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70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #211
On April 1st I would have said they didn't murder... 🤔

Special for you, from the Wiki article "Holocaust Victims".

Mind you, this is only the people killed in camps or in so called "special operations". It's not even close to the number who perished in occupied territory in "non exterminative" circumstances, but simply through starvation, or other means.

Basically, during some weeks, Germany would kill more Poles in a routine and boring fashion, than in Katyn.


Ironside  50 | 12344
1 Sep 2024   #212
occupied by Poland

What is that? What was occupied by Poland?
Special for you,


Alien  23 | 5575
1 Sep 2024   #213
First the numbers, in 1938 there were about 36 million people living in Poland. In 1946 there were about 24 million people living in Poland. So the Russians have to somehow settle accounts with the 6 million Poles who disappeared somewhere. The Germans killed 3 million Jews. There remain 3 million Poles they killed.
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #214

Thanks. I hate audio books, so I will read the PDF instead.

So the Russians have to somehow settle accounts with the 6 million Poles who disappeared somewhere

How do you come up with this sh*t? Do you pull it out of your a*s?

According to the Wikipedia article "Soviet Repressions of Polish Citizens (1939-1946)", 150,000 Poles died from all reasons combined.

150,000 is not a small number by any means, but it's in a different galaxy from 6 million.


I think the reason for your confusion is the transfer of territories to the Belarusian and Ukrainian SSRs. 13 million people lived on the territories that were transferred, before 1939. A great many of them were Belarusians, Rusyns, Ukrainians, and Lithuanians.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
1 Sep 2024   #215
6 million Poles who disappeared somewhere

Ask the United States, Canada, France, Brazil, Italy, Argentina and tens of other countries on every continent about the Poles who emigrated (basically ran away, and who can blame them?) during and after WW2. Besides, as Bobko said, don't forget that about 20% of pre-war Polish citizens were Ukrainians, Belarussians and Lithuanians.
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #216
Pawian has no appetite to defend SS Galichina it seems - good!

If you read the posts in this thread from 2013, you can see that Pawian was still a mentally healthy person. Maybe there is hope for him.
OP pawian  219 | 24886
1 Sep 2024   #217
Pawian has no appetite

Pawian is busy with other rascals, namely Ptak. Give him some time. :):):)
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #218
Give him some time. :):):

Me and Kania have been waiting all morning to witness your acrobatics. Please don't keep us waiting much longer.

Also, bring Paulina if you can.
OP pawian  219 | 24886
1 Sep 2024   #219
Me and Kania have been waiting all morning

Your problem, not mine. I choose the time and place for my battles, not you. Ha!!

Secondly, is Polish morning also yours?? It means you haven`t slept in NYC this night. Or have you returned to Russia to join the barbarian army???
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #220
It means you haven`t slept in NYC this night

This is some Colombo or Poirot level of deduction. Yes - you are correct!

  • IMG_3411.png
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #222
Being on PF will age you quickly.


What do you think about Ukrainians wearing SS uniforms for parades and funerals, while it is illegal in Germany to even fart in the direction of the Third Reich?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #223
What do you think about Ukrainians wearing SS uniforms for parades and funerals,

....I guess that is meant as a big, fat middle finger to

That whole region is crazy.....
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #224
Not only.

It's a spit in the face of the millions of Ukrainians who fought and died as part of the Red Army.

Millions! Versus a few thousand idiots that like to dress up like it's Halloween!

Why are the feelings of millions trampled, to glorify the exploits of traitors and butchers? Collaborationist scum, with no country, no honor, and no shame?

The old veteran from my screenshot on the other page was CRYING when asked about the SS parade. What kind of animal disrespects their elders in such a way?

If I was at that SS veteran's funeral I would take a nice big dump into his coffin, and then pi$s in it for good measure.

The people that should be honored are the Ukrainians in the photos below.

May 9 parade is now permanently cancelled, but SS marches are allowed. This is a sick country.

Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #225
....not a german problem....this time! *phew* :)

What kind of animal disrespects their elders in such a way?

Na's a difficult history.....the SS fanboy could also ask why that veteran did fight for the opressor Russia?

I guess the land is still split....imagine Hitler would had been smarter and Vlasov would today be heralded as liberator and savior....
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #226
could also ask why that veteran did fight for the opressor?

Because they saw in the Germans an instrument to finally get equal with the Jews, Poles, and Russians - that's why.

They thought they were very clever, and were using the Germans. When in fact the Germans used them like a piece of toilet paper, and then threw them out.

Vlasov would today be heralded as liberator and savior....

In modern Russia, each time Vlasov's name is mentioned it is immediately mixed with sh*t. He's the excrement of our nation, and the worst low life. I wipe my shoes on the name Vlasov.
jon357  72 | 23030
1 Sep 2024   #227
May 9 parade

Why would they take part in events on that day?
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #228
Maybe because their fathers and grandfathers did for 70+ years?

Maybe as memory to the fallen?

Maybe to be decent human beings?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #229
They thought they were very clever, and were using the Germans. ja....they weren't alone in that! The SS was once called "the first european army":

There were units from nearly every european country....
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #230
There were units from nearly every european country....

Did you ever see Dutch people staging parades for SS Panzer Grenadier Division "Nederland"?

How about Danes and Norwegians - ever see a parade for SS Panzer Division "Wiking"?

Maybe you saw French people parading around in uniforms of the SS Grenadier Division "Charlemagne"?

Even retarded Latvians and Lithuanians don't go around saying it was wonderful how the Germans helped them erase their Jews and Russians.

I hope you are beginning to see my point, and the difference between France, The Netherlands, etc and Ukraine.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #231
.....yeah....I guess I see it....but you hopefully too?

If France or the Netherlands would be today in a fight for independence...or better call it: statehood....they would maybe reach back to that too.

It's a kind of desperation, but as similiar felt as back then...."The enemy of my enemy...."
Paulina  16 | 4403
1 Sep 2024   #232
They wear SS uniforms

What in the world of f*cktards is this...

Still, it doesn't justify invading a country. If historical retardation was enough to invade a country, RuSSia would have to be invaded ten times over already.

They didn't know what Nazism was.

They know now though. Or at least they should.

it's a difficult history.....the SS fanboy could also ask why that veteran did fight for the opressor Russia?

That's also true.
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #233
It's a kind of desperation

I fail to see the connection between being invaded and reaching for the SS?

Do they not have other heroes in their supposedly 1,000+ year history? Why do the heroes have to come from a short period of time during which the country was literally raped?

What surprises me is why we didn't kill every single one of these dogs, and how they managed to survive into the 2000s.

I understand that we could not reach the b*tches that escaped to Canada and Argentina, but why did we not execute every single one that ended up in our hands? It would save us all the problems of today...

F*cking idiot Khrushchev issued them all an amnesty after Stalin died...

At least the KGB took care of Bandera with a nice gift of cyanide gas, but imho every single one of the others should have been shot and nailed to crosses from Kiev to Lviv - so everybody else would know the price of selling out your country.

That's also true.

Of course Paulina will judge somebody for an awkward turn of phrase, but can simultaneously be understanding towards enlisting in the SS. Are you Polish, or what are you?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #234
Why do the heroes have to come from a short period of time during which the country was literally raped?

Seemingly not from the Germans?

It seems (I'm not an expert though) that Bandera and the ukrainian SS are seen as freedom fighter/guerilla against Stalin/Russia.....after they were gone it followed decades of russian oppression....that needs an outlet, somewhat.

Is that anti-russian mood in Ukraine really that surprising to you as a Russian? Was there never anything of it during the times of the Sovietunion?
Paulina  16 | 4403
1 Sep 2024   #235
@Bobko, what are you talking about with that "awkward turn of phrase"? Also, I didn't show "understanding towards enlisting in the SS". That's not what I was talking about. I meant that Ukrainians viewed the Soviet Union as occupiers and that as a Pole I can easily understand.

This is a sick country.

Sorry, but from Polish (and any normal person's) perspective you could say that RuSSia is a sick country too. So, you know, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones...
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #236
Bandera and the ukrainian SS are seen as freedom fighter/guerilla against Stalin/Russia

They had a very unique way of fighting against the Soviet Union, which consisted of avoiding all military confrontations with the Red Army and instead focusing on Jews, and Polish women and children.

Once their Fuhrer took a dirt nap in the Reich Chancellery, they spread out into the forests like rats - and didn't come out until they were amnestied.

This is no Taliban, no Vietcong... but rather very pathetic b*tches. The one time they did fight us, as mentioned, they got smashed with a ten ton hammer. They sh*t their pants so hard, they are still cleaning their underwear.

In general, it was a big mistake taking in these Western Ukrainians from Austria-Hungary. Ever since they joined us, they have been poisoning life for everybody else and infecting our very good Ukrainians with their retardation. Should have left them to the Austrians to continue their experiments on their brains.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #237
Ever since they joined us, they have been poisoning life for everybody else and infecting our very good Ukrainians with their retardation

So....there had been a hostile past?

It really sounds as if the country has been historically and pro-Ukrainians....maybe a real disconnection (as with Chechia and Sloviakia) would bring lasting peace....
Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #238
Inshallah, we will reach the western regions one day, and deport these cowards to the Arctic Circle so that they may dig metals out of the permafrost with their bare hands.

There, together with the polar bears, they can salute Bandera every day until they turn into icicles.

So....there had been a hostile past?

They never lived with us until after WW1.

They lived in a bubble inside the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They have a different religion - Greco-Catholicism, whereas 85% of the rest of Ukraine are good Orthodox.

They never spoke Russian, but instead their ape language.

They don't understand our culture, and do not respect our history.

They are mutants, aliens from outer space.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11709
1 Sep 2024   #239
Inshallah, we will reach the western regions one day, a

Why not just let them go? Leave them alone? I doubt they will like you more if Moscow comes again...

They are mutants, aliens from outer space.

Bobko  27 | 2184
1 Sep 2024   #240
Why not just let them go?

Because everyone must pay their bills.

Home / History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies
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