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Trying to locate my grandfathers birth certificate

22 Oct 2013   #1
hello people.
my grandfather was from brzozow he was encarcenated by the germans in 1939 and has no polish documentation and is unsure of his address in Poland where he use to live, his name is andzie tarczanin.Im trying to locate his birth certificate,any advice or any information on the tarczanin family would be of great help.

Lenka  5 | 3514
22 Oct 2013   #2
For a start his name in Polish most probably isn't Andzie. He might be Andrzej but not sure about it. Make sure you have the right, official name.
22 Oct 2013   #3
my grandfather was from brzozow he was encarcenated by the germans in 1939 and has no polish documentation and is unsure of his address in Poland where he use to live

Do you not have anything with his date and place of birth on it? Perhaps his US naturalisation papers? If not, can he not remember where and when he was born? It doesn't need to be the address where he used to live, just the place where he was born.

Im trying to locate his birth certificate

If you're doing that in order to make a possible claim for a Polish passport, you might want to check firstly if you even qualify (if your grandfather left Poland during or straight after WWII, he quite possibly lost his Polish citizenship) and secondly how easy/difficult it will be for you to get the rest of the paperwork that's needed.
TheOther  6 | 3596
22 Oct 2013   #4
No matching Tarczanin in the LDS database, it seems:

Nothing in the Social Security Death Index either:
OP mtarczanin
22 Oct 2013   #5
yes I have a copy of his displaced persons documents it says hes from brzozow Poland and he was born on the 2/4/1926 but hes not 100 percent sure exactly where brzozow as he was just a child when he was encacernated. regarding gaining polish citizenship it is possible in theory as he is not a uk citizen and has never been naturalised, but I need to locate his docs.
22 Oct 2013   #6
You don't need to know exactly where in the town, just the town will be enough to get a copy of his birth certificate.

regarding gaining polish citizenship it is possible in theory as he is not a uk citizen and has never been naturalised, but I need to locate his docs.

Did he complete or receive exemption from the obligation all Polish citizens then had to perform national service? And for that matter, did he not do national service in the UK?
OP mtarczanin
22 Oct 2013   #7
no he didn't do any national service in the uk or Poland, and there are many towns with the name brzozow and hes unsure which one he may come from. any ideas?
22 Oct 2013   #8
no he didn't do any national service in the uk or Poland

That might be a problem: Poles had an obligation to do national service.

there are many towns with the name brzozow and hes unsure which one he may come from. any ideas?

I'm not counting that many. Can your grandfather really not remember which one he's from? If he can't, I'd start from the largest Brzozow and work backwards.

Don't take this the wrong way, but are you sure that your grandfather doesn't want to not remember details and might actually prefer you not to go poking in his past? He'd have been 19 when the war ended and there were a few 19-year olds who didn't feel too good about themselves in 1945.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
22 Oct 2013   #9
19 when the war ended means that he would've been 13 in 1939 - which seems strange that the Germans would've locked him up at that point.

It may very well be that he found himself in Nazi Germany, but not locked up.
OP mtarczanin
27 Oct 2013   #10
his whole family where incarcernated and sent to forced labour camps and none of them survived apart from him,so its unlikely that he worked on the side of the germans,but it is quite possible he does not want to remember the past, but hes quite happy for me to do some research on his past.
Davy J  - | 2
7 Sep 2021   #11

Finding my grandfather's birth certificate

Hi all

I am based in UK.

How can I get a copy of my grandfather's birth certificate in Poland?

Born 24/3/1914 in born in Zolkiewka, Poland, 23/3/1914.

Can it be done online?

The purpose is ultimately to seek Polish citizenship - I have seen some very expensive law firms offering to do this for me (€1000) but I wonder if there is a cheaper way?

Thanks loads

amiga500  5 | 1486
8 Sep 2021   #12
Can it be done online?

NO. You can either fly to Poland and deal with beurocracy in polish or pay a firm like polaron to do these things for you. Do it online lol if your grandparents were born in england do you think you could just get the birth certificate 'online'?

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