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What are common Polish character traits?

Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Feb 2010   #121
Or ill-thought out agendas. Yes, Afghanistan has been hard to break down in the past but much of the lack of success comes from poor tactical decisions and dubious strategies. You can be the best bunch of soldiers in the world but when your instructions deny you the full use of your skills then what good is that?

Spot on, Steve. I'd say that they have some of the best but you can find good soldiers in any army.
immabee18  - | 1
1 Mar 2010   #122
Mar 1, 10, 18:21 - Thread attached on merging:
Polish Women Traits- Big Hips?

I am about 75% polish, 25% of mixed German and Dutch descent, but I have most of the Polish traits mentioned: fair skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, long legs, heart shaped face, slightly almond shaped eyes. But I read somewhere that Polish women have big hips and bootys, and this is true for the Polish women in my family and friends. Is it just a coincidence or fact?
krysia  23 | 3058
1 Mar 2010   #123
Polish Women Traits- Big Hips?

ajajaj...We already had a thread about big Polish boobies, big Polish noses and big Polish foreheads. Now we got hips. Lets just say Polish people have big everythings.

Except the chujs.
Exiled  2 | 424
1 Mar 2010   #124
No,polish hips are very well shaped.They are neither non-existent like germanic female hips nor huge aka mediteranean hips.Generally Slavic hips are well formed and polish ones provide these extra aesthetically pleasing curves and round slightly protruding butt which is not the case among Czech women.
sledz  23 | 2247
1 Mar 2010   #125
Except the chujs.

speak for
PolishNutjob  1 | 74
1 Mar 2010   #126
No,polish hips are very well shaped.They are neither non-existent like germanic female hips nor huge aka mediteranean hips.Generally Slavic hips are well formed and polish ones provide these extra aesthetically pleasing curves ...

As usual, your analysis is notoriously accurate. However, the conscientious researcher into this topic will note that by the time the typical Polish female reaches her mid-20s, there is a noticeable expansion -and, in some extreme cases, a flattening - of the area under consideration. This is due, of course, to the repeated and furious pounding which this area tends to experience over the prior 10-15 years.
c MoMo  - | 1
6 Mar 2010   #127
i'm 100% polish and very proud of it. I have blond hair green eyes, i'm always happy, it takes a lot to **** me off, i love to party, i'm a workaholic, and 6' tall...

11 Mar 2010   #128
thebear45  1 | 66
11 Mar 2010   #129
it takes a lot to **** me off

erectile difficulty mate? i got that too :D
Juche  9 | 292
11 Mar 2010   #130
What are common Polish character traits?

inability to queue correctly and terrible driving manners while on the road. also a strange tendency to look at fellow Poles critically while abroad (Poles will not walk up to other Poles while on vacation, just sit back and watch what the others are doing in case they o something funny or worthy of critisism)...strange!!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
11 Mar 2010   #131
well, you are wrong, it can !

Beelzebub is correct on this matter.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
11 Mar 2010   #132
I believe that Poles ( a few exceptions doesn't count ) are exceptionally good soldiers, and given an average Pole and average whoever, I would always bet on a Pole.

Well, I believe the same of the german soldier...but here I have even the statistics over several years to support that belief!
11 Mar 2010   #133
I know Poles have a common steryotype of being stupid, and I find Polish jokes to be quite similar to blonde jokes. So I am wondering, who is stupider a blonde or a Pole? And what about a blonde Pole? lol. Both blonde and Polish jokes apply to me so please don't think this is meant in a bad way.
11 Mar 2010   #134
Well, I believe the same of the german soldier...but here I have even the statistics over several years to support that belief!

Hey - so do I!

Poland vs Sweden

The Battle of Kircholm:
Poland 3600 soldiers, Sweden 11000 soldiers.
Swedes outnumbered Poles 3:1.
Losses: Poland - 300 dead and wounded, Sweden 5000 dead and wounded.
Swedish losses to Polish losses ration 16.6:1.

The result: Polish soldiers 50 times better than Swedish soldiers.

Poland vs Ottoman Empire

The Battle of Khotyn (Chocim)
Poland 60000 (at most), Turkey 100000 (at least). 1.6:1 Turkish advantage.
Losses: Poland 14500, Turkey 42000. Turkish:Polish losses 2.9:1.

The result: Polish soldiers 4.6:1 times better than Turkish.

The second battle of Chocim was a slaughter of Turks - no point even calculating that.

Who else is there on the menu? Oh, yes - our dear Slavic brothers...

Poland vs Russia

The Battle of Warsaw

Poland: 113000-123000, Soviet Union 104000-140000 (OK - let's say 1:1).
Losses: Poland 4500 dead, Soviet Union 15000-25000 dead (lets generously
say SU:Pol 4:1).

The result: Polish soldiers 4 times better than Russian.

Poland vs Germany

The Krojanty Cavalry Charge

Poland 250, Germany 800 (German advantage 3.2:1). Losses: Poland, 20 killed
and wounded. Germany, 59-75 killed and wounded (let's generously say German
losses:Polish losses 3:1).

The result: Polish soldiers 9.6 times better than German soldiers.

I should have calculated the battle of Wizna ;)

Of course, it's only fun, because we have to take into account the differences
in military technology, terrain, directions of attack, supply lines and a plethora
of many different factors that have to be taken into account during any war,
but generally, being completely objective, unbiased and judging fairly, I think
we can safely say that Polish soldiers are by far the best in the world.

Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Mar 2010   #135
To laugh and be open when speaking English. Quite a few really give it a good go and have license to be loose and fancy free. They feed off of my energy and I hope they gain sth. I have the drive so they often reciprocate and put themselves into it.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126
13 Mar 2010   #136
Polish people want everyone to feel sorry for them and they love to cause drama and cry on others shoulders about there problems.

I can't get to sleep...
Ta da dam
*walk over to Larry Socha and put his head on his shoulders and starts to cry*

When are the polish going to learn that Poland is not at the centre of the world :)

Last time I checked Poland is in the middle of Europe (with Germany) and Europe is the world for me anything outside it is unimportant :p
13 Mar 2010   #137
Lol, I work in a kindergarten and do very much overdress the kids :P I agree it's easier to overdress than have children who are cold!
18 Mar 2010   #138
I myself am not Polish. But my husband and his side (of course) are VERY Polish.. Lmao!!! Some of the traits I've read on here are spot on.. Want hubby to get mad DON'T FEED HIM!!!! He's always looking for a way to make money If I try to get rid of something I can't just give it to some one ( the thought!!) I better charge something for it. And at the same time though he doesn't want to pay for anything :) He is always Complaining, well not complaining like I do though his is more of a wine. Mostly about this ache or that ache... on&on&on. I swear the whole family does it. He didn; believe me when I told him this so I showed him diffrent facebook status's of his family... THEY ALL HAD SOME TYPE OF ILLNESS OR BAD STORY GOING ON!!!!! On the othere hand No one in my hubby's family is stubborn or hot headed or even rude for that matter. I find almost ALL polish people I have ever met to be TO nice and they love to talk. I get mad at Hubby because he won't stand his ground and say what he thinks. I being scottish,irish and german think(actually know :) I am always right, I will win the arguement and am so bull headed and stubborn I can't get out of my own way, very very impatient and quick tempered. Polish men atleast I have found are very had workers and love to work it seems. But I don't kow if it's just my huubies fam or a polish thing that they do seem to be very slow workers. Slow and steady were I prefer fast and multiple jobs being done at once to perfection. This causes some strife in our life as Hbby thinks I'm just plain crazy :)
king polkagamon
18 Mar 2010   #139
Polish have still this old world galancy.You see people with faces close to German and they behave like Slavs.Amazing.
18 Mar 2010   #140
I have never met a competive Pole. There almost to laid back to the piont that it seems they don't care about much. Maybe they competitive is german mix. My hubby and family are polish and I come from a polish town in upstate ny. No one I ever knew as polish was ever competitive. Myabe they are over in Poland though :)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
18 Mar 2010   #141
I come from a polish town in upstate ny.

That explains this typical laid back couch potato attitude which is a uniquely American life style which must have rubbed off on them from their lazy American neighbors. LOL Polish town in U.S, indeed. We have a saying "Wleziesz między wrony- kraczesz jak i one" (When in Rome, do as the Romans do).
18 Mar 2010   #142
This I think would make for a great talking piont. Poles traits versus American Polish traits. They do seem to differ. I do agree with The fact for the most part is a fact that lazyness or coach potatoe mentality to America. Sadly it is all to true. Another thing that I noticed is the women. It's on the thread that polisk women are tall and cury with long legs. Not so were I was. Complete opposite.I have a funny feeling that an american polish person probably does not have much in common with a poland polish person. ( say that 5 times fast) No more than if I were talking on a Scot forum they would probably think I was a joke. I do want to go to poland I would love to know what area my husbands family is from and take him to visit.
adrian11224  7 | 41
1 May 2010   #143
They complain about any tiny little thing!!!! All day long complain!!!!

That's because women complain.

From the mouth of Chris Rock NOT ME...

You could **** a woman with a dimond dick make her come ten times and she will still find something to complain about...

Why you made me come so hard ??? :(

My Mother's a stubborn complaining Polish *****.

I'm 100% Polish.

Oh and were cheap. Giving but Cheap to ourselves like a bunch of loosers cuz we never make enough money or maybe that's everyone? Or maybe just me ?
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 May 2010   #144
I think the main one is defensiveness. Their ears prick up when you mention Poland and then they just can't wait to hear what you have to say. It's almost like you are there to confirm their understanding of their country and their beliefs. If not, expect a sharp riposte! There isn't much of 'yeah, you are right and I see where you are coming from' if you say sth slightly negative.

One of my dear friends called Seweryn, himself a Pole, told me that if you assign a student a role which is at odds with their way of thinking, they won't bend their minds to step into that role. Rather, they will refuse and insist on you giving them one that suits them. I have found that he is spot on. VERY few in Poland have the potential to be like Johnnie Cochrane, O.J Simpson's defence lawyer. He surely couldn't have believed in the innocence of his client but he made out a sterling case and got him off the hook. Poles can't step into a role so freely given their alacrity in taking a position and holding onto it for dear life.
Havok  10 | 902
2 May 2010   #145
Characteristics of most Polish as I know them,,,

- Hard working
- determined
- resourceful
- open and worm until you cross 'em, than you f*cked, (please see the bad)
- honorable
- viciously intelligent
- generally good with money (like to save a lot for the dark hour anything that could be useful)
-family oriented
- Physical strong (even the geeks), high endurance
- high rate of survivability
- proud

- Very mean, defensive, suspicious, sarcastic, persistent on getting even, angry with the past, like to b**** a lot, unforgiving, compulsively competitive, ( ha! I showed them – kind of thinking), tending to think that wounds/physical problems don't need a doctor’s attention until they pass out unconscious.

Some of those could be genetic
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 May 2010   #146
Havok, I disagree with the part about wounds. One sniff of trouble with any part of their body and they are off to the doc. The rest has much relevance but viciously intelligent, I can't agree. I'm lucky enough to know those that are but many aren't.
Havok  10 | 902
2 May 2010   #147
I guess it takes a different type of Polak to immigrate and survive in the U.S.
I'm mostly speaking about my Polish family and "polish" friends here. That's what makes them stick out from my "all American" friends.
Seanus  15 | 19666
2 May 2010   #148
Aha, I gotcha! Poles can change when they are away from home base.
6 May 2010   #149
wow what a closed minded thing to say!!! Uh americans have the most sticky fingers i haver ever seen! it has nothing to do with Poland... it is every where in the world!
Amathyst  19 | 2700
6 May 2010   #150
You could **** a woman with a dimond dick make her come ten times and she will still find something to complain about...

only 10 times??????

gotcha! Poles can change when they are away from home base.

What are they like when they're away from B&Q?

I disagree with the part about wounds. One sniff of trouble with any part of their body and they are off to the doc.

Me too, I was convinced my friends wife had Münchausen by proxy the amount of times she had the kid at the docs or hospital for trivial things..but she's just as bad herself..

That's what makes them stick out from my "all American" friends.

Could also be the fact they have dodgy dress sense too?

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