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What are common Polish character traits?

bloodybob2  - | 4
20 Feb 2010   #91
poles are proud peoplewho fought hard for freedom love of god and family speaks for their character a country which gave the world the greatest pope of all time very few countries in history had the strength and courage of their people to defeat their oppressive rulers poles did it through the solidarity movement how about those traits
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
20 Feb 2010   #92
which peoples in the world aren't proud?
Which didn't fight hard for their countries and their families when they were invaded?
which peoples didn't eventually rise against their oppressors when a leader emerged and the enemy was weak?

Poles character traits? I'll nominate spiteful to strangers, overwhelmingly hospitable to friends and families.
z_darius  14 | 3960
20 Feb 2010   #93
Which didn't fight hard for their countries and their families when they were invaded?

20 Feb 2010   #94
Poles I have known/met etc...

Emotional, opinionated, proud, defiant about their beliefs, arrogant about their
English language knowledge if questioned, quick to spout learned sterotypes
about "Capitalist-pig" Americans (..well, maybe not any more, but those who
went through Communism, hey!)

"...Overwhelmingly hospitable to strangers......" ::-)))

Old Polish saying: Gość jest Pan Bóg w domu

..sorry about the misquote!

Myszolow  3 | 157
20 Feb 2010   #95
Now, let's get some more traits out.

Traits out for the lads.

OK, what about unashamedly nosey/curious? Neighbours always in each others' business.

And balance that with a good one. Always lending things to each other, so each street only needs one ladder etc. instead of everyone having to buy one.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #96
Some are nosey and some aren't. The nosey ones are likely just bored, rather than it being a noticeable trait.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
20 Feb 2010   #97
K, what about unashamedly nosey/curious? Neighbours always in each others' business.

thats a good thing no? doesn't it show they give a damn?
Myszolow  3 | 157
20 Feb 2010   #98
Rather depends doesn't it? Generally I find it a bit intrusive, but while they're watching our house if we're away, it's helpful. ;)
beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #99
thats a good thing no? doesn't it show they give a damn?

Not when it is for the sole purpose of them being able to gossip about you. It's different if they are keeping an eye out for you but more often than not people are just nosey.

ETA: Ah myszolow beat me to it and I failed to read his post. What he said ;)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998
20 Feb 2010   #100
U both sound like prudes. Let them watch, whats so bad? gossip? who cares.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #101
What you should remember, beelzebub, is that the Poles tend to live in blocks of flats much more than other Western countries. An estate is a different thing here than back home in that way. Therefore, there is a greater chance that they will talk about things or pry given their relative proximity.
beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #102
Seanus I lived there for a long time in one of those blocks....I don't need a lesson. I also think privacy is something that others should respect and I hate nosey people.

It's pretty easy to see if something is good or bad...would you want it done to you? Most of those people gossiping would be irate if someone was spreading their business around. That's called a "clue".
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #103
I didn't intend to give you one (a lesson I mean ;)). Oh, absolutely, privacy is golden!

I dislike gossip, of course. I'm lucky not to live on an estate. My place is central but remarkably quiet.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
20 Feb 2010   #104

(sigh) i knew it was coming before i had completed writing it but keep in mind two things: 1 that's the exception Poles choose to define themselves as the "bravest" and the "proudest" amongst all others. Not exactly a laundry list, is it? 2 are there no other instances of Czechs fighting oppressors? If not then how exactly is there a Czech Republic to this day?

It appears Poles somewhat rely on selected bits of Czech history to define themselves.

It kind of reminds me how Americans constantly reference French capitulation at the outset of WWII. Maintaining the vain myth they're all a nation of warriors and modern France and the French were borne out of pure cowardice alone- all based solely on this isolated comparison. But many peoples cling to such myths to substantiate and compound greater myths, it's not only Poles and Americans who partake in such fanciful thinking. Feel free to add your own:)
beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #105
It appears Poles somewhat rely on selected bits of Czech history to define themselves.

I was going to mention this but thought whats the point they will just deny it...but glad to see someone else mention it. Same with the French being slammed by my countrymen.

It's nonsense and serves only to make the story teller feel "bigger".

Poles are the greatest people that ever lived (in their own minds)
Ironside  50 | 12928
20 Feb 2010   #106
It appears Poles somewhat rely on selected bits of Czech history to define themselves.

nonsense, the fact is Poles are the greatest warriors there is .....after doe training, there no question about it, Czech are simple a neighbor laughed at for they lack of martial aptitude, quite rude I would say but not without the case.
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #107
Ironside, you were trampled in WWII, crushed by an army that would have taken you a day or a few to beat had you acted in 1933. Scotland knows a thing or two about being warriors and we have won battles being the underdogs.

Samoans and Tongans are pretty ferocious warriors. NZ Maori too.
Arien  2 | 710
20 Feb 2010   #108
I hate nosey people too. I once slept with this English lady and I vaguely remember the rest of the neighboorhood standing outside after a few minutes, the girls giggling ofcourse! The guys shouting.. Ha-ha. ..Ha. Never seen two people naked before? Jesus H Christ what a childish society we seem to live in sometimes!

Worst of all, she left the window open and she had really thin curtains, so I think the whole neighbourhood saw us. It's amazing really, how some people manage to discover what you're doing in no time! It certainly makes you wonder if they're eavesdropping on you all the time, doesn't it? Or if you're somehow important? Should I feel flattered or something? I think Holland is even worse. If you sleep with a girl here, half the town will know about it within ten minutes.

The good news is ofcourse, that I simply don't care anymore. I've learned such gossip can be helpful sometimes, - if you're single and you've done something right that is - but most of the times talk like that can be utterly destructive..

I think it's sad really, but I'm not going to move even an inch because of liars, hypocrits and cowards anymore.

beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #109
I would never belittle the Poles who fought and died in battle but to hear the current generation take some credit for that and compare themselves to them is silly. I also find the phrase "first to fight" odd since it is more accurately "first to be attacked".

There is no shame in being overwhelmed by a larger, better equipped and better trained army but the pride thing creates all sorts of exaggerations and nonsense.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305
20 Feb 2010   #110
4.They feed you well.
Again the old generation will but the current one doesn't know how to cook generally

5.Polish women are generous.
Again no more or less than anywhere else

6.They don't spend money crazy.
Nonsense. If they have money to spend they will buy clothes and shoes from Zara or whatever boutique is "cool" at the time

I must be very lucky then. My gf feeds me well, she is the most generous person I have ever met and she wont spend money on clothes even when she has money. She will only buy something if she needs it, won't even let me buy her clothes.
Ironside  50 | 12928
21 Feb 2010   #111
you were trampled in WWII

Its a hardly an argument, its a question of different potential between economies of the two foes, on the top of it German industry were given credits by the Wall Street when Poland were refused such financial injection.

Samoans and Tongans are pretty ferocious warriors. NZ Maori too.

Well, Poles given right circumstances, are on equal footing with anyone!

I would never belittle the Poles who fought and died in battle but to hear the current generation take some credit for that and compare themselves to them is silly.

Do you want it give a try? Polish soldiers did prove themselves on a many battlefields as USA allies! I'm talking about soldiery and warriors traits not about wars or equipment
beelzebub  - | 444
21 Feb 2010   #112
Do you want it give a try? Polish soldiers did prove themselves on a many battlefields as USA allies! I'm talking about soldiery and warriors traits not about wars or equipment

Yes the Polish Army is doing well in the current wars for sure. But that is the Polish Army not you or the Polish people. A whole culture cannot take credit for what a few hard men do. They have my respect as men and it has nothing to do with their don't have that respect.

Given equal circumstances sure Poles have as much chance as anyone. But many here and in Poland would have you believe they are somehow superior.
Ironside  50 | 12928
21 Feb 2010   #113
A whole culture cannot take credit for what a few hard men do. They have my respect as men and it has nothing to do with their nationality

well, you are wrong, it can !#
How convenient, for the action of a few you didn't hesitate to blame nation, yet when come to praise you are very restrained, its contradiction which is short of prejudice.

To the point:
I believe that Poles ( a few exceptions doesn't count ) are exceptionally good soldiers, and given an average Pole and average whoever, I would always bet on a Pole.

Put it bluntly they have a talent for being a soldier, more so then any other nation.
beelzebub  - | 444
21 Feb 2010   #114
Oh bollocks. Poles are not more "talented" as soldiers than other nations. What arrogant drivel.

And I don't blame a few for anything...the things I mentioned about general society are common....COMMON not a few.
Ironside  50 | 12928
21 Feb 2010   #115
Oh bollocks. Poles are not more "talented" as soldiers than other nations. What arrogant drivel.

No shite ? Its no more arrogant than your riposte, as there are no way it can be proved one way or the other!
I have been honest about it! I don't try to impress anyone or make a point here, I simply stated what I believe to be true.

If thats arrogant, so be it, but drivel? kiss my back side!
beelzebub  - | 444
21 Feb 2010   #116
kiss my back side!

I don't play for that team princess, sorry.
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Feb 2010   #117
Well, Ironside has a point in that Poles train for longer but the problem is that many Poles were forced into the army through the conscription process. British guys wanted to be there and signed up willingly. I don't think you can really say that a Pole is any better or any worse, Ironside. I've seen how Scots train and I can tell you that, with the right motivation, they will be victors in their fights.

Just look at the hype on the net about Pudzianowski Vs Fedor as a sign of grandiose delusions. Although I think Pudzian would pose more problems to Fedor initially than many would suspect, he would still cave in to the relentless barrage of punches that would come his way. A bit of realism doesn't hurt!

That's one Polish trait that can be stated, idealism/romanticism. Nothing like punches or sharpshooting to put an end to that.

In conclusion, Polish pride can definitely help but only if tainted by realism.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305
21 Feb 2010   #118
The Polish were known through history as good soldiers. The British Hussar (Queens royal Hussars, Kings Royal Hussars) descend from the Polish Cavalry and there are many links with the Polish Eagle. In Medievil times the Polish had a great Army.

In WW2 the Polish held out for 36 days under an attack from the Nazi's and the soviets.

The French (aided by the BEF) lasted 47 days under an attack from the Nazi's.

Recently the Polish were in Iraq and now are in Afganistan and doing a good job.

I think you can use being a good soldier as a Polish trait if being a good soldier is a British trait.
Seanus  15 | 19666
21 Feb 2010   #119
Dedication to the cause for sure. Americans know how good they are as they have invited them in the past. Poland has some talented soldiers, many actually. I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense to talk of better. If they are actually better, they should be snuffing out the Taliban on the front lines rather than letting more moronic soldiers take that position.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305
21 Feb 2010   #120
I was just saying being a good soldier is a Polish trait.

They are not better than other countries soldiers but they are just as good.

The British Army has the best soldiers in the world but without political backing they are useless. You can still have great soldiers but be a rubbish Army.

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