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Jewish Roots of Poland

MareGaea  29 | 2751
6 May 2010   #331
It has already detrimented a Pole & Likely others by only publishing in Polish!

Which proves my case. Thanks for the example.


M-G (tiens)
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #332
Right. I agree that more texts should be translated; this is obvious. Mind you, the archives have opened only recently, and even now there is a concerted effort on the part of the left to supress research and publishing.

Were not alone.

Two Hundred Years Together
Author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Translator not translated (English)
Country Russia
Language Russian
Publication date 2002
ISBN ISBN 978-5969703728

There is a French and German translation (2002, 2003), yet in seven years there is no English translation. I haven't read it, but it must contain facts that don't support the Jewish victim line and proof of Russian antisemitism.

Re: Gross. You should read his very first book which he wrote when he was still Polish. His tune was completely different. Then he cought on that you can make a career writing about Polish antsematism, although he says he has never experienced it himself. His father was saved by a Polish woman during the war. They later married and had little Jan who much, much later turned antisemite hunter.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 May 2010   #333
I haven't read it, but it must contain facts that don't support the Jewish victim line and proof of Russian antisemitism.

yo have not read it, but you know what's in it? Interesting;)
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #334
So, why do you think there is no English translation?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 May 2010   #335
I have no idea Jola, but you presume things in my opinion. I am not saying that you are not right, or not on the right track, but you just don't know, or do you?
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #336
It's just a hint, but Solzhenitsyn is widely read and sales would be huge compared to French or German sales. Publishers are usually concerned with things like book sales.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 May 2010   #337
yes, it is just a hint on your side. If you provided what this book is about based on French and German translations, I would have something substantial to carry the conversation on.

Provide some proofs instead of hints please.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #338
I'm not interested in "proving" anything to you nor doing the work for you, but you also find it strange. Make up your own excusses if you wish. Lack of translators in the world, the book sales would be too large, Solzhenitsyn is dead - why read him? I'm trying to help you out.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 May 2010   #339
this is what Wiki says about this book:

There is sharp division on the allegation of antisemitism. From Solzhenitsyn's own essay "Repentance and Self-Limitation in the Life of Nations",[51] he calls for Russians and Russian Jews alike to take responsibility for the "renegades" in both communities who supported a totalitarian and terrorist regime after 1917. At the end of chapter 15, he writes that Jews must answer for the "revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russians must repent "for the pogroms, for...merciless arsonist peasants, for...crazed revolutionary soldiers." It is not, he adds, a matter of answering "before other peoples, but to oneself, to one's consciousness, and before God."[52]

I like his view because it is closer the the truth, since both: Jews and Russian have a lot to answer for during those time, however, I am sure that there were other minorities participating the the communist regime, including Poles (in Poland). everybody should be responsible regardless of the nationality, but I don't like that Jews are singled out.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #340
he calls for Russians and Russian Jews alike to take responsibility for the "renegades" in both communities who supported a totalitarian and terrorist regime after 1917. At the end of chapter 15, he writes that Jews must answer for the "revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks just as Russians must repent "for the pogroms, for...merciless arsonist peasants, for...crazed revolutionary soldiers."

Yes, so we agree. Where have you seen the Jews ever

Jews must answer for the "revolutionary cutthroats" in their ranks

. I mean in regards to Poland.

Jews are not singled out, the fact that the Public State Security(MBP, later UB) in the years 45-56 was basicaly run by Jews in Poland. Their methods of repression and murder were much worse than that of Gestapo, and that is what victims say who were tortured by both.
vetala  - | 381
6 May 2010   #341
The Main Jewish Haplogroup is J1.Poland is only 1 percent J1.

You do realize that a man can have only one Y-DNA haplotype? And that it can only be inherited by males, never by females? In other words: if your mother has J haplotype, your DNA test wouldn't show it. If your mother, grandparents and greatgrandparents from your mother's side were all Jews, you would still figure as a person with no trace of Jewish ancestry. Practically every Pole has at least one Jewish ancestor but it's not enough to significantly change the most common haplotypes in the country.

The only thing your data proves is that there are hardly any pure-blooded Jews in Poland. Most of them probably have R1A haplotype.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
6 May 2010   #342
Practically every Pole has at least one Jewish ancestor but it's not enough to significantly change the most common haplotypes in the country.

1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #343
Practically every Pole has at least one Jewish ancestor

And what ancestry do the Jews have?
vetala  - | 381
6 May 2010   #344
Before or after WWII? If you mean before then certainly not majorly Polish. People in the past rarely married outside their religious circles and it was very unusual for a Pole to convert to Judaism. Even if some did, their haplotype would also be eventually lost.

However, during inter-war Poland marriages between Poles and Jews became more common. Also, not many Jews were left after WWII and communist purges so most of them married catholic Poles. Current Polish-Jewish minority most probably has Polish R1A haplotype.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #345
If you mean before then certainly not majorly Polish. People in the past rarely married outside their religious circles and it was very unusual for a Pole to convert to Judaism.

That is why I wondered why you would think Poles who basically did not intermarry with Jews would have Jewish ancestry. I don't know anything about DNA, so I wondered if the was some science behind your statement.
vetala  - | 381
6 May 2010   #346
I don't know anything about DNA, so I wondered if the was some science behind your statement

26,000 Frankist converts are behind my statement ;)
Allow me to explain - although it was unusual for a catholic to become a Jew it wasn't as unheard of for a Jew to become a catholic. That's why there's a higher chance for Poles to have Jewish ancestors than for Jews to have Polish ancestors.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
6 May 2010   #347
Jews are not singled out, the fact that the Public State Security(MBP, later UB) in the years 45-56 was basicaly run by Jews in Poland. Their methods of repression and murder were much worse than that of Gestapo, and that is what victims say who were tortured by both.

are you saying that Poles were NOT involved and if they were, they were made responsible and were tried by the Polish government?
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 May 2010   #348
come a Jew it wasn't as unheard of for a Jew to become a catholic. That's why there's a higher chance for Poles to have Jewish ancestors than for Jews to have Polish ancestors.

I highly disagree. When you look at Jews. They are much lighter than Arabs & Khazars. So they are highly mixed.

While Genetic study only shows 1 - 2 percent of Poland's overall genes are Jewish.

While I am betting even as much as half of Jewish genes of Polish jews are Polish & or White

It can work the other way too. Considering that there were Fewer jews. Jews would have an easier time finding a Catholic mate. Than a jewish one.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
6 May 2010   #349
Practically every Pole has at least one Jewish ancestor

Never in my life have I heard more outrages claim than this one. You don’t even believe it yourself.

People in the past rarely married outside their religious circles and it was very unusual for a Pole to convert to Judaism.

during inter-war Poland marriages between Poles and Jews became more common.

Poland’s inter-war Jewish population was about 3.3 million out of 33 million or roughly 10%. As you have said yourself such marriages were just more common during inter-war period lasting only 20 years. Even if all Jews married outside of their own this would still be impossible to achieve, not to mention the fact how Nazis viewed the offspring of such union. Are you telling us that the Holocaust is just a myth? For every Pole to have at least one Jewish ancestor to be even partly true all the Jews of Poland and their offspring of mixed marriages would have to survive, only Poles would have to die during the war. I never ever heard a more twisted logic than this one. How desperate do you have to be to make such a claim?

although it was unusual for a catholic to become a Jew it wasn't as unheard of for a Jew to become a catholic. That's why there's a higher chance for Poles to have Jewish ancestors than for Jews to have Polish ancestors.

That’s not true now is it? Almost every Jew on this forum had argued that Jews are neither a race nor ethnic group, its simply religion. Therefore once you change your religion you’re no longer a Jew. There simply can’t be any Poles out there with Jewish ancestors. However on the other hand; you are only acknowledged and accepted as a Jew by the rest of Jewish community if your mother is a Jew. They are the keepers of the faith therefore no matter who the father might have been her child is a Jew. If the father of such child happens to be Polish and being Polish is recognized as belonging to some sort of ethnic group, a child of such an union is a Jew of Polish ancestor. That's why according to your own logic argued by many Jews on this forum there can never be any Poles of Jewish ancestry but there are plenty of Jews out there with Polish blood in them.

Twisted as it may be it’s an accurate assessment of what many Jews have argued on this very forum unless they only hold it to be true when it suits them.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #350
Allow me to explain - although it was unusual for a catholic to become a Jew it wasn't as unheard of for a Jew to become a catholic. That's why there's a higher chance for Poles to have Jewish ancestors than for Jews to have Polish ancestors.

Let me explain as well. Jews, over the centuries, never exceeded 10 % of the population and as we understand lived in their own communities and intermarrying with Poles excluded such persons from their own communities. Assimilation was discouraged, but as we know people will fall in love. After the last war the percentage of Jews dropped to 1 or so percent and, as you pointed out, it is even less now. You made quite a leap in your assumptions and upon reflection I think you will see that this statement is a gross exageration:

Practically every Pole has at least one Jewish ancestor

For this to happen, there would have been complete assimilation which we know did not happen.
vetala  - | 381
6 May 2010   #351
Please remember that I mean a very far ancestry. One person living 1000 years ago can have millions of descendants today.

Take Frankists for example (they were far from the ony Jews who converted but with Frankists at least we can operate on concrete numbers).

Let's say that every each one of Frankists and their descendants had only two children and only at the age of 30. that would leave us with 3,328,000 descendants of Frankists in the year 2000.

And now about the haplotype: let's imagine that half of the Frankists were men and half of them were women. As for their children, one is always a girl and the other always a boy. If a woman whose father had J haplotype marries a man without it then their children will have no trace of J haplotype. A man with J haplotype, on the other hand, would only be able to pass it onto his son. Therefore in the year 1790 we have 13,000 men with J haplotype but in 1820 only 6500 of their descendants have that haplotype. Flashforward to the year 2000 - only 101 of the descendants of Frankists have J haplotype while the other 3,327,899 have R1A haplotype.

This is what usually happens whenever there's a an inclusion of 'foreign' blood in homogenious nations - it gets very quickly suppressed. But it doesn't change the fact that a huge chunk of the Polish population has at least one Jewish ancestor.
1jola  14 | 1875
6 May 2010   #352
Please remember that I mean a very far ancestry. One person living 1000 years ago can have millions of descendants today.

Your 'theory' would have been very useful to show Alfred Rosenberg that most Germans had Jewish ancestry; a great tragedy would have been avoided.

This reminds me of a radio program I listened to a few years ago in which a black American woman, who got all exited about DNA testing, convinced herself that she was related to King David.
Trevek  25 | 1699
6 May 2010   #353
Apparently Elvis Presley was technically Jewish because of a maternal ancestor. It passed down the female line, meaning his mother was technically Jewish by maternal bloodline.
OP Ogien  5 | 237
7 May 2010   #354
Those genetic studies are complete ********. You can't determine that only 1-2% of Poles have a Jewish ancestor from genetic research because you'd have to test the whole ******* population. Whatever study you're talking about, it was definitely based off a small sample size.
southern  73 | 7059
7 May 2010   #355
Superior Slavic women appearance leaves few choices for other nationalities.What kind of a Pole would prefer a Jewish or German woman?That's why there is so much homogenity in polish population and Slavic expansion in areas previously not Slavic at all.
plk123  8 | 4119
7 May 2010   #356
What kind of a Pole would prefer a Jewish .... woman?

you have never seen any jewish women, have you? some are way, way hot.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11683
7 May 2010   #357
Your 'theory' would have been very useful to show Alfred Rosenberg that most Germans had Jewish ancestry; a great tragedy would have been avoided.

All blue eyed guys (and gals) are related...doesn't matter if germanic, slavic or jewish! We share the same ancestor.
We are all one family and should start to act like it!!! :)
1jola  14 | 1875
7 May 2010   #358
But we are acting like it. We are the luckiest generation in a long, long time. Look, Russians are taking posters of Stalin down and Germany is content with running Europe only instead of the whole world. Things are looking up.

Re blue eyes. Many children are born with blue eyes which turn to green or brown after a few months. Wonder why.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
7 May 2010   #359
Many children are born with blue eyes which turn to green or brown after a few months. Wonder why.

Green or brown are more lovely.
1jola  14 | 1875
7 May 2010   #360
It's not the color; it's what those eyes say to you.

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