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70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Sep 2024   #421

Thanks, Amiga. That's pretty much what I said, in not as many words, in #408.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
18 Sep 2024   #422
"In order to understand the fierceness of the Ukrainians and their reluctance to admit to the crimes

But Ukrainians have learnt it from Poles/Polesses. We, as a nation, are also reluctant to admit our crimes in Ukraine aka Rus. Not to mention apologising for them.

That's pretty much what I said

You said sth about glotification of SS in Ukraine. How about the glorification of nazionalist soldiers, collaborators with SS, in Poland. Isn`t it almost the same???
Almost means the difference is slight.

Down on your knees, azholes and apologise at last!!!
Bobko  27 | 2184
18 Sep 2024   #423
Down on your knees, azholes and apologise at last!!!

You are wasting serious political talent, writing here on this forum. You speak just like a Polish politician!
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Sep 2024   #424
Down on your knees, azholes and apologise at last!

In the words of a poet...

My name is Pawian the ape,
I'm on the Brig o' Leith,
I've lost the key to my arse,
So I'm shittin' through my teeth.

As usual, I may add.

Polish politician

God is my witness that I never desired honours or political offices. But just once, this f*cking once, I would like to be Polish foreign minister sent to talk with Zelensky.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
18 Sep 2024   #425
I would like to be Polish foreign minister sent to talk with Zelensky.

To do better than our FM?? No need to. He performed very well and offered Ukrainians the same demands which you stick to. It is high time you supported PO and its best men coz you speak in the same voice. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12343
18 Sep 2024   #426
sent to talk with Zelensky.

It is less about the way you talk, it is more about the way policies are conducted in Poland.
The way he dares to talk is a factor of all those punks in charge that pass in the world as Polish politicians.
There is fierce competition between them for the title of the biggest incompetent plank of the century.

tend to your butt and bananas, why are you typing your usual rubbish?
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
18 Sep 2024   #427
To do better than our FM?

I believe so.

offered Ukrainians the same demands which you stick to

He did not, however, present to them the consequences of failing to meet those demands. That's why he'll achieve nothing, as all others before him.

It is high time you supported PO

I am a peasant at heart and by choice, so PSL remains my party. Żywią y bronią and all that.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
18 Sep 2024   #428
why are you typing

Why am I writing about those facts?? To change your mentality, darling. You strongly believe Polish crimes on others are good or non important, while others` crimes on the Polish nation are unforgivable atrocities.
It is time to change this freak festival of hypocrisy into humble pie consumption at last.
Ironside  50 | 12343
18 Sep 2024   #429
To change your mentality,

If that the case you can stop. I think you are a pitiful retard. Change that. It would be almost impossible at that point. changing my mentality is a tall order for somebody else I would take it as an ambition but in you, it is your stupidity talking.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
20 Sep 2024   #430
I think

No!!!! Mission Impossible 12! hahaha

It would be almost impossible at that point.

Yes, I know, you are a hardened nationalist who doesn`t accept different arguments. There is still a chance you will in your death bed. And you will ask the priest preparing you for the last departure to notify the forum that you eventually accepted pawian`s views.
That is why I am still working on you and won`t stop coz I am stubborn.
Ironside  50 | 12343
21 Sep 2024   #431
who doesn`t accept different arguments.

No, I'm a person who would accept arguments basied on fact and logic.
These two issues here that prevent me from listing to your dribble:
- You can't provide logic.
- Your claims are not based on facts.
Korvinus  2 | 567
26 Sep 2024   #432
Not one defender of Ukraine here says it's a great amazing country, we just say it's better than Russia, and we want to give Ukrainians money and gear, because them not losing to Russia benefits us. We say western countries are the best place to live right now, and that's why we live here.

Russia apologists are the ones who keep screeching about awful west and great based Russia, how west is globhomo controlling everything and abuse people, nigers burn sh&it and homeless are everywhere blahblahblah while in Russia life is perfect and glorious - so why won't you leave this western hellhole you hate so much, go chill on the Ukrainian frontline for a while (remember, you're winning, Russian casualties in western media are fake and cope, and you definitely won't end up in a mobik cube, right?) for great money and citizenship in the most based, powerful and rich country in the world?

As always you clowns and cowards can only talk, but you won't ever do what you preach, because you know you're 100% wrong and probably wouldn't last a week before buying a rope, if you were forced to change your cozy western country for srus.

That's how you know srus is 100% fuc*ked, because even its biggest and most zealous simps, can't actually force themselves to believe any of the sh*it they say. Ask NATO enjoyer where he wants to live? NATO country. Ask srus enjoyer where he wants to live? NATO country
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
26 Sep 2024   #433

Sorry mate, but your English is so poor that I couldn't understand your post.
So, no comment!
Korvinus  2 | 567
28 Sep 2024   #434
Sorry mate, but your English

Beach, do you even Kaiserin or SMA?
OP pawian  219 | 24885
29 Sep 2024   #435
allowing Germans the exhumations of Wehrmacht soldiers was OK, but allowing the exhumations of Polish civilians is "inappropriate". I've had it with this f*cking board.

It is amaSSing how your russophilia is blinding you. Germans were granted exhumations in Poland coz they apologised first and repeated it many times afterwards.
Did Poles apologise for their crimes committed during the centennial period of colonisation and polonisation of Western Ukraine???

No, they didn`t. So, what`s your problem, Russian lover???

Stop crying hysterically over injustices in the style of standard Polish denial - Polish crimes are good while foreign - bad. Try to acknowledge your Polish burden of doing a lot of harm to Ukraine in the past. And apologise at last. Only then can you complain about Ukrainians` refusal to cooperate.
Bobko  27 | 2184
30 Sep 2024   #436
and apologise at last

civilized people never apologize.

have you ever seen britain apologize to india or to kenya for the bengal famine or the suppression of the mau mau uprising??

what about france apologizing to the people of niger or senegal?

japan apologizing to korea or china?

america doesn't apologize to hawaiians or samoans or cubans. in fact, it sanctions cubans for wanting to be free. they exterminated their native americans - so problem solved - no one to apologize to.

i think the only country that has done any amount of apologizing for anything is germany.

germany is the most civilized country on earth.

also, i think belgium recently started apologizing to congo for what they did. but what they did was truly the stuff of horror films, and difficult to not apologize for.
Alien  23 | 5572
30 Sep 2024   #437
civilized people never apologize.

i think the only country that has done any amount of apologizing for anything is germany

mayby, mayby....🤔
germany is the most civilized country on earth.

what now? where is the logic and consistency? 👎
Bobko  27 | 2184
30 Sep 2024   #438
what now? where is the logic and consistency? 👎


what did you want to see/hear?

edit: ah now i see! very stupid of me, indeed.

new conclusion, most formerly powerful or currently powerful countries never apologize for anything, except germany and belgium - which make them the most civilized nations in the world.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
30 Sep 2024   #439
countries never apologize for anything,

good. so no apologies from poland. simultaneously, poles/polesses can`t expect any cooperation from ukrainians in reference to exhumations.
the case is closed, thank you and goodbye, forget the past and let`s move on onto the future.
Poloniusz  4 | 871
6 Oct 2024   #440
After WW2, any "Roman" gesture like that is a Nazi salute and everybody knows it.


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Home / History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

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