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Jewish Roots of Poland

MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #271
Lets face it, Western Europe is a prejudice rife craphole compared to Poland.

Quote from your link:

There are 26 anti-Israel Hyves groups and nine anti-Israel Hyves groups. A majority of those groups are run by young Arab immigrants or descendants of Arab immigrants living in the Netherlands

So, are there 9 or are there 26? And besides, it's the Arabs again, not the Dutch natives. Plus, there are 4 million members which together have 1000's of groups. I would say that's not a big deal in that case.


M-G (poor Sokidoki, tries so hard, yet gets rebuked all the time)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #272
By the way, some time ago a Dutch native made a comment on an internet site, the comment was:
hou je mijl vieze joden Stuur alle joden naar de gasdouch !

I dont know what it means could you translate it for me MG, since you're Dutch and all?

Also still waiting for you to back up your claim of 70% Dutch being pro-Israeli, your link had no such information:)
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #273
hou je mijl vieze joden Stuur alle joden naar de gasdouch !

It's very crippled Dutch. A native Dutch, if he could write well and be educated would never write it like that. Generalisations galore again with Sokidoki. I will correct the sentence for you as Google Translate didn't do the trick for you. The correct way of writing this sentence would be: "Hou je muil, vieze Jood/Joden. Stuur alle Joden naar de gaskamer!". It means, "Shut up you dirty Jew(s). Send all the Jews to the gaschamber." But I am sure that's not what you entered in Google translate.

Link pls to your source?

And apart from that, it seems, given the typical spelling errors in the sentence that it would have been again an Arab writing this. But if you're gonna use this as proof, I could copy plenty of remarks from this very forum who could "proof" that anti semitism is rampant in Poland and the US.

Also still waiting for you to back up your claim of 70% Dutch being pro-Israeli

That is stated in the very first sentence of the Googled article.

There is nothing from you that proves that anti semitism is more rampant in NL or Western Europe than in Eastern Europe.


M-G (tiens)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #274
It's very crippled Dutch.

Funny, my friend from Holland claims its in perfect Dutch :)))))

that anti semitism is rampant in Poland and the US.

Find me one sentence where a Pole screams for Jews being gassed like the Dutch fellow here :))))))
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #275
Funny, my friend from Holland claims its in perfect Dutch

Lying again, are you? Any Dutch person here could tell you that it's very bad Dutch. I don't think you have a friend from the Netherlands. He may live there, but he is not Dutch, otherwise he would've told you that.

En als je het niet gelooft, kun je altijd nog m'n reet kussen, goed zo?

Find me one sentence where a Pole screams for Jews being gassed like the Dutch fellow here

Hm, I would find a statement like that from a high ranking figure in Polish public life far more grave than what an isolated idiot screams on the internet.


M-G (100 per cent Dutch)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #276
Hm, I would find a statement like that from a high ranking figure in Polish public life far more grave than what an isolated idiot screams on the internet.

Still not seeing anyone calling for Jews to be gassed like the Dutch do :))))
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #277
And I still haven't got the link to where you got that from. But I think you made that up yourself as usual, when you can't win a discussion.


M-G (tiens)
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
4 May 2010   #278
Hm, I would find a statement like that from a high ranking figure in Polish public life far more grave than what an isolated idiot screams on the internet.

He just says that the "Jews" are monopolizing the holocaust...

Poles didn't do anything, right? Hm, Kielce, Bialistock, Jedwabne...

Yeah cause rest of the Poles accepted it fully I presume and the Polish underground started it no? Maybe even the PRL Poles used it in propaganda films about how cruel we Poles were we should be so ashamed and it's the pre war Poles fault and etc. Do you really have any IQ inside there? Hello?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #279
He just says that the "Jews" are monopolizing the holocaust

Sure. You have any idea what the implications of such a remark are? It's not for nothing that he withdrew it after pressure. But of course, it's not that bad as some depraved (probably Arabic) individual who shouts sth in bad Dutch...

Yeah cause rest of the Poles accepted it fully I presume and the Polish underground started it no? Maybe even the PRL Poles used it in propaganda films about how cruel we Poles were we should be so ashamed and it's the pre war Poles fault and etc. Do you really have any IQ inside there? Hello?

Nice of you to contribute and I want to thank you for your effort, but I don't think you get the point of the discussion. That is no problem, if you need help, just ask. I am sure sb will explain to you what it is about.

Found the quote. It's from the same link mentioned earlier, following a dissection of one single remarks board on It's sad to take this as an example of raging anti semitism in the Netherlands. Heck, our pssbl future prime minister (Job Cohen) is Jewish. If we're such an anti semitic country, that for sure wouldn't be even a remote pssbility.


M-G 9tiens)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #280
And I still haven't got the link to where you got that from. But I think you made that up yourself as usual, when you can't win a discussion.

My pleasure:)))

Seems there's even more anti-semitism in Holland and getting stronger by the day :))))

From monitoring these two major media we can conclude that anti-Semitism and hatred toward Israel containing anti-Semitic content, is a common phenomenon at the internet in the Netherlands.

Wow i'm glad no one can say anything like that about Poland, would be pretty bad if we were as racist as the Dutch...
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #281
Seems there's even more anti-semitism in Holland and getting stronger by the day

I found it in the meantime. Wow, more anti semitism in the Netherlands and getting stronger every day...Based on one fragment of a discussion board in a Dutch newspaper. Face it, you generalizing nobody, Poland is way more anti semitic than the Netherlands ever were and will be, when even Bishops make anti semitic remarks...

From monitoring these two major media we can conclude that anti-Semitism and hatred toward Israel containing anti-Semitic content, is a common phenomenon at the internet in the Netherlands.

That made me laugh. "We conclude this as a fully legitimate research centre based on one comment thread on one day in a Dutch newspaper website". Wonder what the same researchers would say if they would visit PF...Probably that the Holocaust is being practiced on a day to day basis in PL.

The Free Palestine Hyve is notorious for anti-Semitic remarks, here are some examples: " Hitler rise up from your tomb and finish the job" or "Let the Jews shut up or we will send them to the gas chamber."

Another pro-Palestinian group by the name of "the Jihad fighters" stated that it respects and honors the suicide bombings of the Shahids and wishes them a place in heaven.

So it's pretty clear from which side the wind blows.


M-G (realises that life is very hard for Sokidoki without generalizations)
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #282
Wonder what the same researchers would say if they would visit PF...

Given that no one here is preaching genocide like the Dutch do they'd be suprised:))))
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
4 May 2010   #283
We just lost our goalie for the South Africa! That's far worse!
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #284
Given that no one here is preaching genocide like the Dutch do they'd be suprised

No matter what you think you may have, you haven't proven anything but one incident. You have proven that there are Arabs in NL that want to see the end of Israël. You have proven that Palestinians can have their say on Inet and that of course they won't be favourable towards Israeli politics. For the rest you haven't proven that the majority of the Dutch are racist and anti semite. But of course, that has never stopped generalizing porkers like you from taking isolated events as majority rule.

We just lost our goalie for the South Africa! That's far worse!!!

Not again! Is he dead?


M-G (tiens)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11970
4 May 2010   #285
Not again! Is he dead?

If only...
How can we win the trophy without a world class goalie???

*breaks down in despair*
Stu  12 | 515
4 May 2010   #286
Not again! Is he dead?

No ... he broke his ribs or something and needs to have an operation. Sorry BB ... ;). 1974 will be reversed ... :P.

Sok: it is a long time since I have read posts of someone who is so simple-minded as you. If I would continue your analogy, then it goes something like this:

1. Birds are animals that fly
2. A bat flies
3. A bat is a bird


1. Priests have sexually assaulted children
2. Poles are catholics
3. Thus Poles sexually assault children

It sounds stupid? Yes, it does ... but this is the level of your logic.
richasis  1 | 409
4 May 2010   #287
there are Arabs in NL that want to see the end of Israël

Methinks it is not only Arabs - and not only in NL

Let's just call this a wild guess of mine, shall we?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #288
Let's just call this a wild guess of mine, shall we?

Yeah, let's just do that.


M-G (increase in anti semitism is imo due to an increase of Arabic population in W-Europe)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
4 May 2010   #289
M-G (increase in anti semitism is imo due to an increase of Arabic population in W-Europe)

******* smart Jewish guy. I would add that it's due to an increase of muslim population in Western Europe.
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #290
Miguel ColombiaThreads: -
Posts: 179
Joined: Apr 20, 10
Gender: Male

Hi Brutal Butcher, nice sockpuppet account :)))

M-G (increase in anti semitism is imo due to an increase of Arabic population in W-Europe)

Why was Western Europe so very anti-semitic before WW2 then? Far more then say Poland or Russia?:)))
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
4 May 2010   #291
Let's just call this a wild guess of mine

Let's just call this a wild guess of mine!
No, not yet, I’m that guy you call an Einstein!!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351
4 May 2010   #292
I’m that guy you call an Einstein!!

He was Jewish .Can you live with that?
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #293
Why was Western Europe so very anti-semitic before WW2 then? Far more then say Poland or Russia

Stop lying. You know darn well that Eastern Europe was far more anti semitic than the West has ever been or will be. Evidence of that would be that the Nazis took some precautions as to not to upset the natives too much in the West as anti semitism wasn't as deeply rooted as in the East. In the East they could just go ahead with killing squads as they knew most ppl over there didn't give a darn anyway.


M-G (too bad Sokidoki doesn't know when he has lost a discussion)
AdamKadmon  2 | 494
4 May 2010   #294
He was Jewish .Can you live with that

Once clever child going by the name of Miguel
Revealed a lesser known secret to kill me once well
Can you believe it that the famous guy, who is known as an Einstein
Was, oh no… you will be shocked, you Nazi scum, a Jew of the flock
Oh!! Can you live with that pal? He ask me at last
The question passed by, everyone's in shock
I’m Adam Kadmon - chip of the same block
Sokrates  8 | 3335
4 May 2010   #295
Evidence of that would be that the Nazis took some precautions as to not to upset the natives too much in the West as anti semitism wasn't as deeply rooted as in the East.

Which is why France had a collaborating govt that gave up Jews and Netherlands had official police willingly give them up while in Poland it was done at gunpoint?:))

Stop lying. You know darn well that Eastern Europe was far more anti semitic than the West has ever been or will be.

Why didnt the polish officials gave up Jews like the Dutch and French did?:)

Keep digging a deeper hole i really enjoy it :))))
1jola  14 | 1875
4 May 2010   #296
Poland is way more anti semitic than the Netherlands ever were and will be,...

Anti-semitic, you mean some of us Poles have a good grasp on our history and actually know what we are talking about. Very few. But you're wise not to engage us; it is better to call us antisemites and hope that we go away. Just so you don't forget:

TheOther  6 | 3596
4 May 2010   #297
Interesting read, although: after WW2 almost the whole population of Europe magically turned into resistance fighters. Nobody ever collaborated, they were all hiding in the woods fighting the evil Nazis.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
4 May 2010   #298
Why didnt the polish officials gave up Jews like the Dutch and French did

Because there was no Polish government during the war, not even a puppet regime. Only a German one, Hans Frank, cs, and they didn't need any co-operation. Poland didn't exist during the war, so there was no need for a regime to co-operate, the Nazis did it themselves. As for France and the Netherlands, the Vichy-Regime was a puppet regime and widely hated amongst all the French; in NL there was the effective government of Seyss-Inquart, reporting directly to Hitler. Like I stated before, it wasn't the officials that gave up the Jews, the Germans simply had to go to the archives to check who was Jew and who was not and then go to the given address to pick them up as they were all decently registered throughout the years preceding the war. Yes, police helped, and they were widely hated for it. But Polish police also helped in picking up Jews. Blue police, anyone? We all know that the Dutch were no saints, but it's not by far as bad as you like to portray it. Many Jews were saved by going in hiding and Anne Frank may be betrayed by neighbours, they were saved for a long time by Dutch ppl too.

You don't seem to understand that you are not winning at all. You have nothing, absolutely nothing proved yet, only your inquenchable thirst to make PL look better than the rest of the world. It's a pity you don't know anything of Dutch history, otherwise you wouldn't be so persistent in your errors.


What exactly is in this article of (again) this same Jerusalem group that I haven't said in this thread? And it's funny how your "knowledge" always comes down to how glorious and immaculate PL is and that it's always the others that are the bad ones.

Come with some credible sources, not only one. This institute cries already wolf, like Stu said, when somebody is protesting the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis.

M-G (tiens)
MediaWatch  10 | 942
5 May 2010   #299
Stop lying. You know darn well that Eastern Europe was far more anti semitic than the West has ever been or will be. Evidence of that would be that the Nazis took some precautions as to not to upset the natives too much in the West as anti semitism wasn't as deeply rooted as in the East. In the East they could just go ahead with killing squads as they knew most ppl over there didn't give a darn anyway.

So what was the reason why MOST of the world's Jews CHOSE to LIVE in Eastern Europe especially Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS??

If Poland/Eastern Europe is as Anti-Semitic as you say, WHY were the Jews dumb enough to CHOOSE to live there for ONE THOUSAND YEARS????

You must admit with all this "Anti-Semitism" of Poland/Eastern Europe that you allege, its mind boggling that 3/4 of the world's Jews would CHOOSE to live in this part of Europe. Wouldn't you agree?

Was Poland's "Anti-Semitism" the reason why Poland was a MAGNET for MOST of the world's Jews for ONE THOUSAND YEARS????

Were Jews naive or just masochists for CHOOSING to LIVE in Poland for ONE THOUSAND YEARS??
MareGaea  29 | 2751
5 May 2010   #300
So what was the reason why MOST of the world's Jews CHOSE to LIVE

The majority from the world's Jews are Azkenazi. They come from the East, through the Turkish peninsula, the Kaukasus and so on. Also, most of the descent from Kazhars and they lived in Russia. They were moved Westward and I guess they just stuck around in places they kinda liked, or were close to where they came from. Lots of them have move further West though.

Anti semitism by the way did not exist there before the Jews came, which makes sense. And I am sure at first there wasn't any or if any not that much. Later on it grew into a hostile form and indeed many Jews fled Westward.

It's only in the 14th Century that the Jews, many of them had already moved Westward to Germany, NL and other countries, that Casimir the Great invited them back into PL.


M-G (there's nothing mind boggling about that)

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