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Polish looks?

9 Jan 2013   #1111
Polish women and German women are as different, dress wise, as chalk and cheese.

What do you consider cheesy, maybe so picture?
pawian  224 | 27236
9 Jan 2013   #1112
I think there is, but it's down to fashion, hair and make-up.

And moustache!
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jan 2013   #1113
do you have a moustache like that Pawian?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
9 Jan 2013   #1114
What do you consider cheesy, maybe so picture?

i mean they are opposites, easy to distinguish.
Lenka  5 | 3531
9 Jan 2013   #1115
Don't post this picture.This man hates what was done with it.He never wanted to be "public" person.
As to the topic it's not only Polish look that been subject to stupid threads. once wondered to start thread :
"The most stupid things ppl wrote about Poles and Poland on PF"
9 Jan 2013   #1117
He has a straight nose, regular face features, the only thing he needs to do is loose weight and he could be even handsome... I mean in his age group ;P
Wroclaw Boy
9 Jan 2013   #1118
The member when asked for clarification of course dodged the answer as if it was something intangible

I didnt dodge the answer, i just didnt tell you as i knew exactly what you would say next, and i didnt have time for it.

So judging by that theory, if you want to se a white man in a black you will see white. What a load of crap.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
9 Jan 2013   #1119
I hate to burst your bubble but there do seem to be physical characteristics that identify someone as Slavic and dare I say even Polish. It is difficult to identify exactly what it is but even when I was living in London, despite the same clothing it was relatively easy to identify someone as Polish or generally Slavic as opposed to being English. Same thing back home where you'll see any and every ethnic background in society. Slavic features aren't a figment of our collective imagination and neither are Polish ones.
9 Jan 2013   #1120
but there do seem to be physical characteristics that identify someone as Slavic and dare I say even Polish.

can you ponder a bit what could it be?

if you want to se a white man in a black you will see white.

i often do when i see o bama.
David_18  65 | 966
9 Jan 2013   #1121
I hate to burst your bubble but there do seem to be physical characteristics that identify someone as Slavic and dare I say even Polish.

I see what you mean!

Polish M.Mielcarz
9 Jan 2013   #1122
Who's that? A Hollywood actress?
David_18  65 | 966
9 Jan 2013   #1123
Magdalena Mielcarz, a very polish actress doh!
9 Jan 2013   #1124
i don't watch m jak miłość. i don't recognize those polish starlets.
really i dont find anything uniquely polish in her. she could have been an american girl with no slavic ancestry.
David_18  65 | 966
9 Jan 2013   #1125
really i dont find anything uniquely polish in her. she could have been an american girl with no slavic ancestry.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
9 Jan 2013   #1126
Probably because there's no Polish look in fact.

there is as there is a German look and many others. I am able to recognize a foreigner almost right away in Szczecin by the way they carry themselves. It is a combination of things including living in a different society, wearing different clothes, making different money, being relaxed and comfortable with themselves, and being a tourist. I am also able to recognize a Polish person when abroad; physical features and different behavior.
Wroclaw Boy
9 Jan 2013   #1127
really i dont find anything uniquely polish in her.

She looks very Polish.

she could have been an american girl with no slavic ancestry.

Considering America has no real heritage identity other than native Indians yes she could have been.

this guy looks Polish, yes Zeti im aware he may have distant German heritage.

Polish pope
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Jan 2013   #1128
Maybe,dare I say it,we in Britain are just far more used to foreigners than you guys in Poland?
Honestly,no one is saying ALL Poles in the UK are the Chavy shell suit wearing,Lech swilling types they are just the most obvious ones as its a different style of chavness to our native one :)

But,apart from that,yes,in general there is a Slavic look and a more Germanic look. *Slavic* women tend to have weaker features (more *feminine* if you like ;) ) and *Slavic* men often have slightly pointy idea what that is about but line up 10 shaven headed blokes and I bet WB and me could pick out the English from the Polish lol

Of course its not a universal rule as people in Poland always think Im a native or at least of Polish heritage,but I get that everywhere in Europe,I guess Ive just one of those faces lol.....

But,will you take it from those of us who have commented,we speak (some) Polish,can certainly tell the difference between the Polish language and the Russian or Hungarian or Baltic languages . There are a hell of a lot more of you here than the official statistics would claim.

BTW,no, I dont live in a Big City either, I live in a small town,almost a village and even we have a Polski Sklep and Polski product shelves in most of our shops :)

PS,OP, yes,you do often smell differently, the Polish diet is very different to the average british diet....your cigarettes smell differently too....
9 Jan 2013   #1129
this guy looks Polish, yes Zeti im aware he may have distant German heritage.

About half of Polish men look like JP II. Just look at Stanisław Mikulski. Maybe in fact Poles are German... wait a minute aren't English Germanic too? ;)

Maybe,dare I say it,we in Britain are just far more used to foreigners than you guys in Poland?

If so then we should be able to spot a foreigner in a split of a second.

can certainly tell the difference between the Polish language and the Russian or Hungarian or Baltic languages .

Then you'll be all aware that no one says "meerkat" instead of "market" ;)))
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Jan 2013   #1130
Then you'll be all aware that no one says "meerkat" instead of "market" ;)))

Oh,dont lol....I love the meerkat but I do get boring on the topic :)
Did you know he is named after (accidently I hope) the NKVD boss sent by Stalin to republican Spain to destabilise their fight against the fascists ?

PS,some of us even know that Borat doesnt speak Khazak but actually Polish ;)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jan 2013   #1131
actually isthatu2 he speaks modern Hebrew with a few Polish phrases thrown in.
and his sidekick answers him in ARmenian.
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1132
PS,OP, yes,you do often smell differently, the Polish diet is very different to the average british diet....your cigarettes smell differently too....

This is about the most ridiculous post I've come across on 'Polish forums'.

Polish people have 'pointy heads' and smell 'different'. Double face-palm.

Yeah, and they've also got webbed feet. And nursing mothers produce żurek rather than milk from their teats. I reckon Poles are so different because of all the polar bears wandering round the streets of Polish cities.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Jan 2013   #1133
Is that in the film? I never did get round to watching that.......
In the TV shows he did over here he only spoke English with a *comic* accent with a couple of Polish phrases thrown in :)

Polish people have 'pointy heads' and smell 'different'. Double face-palm.

Did I say ALL Polish people have pointy heads? Nope.
Calopers for birth are far more or were far more commonly used in the former communist countries,hence some Poles having the distinct pointy head look that this can leave after a soft babies skull has been gripped by metel clamps during birth......

So, taff, will you say that British Asians dont smell differently from White Brits? If so you are lying, their diet of far more curry than us gives them a different smell.

Eat more cabbage and pierogi than bangers and mash and you are going to smell differently.
Sorry my Welsh friend but you just show your own daftness/PC correctness with that claim.
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1134
Triple face palm.

So, taff, will you say that British Asians dont smell differently from White Brits? If so you are lying, their diet of far more curry than us gives them a different smell.

Of course, anyone who's been eating curry smells 'different'. It doesn't matter whether you are British, Asian or Polish.
gumishu  15 | 6227
9 Jan 2013   #1135
The main aim of this thread is to answer the question why do foreigners have silly ideas about Poles?

what is wrong with walking differently zeti - if they can tell a Pole in Britain what's wrong? maybe we just stick out and that's it
Satchkat  - | 20
9 Jan 2013   #1136
I reckon Poles are so different because of all the polar bears wandering round the streets of Polish cities.

Dude, my ex-father-in-law asked me if he should bring his puffy winter jacket to Gdansk and whether we had pinguins. This was in late July.

Calopers for birth are far more or were far more commonly used in the former communist countries,hence some Poles having the distinct pointy head look that this can leave after a soft babies skull has been gripped by metel clamps during birth...... Just 'wow' regarding that and the previous post. You made my afternoon.

I'm not sure what went wrong with quoting and why this post looks weird, but nevermind.
ifor bach  11 | 152
9 Jan 2013   #1137
I live in Szczecin. I'm quite interested in spotting foreigners, (usually by the way they dress). However, very often I happen to be wrong. I'd imagine you get it wrong too.

English people and Poles are both Northern European Caucasians. The actual physical differences are pretty small.

The differences between Poles and Germans are minute, mainly because many (most?) Germans have some Slavic ancestry.

Spotting racial differences between nations is pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo that went out of fashion with the Nazis.
9 Jan 2013   #1138
Pointed head?
I gather Poles look like that:

pointed head?

what is wrong with walking differently zeti - if they can tell a Pole in Britain what's wrong?

Wrong with it is that it's arrant nonsense.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
9 Jan 2013   #1139
easy, post a load of photos of people, let people guess their origin and turn this thread into a game.
Paulina  17 | 4465
9 Jan 2013   #1140
LOL Zeti, the moment I saw the title of your thread I remembered that I wondered about the same thing when I was reading one Russian forum - Russians were asking questions about Poles and Poland as if we were some aliens living on Mars :D And they are our fellow Slavs! lol

The only difference, I think, was that they were genuinely curious. My impression is that here foreigners rather state things, even when they "inquire" about something (usually to complain about sth :)) - "Poland is a nation of criminals?" xD).

Probably because there's no Polish look in fact.

Maybe there is, who knows :) Although I wonder if we're that easily distinguishable from other Slavs - taking only looks into account and not clothes, make up?

There is something like Slavic look, Scandinavian look, "Latino" look. Even the French look a bit different than Poles, I've noticed more dark hair and a bit darker skin shade when I was in Paris.

But that's of course the "typical look" :) I don't look typically "Polish", for example :)
When I was in Hamburg with my friends we were at some restaurant and we were sitting next to elderly Germans. We were talking in Polish, but they thought we're Italian lol (probably because of our names - Paulina, Karolina, etc.). There were four of us - I have brown hair, my friend - blond and blue eyes, and the other two - dark brown hair and eyes, and naturally curly red hair and light colour eyes - and we were all Polish :)

And there are also Americans! You can tell them apart even from the Europeans! I had a Polish-Canadian teacher once and she was sooo American! xD

And as far as fashion style is corncerned - you can see the difference even in the news of each country in the way presenters are dressed and what hair styles they have - I have BBC World News, RTR Planeta (Russian), some French news channel, American, and of course TVN 24 (Polish). American style is quite different form the French, for example. I would say the way they dress women in TVN 24 resembles French the most. We all know how American presenters look like :) And the BBC style is... erm... British, I suppose :) I've noticed more than once that Russian female presenters have "Slavic" hair styles and every and each of these presenters is beautiful :)

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