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Need some feedback direction on names/locations! Makaruk, Savchuk, Lenz, Fenske / Cherdia, Drazna

5 May 2022   #1
First I'd like to thank those who replied to my other post and helping me confirm things! This post is just looking for general input on forenames as well as surnames, I know this is a Polish forum but I see many with knowledge of many countries in Eastern Europe and am grateful for the feedback!

I also have some inquiries able locations. I have documents that given who provided copies should be right, my great grandfather who here is named Charles Sanchuk but in the Canadian marriage certificate said Kerel Savchun same with fathers last name (if anyone can explain that), he was buried in Canada as Charles Sanchuk, as well as his wife who is Metelda on the marriage certificate but Matilda Semchuck on her death certificate and first name should be Mathilde/Mathilda/Matilda Maiden name Lenz. Not to mention her father is listed as Emil Lenz but should be Whilhelm, could this be the entirely wrong person lol. I know this is confusing and I know many spelling errors can be made but I was hoping anyone with personal knowledge and experience could help me work through this! Why would someone named Kerel be Charles here? I heard his born name may have been Kyrill?

Another thing is as I was always told they were Ukrainian, the naturalization paper of Charles says born Cherdia Podolsk Russia, I see nothing about Cherdia even existing. Matilda/Mathildes naturalization says born Drazna Volinsky Russia (could have been a German born in Russia) but I'm just not super knowledgeable and am still learning at the moment. There marriage in Canada is also a Banns Marriage and Charles religion says Russian orthodox and hers Church of England. I've hit a wall with my great grandparents sadly and hope someone can help!

Names are:
Fedosia Makaruk (great great grandmother) as written in Canadian marriage
Demetry Savchuk (great great grandfather)as written on Canadian marriage so first name likely wrong spelling
Kerel Savchuk (great grandfather) on Canadian marriage so also likely wrong (buried in Canada as Charles Sanchuk) possibly Kyrill? Can't find any records in both names in Canada or anywhere else except the marriage

Mathilde Lenz(maiden name Lenz on baptism record, great grandmother) on Canadian marriage certificate says Metelda Lenz/Lens so likely wrong and Matilda Semchuck on Canadian death certificate. Also hard to read but some have translated place of baptism as Lutsk and religion evangelical Lutheran

Wilhelm Friedrich Gustav Lenz (Lentz on tombstone)
Henrietta Fenske, not confirmed and never came to Canada as far as I know. Listed on baptism of Mathilde as Agata Fenske which I've learned is likely Agatha but also have seen Auguste Henrietta Fenske so not sure how accurate the info I'm seeing is

Aside from common info on family trees, the baptism and banns marriage record as well as potentially accurate naturalization records I don't have much to help further my research. Especially getting more on Mathilde and anything else with Charles and his parents and their ancestry.

Thanks I'm advance and sorry for the lengthy message!
Bobko  27 | 2124
5 May 2022   #2
Makaryuks and Savchuks are 100% Ukrainian. How Kiril can become Charles? Strange indeed. Kirill is the Russian version of the name Cyril. To become a Charles, you would first need to be a Karl. The distance between Kirill and Karl is just a few letters. So maybe in the pre-Google days your grandpa just figured that anglicized Kirill is Charles, because someone who advised him thought his name was Karl?

Finally, if his name was in fact Karl, and not Kiril, then it is a very rare name for a Russian or a Ukrainian. Kirill, on the other hand, is very common.
OP Pleuvoir
5 May 2022   #3
I can't thank you enough for that feedback! On the marriage certificate was translated as Kerel online in handwriting which maybe could be Kiril, my assumption was if you were born somewhere you likely had knowledge of how your name was spelt and such but who knows. I suppose you could be right that he just put what knowledge he knew and what he thought was right. The Canadian banns marriage, his surname gets translated as Savchun.

I see you spelt Makaruk differently, may I ask is this the original spelling as what I have is on a Canadian record?

Someone in another forum site said this:
"Kerel" looks like a phonetic spelling variation of Kyrill (Cyril in English). Surname looks like Savchuk, one of several possible spelling variations in English. Savchuk could be Ukrainian or Belarusian but his being Russian Orthodox rather than Ukrainian Orthodox or Greek Catholic makes me think Belarusian. (Also, Savchuk is one of my family surnames and my Savchuks were from Belarus.) Charles is not a Slavic name, so Kerel/Kyrill is actually his "real name."

Sound accurate?

Also, Feodosia is this spelt correctly or should I consider any other variables?
Looker  - | 1129
5 May 2022   #4

More likely Teodozja (Polish spelling) or maybe Teodora
Bobko  27 | 2124
5 May 2022   #5

When going from Russian or Ukrainian to English the only way you get a Charles is if you work with a Karl to begin with. Maybe some friendly person, perhaps a German, heard your Grandpa say in a heavily accented way that he is Kiril, and was asked to spell it, and that person decided - "oh this is like German Karl, so then you are a Charles".

The reason I spelled Makaryuk as I did was just through muscle memory, because I was trying to spell the letter Ю using Latin letters, which is"yu". That is, in Russian it would be spelled Макарюк.

Finally, don't be misled by Russian Orthodox vs Ukrainian Orthodox, etc. There was no Ukrainian Orthodox Church until 2018. It was quite a big deal actually, covered all over the news. The Greek Catholics existed, and in large numbers, but mostly in a part which did not yet belong to Russia then. So any Orthodox person from the former Soviet Union with the exception of Georgia (which has its own ancient church) and Armenia (different type of Orthodox) would be Russian Orthodox.
OP Pleuvoir
6 May 2022   #6
I can't thank you enough for being so informative, it's greatly appreciated! Glad to have cleared up some information to help me understand better. Makes a lot of sens and something I did speculate on how names could be wrong. I also had no idea about Ukrainian orthodox churches so thanks for that info too!

Is Kerel a name of any sort anywhere or to confirm just Kiril poorly spelt? Any speculation of his parents names Spelt Demetry and Feodosia on the Canadian marriage paper?

Any additional advice on research, resources etc are appreciated thanks everyone!
Paulina  16 | 4384
6 May 2022   #7
Is Kerel a name of any sort anywhere or to confirm just Kiril poorly spelt?

I think it's most likely that it's the name "Kiril" spelt wrong:

Any speculation of his parents names Spelt Demetry

It's simply "Dmitry" spelt wrong:

and Feodosia

At first I thought it's misspelt "Theodosia", but I googled "Feodosia" and it turned out it's a name of a port and resort in Crimea:

Considering that your relatives are Ukrainian, I think there may be some likelihood that they wanted to be original and named her after that town (because their family came from there, for example).

In Polish this town is called "Teodozja":

Also, "Feodosia" is listed as "other names" in Wikipedia note about the name "Theodosia":

As for Savchuk - it's a common Ukrainian surname:

In Polish it's spelled "Sawczuk":

When you google it there are people with surnames like "Savchun" or Polish "Sańczuk", but "Savchuk" is the most common, it seems.
OP Pleuvoir
25 May 2022   #8
So anyone have any idea where on earth Cherdia is ?? Trying to narrow down my great grandfather's place of birth and Cherdia, Podolsk, Russia makes no sense to me. I know Podolsk, but what is Cherdia??
OP Pleuvoir
5 Sep 2022   #9

AGATA HENRIETTA FENSKE - Looking for help finding records of my 2nd great grandmother

I have posted in the past generally asking about locations and surnames etc but would like to make a more specific post to see if I can get help finding record of my 2nd great grandmother. Sadly I have little concrete evidence of her existence and theres so much info to take in which can get frustrating, so sometimes its good to take a break! I sadly have little info and evidence so I hope I can provide what I know and someone can help with some feedback/knowledge/resources etc that may help lead to some answers! ... So here goes!

NAME: Agata Henrietta Fenske
Born: approx 1870
Passed: approx 1906

SPOUSE: Wilhelm Friedrich Gustav Lentz/Lenz (1869 Germany - 1946 Alberta Canada)
- Wilhelms 2nd wife was Emilie Greening/Gruning?
- Wilhelms mothers potential maiden name was Mierke

Mathilde Lentz/Lenz (26 March 1893 Russia/Ukraine - Jan 1947 Toronto Canada)
Confirmation is hard to read but we believe location is Luzk although the baptism paper in in german. Also, Agata is listed as Agathe Which I assume is German spelling.

Spouses: John Olesky (1894-1955), Charles (Kiril/Kerel?) Sanchuk (likely many spelling variations B. Approx 1888 Russia - D. 1974 Toronto Canada)

Ludwig Louis Lentz (18 Aug 1891 Russia - 11 Nov 1972 Arnprior, Canada)

Emilie Lentz (17 April 1894 Russia - 22 Aug 1989)

Heinrich Lentz (21 Aug 1898 - 4 Feb 1970)

Otto Lentz (1903 - 1905)

A helpful tree but some info is speculation:

- No info has been found connecting my great grandmother Mathilde to any of her Siblings
- No marriage records have been found for Wilhelm and Henrietta or Wilhelm and Emilie
- Mathildes death certificate in Canada lists her father as Emil Lenz but I am not sure if this is just an error her husband made of what speculation can be made

- Henrietta never left Europe
- Speculation is Wilhelm and Emilie married in Brandenburg
- Mathildes marriage record with Kiril says she was born in Germany but her death record says she was born in Russia. I understand the many fine lines and changes in Europes borders so this maybe irrelevant.

- Maiden name is unknown on Mathilde/Matildas death record
- Death of Heinrich, one of Henriettas sons says mothers maiden name is Tenske

OP Pleuvoir
8 Feb 2023   #10

Just folllowing up on my post hoping someone can keep I. Touch here.

I'm still trying to piece it together and find the best resources to do so. With that said, one of his sons is named Carl, not sure if that could possible in anyway indicate his name being Karl? I heard he once told someone he was White Russian so Belarus sounds about bright I'm hoping.
OP Pleuvoir
1 Aug 2023   #11
Not sure if anyone is still connected to the post but sadly I have not found concrete proof of his parents but meant to clarify a few things as I am not well versed in this area and tend to get a little frazzled.

In Canada my great grandfathers name is Charles Sanchuk which I know can be spelt a million ways, and I mentioned on a Canadian marriage record his and his fathers surname look to be spelt Savchuk, would this be an accurate different spelling and still Ukrainian? And to confirm, Charles fathers name looks to be spelt Demetry on the document, theres a few error, even his wifes name is spelt Metelda.

Also, one of Charles sons is in fact names Carl

On a side note I did crack the code on my great grandmas family history though (Fenske) so thats wonderful!

Any help input to further connect there dots is appreciated! Even resources and tips of ways to possibly find more info is great!

OP Pleuvoir
1 Aug 2023   #12

OP Pleuvoir
1 Aug 2023   #13
A couple helpful links

Home / Genealogy / Need some feedback direction on names/locations! Makaruk, Savchuk, Lenz, Fenske / Cherdia, Drazna

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