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70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

Bobko  27 | 2184
3 Sep 2024   #361
You prefered to ignore that supposition

I have been answering it directly. Maybe my English is not so good, and I should try to be more clear.
Miloslaw  21 | 5050
3 Sep 2024   #362
He`s a true Kremlin propagandist. Yuk!

You have sussed him mate!
OP pawian  219 | 24885
3 Sep 2024   #363
answering it directly.

BS. :):):)

You have sussed him mate!

If I did, I did it with great displeasure. Talking to imperial Russians is drudgery coz they twist and manipulate to sow ferment which could eventually profit their sick imperialism. I certainly prefer to weed my field.
Paulina  16 | 4403
3 Sep 2024   #364
But back to the AK - the lack of weaponry, in a way, makes things even more impressive.

Yes, we had people, but we had no guns :(((

a relatively minor atrocity by a peripheral Polish unit, cannot be equivalent to massive and systemic atrocities by numerous Ukrainian formations

I agree with that. However, for me the issue is not about numbers - the problem is that a Polish government honoured a Polish unit that collaborated with Nazis and murdered Jews. This fact alone is what matters from a moral point of view. It shows that there was something wrong with that government and with people who supported that government (if they supported that gesture):,75398,25074121,podejscie-pis-do-brygady-swietokrzyskiej-jest-odbiciem-przeswiadczenia.html
OP pawian  219 | 24885
3 Sep 2024   #365
Maybe my English is not so good

Of course, Mr Manipulator. Your English is so bad we can hardly comprehend. hahahaha
Ps. That was sarcasm, if some retard didn`t notice. :):):):)
Novichok  4 | 7859
3 Sep 2024   #366
Yes, we had people, but we had no guns :

If you had brains like we do here, you would have brains and guns.

Stupid people hate guns until three seconds before they need them. Then guns are good and much better than smartphones.
Ironside  50 | 12343
4 Sep 2024   #367
This fact alone is what matters from a moral point of view.

WTF are you? What are you cfalifctaion to make such calls? What the hell do you even know about historical facts?
Aside from that you are stupid like F and this is a fact. Go do you job 304!
Ironside  50 | 12343
4 Sep 2024   #368
them to acquire some wealth.

that would be YOUR reason. As you ascribe your deepest seated motivations to others.
Poles against Ukrainians.

He doesn't have to do much. Ukrainians seem to be so stupid and arrogant that even I who haven't expected much from them Am surprised.
we are such coz we are decent people

No, you are stinking hypocirtes and fakes. Pretending to be moral talking about issues that don't directly concern you or your interest. At the same time enjoying security and safety provided by a society you beret and feel you are better. I have a new one for you - you are not!
You are a lowlife, your vile posts on this forum are proof of it.
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Sep 2024   #369
If you had brains like we do here, you would have brains and guns.

If you had brains you would know that a Pole owning a gun in Poland under the Nazi occupation would get shot on the spot. You could get executed even for owning a gas mask.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
4 Sep 2024   #370
that the war is raging not in Donbass but somewhere close to L'viv, there's so many refugees from Western Ukraine in Poland!

I already bashed that stupid statement of yours before but let`s do it again. Did you watch or listen to the news today? So hearing about Russian missile strike in the old centre of Lviv with a few dozen casualties should prevent you from making such silly remarks next time.
Bobko  27 | 2184
4 Sep 2024   #371
So hearing about Russian missile strike in the old centre of Lviv with a few dozen casualties should prevent you from making such silly remarks next time.

The frontline is in the East.

Russian missiles and drones are capable of reaching any area of Ukraine.

Logically then - all of Ukraine should move to the EU, preferably to Poland.

This would lead to a rapid conclusion of the war, since Russia will be able to move at a pace of a few hundred kilometers a day towards the Polish-Ukrainian border.

You are a genius, Paw.
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
4 Sep 2024   #372
Russian missile strike in the old centre of Lviv with a few dozen casualties

Tragic event. However, nowhere near the horrors experienced by people of Donbass every day.

In any case, the railways leading from Rzeszów to Ukraine have been under a lot of strain with all those gigatons of cargo rolling constantly on them. I think it's time to start repairs. Profound and thorough repairs; and lengthy ones too (at least as long as the time needed to allow the exhumations of genocide victims in Volhynia).

Not my idea but Sławomir Mentzen's - I begin to like this guy. :)
Alien  23 | 5572
4 Sep 2024   #373
Tragic event. However, nowhere near the horrors experienced by people of Donbass every day

What are you talking about?
OP pawian  219 | 24885
4 Sep 2024   #374
all of Ukraine should move to the EU, preferably to Poland.

The statistics so far has been that most Ukrainian war refugees in Poland are women and children (about 80%), while their husbands and fathers are fighting against barbarians.

towards the Polish-Ukrainian border.

Yes, we know that`s the goal of imperial Russians. Forget it.

Not my idea but Sławomir Mentzen's - I begin to like this guy. :)

Yes, I read it on news today. It is good you like him - you are both Putin`s useful idiots. Get a room and have fun. :):):):)
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
4 Sep 2024   #375

Isn't it obvious? People in Donbass are living close to the frontline, under constant bombardment from both sides, suffering casualties from the very beginning of this war. It's been their reality for over two years now.

useful idiots. :)

Well, at least we're useful whilst you're just an idiot without any adjective. :)
Bobko  27 | 2184
4 Sep 2024   #376
Tragic event.

When the Ukrainian government routinely lies about what is hit, it becomes hard to know if something was tragic or not.

This is the problem with having an information strategy of reflexively accusing Russia of war crimes every time something is hit.

Yesterday, they really stepped into some deep sh*t with the strike on Poltava. A quick recap:

1) Russia hit the 179th Signals Training Center in Poltava. This facility was used to prepare experts in satellite and tropospheric communications, electronic warfare, signals intelligence, etc - in brief a very important target for Russia.

2) Despite this being the third year of the war, Ukraine practiced minimal caution, and there were hundreds of people in the building.

3) Current casualty estimates are 60+ persons dead, and approx 300 injured. Many of the wounded remain in critical condition.

4) Photos from the site began appearing within minutes of the strike. Evident in all the photos was the nature of the target, and the fact that the scattered bodies were all in military uniform.

5) Being an idiot, Zelensky took to social media HOURS LATER, and accused Russia of hitting an "educational facility" and a "hospital".

6) Lazy and brainless Western journalists (who unlike Ukrainian journalists are under no obligation to spread Kiev's falsehoods), reprinted the lie.

7) After a few hours more, everyone and their grandma began to piece together that the "educational institution" was a military training facility, and that the nearest hospital is approximately 1.5 kilometers away.

8) Angry Western journalists and analysts (who have been made to look like idiots, again), begin posting on Twitter messages along the lines of: "events like these can easily erode public trust in future Ukrainian claims of Russian strikes on civilian targets. That can be disastrous for Ukraine."

9) Russians like me become depressed, because we have been talking about this for years.

The Poltava strike is a perfect example, because of the chronology.

OP pawian  219 | 24885
4 Sep 2024   #377
in brief a very important target for Russia. Ukraine practiced minimal caution,

Yes. Probably Ukrainians counted on some secret agreement with Russians that such centres won`t be targeted. Russians broke this agreement and now Ukrainians are thinking of targeting similar objects in Russia with Western missiles after the West gives green light for using them on Russian territory. Remember, karma always returns and one day we will hear about dozens of dead Russians in a training centre. .
GefreiterKania  31 | 1545
4 Sep 2024   #378
Ukrainian government routinely lies

Surely not! Ukrainians? Lying about what happened? Impossible.

*profoundly shocked*

events like these can easily erode public trust in future Ukrainian claims of Russian strikes on civilian targets

I'm very concerned about Ukrainian credibility.
Bobko  27 | 2184
4 Sep 2024   #379
Probably Ukrainians counted on some secret agreement with Russians

Ehhh.... no.

On both sides, we have some criminally negligent commanders.

In Russia, there are still idiotic commanding officers that arrange closely spaced columns of vehicles on highways - and then a HIMARS strike promptly arrives.

In Ukraine, there are still idiotic commanders that gather dozens of soldiers in the open, make them wait for hours, and all this to award some medals.

In the third year of the war, after many, many such mistakes in the past, there can be no excuse to not exercise basic common sense.

People get complacent, people do not use their brains.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
4 Sep 2024   #380
People get complacent, people do not use their brains.

Let`s wait and see if my theory holds water. If Ukrainians attack a military training centre in Russia soon, with their drones or Western missiles, it will mean there was a secret agreement which Russians broke.

I'm very concerned about Ukrainian

Tell it to Putin. He is waiting impatiently for your opinion. hahahaha buhahahaha
Bobko  27 | 2184
4 Sep 2024   #381
Let`s wait and see if my theory holds water.

I doubt that it will.

By the laws of war (Geneva Convention), such facilities are legitimate targets.

If the facility was used to train underage cadets, then that would be a problem. These, however, were adult officer cadets, in military uniform... and training to perform a deadly function in this war.

If this is the case, then why would Russia and Ukraine abide by such limitations in the third year of a brutal war where hundreds of thousands have died? It makes no sense.

All Ukraine had to do was train these people remotely (by Zoom, haha). If that's not quite possible, then they could have done it in a more decentralized fashion, or in a more hardened facility.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #382
the victims of Ukrainian rabid nationalism.

Once, the victims of Ukrainian rabid nationalism were Polish colonisers in the East who wanted to turn Ukrainian lands into Poland.
Today, the victims are Russian barbarians who want to turn Ukrainian lands into Russian tyranny..

The war has changed a lot in my perception. Ukrainians fight hard partly due to their rabid nationalism. Thus, they are buying time for us and other Europeans to prepare.
Blaming them for killing Polish colonisers is the same stupidity as blaming them for killing Russian invaders.

Goddess bless Ukrainian heroes.
Ironside  50 | 12343
7 Sep 2024   #383
Blaming them for killing Polish

Sure, excuse genocide and murder. I hope if someone will brutally murder your child in the name of some sick ideology you will be equally forgiving and understanding.
First of all this is a lie majority of Poles killed were local people, the majority of them women and children.
Go defend ethnic cleansing and then move over to the threat about Gaza and denounce Israeli deeds. You are an F up individual and you should seek help.
I think the root cause of your malignant mental dissfuction is that fact you have no capacity for higher education nor you can grasp the issue you talk about.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #384
if someone will brutally murder your child in the name of some sick ideology

Will it be you who will murder my child in the name of nationalist ideology??? Coz you have the character of a murderer and mentioned killing me a few times in this forum.

Poles killed were local people

What local Polish people do you mean in Western Ukraine??? They were colonisers. Every coloniser becomes a local after some time but it doesn`t change his/her status of a coloniser.

denounce Israeli deeds

Think for a while and stop mixing different things. Poles/Polesses in Ukraine were brutally treated as colonisers. While Nazi Israelis are the same colonisers towards Palestinians.
Here I reject Polish colonialism, while in another thread - Israel`s one.
Isn`t it simple?
But being a maniacal nationalist you don`t comprehend basic facts.
gumishu  16 | 6182
7 Sep 2024   #385
What local Polish people do you mean in Western Ukraine???

there were plenty (hundreds of thousands) of Polish people in Western Ukraine who desecended from families with hundreds of years of history there -
Ironside  50 | 12343
7 Sep 2024   #386
in the name of nationalist ideology?

What are you drinking? What ideology you are talking about? Polish patriotism doesn't including murding children as according to you Ukrinian patriotism does, however, you refuse the same right you granted to Ukrainians to give Israeli.
mentioned killing me a few times in this forum.

Did I? Prove it! lame ass lol!
However you support abortion i.e. killing unborn children. Logcilly you should have an issue with people killing each other. If somebody is annoying why not put a bulet into his head. after all, you have no problem voting for law that would allowed to murder unborn, defenseless children. Is that because you are a coward?
What local Polish people do you mean in Western Ukraine??

people who lived there for centuries, my family had been living there for 700 years. Also, three years old toddlers who were born there you call colonisers? you sick dog!
sn`t it simple?

sure, that would be simple if not of the fact that Poles weren't colonisers but at the worst-case settlers and the majority of them were local people living there for genrations, many had local roots. You view is a view of the simpleton.
However, let me stress it again no circumstances can excuse ethnic cleaning and genocide.
How come I need to tell you this? Because you are a progressive commie and you are much closer both to Stalin and Hitler that humble Polish patriot like myself.
OP pawian  219 | 24885
7 Sep 2024   #387
desecended from families

Of course, there were such families. Which doesn`t change the fact that Ukrainian families and their descendants who also lived in the area for centuries were much more numerous than Polish colonisers and eventually they demanded to live in an independent Ukraine. Poles/Polesses refused to acquiesce so they were massacred.
gumishu  16 | 6182
7 Sep 2024   #388
Poles/Polesses refused to acquiesce so they were massacred.
in summer 1943 when Volhynia massacres took place there was no chance of independent Ukrainian state, including because Germans were not to keen to grant them independence (not to mention the fact that Germans were starting losing the war)
Ironside  50 | 12343
7 Sep 2024   #389
ere much more numerous

I see, so according to you it is fine of the majority to dispose of the minority if there is a dispute.
We are getting somewhere pawian, you exposing yourself as the murdering totalitarian commie that you are, or you would have been given half a chance.
gumishu  16 | 6182
7 Sep 2024   #390
majority to dispose of the minority if there is dispute.

probably as long as pawian is in the majority :P

Home / History / 70th anniversary of 1943 Wołyń/Volhynia and Eastern Galicia Massacre - controvercies

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