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1920 Germany Lands in exchange for the Eastern Lands?

A GOOD german
8 Aug 2023   #1
Would you give Germany its Lands (1920 borders) in Exchange For the Former eastern Lands From poland and a 1billion Dollar Support from Germany?
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #2
Would you give Germany its Lands

Who exactly is you??? :):):)
Alien  25 | 6430
8 Aug 2023   #3
A German God
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #4
There's about 15-17 million Poles living there and hardly any Germans - what would Germany do with those lands? Even eastern Germany is depopulating, so whom would they send to settle even further east - Turks, Syrians, African "doctors and engineers"? Doesn't make sense.

Also, what power does Germany have to offer Ukrainian and Belarussian lands to us? Zagłoba and the Netherlands come to mind. And the same question: whom would Poland send to live in the wild Asian steppes?

No deal.

P.S. What are we supposed to do with $1 billion? Kaczyński spends more on food for his cat. :)
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #5
What are we supposed to do with $1 billion?

The Polish nation doesn`t get up in the morning for one billion. :):):)

The OP probably meant the Polish billion, namely trillion in English.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #6
Also, that would be exchanging more ancient Piast lands for much newer Jagiellonian acquisitions. Nonsensical.

Better question would be: would Germany return old Slavic lands east of Elbe river (Berlin is an ancient Slavic city) in exchange for $2 billion, Kaczyński's cat, and life-time subscription to TV Trwam?
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #7
newer Jagiellonian acquisitions.

The ones that Poles gained through the colonisation of Ruthenia????
No way! The Piast dynasty is the Founding Mother of Poland and their lands are HOLY!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #8
The ones that Poles gained through the colonisation of Ruthenia?

Oh, shut up, Pawian. You wasted enough of my nerves already. :-/

Piast dynasty is the Founding Father of Poland and their lands are HOLY!

Now you're talking. :)
jon357  72 | 23496
8 Aug 2023   #9
Would you give Germany its Lands

What on earth for? They aren't Germany's 'lands' anyway and of course nowadays a billion is peanuts.

The Piast era and 1920 are irrelevances anyway nowadays.
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #10
Now you're talking. :)

Forever and ever.

Would you give Germany its Lands

They are not its. They never were coz Germans stole them from Slavic Poles and the fact that Slavs had stolen them first from Germanic tribes in pre-Poland times doesn`t matter!

The ancient Polish lands are holy to Poles and Polesses. We protected them with out own chests and breasts!
See these two horizontally swimming fishes? They symbolise two major rivers: the Vistula and Odra Rivers. The first runs through central Poland while the other makes German Polish border.

We will never betray the Fellowship of the Fishes!

  • 1.jpg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #11

You are quite correct.

However, fish in the Odra river are a bit of a delicate topic these days.
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #12
Not much to add beyond what Kania has said.

You cannot give, what you do not control.

Yesterday I may have been making jokes about what piece of Ukraine, Ironside would like to annex... However - reality is of course more complex.

Trying to take my Russian hat off, and be a neutral commentator:

1) The "German" lands are primarily populated by Kresy-origin Poles. In many cases, entire villages were relocated from modern Belarus to current Silesia. Many of those people continued to "live on suitcases" for the first few years after the deportations, because they wanted to go home.

2) Many, very many, of Poland's greatest authors and statesmen came from the Kresy. Rej, who is considered the father of Polish literature, was born in modern Zhuravno, Ukraine. Mickiewicz was born in what is modern Belarus. The same man, that wrote: "Litwo, Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie". As a foreigner, these were my first introductions to Poland, and the way I came to take an interest in it.

3) Bottom line, Poland has a significantly stronger connection to the East, than it does to what it lost in the West many centuries ago.
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #13
1) The "German" lands are primarily populated by Kresy-origin Poles.

The topic popularised in the Pawlak Kargul trilogy:

  • j_1644259415925.jpg
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #14
Poland has a significantly stronger connection to the East, than it does to what it lost in the West many centuries ago.

I blame the union with Lithuania.

They drew us into countless wars in the eastern steppes where we bled out and wasted our resources instead of consolidating our lands in the West. Without Poland's Union with Lithuania there would be no rise of Prussia and no partitions, and today we would have similar borders but larger population and GDP (basically Czechia on steroids).
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #15
They drew us into countless wars in the eastern steppes where we bled out and wasted our resources


Through that alliance with Lithuania, Poles gradually got involved in the colonisation of Ruthenia and later Ukraine which proved so futile eventually.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #16

Well, maybe it's for the better. Do we want to be Poles or Czechs on steroids? :)
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #17
You must have heard it from me before,

Don`t be so fast. What doesn`t exist, it shouldn`t be taken into the register! Ha!
Wow! You are really fast. :):):)

your old age dementia.

When I am concentrated discussing with you, my dementia doesn`t matter at all. Ha!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #18
Don`t be so fast.

Yes, I will wait for 6 minutes before replying next time. ;)
pawian  226 | 27558
8 Aug 2023   #19
or Czechs on steroids?

Yes, I want to be a Czech for a year. I would drink beer every day and live a relaxed life, not worrying about wars, conflicts, invasions etc

6 minutes

5, in fact.
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #20
I blame the union with Lithuania

Interesting, but at the same time not surprising coming from the biggest lover of Latin Civilization on PF.

Without Poland's Union with Lithuania

Poland would possibly not exist.

Absolutely natural for a Pole to describe the Grand Duchy as a ballast, but any person who is even a little bit familiar with Polish history will understand this is some very strong wishful thinking.

Lithuania is what gave you the muscle and weight to be what you were at your peak. If your plan was to grow this muscle by chewing it off from the Prussians/Germans next door... well! The Roman Empire broke its teeth on Germania, what can be expected then from its fan club which came into existence 10 centuries later?
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #21
Lithuania is what gave you the muscle

Are you kidding me? Poland was the stronger one in the union.

Imagine if all this energy, all those armies, all the money etc. went west instead of east! Berlin today would have more than just Polish name to remind us of its Slavic past.

And even if we only got as far as our current western border - without these lands there would be no Prussia (the main engine behind partitions).

Czechs were closer to us ethnically, linguistically and culturally - we should have entered into union with them and go west instead of going east with Lithuanians.
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #22
Poland was the stronger one in the union.

Please, be so kind, and point me to the part of my post where I said Lithuania was stronger than Poland?

You are operating in complete fantasy land. Who would let you take the crown of Bohemia - which was firmly attached to the Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburgs specifically?

Your so-called nobles, approached Jogaila - exactly because they did not want to end up under some inbred Austrian - who they felt would trample over their rights. The Lithuanians, in turn, were actually amenable to being swallowed up by you, because they were mortally afraid of us.

This was the perfect marriage of convenience. Poland avoids becoming some personal Union under a Hungarian/Austrian center, while Lithuania avoids being smashed by Russia. Nobody else, would merge with Poland, as willingly, as bloodlessly, and for such a long time.

With them, you did not acquire some small bunch of forest dwelling Samogitians, but the original Lithuanians. The good Lithuanians. Millions of future Belarusians and yes, even some future Ukrainians.

Instead of being grateful for this magical moment of Polish history, you are here telling me you would rather be tongue kissing some Czech. Very nice!
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #23
not acquire some small bunch of forest dwelling Samogitians, but the original Lithuanians

Wow! You can distinguish between Samogitians and real Lithuanians! I thought only Poles could do that nowadays. :)

tongue kissing some Czech

Now, that is taking the game a bit too far.

where I said Lithuania was stronger than Poland?

I thought that's what you meant by Lithuania "giving us the muscle". If that's not what the phrase means, then I apologise. You know this vulgar tongue we use here better than I do.

And, of course, you are right: this is pure fantasy but it is a very useful fantasy. It allows us to shift the blame for our failures and partitions on somebody else. Very comforting psychologically.
Bobko  27 | 2107
8 Aug 2023   #24
I thought that's what you meant by Lithuania "giving us the muscle

I understand you are inclined to view fellow Slavs as ballast, unless they have been thoroughly cucked by Latins, but all I meant is that adding some millions of people that are broadly your blood relations should not be seen as some tragedy.

Where does all this love for the Czechs come from? What happened to - "biggest country in europe", "shield of christendom", "teaching French to eat with forks"? All that, was thanks to ballast of Lithuanians.
GefreiterKania  33 | 1480
8 Aug 2023   #25
adding some millions of people that are Bradley your blood relations should not be seen as some tragedy.

Of course it wasn't a tragedy. Neither in the XIV century nor in 2022. And I suppose in both cases we have Russia to thank for - a kind benefactor whom we wrongly consider an enemy.

You should definitely consider a career in diplomacy, Bobi.

Where does all this love for the Czechs come from.

I suppose it's envy. Great beer, the capital city largely untouched by war, no partitions, uprisings or Christ-of-nations-level suffering... relaxed attitude, common sense, better football and hockey teams. We would probably get bored being Czechs very quickly but no Pole would refuse being a Czech for a year or so, as Pawian said. :)
Lyzko  44 | 9717
9 Aug 2023   #26
Questions of repatriation have been asked and answered on this forum.
Why keep flogging a dead horse?
pawian  226 | 27558
9 Aug 2023   #27
no Pole would refuse being a Czech for a year or so, as Pawian said. :)

Yes, because Poles are pessimists and Czechs are optimists by nature. Which is easy if you consume the biggest amount of beer per capita in the world..
Ironside  50 | 12954
9 Aug 2023   #28
Why keep flogging a dead horse?

Is it painful? Sorry..hey guys stop it, the dead horse is complaining..

blame the union with Lithuania.

For it end reasult> ? I wouldn't go that far.
What I not like is that only Polish people are claiming legacy of the IRP, it was a join project, run by nobles from all corners.. Why Belorusans, Ukrainians and so on do not cliam their part in it? I mean they are happy to claim land if that siuts them (like Lwów). Yet why do they claim to be vitcims when their prominet ancestor have had run the show like Jarema Wisniowiecki? Just a small example, so goes with Wilno they clima the land claim to be victims yet their people are living in Poland as Poles Radziwiłłs ....They are seriusly messed up and Moscow is happy about it with it Ruski S'yt.
Lyzko  44 | 9717
10 Aug 2023   #29
I quite agree, Ironside!
Until today, many Poles claim the right to sue the government of the BRD for lands stolen and the appropriated by the post-War German government.

As late as the mid-'80's, certain German fringe groups such as the Gottscheer actually petitioned their Parliament for formerly "German" territories, lost after the War to the Allies, among them parts of the erstwhile Sudetenland, and demanded back with full restitution, including the former Prussia, if you can believe it.

Add the that the still smoldering question of Jewish compensation for properties purloined by the Nazis, and you've got some witches' brew on your hands.
Ironside  50 | 12954
10 Aug 2023   #30
Do you need help lyzko?
Looks like you are locked in a quite nasty place. Frequented by a spells of a time, dimension or awareness vortex, possibly a mixture of all those three.

Your posts reflect broken nature of your reality, can't make much sense or purpose behind it.
It occurred to me it could be your cry for help, or is it an echo of your personality destroyed by the vortex?

Home / History / 1920 Germany Lands in exchange for the Eastern Lands?

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