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Do you consider Gorals, Lemkos, and Silesians Poles?

Miloslaw 20 | 4859
5 Mar 2021 #31
Do you consider the Gorals, Lemkos, and Silesians that live in Poland as Poles?

It is up to them to decide.
Not us.
Lyzko 42 | 9502
5 Mar 2021 #32
Nationality is often intertwined with ethnicity, leading to often umwanted questions regarding personal or political loyalties. Poland's no exception. Just look at Turkey and thd Kurds; they say they're Turkish and Erdogan says their not.
mafketis 37 | 10943
6 Mar 2021 #33
they say they're Turkish and Erdogan says their not.

It's actually the other way around....
Crow 160 | 9304
6 Mar 2021 #34
Due to historical circumstances, Polish (Polani) ethnicity can only be understand as meta-ethnicity to Gorals, Lemkos, Silesians, Lusatians, etc, same as Serbian ethnicity coming as even older meta-ethnicity to all of them and to Polani themselves.

Why do you think old Polish Kings gave name of `Szczerbiec` to their holly sword that had purpose to unite under their rule? Sarmatism is nothing but Serbism and name of Serbs was first and original ethnic name for all Slavs.

mafketis 37 | 10943
6 Mar 2021 #35
Serbian ethnicity coming as even older meta-ethnicity to all of them

I think this person puts it best....

Home / Genealogy / Do you consider Gorals, Lemkos, and Silesians Poles?