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Last Name: DOWGIALLO from Poland

Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Jul 2010   #31
DOWGIA££O: Polonised version of Lithuanian name Daugela (comes from Lith. roots daug /much/ and gel /great pain/).
28 Jul 2010   #32
My great grandfather was Antoni Dowgiallo. He came from Lithuania to the USA. Lived in Washington state. Married Anna Novalinska. He was older than she, she was his maid in Lithuania. They had sons Felix, and Antoni, John, daughter Josephine.

My email is metoo90@yahoo
16 Nov 2010   #33
bronislaw and katerina are my grandparents; what information are you looking for on them?
Grzeslaw  - | 5
20 Nov 2010   #34
Hey, I personaly know a woman named Dowgiałło. She lives in Mazuria.
5 Dec 2010   #35
My mom is a Dowgiallo. They came from Washington state, originally from Lithuania. Her father's name is Felix, has a brother Anthony and a sister Josephine.
21 Apr 2012   #36
My mother's last name was Dowgiallo. Unfortunately, she died in 2011. Her story seems to mirror the one told by Ev K. My Mom's father came to U.S. in the early 1910's and livedin a town called Kearneyville (PA or WVA?) , where he apparently worked in the mines. My mom was born there, but returned to Poland with her family and lived outside VIlna. Fortunately my Mom married Wincenty Siemaszko (Another name that is sometimes considered Lithuanian) and returned to the States in 1933. f also have a cousin, Edward Dowgiallo and would be happy to provide his email address to anyone interested.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
21 Apr 2012   #37
DOWGIA££O: This is the Polonised version of the Lithuanian name Daugela (whose roots translated into 'great pain').

SIEMIASZKO: Polonised spelling of a Belarusian name probably meanin 'son of Siemion' (Ruthenian for Szymon/SImon).
27 Jan 2013   #38
My great grandfather was Antoni Dowgiallo. He came from Lithuania to the USA. Lived in Washington state. Married Anna Novalinska. He was older than she, she was his maid in Lithuania. They had sons Felix, and Antoni, John, daughter Josephine.

Don't know if this is the same Antoni you were looking for.
17 Dec 2014   #39
Merged: Poland's Dowgiałłow or Dowgiało / Zadora crest

Zadora crest look that up, that's my moms maiden name from poland but its now Dowgiałłow, but comes from Dowgiałło or Dowgiało
Polonius3  980 | 12275
17 Dec 2014   #40
Zadora was one of five clans to which the well-born Dowgiałłos belonged. The others were Abdank, Dzialosza, Leliwa and an own-name clan whose c.o.a was a take-off on the Działosza heraldic device.

Dowgiałło is the polonised form of the Lithuanian name Daugela.
9 Apr 2020   #41
I just came across this thread and even though it is 2020, maybe still active; My name is Bill Dowgiallo. My grandfather(Wladyslaw; changed to Walton, then Walter) emigrated to the US from Russia (Lithuania) in the early 1900's and settled in Port Chester,NY. My dad was his eldest.
5 Jan 2021   #42
My mom is Dowgiałło from Kosalin, PL. I hear great things about the name as originally we came from Lithuania
pawian  226 | 27817
5 Jan 2021   #43
great things about the name

Great things means surprising/amazing or excellent/wonderful??
Na u I
7 Sep 2021   #44
Hi, Eva, I am a granddaughter of Kazimierz Dowgiallo. The family originated from Krewy in Lithuania (it was a Polish estate) and they escaped from murderous Russians to Poland around 1942. Some family members who didn't leave were hijacked by communists Russians and died in Siberia. Some settled in the USA. I hope it helps. Cheers.

I am a member of the Abdank clan from Dowgiallos in Krewy. The Abdank crest is in Wroclaw in Poland. My grandfather was Kazimierz Dowgiallo and my grandmother was Anna Trumpowska. Some from the Trumpowski clan are in Canada and the US. Some of them decided to be Trumpauskas I.e. Lithuanians. I know a couple of Trumpowski brothers from Wroclaw; they both migrated to Canada and one of them is Trumpowski and the other is Trumpauskas - they don't speak to each other. There are many interesting stories out there :)

Home / Genealogy / Last Name: DOWGIALLO from Poland

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