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Polish looks?

Seanus  15 | 19668
29 Aug 2010 #751
I got that part ;)

You might dump her though ;)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
29 Aug 2010 #752
Do the guys that need to feel special, what's the difference between 5 and 50? How about if your special lady friend only slept with 5 people, but 4 of those were one night stands? What's your sorting criteria here?

It's far better to have someone experienced, anyway ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
29 Aug 2010 #753
You might dump her though ;)

Like I said, I wouldn't get involved with someone who has had a lot of sexual partners ;)
Just a personal preference though. My best mate (a lass) is a bit of a bike but I love her to bits anyway :D

It's far better to have someone experienced, anyway ;)

Then where's the fun of teaching ;):P
McCoy  27 | 1268
29 Aug 2010 #754
Ania Przybylska

przybylska has always been sexy. the rest is so so or no no.

i would rather schrupał tego racucha:
29 Aug 2010 #755
It's far better to have someone experienced, anyway ;)

NMP put a pic of an english beauty which is the most atractive to you. I'm curious in men's taste.

Then where's the fun of teaching ;):P

he looks for a mother ;D

i would rather schrupał tego racucha:

Ola Szwed???

hmm... I will never understand men's taste.
If we are in Klan family I would rather like more:

Kaja Paschalska
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
29 Aug 2010 #756
he looks for a mother ;D

Why not? some mums are hot.
29 Aug 2010 #757
never said it's wrong :)
McCoy  27 | 1268
29 Aug 2010 #758
hmm... I will never understand men's taste.

you posted her picture when she was a teen. she became a fine looking woman some time ago

29 Aug 2010 #759
What do you guys think about Magda Mołek?

shaggable, dont u dare post a pic!

no because everyone knows how she look like ;P besides she seems to be not very photogenic...

Ok, we Poland don't have many sexy looking men (but some have really sexy personalities though), but there is one really sexy looking guy who I like. Marcin Dorociński:

I like his bad boy look ;)
Seanus  15 | 19668
29 Aug 2010 #760
Well, it just goes to show that beauty (good looks) are in the eye of the beholder.
29 Aug 2010 #761
who do you mean? Magda Mołek? I just ask what's your taste. It's alway a suprise for me to discover that men have rather different taste in women than women.

For example many men thinks that Michelle Rodríguez is ugly and hates her.

I dont even know who she is or looks like. I just said shaggable cos what else could i say :/




Xavery Żuławski is quite a ciacho, even though he sometimes looks like complete żul and a junky ;)

(Xawery is a son of director Andrzej Żuławski and actress Małgorzata Braunek)
Seanus  15 | 19668
29 Aug 2010 #762
Michelle is much prettier :)

The Polish Brad Pitt might pass as good looking.
29 Aug 2010 #763
The Polish Brad Pitt might pass as good looking.

well polish brat pitt is a different guy.

Maciej Zakościelny (but I don't find him sexy)
he's too much boyish for me.


Polish James Dean:

Zbyszek Cybulski

and his famouse glasses:

beckski  12 | 1609
29 Aug 2010 #764
Marcin Dorociński:
I like his bad boy look ;)

I like his look too!!! Marcin is definitely Polish eye candy :)

GlacaNI  - | 5
29 Aug 2010 #765
I look better but Ihave no hair - lades like me to be smooth
Amathyst  19 | 2700
29 Aug 2010 #766
sexy looking guy who I like. Marcin Dorociński:

Just shows how much tastes differ, personally he wouldnt be my type..

  • Dominic Purcell - OMG!

  • Wentworth Mill - Take me Now!
southern  73 | 7059
29 Aug 2010 #767
I think I will have to give a lesson on mediteranean beauty,slavic beauty,balkan beauty and germanic
29 Aug 2010 #768
Just shows how much tastes differ, personally he wouldnt be my type..

oh I don't like them both. In Poland we call such types "karki". Too much muscles.

I think I will have to give a lesson on mediteranean beauty,slavic beauty,balkan beauty and germanic

oh, no, please, oszczędź nam tego! ;D
Amathyst  19 | 2700
29 Aug 2010 #769
oh I don't like them both. In Poland we call such types "karki". Too much muscles.

I prefer my men to look like men and not built like women.

But I dare you to say you dont like this chap!

Having been Ireland I have to say it has the most attractive men than any other country Ive been too...Pure Irish..and heavenly.

  • Colin Farrell :D
29 Aug 2010 #770
I prefer my men to look like men and not built like women.

But Marcin is quite well built men.

I like when a man have proportional body built not steroid muscles.

Having been Ireland I have to say it has the most attractive men than any other country Ive been too...Pure Irish..and heavenly.

hate collin he has such a misiowata face. Really never liked him. Btw you know who's his girlfriend?

Alicja Bachleda-Curuś

This is my school colleague:
Seanus  15 | 19668
30 Aug 2010 #771
Pretty in a way but is she on drugs? ;)
30 Aug 2010 #772
well I don't know but I wouldn't be suprised... ;)

btw she was really pretty before she became a model. She had to lose lots of weight, so now she is really skinny and looks very frail and unhealthy maybe that's it.
Seanus  15 | 19668
30 Aug 2010 #773
She does look a bit gaunt but not as bad as many I've seen.
southern  73 | 7059
30 Aug 2010 #774
Polish are above competition.Poland and Sweden have an absurd concentration of hot women only CR and Slovakia come close.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
30 Aug 2010 #775
btw she was really pretty before she became a model. She had to lose lots of weight, so now she is really skinny and look very frail and unhealthy.

Yeah, shame as I dont like to see really skinny girls, they look really unhealthy.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235
30 Aug 2010 #776
Alicja Bachleda-Curuś

she always reminds me of jessica alba

mateusz damiecki is rather nice, and i always liked krzysztof ibisz ;)
30 Aug 2010 #777
She does look a bit gaunt but not as bad as many I've seen.

she's taller than you and wears (I guess) 36 or less...
Seanus  15 | 19668
30 Aug 2010 #778
Well, I'm not into heels so she's at an advantage ;)

She isn't a stick insect :) Many women around the world don't age well but I like Iwona Pawlowić. Dancing has kept her in shape.
30 Aug 2010 #779
she always reminds me of jessica alba

and me she reminds me that czech model Petra Nemcova:

whenever I see Petra I think it's Alicja...

Iwona Pawlowić. Dancing has kept her in shape.

yep she's nice :)
southern  73 | 7059
30 Aug 2010 #780
Czeske modelki are unbeatable.Generally I think slavic look is rejected by agencies as too sweet and pretty but they make an exception for the germanized czech look which has always been successful artistically.

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