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Jewish Roots of Poland

MareGaea  29 | 2751
19 Jul 2010   #481
At the height of Jewish culture in NL there were about 200 to 300K Jews. Most of them fled to the new country (which was NL back then) first from Spain and Portugal (my ancestors) and later on, after the atmosphere detoriated in Poland, from the East. But indeed, Jewish history in NL spans about 500-600 years in total (although the first reported Jews were already there in 1325), so app. half as long as in PL and the numbers were indeed significantly lower as well, but this last fact can very well be contributed to the limited geographical dimensions of NL.


M-G (yay!)
guzzler  1 | 88
19 Jul 2010   #482
It's from a Jewish perspective (but/and) quite informative. Even when there are occasional attempts to blame Poles for something, it's still obvious that Poland was the best and safest place for Jews in Europe or possibly anywhere. Backhanded compliments to Poles are more than evideynt.

Zimmy Poland was the only country occupied by Germany that had a death sentence for helping or sheltering a Jew. And Poland has the highest number of rightest among the genitals in the Holocaust Museum in Israel over 6000. Poland took the greatest bashing during the war, and was sold down the drain after the war. And the Jews should remember 80 million people died during the war. And the only victims we ever hear about are the Jews, this is not to minimise what happened what happened to the Jews, but the others should be remembered also.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
20 Jul 2010   #483
Zimmy Poland was the only country occupied by Germany that had a death sentence for helping or sheltering a Jew

Those who bash Polish/Jewish relations should remember this. There is a logical reason for this particularly harsh program in Poland. The reason being; the Nazis realized that Poles would be disproportionately helping Jews and therefore, attempted to restrict this aid by

instituting the harshest penalties which included murdering innocent Polish families related to those hiding and helping Jews.

At one point in history, 3/4 of all Jews lived in 'the lands of the Poles'. Some of my Jewish friends understand why.
OP Ogien  5 | 237
25 Aug 2010   #484
At one point in history, 3/4 of all Jews lived in 'the lands of the Poles'.

This should never be forgotten. Compared to other countries, Poland was a safe haven for Jews otherwise Poland would not have had so many Jews there.
shimmy  1 | 2
25 Aug 2010   #485
If it's not been mentioned here before, I also enjoyed Poles and Jews, a Failed Brotherhood. It's a little too academic but it really does a great job of analyzing the relationship through literature and theater.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
31 Aug 2010   #486
Germany and Germans were preferred over the barbaric hordes of the Polish nation, in fact Hitler was probably a slav ,he despised the slavs - only the slavs themselves despise their own and know how to hate to such a degree.

there is still alot of jealusy over this with th4e Polish, such as Israel trusting German authorities to protect their people , whereas in Poland they must be escorted by heavy armed personal security. read this article for bitterness over this issue:
2 Sep 2010   #487
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
23 Oct 2010   #488
Just I do not wish for more criminals in Gothenburg.
I don't have problem that you ruined your country, do not mean that you also has to ruin mine.
I had so much faith in so called 'modern' Poles.

in the end it just wishful thinking. If any has doubts ask any old Jewish person who lived in Poland before the war, how 'tolerant' the Polak was even to such a thing as a Jew mispronouncing a word of the Best language there is (you know which one)
23 Oct 2010   #489
how 'tolerant' the Polak was even to such a thing as a Jew mispronouncing a word of the Best language there is (you know which one)

what do you mean?

Many Jews look with nstalgia on pre-war Poland so stop talking bu11sh1t. It's pretty insolent that you, a neonazi Geman, post a comment in a Jewish thread. Get a life you little troll or go to psychiatrist if you can't.

there is still alot of jealusy over this with th4e Polish, such as Israel trusting German authorities to protect their people , whereas in Poland they must be escorted by heavy armed personal security. read this article for bitterness over this e-a-nuisance-in-poland/

There was never any trouble for jewish tourists so no one know why the hell they are sending those guards. I wouldn't be so sure of Germany. You as a neonazi are the best proof of that.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
23 Oct 2010   #490

I don't begrudge people on medication, sometimes it's necessary but really Polengggs, you should take the medicine prescribed for you. It won't cure your low self esteem and hate issues but perhaps it will calm you.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
3 Nov 2010   #491
I am NOT a neonazi - hitler was not a dumb man, but he was an evil man and wanted to kill my people, so therefore it natural that I hate the man and anyone who praises his ideas. I think that you are mistaking the terms, and I would probably fit what you would call an Anti-Polonist ?

the Jews who look to prewar poland with nostalgia - must be suffering from dementia , you know the type "moja kolezanka, moja kolezanka"

there is even a POLISH saying describing Polish attitude to Jews
"Jak bida to do Żyda, jak po bidzie to pocałuj w dupe Żydzie"
z_darius  14 | 3960
3 Nov 2010   #492
there is even a POLISH saying describing Polish attitude to Jews
"Jak bida to do Żyda, jak po bidzie to pocałuj w dupe Żydzie"

Oh, those little riddles kids create when they have nothing better to do.

How about this one created by the Jews in Soviet occupied Wlodzimierz:

Nasi Żydki siędy tędy
Wszystkie pójda na urzędy
Ukraińcy do kołchozu
A Polaki do wywozu

(Our little Jews, this way or another
All will get cushy jobs
Ukrainian [will do] to collective farms
And for Poles the deportation [to prisons in Siberia])
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Nov 2010   #493
This should never be forgotten. Compared to other countries, Poland was a safe haven for Jews otherwise Poland would not have had so many Jews there.

Yup, it's a shame that the II RP chose to be such nationalist and xenophobic in its nature - from everything I've read, the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was truly ahead of its time.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #494
Yup, it's a shame that the II RP chose to be such nationalist and xenophobic in its nature

I'm sure you have no idea about IIRP.
Here is a little insight:

As a further comment in the attitude of the Polish Jews themselves toward the new Polish State may be quoted the following from Colonel Mason's report:

"Poland has recently put into effect a universal draft law, and the army is being mobilized under it. The men

[page 20 of doc. begins]

are collected at training stations and are receiving training under the general supervision of a French General, the actual instructors being Poles who have had military training or experience in either the German, Austrian or Russian armies. The army is very largely composed of Poles. Upon the passage of the draft law, 90% of the Jews of the country called for what is known as the blue ticket, which is an exemption certificate given to those who are aliens. Incidentally this has an important political bearing as being an official announcement by 90% of the Polish Jews that they consider themselves not Poles but Jews per se."

This is all the while that Jews were against independant Poland - IIRP.
3 Nov 2010   #495
This is all the while that Jews were against independant Poland - IIRP.

This would be the same IIRP which refused to allow Polish citizens to enter Poland because they were Jewish, would it? I can't imagine why some Jews wouldn't want to fight for that particular regime!
MountainMan777  - | 9
3 Nov 2010   #496
This looks like a long an intense thread.. I will have to read the whole thing..

I will say I am an Polish/Belorussian/Ukrainian Jew who was born in USA. I am about 3rd generation American..

Even though I am Jewish I will not dismiss how much Poles suffered and how many lives they lost in the holocaust. The Poles suffered greatly at the hands of nazis and then the communists. I think Jews and Poles suffered a lot together and it should bring them closer together.

I really hope one day the Jewish community in Poland can be rebuilt and come to life. I would love to see the Jewish Festival in Kazimierz as well as the historical site. I plan on going to Poland maybe next spring to learn more about my family and the history of my people there. Much of Polish culture has become so much apart of the life of Jews.. Really, I think when Jews came to USA, they lost some of the best aspects of the culture when they left. I suppose Poland at one time was really the highlight of Jewish culture.

Yes, there was problems, but there exists problems in all places. There was no real safe-haven for Jewish people in Eastern Europe, but Poland was about as close as it could get. Many Jews mistakenly put their confidence in the German people, but that was a mistake, as when the Kaiser fell, so did the safety net. The Jewish population flourished in Poland and grew to over 3 million before WWII. Had it not been for the Nazis exterminating all of Poland's Jews, I would think Poland could have even 10 million or more Jews today. It is so heartbreaking, yet the grim reality of history.

Maybe, one day Jews will realize that New York City is not heaven. I think Poland would be a better place culturally for many Jews to reside. Poland is a land with a rich culture and the Jews seemed to thrive in their own culture there. New York is becoming a wasteland. Most of religious Jews are leaving the city and moving elsewhere. Strangely enough , places like Texas now have very fast growing Jewish communities.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #497
I think Jews and Poles suffered a lot together and it should bring them closer together.


I think Poland would be a better place culturally for many Jews to reside. Poland is a land with a rich culture and the Jews seemed to thrive in their own culture there.

If you want to experience of this culture, arrange for tickets to the Jewish theatre in Warsaw. It is all pre war humor and song. You will miss the jokes but you will feel the music.

87-year-old, and the theatre director, Szymon Szurmiej, does stand-up like no one else.
PennBoy  76 | 2429
3 Nov 2010   #498
This looks like a long an intense thread.. I will have to read the whole thing..

I will say I am an Polish/Belorussian/Ukrainian Jew who was born in USA. I am about 3rd generation American..

It's true that many American Jews (those who descend from Polish Jews) identify themselves as both Jewish and Polish and that's all fine, there's one in my neighborhood who on a huge flag pole has a big Polish flag flying all year round, only takes it down for the Jewish holidays putting an Israeli flag up for a few days. And there's the ones that blame us for what happened to their people on our soil, as if it's all our fault.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
9 Nov 2010   #499
yes 2nd RP was so tolerant, look... (And No, This is Not a Translated Nazi Poster.... its 110percent Polish)

  • Polish anti-semitic propaganda
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Nov 2010   #500
yes 2nd RP was so tolerant, look

It wasn't tolerant at all - it started out badly (the Lwow progorm) and ended badly.

It's a shame, because the 1st RP sounded like a great place to live at those times.
ender  5 | 394
9 Nov 2010   #501
It wasn't tolerant at all

Problems with understanding sarcasm or eyes problem (overwonking)?

Żyd to oszust

jedyny Twój wróg

Stań! Przeczytaj widzu miły
Jak Cię żydy osaczyły.
Zamiast mięsa szczura sieka.
Brudnej wody da do mleka.
Rozczyn ciasta z robakim,
ugbiatany jest nogami.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Nov 2010   #502
Problems with understanding sarcasm or eyes problem (overwonking)?

Uh...I understood perfectly. You don't have to reply to sarcasm with sarcasm, you know...

It appears that you're the one who didn't understand :)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
9 Nov 2010   #503
POLENGGGs, you seem to be the type of irrational, possibly even hateful person who sees everything through the dim lense of anger. If you fell in mud and I picked you up, you would blame me for not cleaning up the mud even though it was not my fault that it was there.

You would overlook the fact that I helped you up, that aspect wouldn't register with the likes of you.
Teffle  22 | 1318
9 Nov 2010   #504
C'mon Europe in the 20s and 30s? Almost everywhere was antisemitic and/or generally racist to some extent. I'm not excusing it, but Poland was not unusual.
ender  5 | 394
9 Nov 2010   #505
It appears that you're the one who didn't understand :)

I'm sorry. Is that mean you repeated previous post but clearer to make it understandable for less intelligent?
I did the same but for lazy one (some might be to lazy to zoom out picture)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
9 Nov 2010   #506
C'mon Europe in the 20s and 30s? Almost everywhere was antisemitic and/or generally racist to some extent. I'm not excusing it, but Poland was not unusual.

I think it's just a sign of the times then, as you say. Poland was anti-semitic and nationalist, but who the hell wasn't? They weren't particularly welcome in the UK either at that time.

(actually : was there any anti-semitism in Ireland? I've never heard about any...)
Teffle  22 | 1318
9 Nov 2010   #507
was there any anti-semitism in Ireland

Almost completely absent from Ireland ...

...probably only because jews were almost completely absent from Ireland too.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150
27 Nov 2010   #508
That is weird. Why?
Don't tell me they were scared that Ireland might become a Spanish Vassal state and some Inquisitions shall start ?

I am sure there is more than say.... Scotland. Because Ireland was the last of europe before the ship went to America, so... should be like other port cities, where quite a nice fraction decided not to continue on to America... but stay in Rotterdam, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, etc etc
Crow  155 | 9736
27 Nov 2010   #509
Jewish Roots of Poland

with all due respect on Jews but, there are no something like `Jewish Roots of Poland`

as many other regions and countries of Europe, Jews influenced Poland, too. But, roots are something else. Poland doesn`t have Jewish roots but Slavic, more precisely (if we go deep into the Proto Slavic past), we have to say that Poland have Sarmatian roots
cheehaw  2 | 263
27 Nov 2010   #510
just another case of jewish identity theft.

I think jews make up their history as they go along, whatever is convenient today.

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