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I did go on the site, unfortunately, I don't read Polish, but I typed in the family name anyway and got this. Niestety, w bazie nie ma słowa: Kustowski Niestety, w bazie nie ma słowa: Olsewski Niestety, w bazie nie ma słowa: Guziak Have no clue what that means, can you translate please?
It was one of oldest coats of arms. In the middle ages it was one of the richest and took second place in the country after the king's family.
Olszewski is there, with the big "W" and this is what it says: Najstarszy wizerunek herbu pochodzi 1343 na pieczęci Dobiesława, sędziego kaliskiego. Wcześniejsze wystąpienia kasztelana kruszwickiego Lupusa z 1212r. mają inną formę. Nazwa Abdank może wywodzić się (wg legendy) od słowa "dziękuję" (Hab Dank) wypowiedzianego przez cesarza gdy protoplasta Skarbek wrzucił do jego skrzyń ze złotem swój pierścień.
I have found my surname to be connected in some way to the Ślepowron clan.Is anyone else associated with this clan or knows something about it? I am unfamiliar with this clan and am very interested if anyone knows of any worthwhile reading material or sources I may look at to gather more info on the subject rather than Wikipedia.
Hello there, relative. My family has this CoA except ours looks slightly different due to marriages with other noble families. Unfortunately I don't know much about it other than that it's actually a very common CoA and our former president Jaruzelski had it too.
I don't think my surnames are in there. I looked up Stszeszynski and Walczak. I don't know polish so I am not sure. Can anyone help me with this. LOL. Sorry.
This was very interesting. Unfortunately, I don't know Polish, otherwise, I'm sure I would've gotten a lot more out of it.
My results were a mixed bag. Some names did not show up at all. Some names, like Markowski, showed up, some even in multiple clans.
Some names did not show up as I spell them, but did show up in slightly different variations. For example, my great grandmother's name of Domachowska did not show up, but Dmachowski did. Are they two different names, or just a variation in spelling? I have no idea. Anyone else have an opinion?
Of course, the most interesting one was Kicki which came up as:
"Herb szlachecki. Rodziny należące do herbu: Kicki, Kiczki lub Kiczka, Plużewski"
I saw above what the translation of that is, but it just leaves me with a lot more questions. I don't think my great-grandfather was a member of the nobility, but I guess he could've been descended from a member of the nobility. Are there any records on-line that I could search for this?
PRUS I aka PÓ£TORA KRZYŻA: Prus (Prussian), also known as Półtora Krzyża (Cross-and-a-Half), depicting a white cross on a red shield with an extra half-bar protruding on the right, was said to have originated when three pagan Prussian warriors converted to Christianity and were awarded the coat of arms by the Polish king. There are other Prus crests numbered II and III which differ from Prus I.
I typed in Kniazew and this is what I got. My grandparents were Russian/ German, but not sure what area they came from. They're family name could have come from Poland... any thoughts?
Families belonging to the coat of arms: Kniaziewicz, Kniażewicz, Ostojczyk
Families belonging to the coat of arms: Brasewicz, Dyniatyński, Kagiel, Karwat, Kimborowicz, Kniażewski, Kogiel, Kowalski, Kozakiewicz, Lubecki, Mikołajewicz, Młodawski, Młodowski, Mordasewicz, Murdelio, narwhal, Piotrowicz, Snacks, Snarski, Wizgird, Włodawskie, Zilina
Are you really, really believe in that? Do you really think that if your surname is listed, then you are of noble ancestry? I all of this is just for fun - I'll understand this.
My granfather name was Jozef £oś. Are all £oś 's under one crest. I saw Dabrowa. There are different versions of the Dabrowa. The one I found states we are Counts. How can I be sure I have the correct version?
I think only noble families have Coast of Arms. You should know your genealogy tree quite deep to know if any ancestor was noble and had cast of arms. It's not just simple relation surname = specific coast of arms.