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Family Decendent of Gen. Jozef Bem

pielegniarka  1 | 6
19 Apr 2009   #1
Trying to get more information for research. If anyone could help I would appreciate it.
scorpio  20 | 188
19 Apr 2009   #2
General Jozef Bem was born in Tarnów, Poland (only 30 km south of me) and a hero in both Poland and Hungary who fought for independence. He was brought back to Poland in 1929 and laid to rest in a mausoleum in Tarnów, located in the center of a pond in a beautiful park.
OP pielegniarka  1 | 6
19 Apr 2009   #3
Hello. Thank you for replying. I have seen many pictures of his monument. I ordered a book that is a biography but it is in Polish. I hope one day to get the part about his family translated. Can you please tell me if he has any memorabilia in a museum? I would like to contact them to see if I can get any information. Any information you can give me would be appreciated, if you can not, it is ok.
scorpio  20 | 188
20 Apr 2009   #4
Can you please tell me if he has any memorabilia in a museum?

Please look at the Muzeum Okręgowe W Tarnowie
It has a link on the front page which says that this year is the "Year of General Jozef Bem" and there is plenty of information about it on their website.
OP pielegniarka  1 | 6
26 Apr 2009   #5
Hello Scorpio. I went to the website, I am sure it is amazing, I did save the information. Do you know of a site that is in English. I wish that I could read the biography page, I do not even know who can read it. Thank you for giving me this information. Do you know if Bem had a specific Coat of Arms?
Polonius3  980 | 12275
29 May 2009   #6
Nobles of the Bem family were entitled to use the rather rare Behem c-o-a which depicts a white sheep on the red half of the vertically split shield and a green griffin on the white half.
11 Jan 2010   #7

I think I am also a decendent of the general. I would love to compare info and send u copies of the lithographs I've collected. Let me know if u are interested. I'm in Baltimore, md USA.

20 Jun 2013   #8
My grandmother was Ludwika Bem, My grandmother's brother son Jerome, is the only remaining direct Bem descendant in our family. He is 90 yrs.old. I got his YDNA tested and got his haplogroup. It would be very interesting if possible male descendants of General Bem would have their YDNA tested. I did it with FamilyTree DNA (
14 Aug 2013   #9
Sebastian, I'm certainly interested in knowing more about your grandmother. I'd certainly be willing to do a DNA test. My great grandparents came to the USA in the first few years of 1900. They were Jacob and Tecla Bem. Any idea if you are related? My email above is no longer working. Feel free to contact me at jonbem55@gmail.
4 Mar 2014   #10
My late Uncle, Jacques Bem, born in Egypt, spent last years in South Africa. His children live in Bethesda, Md. He claimed a relationship to Gen Jozef Bem. His mother,s first husband was named Albert Hyiatt. Albert Bem was her second husband. We are of the Jewsih Faith and her father, my great grandfather was a very religious man. They moved to Alexandria, Egypt and my Uncle and His two sisters were born there./ They claim a relationship with Gen. Jozef Bem. Was he Jewish?
sofijufka  2 | 187
5 Mar 2014   #11
no, he rather wasn't, but his great-great-great-grandfather came from Prussia, and family's coat-of-arms was Bem/Behem/Bohm.
Rodrigo de Bem
7 Jul 2016   #12
Hi I am from Brazil and my name is Rodrigo de Bem Nunes. My great-grand father was Baltazar de Bem and he used to say that General Joseph Bem was family patriarch. Does any one knows something about Baltazar, Gaspar and Belchior ? They would be brothers or cousins of Joseph Bem and went to Brazil in the 1800. My e-mail is
gjene  15 | 203
17 Jul 2016   #13
Do you have knowledge of Bohm's in the family that could have lived in or near Gostynin? The reason I ask is that my great great grandmother was a Bohm. I did find her grave, along with a brother of hers. Problem is I do not have much else in the way of information on her family other than what was written down in the family bible. I do know who her parents and grandparents are but not where they came from.
GeoNomad  - | 5
1 Apr 2018   #14
My grandparents were Leberecht (Landwirt Siegfried Julius) Bem (born 2.11.1887 in Saarimaa, I believe) and Magda Selma Behm (born Krause). They also used Behm and Bohme as their family name.

He appears to be the son of Julius Gottlieb Fiedrich Bem.

They always claimed to be direct descendants of Jozef Bem and I wonder about the rest of the line in the 19th century.

If anyone has more of that family tree, I would be interested to see it.
kaprys  3 | 2076
1 Apr 2018   #15
There are over 1600 people called Bem in Poland according to I doubt they are all related to Józef Bem.
I haven't found any information about a wife or children of the general. As for siblings, he had four half sisters and two half brothers, Konstanty and Andrzej (the latter born in 1810).
GeoNomad  - | 5
2 Apr 2018   #16
Thank you. I hadn't found any information about a wife or children either, but I am not a skilled genealogist and have not been looking long.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Apr 2018   #17
He was an important historical figure, a hero of three nations. Had he had any children, at least basic information about them would be available online, I guess. I mean even his stepmother's maiden name is mentioned.

Anyway, he was a member of the Polish nobility, so there should be detailed genealogical records available.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
2 Apr 2018   #18
I used to work with a woman called Bem..
Well I say 'worked' we worked on the stable yard or in the house, while she sat in the office looking as though she had smelt something bad. Which in fairness, she probably had.
kaprys  3 | 2076
2 Apr 2018   #19
Was that in Poland?

Yeah, the surname is not really uncommon. There's also that singer Ewa Bem.
I doubt all Bems are related to the general just like not all Dudas are related to our president ;)
19 Sep 2018   #20
Good morning GeoNomad. My great grandparents were Leberecht Siegfried Julius Bem and Magda Selma Bem, who both came with my grandmother and my mother, who was born in 1945 to Lower Saxony, Germany. My great grandfather died, when I was 4 years old and my great grandmother, when I was about 7. I know also about the fact that they claimed to be direct descendants from Jozef Bem. They studied both in Königsberg and Paris. My older brother and my mother still have some photographs and letters partly in Estonian language, partly in polish language, partly in german language from them and their ancestors. So I wonder, what you can tell us about.
GeoNomad  - | 5
19 Sep 2018   #21
Good morning cfgauss1777.

Leberecht and Magda were my grandparents, so we are very closely related. Your grandmother is my aunt. I think.

29 Sep 2018   #22
Good evening Peter. This sounds pretty interesting to me. I know my brother Ingo was in contact about 20 years ago to the canadian line of our family. Have a nice evening Ralph
GeoNomad  - | 5
29 Sep 2018   #23

You should add yourself to this tree. There are 2,000 of your ancestors in it already.

We are still in touch with Ingo on Facebook.

bassel  - | 3
3 Mar 2020   #24
Hallo i am bassel and i think 75% jozef bem is My great grandfather ...i am form syria from aleppo and He got married there and lived and was buried there and then his remains were taken to his home country - I hope to do DNA analysis I now live in Germany and I will follow up
GeoNomad  - | 5
3 Mar 2020   #25
Bassel. I hope you do and we find we have some common DNA. It would be exciting.
bassel  - | 3
4 Mar 2020   #26
I also hope so and I will be very happy to know my grandparents and relatives
Do you have details of his life in Aleppo ?
the photos of my second grandfather exactly match Joseph Bam
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Mar 2020   #27
the photos of my second grandfather exactly match Joseph Bam


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