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Is Gajos a Silesian or Polish surname?

OurRoots 1 | 3
13 Nov 2013 #1
Hello First of all i would like to complement this website very nice Now My name surname is Gajos Is there a chance it could be a silesian name I was on this website and theres large amounts of gajos's in silesia I was always told my grandfather was from poland and so was my grandmother but Im Just a little confused being told im polish my whole life to see something like this is just a little confusing so if you would take your time and please give me a respose i would be thankful.
Wulkan - | 3137
13 Nov 2013 #2
Do you have any idea what you're talking about? It's like someone asking am I from Paris or from France
jarekn7 - | 5
13 Nov 2013 #3
Janusz Gajos is one of the best Polish actors :))
OP OurRoots 1 | 3
13 Nov 2013 #4
Well thanks guys i appreicate it and i like that like asking if i am from paris this is for a friend of mine who has been studying poland and our surnames trying to tell me that my surname is not polish this will prove him wrong once in for all LOL
Astoria - | 153
13 Nov 2013 #5
Gajos is a popular Polish surname. 4146 people named Gajos live in Poland. Distribution of Gajos name in Poland: The largest concentration of Gajoses is in Miechów and Kielce, suggesting that the origin of the name was not in Silesia.
sofijufka 2 | 187
14 Nov 2013 #6
Gajos – from "gaić"['zielenić - turn green, grow green; festoon with greenery]', oldfashioned - 'otwierać sądy' (i don't know how it's in english: to begin a court proceedings?)
OP OurRoots 1 | 3
14 Nov 2013 #7

Help finding family members in poland (great grand fathers name was Stanley Gajos)

Now As far as i know my great grand fathers name was Stanley Gajos and i was told he was from Polska Now is there any way i could link him to some one still alive i have no clue were he was born so its just confusing so if you would give me a minute of your time thanks
cinek 2 | 347
14 Nov 2013 #8
i could link him to some one still alive

Baybe this guy?

OP OurRoots 1 | 3
14 Nov 2013 #9
Maybe LOL.Found alot of people of those links and theres also alot of Gajoses on Fb.
4 Aug 2020 #11
My great grandfather was also Stanley gajos! :)
pawian 221 | 24284
4 Aug 2020 #12
How did they pronounce the surname?

Home / Genealogy / Is Gajos a Silesian or Polish surname?
BoldItalic [quote]
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