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What are common Polish character traits?

Calicoe  2 | 133
29 Mar 2009   #61
What about physical traits? I guess that would be hijacking, though.

I think depression is genetic, or at least is debatable as such.
8 Apr 2009   #62
well im slim, tall(ish), & i dont look like i have alot of muscel but i can hang on to one of those bar things without my feet touching the ground for over a minute :) i have amber eyes dark brown hair & as white as can be lol :)
bimber94  7 | 254
17 Apr 2009   #63
I really like it when a Polish "builder" claims, when you ask him what he is skilled at, he'll usually say 'wszystko'. OK, let's see his pilot's licence, his gynaecologist's diplomas......
Avalon  4 | 1063
17 Apr 2009   #64
Hey bimber94,
I had a construction company in the UK from 1973 - 2005, have worked on every type of project going,(large and small), building luxury apartments, house building, refurbishment of listed buildings, chemical factories, clean rooms etc, etc...even reinforcing river banks to prevent erosian and was a member of the Federation of Master builders for 30 years. Decided to do something in Poland. Took my references, certificates, complete photo records of all the projects I had carried out over the years and was turned down for a development loan by a Polish Bank as they said I "did not have enough experience"? Ah well!!!!, perhaps in another 10-15 years they may change their, probably around the same time as they start to build the new motorways here.
z_darius  14 | 3960
17 Apr 2009   #65
I really like it when a Polish "builder" claims, when you ask him what he is skilled at, he'll usually say 'wszystko'. OK, let's see his pilot's licence, his gynaecologist's diplomas......

If you look for builders among gynecologists then I'm not sure you'll remain in business very long.
7 Jul 2009   #66
I was just googling, to know others opinion about Polish people, because I had a bad experience from a polish guy!

It all about entering into the car parking space, I actually blocked his way and moved my car back , because another guy in front of me was doing the same. And this polish guy started shouting and abusing me using “F” word.

Even though it wasn’t my mistake and I haven’t even touched his Bike, I said Sorry several times, but he continued calling me F Words.

As I read above in the post there are good people amongst polish, but unfortunately all I met are not good.

1) They always complain about anything
2) They thinks they know everything around the globe
3) They will abuse the country and people where they are living and say Poland is better than this (but don’t remember because of that they are in another country now!!)

4) They will do everything to make money (I mean cheating the host country’s tax, public service, social service systems)
5) They will not take collective responsibility if working in a team, for a failure. Instead just try to blame other team members (I am working in software industry, I have some very very bad experiences )

Finally you may see good and bad in all cultures around the world, but the experiences from Ireland (where I live now) , polish OMG ….. I will take another way… but not with polish.
MadisonMedizon  - | 1
12 Sep 2009   #67
I love making sweeping generalizations. Although sometimes there is some truth in stereotypes. Reading through people's responses I agree with the stubborn part, my fiance admits this of himself and also believes it somewhat typical of Polishness. His mother once pointed to a carving of a donkey and then to him and called him a donkey in Polish hahaha.

They do seem like hard workers when they put their mind to it and have very big hearts and are very loyal (again, this is based on the Poles I have been fortunate to meet and yes I had my wallet stolen in Krakow, but I also had identity theft in America. I think it's just a problem of being in a big city and the economic situation). A lot of Poles also seem to be very self-deprecating and sarcastic in their humor. Adults even would jooke about subjects I as an American am sometimes embarrassed or shocked to hear people joke about. They are just pretty matter of fact and don't have quite so many years and pressure and watchfulness that we have in america to always, no matter what, try to remain politically correct and act like certain situations don't exist because it's too rude to talk about. Poles just talk about it, which is something I find refreshing.

As for physical traits, what I noticed about Poles I've met abroad and all the Poles I saw in Poland, is they do have some common traits that many do exhibit. The adorable soft kind of chipmunk cheeks, the really smooth faces (I explained it to my fiance that it looks like Polish people's faces, including his, often look like water has passed over them like a river passes over pebbles and smooths them out, very rounded and soft.

Of course not everyone I met looked like this, but quite many from what i noticed, being an observer from outside of their country and from first glance. I can speak Slovak pretty well, but the first few times I heard Polish I heard almost literally to my ear "wish wash wish wash wish wash". After a week that started to go away though and it became difficult to capture that sound again for me.

I think it's interesting to hear an outsider's opinion because often times they can spot the impression your country has in the eyes of the rest of the world. Some generaliations can be interesting and have some truth.

Others, like Poles saying everything is better in Poland, is a bit specific of a behavior that almost any foreigner is sometimes likely to take on when visiting a country and everything is weird and different to them and not necessarily good tasting or good looking to them.
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Sep 2009   #68
Definitely not a cut+paste job that ;) Some interesting observations there lassie :) :)
translatoradela  - | 19
17 Sep 2009   #69
I have a comment on one of your observations:
"4) They will do everything to make money (I mean cheating the host country’s tax, public service, social service systems)".
ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS DO THAT. I LIVE IN ARIZONA WHERE ALL THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS DO THAT IT'S NOT JUST THE POLISH PEOPLE". It's not right but how would they survive in US & other countries if they didn't do that. I do not approve of it but it's happening everywhere.
2 Dec 2009   #70
napoleon from france was almost conqured from the polish people. if it was't for the russians stealing from poland we woud be more wealthy, and also more polish people died in world war two than jews. you know why? because they are kind hearted people who wanted to help the jews and ended up getting killed too,
bravo  4 | 63
20 Jan 2010   #71
when they say 'no tak' they always say the 'no' in a high pitched voice. Am |I right?
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Jan 2010   #72
they always say the 'no' in a high pitched voice

you must have met some polish rednecks...
bravo  4 | 63
20 Jan 2010   #73
no i live in sask kempa in warsaw. i never meet any red necks. all polish do this.
Wulkan  - | 3136
20 Jan 2010   #74
so why me, my family and people around me don't?
22 Jan 2010   #75
We are very patriotic and will defend our country to the death if we must
Ironside  50 | 12946
22 Jan 2010   #76
Well, hallo I'm proud, honest, hardworking, love my country and defend my religion.
I'm also tolerant, open minded with sense of humor, like nature and animals, suspicious about human motives, believe that evil exists and right and just doest; necessarily win.

Intelligent and interested in others cultures and way of life.
Don't believe that egalitarianism and democracy works its rather cheese in the mouse trap.

Thats not all but its long enough:)

Ah last but not least - I'm very modest person!
Emily_xo  - | 5
22 Jan 2010   #77
What are common Polish character traits?

For polish women like me I guess my most common characteristics would be changing my outfit at least twice, or more times per day. Wearing pretty dresses during the summer and eating Polish ice cream (the best) :oP
f stop  24 | 2493
22 Jan 2010   #78
About the complaining thing. It's a warped kind of being humble. For example, if someone says "You have a beautiful house", a Polish person will find something wrong with it in reply, like "oh it's too drafty, too expensive, neighbours are a pain...". To this day I can't take a compliment. Even if we're enjoying ourselves, we like to temper it by pointing out anything that is or might be wrong with it. It's a form of politeness. ;) Another side of it is that we are very good at worst case analysis. Half empty kind of people. It keeps down the number of disappointments.
25 Jan 2010   #79
1.The women are good looking and have nice shapes.
2.The Polish people are very religious - usually Roman Catholics.
3.They are hard workers.
4.They feed you well.
5.Polish women are generous.
6.They don't spend money crazy.
11 Feb 2010   #80
USA is dream for every polish ?
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Feb 2010   #81
1.The women are good looking and have nice shapes.
2.The Polish people are very religious - usually Roman Catholics.
3.They are hard workers.
4.They feed you well.
5.Polish women are generous.
6.They don't spend money crazy.

From Kochan above. Some are good looking, yes, and generally are shapely.

Only the stats. Many are non-practising and even more don't even know what a Catholic is.

Some work hard and some don't

Some do and some don't

Some are and some aren't

Yes they do ;) ;)
12 Feb 2010   #82
1.The women are good looking and have nice shapes.
There are good looking women all over no more in PL than anywhere if you look

2.The Polish people are very religious - usually Roman Catholics.
Half and half

3.They are hard workers.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...maybe in the old days but not this generation

4.They feed you well.
Again the old generation will but the current one doesn't know how to cook generally

5.Polish women are generous.
Again no more or less than anywhere else

6.They don't spend money crazy.
Nonsense. If they have money to spend they will buy clothes and shoes from Zara or whatever boutique is "cool" at the time
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Feb 2010   #83
Nice rebuttals by rdw.

Now, let's get some more traits out.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
20 Feb 2010   #84
However I do think a good characteristic of Poles is that they tend not to over-react in pressure situations. They keep their heads and stay calm.

quoted for correctness on both points
beelzebub  - | 444
20 Feb 2010   #85
I'd say correct on the first but laugh at the second. If you think Poles are good under pressure try asking any shop worker or government official to do anything outside of their preprogrammed activities. They will quickly make an excuse and try to leave. They will get all vapor locked if you ask them to actually give you customer service or check something when they don't know how to do it.

They are worse about saving face than the Chinese. I have NEVER heard "I was wrong" from a Pole. In fact when faced with clear and obvious evidence they are you usually get that half eye rolling look and a "well....yes BUT....."
20 Feb 2010   #86
I have NEVER heard "I was wrong" from a Pole.

Spit in their face, and they,ll tell you it,s raining.
jonni  16 | 2475
20 Feb 2010   #87
6.They don't spend money crazy.

Show me a Pole with an old mobile phone. People here buy the newest and best, but can't afford to put credit on it and send "sygnaƂki" to people.
marqoz  - | 195
20 Feb 2010   #88
One more. They do steal. You have to lock your cars, roll up the windows and cover stuff inside because they will steal anything and everything to make money.

What a stupid factoid. I live here for quite a lot years, and lost only old mobile 3 years ago. While when I was on my journey to Spain, I was expropriated the very first day from all my credit cards and some euros.

Poles have this wonderful opinion since 70s in Germany, when there were some gangs there stealing cars with Poles as bosses. By the way the biggest figures were connected with commie secret police or spying agency. But please stop repeating these nonsenses even now. Let's look at some statistics in this field.

What is really shameful, it is the way Police treat theft victims. They are just awfully impertinent and blaming the victim not excusing their inefficiency and incompetence.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
20 Feb 2010   #89
If they have money to spend they will buy clothes and shoes from Zara or whatever boutique is "cool" at the time

zara is high end? this is news to me, i always thought it was low to mid range. regardless, i'm curious if anyone knows of nationalities known for being stingy when it comes to buying habits.

I know people say Scots are "mean" but to what proportions does this translate. I mean germans always seem to buy the nicest and best cars they can or cannot afford but have never struck me as flashy beyond that one thing- most often well dressed but usually not overstated with rather classic or conservative chic.

So which nationalities are know for not spending like sailors on anything even when they have the means?

oh yeah, if anyone hasn't said so then i'll say Poles are savvy when it comes to shopping- they put a lot of energy into comparing prices.
DannyJ  - | 129
20 Feb 2010   #90
Nonsense. If they have money to spend they will buy clothes and shoes from Zara or whatever boutique is "cool" at the time

My woman is in their 1 hour after the plane lands at Warsaw!!

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