zetigrek, no they don't - there's no mustache! How could you not notice that?!
Polish looks?
9 Jan 2013 #1142
There might exist a widespread complexion shade or hair/eye shade among given nation but not typical facial features. And as Paulina notced it may mislead as well.
I guess each channel has its dress code.
I think it wouldn't be kind to post people's pictures here.
each of these presenters is beautiful :)
I guess each channel has its dress code.
easy, post a load of photos of people, let people guess their origin and turn this thread into a game.
I think it wouldn't be kind to post people's pictures here.
Foreigner4 12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013 #1143
not typical facial features.
negative on that one Nancy. Poles do have typical facial features. I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.
Poles do have typical facial features
Everyone has typical facial features. Unless they are in some way 'atypical'. You are kinda proving zetigrek's point for her.
I guess each channel has its dress code.
Yes, probably, and I guess I exaggerate a bit, but still... I've noticed that female presenters in TVN24 and France24 dress rather simple, but elegant and are very minimalistic in terms of jewellery. They also usually don't wear heavy make up:

When I think of American presenters I see "bigger hair" and stronger make up:
(well, that's not the best example, but I think you get the idea)
And more colours:

But that's probably just a stereotype that got stuck in my head ;)
But I don't think you often see braided hair styles (RTR Planeta) on BBC! ;)
negative on that one Nancy. Poles do have typical facial features. I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.
Why don't you describe those "typical facial features"? I'm curious :)
Foreigner4 12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013 #1146
Why don't you describe those "typical facial features"? I'm curious :)
this is why:
I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.
Everyone has typical facial features. Unless they are in some way 'atypical'. You are kinda proving zetigrek's point for her.
You're proving my point for me.
I've observed 2 types of Pole in the UK.
The educated type, who speaks good English, well dressed and mingles with British friends and enjoys being in another country.
The same as any French, German, Spanish immigrant in this country basically.
Then there's the "kurwa kurwa" type.
Dresses like an Adidas advert from the 1980s. Speaks loudly in their native language. Shops at "European Delicatessen" because obviously carrots grown in Poland taste oh so much nicer :D
Hangs around local parks in gangs drinking foreign label beer kicking the flowers and destroying things.
Basic or no English. Adverse to out of work friendships with British people - You'll never see them down he local pub.
The educated type, who speaks good English, well dressed and mingles with British friends and enjoys being in another country.
The same as any French, German, Spanish immigrant in this country basically.
Then there's the "kurwa kurwa" type.
Dresses like an Adidas advert from the 1980s. Speaks loudly in their native language. Shops at "European Delicatessen" because obviously carrots grown in Poland taste oh so much nicer :D
Hangs around local parks in gangs drinking foreign label beer kicking the flowers and destroying things.
Basic or no English. Adverse to out of work friendships with British people - You'll never see them down he local pub.
I don't want to invest the time in "proving" something that is easier just to observe.
Well, maybe for a foreigner it's easy to observe, but for a Pole - not really :) That's why I'm asking.
So, what are those "typical Polish facial features"?
Foreigner4 12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013 #1149
Honestly, a picture says a 1000 words so let's just start posting pics of people native to one country and native Poles and you'll see the difference.
I'm not trying to be difficult but there's no way I could explain it as well as others.
Just choose 2 countries, 1 of them Poland, type in "typical x face" and "typical Polish face" and let google images do what I can't.
I'm not trying to be difficult but there's no way I could explain it as well as others.
Just choose 2 countries, 1 of them Poland, type in "typical x face" and "typical Polish face" and let google images do what I can't.
So, what are those "typical Polish facial features"?
Laura Drzewicka

Anna Jagodzinska
Typical English features.
You're proving my point for me.
I get it. Logic isn't your strong point.
Well, pics won't necessarily say a lot - I'd probably get loads of blue eyed blonds which you could get in Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, etc. ;)
You mean this?:
What's typically Polish about their facial features? You wouldn't have such features in Sweden or Russia?
Or Germany?:
What's her nationality - who can guess?
Really? What's typically English about her features?
Just choose 2 countries, 1 of them Poland, type in "typical x face" and "typical Polish face" and let google images do what I can't.
You mean this?:
Laura Drzewicka
Anna Jagodzinska
What's typically Polish about their facial features? You wouldn't have such features in Sweden or Russia?
Or Germany?:
What's her nationality - who can guess?
Typical English features.
Really? What's typically English about her features?
Nothing. I'm just making a mockery of you people saying that a certain set of features can be attributed to a European country.
I've been all over Europe and people look the same. Some ugly, some ok, some stunners
I've been all over Europe and people look the same. Some ugly, some ok, some stunners
typical Polish look, there's no common consensus yet in terms of the facial features
I could not describe what the look is either, I just immediately recognize it. Not always, of course, and for some reason more with women than men, but it's like seeing someone you've seen before, or a relative... and it is definitely in the facial features. I cannot explain it better than that, but I don't think I've ever been mistaken once I'm convinced that the woman is Polish.
Nothing. I'm just making a mockery of you people saying that a certain set of features can be attributed to a European country.
OK :)
Isn't Sweden the stereotypical European home of most beautiful women? :D
Yeah, probably, the home of über blonds ;D
Yes, yes and yes to all three or four!
you are overreacting.
Pointed head?
I gather Poles look like that:
I gather Poles look like that:
you are overreacting.
Foreigner4 12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013 #1160
Well, pics won't necessarily say a lot - I'd probably get loads of blue eyed blonds which you could get in Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, etc. ;)
I think this might be helpful:
It's the average male and female face of many countries from around the world. I am not sure if age has been taken into account. See if you can spot any differences between the average Polish and others: )
If a certain set of features can be attributed to a particular European country then here's an interesting site for all experts on this forum.
Composites of pictures of males and females to come up with an average look for a given country. Personally I don't see it but who knows maybe some of you do.
Edit: Someone beat me to it though this one is only for Europe.
Composites of pictures of males and females to come up with an average look for a given country. Personally I don't see it but who knows maybe some of you do.
Edit: Someone beat me to it though this one is only for Europe.
I think this might be helpful:
They used about 20 pictures on each nationality and then mashed them togheter, nothing average about it.
when I am in Canada I can spot Poles a mile away. Here in Poland I can spot foreigners, particularly Americans also from a mile away. They are a lot louder than everybody else. Canadians are quieter and usually have a flag somewhere on their body.
There are Slavic features. Originally the Slavic ethnicity is thought to have originated in Poland and Ukraine--in around this area, so it would make sense that the features would be strongest here. The cheekbones are higher and the eyes are more almond shaped.
In todays world it is becoming harder to differentiate because of all the migration and mixing that has gone on over centuries but there are specific features to specific cultures and ethnicities.
This might show some insight.
There are Slavic features. Originally the Slavic ethnicity is thought to have originated in Poland and Ukraine--in around this area, so it would make sense that the features would be strongest here. The cheekbones are higher and the eyes are more almond shaped.
In todays world it is becoming harder to differentiate because of all the migration and mixing that has gone on over centuries but there are specific features to specific cultures and ethnicities.
This might show some insight.
mediadump.com/hosted-id167-average-faces-from-around- the-world.html
excellent website! Now I know I'm not crazy. I recognize the characteristic differences in Europeans instantly. ;)
Foreigner4 12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013 #1165
They used about 20 pictures on each nationality and then mashed them togheter, nothing average about it.
look up the word "average" some time, you may be quite surprised by what you read: )
You don't need to be a genius to understand that you can not describe a populations look based on how 20 people in that country look like.
So there is nothing average with that link you showed us. Sorry :)
Would have been if they claimed that this is how 20 randomly selected people would have looked like when put togheter. But this is nationwide, and i don't believe that 20 people out of lets say 40 milj poles gives a fair "average" look.
So there is nothing average with that link you showed us. Sorry :)
Would have been if they claimed that this is how 20 randomly selected people would have looked like when put togheter. But this is nationwide, and i don't believe that 20 people out of lets say 40 milj poles gives a fair "average" look.
Des Essientes 7 | 1288
9 Jan 2013 #1167
No rational person believes that a sampling of merely 20 people out of 40,000,000 gives a fair average.
Did I say ALL Polish people have pointy heads? Nope.
There is a whole thread based on Polish head shape. Some non-Poles notice the difference, All Poles deny it.
easy, post a load of photos of people, let people guess their origin and turn this thread into a game.
1. No, because we've done it all before.
2. As has been pointed out, it is they way people carry themselves, move, talk etc that show any real difference.
No rational person believes that a sampling of merely 20 people out of 40,000,000 gives a fair average.
Tell that to Foreigner4 ;)
So there is nothing average with that link you showed us. Sorry :)
Did you really look at the pictures???
Stop arguing about how it was done and look at the freaking pictures!
If you don't see distinct differences between Polish, Russian, Italian, English, Irish, then I understand why you're arguing, completely. You just can't see it.
I and I bet many others, however, think they are spot-on, I don't CARE how they did it.