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Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light

22 Mar 2007   #151
You have posted your hatred for jews a few times on this forum.

I love THE JEWS.

You are the farthest thing from polish next to a somalian.

Many Somalians have refined features and beautifully straight lustruous hair.

Diversity is a new experiment and its a failed one, people know this it's only a matter of time.

You're wrong. Even the ultra- conservative right wingers like Bush have many minorities in their cabinet. Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice, and Atty. General Gonzalez are just a few. Now Obama and Hillary will be our next leaders. I wonder how many stomach ulcers you'll get once they are in power. America's greatness comes from the many contributions that immigrants have given.
darek1980  - | 3
22 Mar 2007   #152
The Polish people I run into here are all pretty pale....myself included. That's why we have so many tanning salons in Chicago haha
23 Mar 2007   #153
Is he a good guy to you because he's been viciously insulting towards the Poles ?

This is a lie, a silly lie at that.

Yes that happened, thank goodness I was not one of them, it was nasty,

Yes it was very nasty. The racists have no heart if they can look at this tragedy and have no sympathy for the victims. They would have made great NAZIS, smashing jewish babies' heads against the walls, i.e. the ghetto liquidations at Warsaw, Krakow, etc.

Again my friend you post your hatred for JEWS.

Ahh shucks, thanks for considering me your friend.
europe awake
24 Mar 2007   #154
"Many Somalians have refined features and beautifully straight lustruous hair. "

You have odd taste. You are fighting a uphill battle.

"America's greatness comes from the many contributions that immigrants have given. I agree many european nations made it. Now muds have destroyed it. "Now Obama and Hillary will be our next leaders" hillary yes , obama will never be elected. After reading through your postings I have found you are nothing but a racist yourself. You can stop compaling and just leave to make talk with people like yourself.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
24 Mar 2007   #155
Many Somalians have refined features and beautifully straight lustruous hair.

yeah, somalians are unique is their phsycal and facial characteristics and many of them certainly do have a beauty to them
LoneStranger  3 | 382
24 Mar 2007   #156
obama will never be elected

You are so sure... I wonder how. I wonder...
25 Mar 2007   #157
obama will never be elected

Eventually there will be in America a black president, a hispanic prez, an asian prez sp on and so forth. Its just a matter of time.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543
25 Mar 2007   #158
ArturSzastak, I have proved already that you're a racist: you give the thumbs-up to another racist's Polonophobic tirades.

Can you show us in what way jose's polonophobia shows itself? Strangely enough I must have missed it somehow? :(
25 Mar 2007   #159
Can you show us in what way jose's polonophobia

He equates defending minorities (blacks, hispanics and others) as being polonophobic. That's ridiculous. I wish Polish people could emigrate en mass to America especially Miami. Then I could get myself a Polish girlfriend and have a pretty baby daughter.
europe awake
25 Mar 2007   #160
"Eventually there will be in America a black president, a hispanic prez, an asian prez sp on and so forth"
Meh by then america will be a third world. But then again who knows that is going to happen. Mexico has elected white men to run the country for how long now? I wonder why. Many white americas of european hertitage are moving back to the homeland. It's a scary thought isin't it? Blacks and others rely on us for welfare and other means of handouts.

"I wish Polish people could emigrate en mass to America especially Miami."
Polish have but they don't live in slums we have some of the nicest communities in america. Europeans don't want to goto america in mass numbers anymore. We know why.

"Then I could get myself a Polish girlfriend "

I'm sure you could get one now. After all beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and well sir I think you have been single for most of your life :)
shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #161
Mexico has elected white men to run the country for how long now? I wonder why.

Which white men are those?
europe awake
25 Mar 2007   #162
Which white men are those?

"Which white men are those?"

Felipe Calderón, Ernesto Zedillo ,Vicente Fox. Look at the list. MANY MANY others.
shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #163
I did a search on the most recent leaders and found that these men are part white. They've got Mexican Indian ancestry as well which doesn't make them just white. They have just as much right to lead Mexico as those who are "full" Mexican Indian which I doubt exists anymore with so much admixture.
europe awake
25 Mar 2007   #164
"I did a search on the most recent leaders and found that these men are part white"

Really now?

"Vicente Fox was born in Mexico City on July 2, 1942, the second of nine children in his family. His father was José Luis Fox Pont and his mother was Mercedes Quesada. His paternal grandfather, José Luis Fox Flach, was born Joseph Louis Fuchs in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, son of German Catholic immigrants Louis Fuchs and Catherina Elisabetha Flach.[2]

Some have claimed that Vicente Fox's grandfather was of Irish descent, but the Cincinnati Federal Census records (1850, 1860) show that he was of German descent. The Fuchs ('fox' in German) family changed the spelling of their last name to Fox after 1870. In 1890, Joseph L. Fox worked as a shipping clerk for Emerson & Fisher, the carriage makers

Recent? please post links
shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #165
and his mother was Mercedes Quesada.

What is his mother Mercedes Quesada's ancestry? Fox is a typical ancestral make up of Mexico. White father, Mexican Indian mother. It's been that way since the Spaniard Cortes and the Indian woman Malinche.

Here's a quote and link:

"As an aside, and I didn’t get a chance to mention this to Fox himself, it dawned on me as I was leaving our meeting that he has a similar ethnic heritage to that of the Editor-in-Chief of El Ojo del Lago, in that the Mexican president’s mother is Mexican, while his grandfather came from Ireland and settled in Mexico."
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
25 Mar 2007   #166
What is his mother Mercedes Quesada's ancestry?

shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #167
I edited my original message and added that she was Mexican. So, she wasn't Spaniard.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502
25 Mar 2007   #168
"His mother, Mercedes Quesada, born in Spain, makes history by becoming the first foreigner ever to have had a child elected President of Mexico."
espana  17 | 951
25 Mar 2007   #169
sorry but this is a polish forum and look like a hispanic one
can jocesito and europa awake = (same person )shut the **** up

  • CAHBOKWL.jpg
shewolf  5 | 1077
25 Mar 2007   #170
"His mother, Mercedes Quesada, born in Spain, makes history by becoming the first foreigner ever to have had a child elected President of Mexico."

Holy guacamole. Is that for real? Why had he been lying all that time saying his mother was Mexican?

LOL. It's like Arnold coming here and running California.
25 Mar 2007   #171
Blacks and others rely on us for welfare and other means of handouts.

This is nonsense. I've worked my whole life. Mexicans are the hardest working people around. After so many centuries of exploitation the white man in America owes blacks back wages for service rendered. Think of welfare as pittance compared to what the white man got out of them during slave times. It would be nice for some PhD. from a major university to quantify the amount of revenue the slaves produced, then adjust for inflation and give us a modern figure. That is what white America owes the black man.
espana  17 | 951
25 Mar 2007   #172
I've worked my whole life

you have only 26 years old .....whole life ...ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #173
Can you show us in what way jose's polonophobia shows itself? Strangely enough I must have missed it somehow?

So am I am I :)
espana  17 | 951
25 Mar 2007   #174
you are obsess with racist and that is becouse you not are happy with yourself
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #175
Mexico as those who are "full" Mexican Indian which I doubt exists anymore with so much admixture.

The Mighty Cortes has over 500,000 descendants today that were all from his original "native mexican" wives :)
25 Mar 2007   #176
you have only 26 years old .....whole life ...ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Yes, I started working at age 17. That's nine very long years of hard work and study. Thank you kindly.

Nueve anos de duro trabajo y estudio, senor.
25 Mar 2007   #177
this thread attracts straaaange people:)
espana  17 | 951
25 Mar 2007   #178
i not feel attract to this thread!!!
is this josecito and his silly ideas racist
yes i m straaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange ok
ArturSzastak  3 | 593
25 Mar 2007   #179
this thread attracts straaaange people

I wouldn't quite say "strange" but yeah.....we've got a few specials :)

Hi Miranda!!! :)
25 Mar 2007   #180

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