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Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jul 2020   #151
Jew, Ukranian, etc. civilians assisted the Red Army BOTH right after WW1 and during/after WW2 and killed tons of Poles - many of them got away with it and even became wealthy as a result. Pilsudzki and Sanacja wanted them gone because they were a 5th column and backstabbed Poland and knew they'd continue to do so. So I don't wanna hear that **** about "innocent civilians." And to this day the descendants of these "innocent civilians" are ******* over Poles yet again this time trying to extort the whole nation for billions.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jul 2020   #152
oops, you are clearly stoned. Discussing things with you now is useless. See you later after you sleep it off.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jul 2020   #153
What have I written in the last post that is factually incorrect? Jews and Ukranians were attacking and killing Poles and after WW2 the majority of the commie security apparatus was Jewish and they took advantage of it and beat, killed, robbed, etc. a lot of Poles on top of being extremely brutal to appease their fellow Jewish Bolshevik bosses. And now today yes, the Jews want to force Poland to pay them billions even going to the USA demanding they be a good shabbas goy and do something about the goyim causing trouble.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
29 Jul 2020   #154
Apart from drugs, hatred controls and blinds you, too.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
29 Jul 2020   #155
controls and blinds you

The same can said of you and your always enthusiastic and unquestioning philo-semitism. Your idolizing of this minority group isn't normal or healthy whether you are a part of them or worse if you are not.

And it is a safe bet that your obsequiousness is not really voluntary but actually rooted in fear. It reminds me of the 1960's American show The Twilight Zone and an episode titled "It's a Good Life" where all the adults in a town are terrified of a six year old child who has the power to make people vanish if they displease him.

Here is part of the plot summary: "Everybody is under his rule, even his parents. The people live in fear of him, constantly telling him how everything he does is "good," since he banishes anyone thinking unhappy thoughts into the otherworldly cornfield from which there is no return."

Here is the link to read more:

Today such powers are called "cancel culture" and are a punitive reaction for committing wrong think as decided by today's intolerant totalitarian leftists (who are the descendants of yesterday's intolerant totalitarian leftists). And as a leftist yourself you need to realize that all leftists get trapped in a purity spiral. You can accuse others today of hatred for not joining you in worship of your idols but tomorrow your idols will denounce you as a hater for not fawning over them enough.

Free your mind.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
29 Jul 2020   #156
Apart from drugs, hatred controls and blinds you, too.

Whether I smoke a joint or not or whether you think I'm hateful isn't going to change these facts:

1) Ukranians and Jews allied with Soviets against Poles during the Polish-Soviet war and WW2

2) The heroes of Sanacja like Pilsudzki were very clear on the "Jewish problem" in Poland, they were right as even during interwar the Jews in Poland were trying to bring about communism and eventually succeeded in damning Poland for half a century.

3) Jews made up the majority of UB/SB ranks - they tortured and killed Poles including priests on behalf of their fellow commies in Moscow

4) The Jews continue to demand billions of dollars in "reparations" from us because they believe Poles owe them for WW2 even though it was an occupied country at the time
Ironside  51 | 13083
29 Jul 2020   #157
My question is do you care about civilian

Do you care about green people on Mars? This is that kind of lead question left love to ask. If someone don't share their simplistic and unrealistic point of view or rather their talking point such a person is branded as a bad person and I have moral high ground.

No, your moral awareness is those of a 10 years old child.

"it depends on their nationality"...

You made this one up. By the way stick to the topic.
call1n  2 | 192
30 Jul 2020   #158
Here is a real "cursed" soldier:
Leon Trotsky's real name is Michael Bronstien. He is not even Russian... JEW!

Why didn't the communist want to admit they are majority Jewish?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #159
It's been noted that the likes of Trotsky and many other professional left wing agitators and revolutionaries changed their real names to native sounding ones in order to better dupe the locals in the nations they actively sought to destroy.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #160
your always enthusiastic and unquestioning philo-semitism.

Of course. Your neo-Nazi attitude to Jews is counterbalanced by my philosemitism and there is a perfect balance in nature. Isn`t it an amazingly natural harmony?? hahaha

Free your mind.

I have had a free mind about Jews since I was 18 years old. hahaha

I could continue answering other posts by the rest of Jewish haters here, but most of them are off topic :
e..g, Lew Trocki or Jewish reparations - what is their connections with Cursed Soldiers??
so I am not going to waste my time.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
30 Jul 2020   #161


The Nazi party was German and ended in the 1940s.

Poles are not and never were Nazis.

True Poles were never communists either but communists are still around today.

Something for you to self-reflect upon.

what is their connections with Cursed Soldiers??

I'll repeat it since you are still living in denial:

"the official propaganda line in communist Poland was that the Home Army was an oppressive and reactionary force"

Now, which group got expelled from Poland in 1968 which helped pave the way for the fall of communism in Poland in 1989?

Something else for you to self-reflect upon.
mafketis  38 | 11260
30 Jul 2020   #162
True Poles were never communists either

Silly invalid argument (see the "No true Scotchman" fallacy).
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
30 Jul 2020   #163
Just because somebody pretends to be communist doesn't mean they are communist... You should know that as most people would succumb to the will of the fist
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Jul 2020   #164
Hey what is with this Jewish thingy in this thread. Stick to the topic will you? Polish issues do not revolve around Jews - Poles axis. WTF is wrong with you people?

my philosemitism

Good, just don't talk in the name of the Polish nation or Poles and general and be a good little boy and pay up all kind of extortion money from your own packet.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #165
Poles are not and never were Nazis. .

But you are not a Pole. hahaha

This furious defence of yours suggests I touched a soft spot. So, you are a fekking Neo Nazi and finito. hahaha

Hey what is with this Jewish thingy in this thread. Stick to the topic will you?


pay up all kind of extortion money from your own packet.


You are not a too consistent person. Only in the forum or also in life? hahaha
call1n  2 | 192
30 Jul 2020   #166
Hey what is with this Jewish thingy in this thread.

It is because the cursed soldiers were fighting against a Polish Provisional Government run by Jews.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Jul 2020   #167
They were also murdering civilians that had nothing to do with the government of the day. Furthermore, are you saying that Mikołajczyk was Jewish?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #168
They were also murdering civilians that had nothing to do with the government of the day

Some stopped trains and rounded up all Jewish passengers only to execute them. Those were Jews who were returning home from camps.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #169
you can't supress it can you

I used svoloche and sobaki which are Russian derogatory words on purpose - so that you could understand them better, Mr 5th Column Kremlin Troll known as Ironside. Ha!
call1n  2 | 192
30 Jul 2020   #170
Mikołajczyk was Jewish?

He was just a puppet, and the people behind the strings were Jewish.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #171
oops, I would strongly advise you to read more on Polish history coz such statements completely disqualify you as a serious debater. Mikołajczyk was a good guy who tried to save Poland but communists prevailed and he had to escape to avoid arrest and death.
Ironside  51 | 13083
30 Jul 2020   #172
Polish Provisional Government run by Jews.

Not they were fighting against Stalin and Soviet occupants PPG was nothing but tool of scum, traitors and Soviets', some unknown entities with false names. Over representation of Jews and (who know what) in higher position of puppet Soviet gov in Poland only illustrate the fact that they had no educated intelligent Poles to fill those positions, only semi-literate scum, bandits and tools were willing to work for the Soviets'.

You are not a too consistent person.

You are soviet and a tool. Hence if someone kick you he never go wrong. You deserve it. lol

They were also murdering civilians that had nothing to do with the government of the day.

You opinion is not important. So, just shut up and stop reaping that slander.

Some stopped trains and rounded

Evidently they haven't got you daddy or grandpa. What a shame! What a shameless Soviet aswipe!
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
31 Jul 2020   #173
There are many ways to kick a person, and if any of us misbehave. There will be a ban hammer (or at least a temperary Block from visiting this site.

Do not belittle the one you argue with, you only lose respect of anyone reading this. This is advice if you didn't understand me.

Post-war Poland was a mess, grasańci that robbed people (under the guise of those having power in the area, be it the resistance or the communist formations) and sometimes workers forced by their boss (money was hard to come by then) to attack Jews that were gathered, which then later was called a pogrom (which is right but, made by an illegitimate soviet-Stalin backed government)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
1 Aug 2020   #174
Ah, on one hand pretending to save and unite Poles through a socialist Poland, on the other killing Poles who fought the occupiers so Poland could be free... promises freedom colludes with Moskol occupiers, promising security - unleashes murderous UB/SB... then wants good relations with Poles - demands billions in reparations

Sounds like a job for....

  • 312.jpg
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #175
@Dirk diggler
You are fully aware that any decent person would cut any ties/willingness to co-operate with you by posting stuff like that? No matter what you write, that act of repulsiveness bringing up memories of what German-Nazi's thought, did and wanted to do. Rallies any sane Pole or really, human being against you
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 Aug 2020   #176
what German-Nazi's thought, did and wanted to do

Dirk thinks they didn't go far enough and said more than once he would have been on the nazi side at the time... so, he's kind of beyond help.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #177
Nobody is beyond help
Just cause he is trying to be perceived as the worst possible scumbag (why on earth is my question) doesn't mean he can't improve himself or better himself. For societies sake and his own
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 Aug 2020   #178
why on earth is my question

My theory is that he grew up in a violent household and his violent political fantasies are a way of acting out against his parents.... (he also self medicates to a larger than normal degree).
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
1 Aug 2020   #179
If That's true, then he needs to switch his addiction/fuel to something more useful for himself. It sounds self-destructing otherwise
Ironside  51 | 13083
1 Aug 2020   #180
My theory is that he grew up in a violent household

What about fruitcake lefties? Are they acting out their childhoods fantasies of being a hero that saves the world?

By the way don't post off the topic! all of you

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