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Polish Army Scotland 1944, my father who was based at Huntly, Aberdeenshire camp, returned to Poland

greenhoop  1 | 2
21 Aug 2018 #1
My mother was engaged to a polish army soldier stationed at Huntly Aberdeenshire Scotland during the second world war. they planned to get married and after the were were returning to poland. My grandmother refused to let her leave and my father returned to Poland 1945 -46 as i was born on 15/06/1946 and my father did not know that she was pregnant. He was based at Huntly camp during the war and was a farm worker who played the accordion and came from Gdansk. My mother died and that is all the information i have apart from a photo taken at Huntly castle. I am going to Gdansk next year and and help would be gratefully received.

G Pirie
Peter  3 | 248
22 Aug 2018 #2
I suggest that you also do a DNA test now which may help narrow down your paternal connections. Any idea of what unit your father was in?
OP greenhoop  1 | 2
18 Feb 2020 #3

Polish Troops returning to Poland 1945 - 1946

Looking for information on Polish troops returning from Scotland after WW2. Don't know my exact fathers name just he was a lance corporal in a Polish Unit based in Huntly Aberdeenshire during the WW2 and was a farm worker from beside Gydnia . Could be the 1st or second grenadiers brigade that he was in. Going to Poland next month Gdansk and Krakow.If there is anywhere that holds information regarding these events this would be a great help.
OP greenhoop  1 | 2
11 Mar 2020 #4
The1st and 2nd Grenadier Battalion were stationed at Huntly. Have a picture of him datedJuly 1943. Going to Gdansk on the 17th March so might get some more information there.

Home / Genealogy / Polish Army Scotland 1944, my father who was based at Huntly, Aberdeenshire camp, returned to Poland
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