have more information on Jewish involvement in Communism and other bad things Jews have done? I do but I thought I would start out with simple articles from Jews themselves.

What about the father of Communism "Karl Marx"? Now am I a bad guy for pointing out that he was Jewish?. No I am not saying all Jews are Communists I'm just pointing out those bad Jews. How about if I point out that Jewish American banker Jacob Shiff pumped 20 Million dollars in 1920 into the Bolshevik Revolution? This is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of these sources are not by Poles either. Do you want me to talk about next the "Holocaust Industry" by other Jews?

So please answer my question I asked before. How many Jews do you say Poles have killed?

Your referral to Gross' book is proof that he is as neutral as can be - so Neighbours and Fear weren't such lies after all? Or is Gross only a good guy when he writes convenient things?

Excellent Point!

Jan Gross wrote one-sided Jewish Supremacist anti-Polish books AFTER he saw he could profit from a certain wealthy anti-Polish segment of the Jewish community.

I think Jan Gross should COMBINE all of his books into ONE! You see Jan Gross is a hypocrite. In his anti-Polish books he basically questions "Why Poles hate Jews and did bad things to Jews"?? But his EARLIER INFORMATION ANSWERED THOSE QUESTIONS! His earlier book "Revolution from Abroad" showed how Jews were vicious anti-Polish anti-Ukrainian opportunists who OPENLY COLLABORATED with Soviets killing Poles and Ukrainians.

Gee, I wonder why Gross never made that connection??? LOL

But Jan Gross did acknowledge he EXAGGERATED the bad things Poles did to Jews. He was even cocky about it. Like when Poles said to him the barn that supposedly was used to burn SIXTEEN HUNDRED JEWS could ONLY FIT less than 300 Hundred people into it.

When Gross was asked (by Poles from the town of Jedwabne) how he could be so far off and say SIXTEEN HUNDRED JEWS could be in a Jedwabne barn that fits only 300 HUNDRED (or less), Gross smugly responded with a smirk, and said "I thought I would round off that number" and then Gross WALKED AWAY. What a cocky arrogant bastard.

He knew he was lying about how many Jews were killed in that barn, but hey he knew that would make "news" to the Polish-Haters in certain Jewish segments like the New York Times which believes all horrible things said about Poles by Jews, Hook Line and Sinker!

When Poles from the town of Jedwabne (the town he domonized as anti-semitic) came up to him to ask him tough questions, Jan Gross literally walked away from them. Gee I wonder why??? I guess it was a big difference to talk about "horrible Poles" in front of crowds of Jews salivating to hate Poles vs. Poles asking him tough questions about his "facts" in his exaggerated book.
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #234
he is not daft he is polish Jew (Wolińska's son), sorry English Jew now a days.
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #235
I don't think the comparison is right, you should know it yourself...

Why not? Both for Poles and Russians it's difficult to come to terms with what happened and both nations have a communist past (and it was 50 years of propaganda for Poles nad 70 years for Russians).

It may be different in this way that Polish officers were killed by a selected group of people and it was done due to a secret order of Stalin. And the Jews were killed by ordinary Poles, people from the same city :/
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #236
Polish history is 100% glorius

Polish-hater Jew attacked Poles

After incident Poles has been arrested by Polish Police, Jew didn't have to answer any question. Jedwabne please come back. Lets build 6 new barns

proud to be called atisemite by brain-washed Jew
Ironside  51 | 13083
19 Aug 2010   #237
Why not?

scale, premeditation, and soviet state apparatus
on the other hand if we assume than some polish elements did it ......there was criminal or deranged element demoralised by war and a few victims.

I don't feel responsible for that at all.
ender  5 | 394
19 Aug 2010   #238
my fellows there is no point giving him ANY facts HE WILL NEVER admit that on Jedwabne barn died 200 Jew he WILL NEVER admit that communist Jews were killing Poles. But he will stop for couple days or weeks and HE WILL come repeating same lies in hope some new members see them. Don't believe? Check his post her its continues lies with small brakes for explanation how tolerant he is.

proud to be called antisemite by brain-washed Jew
Paulina  19 | 4556
19 Aug 2010   #239
scale, premeditation, and soviet state apparatus

But the denial machanism is the same. People don't want to be viewed as monsters.

on the other hand if we assume than some polish elements did it ......

It is known that Poles did this, even if we assume that it was inspired in any way by the communist authorities or the Soviets. It was carried out by inhabitants of Kielce. Even some policemen were arrested for doing nothing to stop the killing.

there was criminal or deranged element demoralised by war

Probably, but I'm afraid not only.

and a few victims.

Eh... 37 innocent people isn't "a few victims".

I don't feel responsible for that at all.

And you don't have to, I think. We (me and you) didn't do this. It happened over half of a century ago.
But we have to face the fact that it happened (and that there was anti-semitism in Poland). I think Jews want us to admit that, and that it was wrong, that killing those people was a horrible crime and it shouldn't happen again. I know I would like to hear that from Russians about the Katyń massacre.
ender  5 | 394
20 Aug 2010   #240
To talk about something you need to learn not from school books. Learn from mother of friend ask her details ask her about her opinion. Start reading books. Books like this

check Yad Vashem stories like this:

stories like this:

Don't use newspapers as a well of knowledge use them as a start check their stories from left, right and center. Use internet don't trust only source like Wiki check other portals.

and for God sake START THINKING.

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