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What are common Polish character traits?

18 Feb 2019   #331
That explains a lot. :) Thank you, Paulina.
Paulina  19 | 4558
18 Feb 2019   #332
No probs, Torq. I've been around here for all this time more or less so I know what's going on in here...
18 Feb 2019   #333
I'll keep that in mind. ;)

Imagine all the Poles, Polish-Americans, and other people of Polish origin on this board, united and speaking with one pro-Polish voice! We would be invincible! But on the other hand it would be a bit boring without all the charming exchanges of opinions with Ironside (who, and you can take my word for it, is a very decent guy when you get to know him better) or without the occasional option of calling someone a plastic Pole. There is something poetic and deeply Polish about our "civil wars" on Internet fora ("two Poles, three opinions" and all that).
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 Feb 2019   #334
Wait a minute... johnny reb is Polish?

Did I confuse you when I said,

my vindictive Polish genes would have kicked in

Why do you Poles keep using YOUR words to insinuate that they are my words when they are your words and not my words. lol

Quit making things up or is that another Polish trait.

I've been around here for all this time more or less so I know what's going on in here...

That statement makes you seem like so much more of an authority then everyone else here. (does a small bow)
Since I have been here more than you that should make me more of an authority than you to what is going on here.
Damn Paulina, talk about sociopathic's aye.
Is that another Polish trait, I am more of an authority than you are. lol
18 Feb 2019   #335
Pretty much everything you wrote in this thread seems rather confusing to me tbh. However, taking into account what Paulina wrote about you, and seeing in your profile that you have warnings for both abusing and trolling, I think I have a pretty good idea now of who am I dealing with. lol
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
18 Feb 2019   #336
taking into account what Paulina wrote about you

Why do you treat Paulina as some sort of authority on the PF? Paulina appears on the forum occasionaly and when she does, she usually splits the hair into four and then she suddenly disappears.

johnny_reb is a Polish-American... But a special kind... A sociopathic kind

To call someone "sociopathic kind" is in itself sociopathic. The person who does it cannot be trusted at all.

All I can say is that Johnny was a devoted defender of the "Polish" case at the time when Poland, the Polish people and the Pol-Ams were under constant attack and abuse from Harry and his gang which were also known as "Brit Bullies" aka "The Gang of Three". I know something about it as I was personally attacked at the very moment when I joined the PF and the attacks on me by Harry and Jon357 continued ever since.

Where was Paulina at that time? She was conveniently hiding under a table as she was too scared to crawl from underneath and say a word in defence of Poland.

Torq, I think that your opinion on JR is utterly wrong:

seeing in your profile that you have warnings for both abusing and trolling, I think I have a pretty good idea now of who am I dealing with

johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 May 2019   #337
This is one of my favorite threads here.
Reading the Polish reactions/meltdowns when they get called out on their Polish traits.
Some of these post describe the typical Pole perfectly and are down right hilarious.
The Polish do make excellent smashed potato's however.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138
18 May 2019   #338
Sometimes I worry that I am not Polish enough and that the Norwegian society has affected me, too much. On the other hand I constantly feel more connected with Poland.

I also like to talk with most Poles, as one can be frank about things. That conflict is natural, even tho I try to be diplomatic.

The very thought itself that you can easily disagree with someone and doesn't have to succumb to the will of the majority is great
18 May 2019   #339
How would you know? You didn't spend a lot of time in Poland (if any) and those few you met here are hardly big enough group to be representative
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
18 May 2019   #340
This is one of my favorite threads here.

Because it insults, provokes and baits Polish people?

You didn't spend a lot of time in Poland (if any)

He hasn't spent any time in Poland at all, apart from the fantasies in his head. He makes up stories about being in Poland after trying to google something about the country, coming up with such comments like "the bar on the first floor of the Warsaw Marriott", which simply doesn't exist.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
18 May 2019   #341
Touchy Touchy delph, do you forget that I inherited some of these traits myself.

Because it insults, provokes and baits Polish people?

It does ? Thank you for confirming my point.
Or is that just another Polish trait, "they don't know how to laugh at themselves" and have huge inferiority complexes.
At least I have over come that one.
All the other threads in this forum it is dished out about those stupid Westerners by provoking them and that seems to be o.k.

So I guess we can add this one to the list too of, don't you dare point out the obvious Polish trait of having huge inferiority complexes.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
18 May 2019   #342
Polish character trait that is beyond insanity: they don't trust anything, even where trust is not relevant or applicable. Like here.

They just can't switch that trait off, like a puppy that got kicked one time too many.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 May 2019   #343
Stubborn, materialistic, xenophobic, homophobic, envious, crafty, patriotic, hospitable, hard working, traditional, conservative, gossiping, short tempered, polite to strangers (that pan and Pani stuff cracks me up, well even use that **** in an argument), worldly, cwaniaki... That's most of what I can think of...

they don't trust anything

That's because poles have been burned so many times so we automatically blow on cold. Also, poles like to play the angles so when someone is being nice and friendly we often think they have an ulterior motive.
Miloslaw  22 | 5247
18 May 2019   #344
Stubborn, materialistic, xenophobic, homophobic, envious, crafty, patriotic, hospitable, hard working, traditional, conservative, gossiping, short tempered, polite to strangers

That might just be the best post you ever made on PF.
Spot on Dirk!
Joker  2 | 2464
18 May 2019   #345
they don't trust anything, even where trust is not relevant or applicable

I met this idiot a few years back that refused to use a dryer, because it was a "No Good" American He had clothes line drawn all across his apartment and all his shirts and pants were stiff as a board. I guess, he did need any starch! Haha

He also refused to use a microwave oven and instead of using a can opener he used a buck knife.

He was fired from his first job in Chicago, because he didn't use any deodorant as well and all the other employees complained about his stench.

They need to do a better job of screening these people that come into our country. Perhaps, a test of sorts......
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 May 2019   #346
Back in the day polish people would dry their clothes on a clothesline in the summer. A lot still don't use microwaves.

Shouldve also added superstitious to that character trait list. There's so many superstitions poles believe in like not welcoming/saying bye while talking in the doorway, going back home because you forgot something is bad luck, when someone sneezes it means they or someone else participating in a conversation said is true... There's a lot.. the older generations would also read fortunes, play with tarot cards and follow astrology. It doesn't appear as common with youth though.

And of course from childhood playing with fire will make you pee the bed at night..
19 May 2019   #347
Back in the day polish people would dry their clothes on a clothesline in the summer.

Why would that be unusual? I dry my clothes on a clothesline in the summer.

These type of threads are pointless anyway, those traits you are talking about could equally apply to some people from any country, not just Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2019   #348
These type of threads are pointless anyway,

Not really Pam.
Have you noticed how the Polish members here (not all of them but most) refer to the West and America with condescending and derogatory remarks daily.

If we the West respond in such a manner we get suspended for, Not using the ignore function.
This thread however allows the Westerners to poke a little fun back at the Polish members legally.
And as you have seen here, when we do, the Polish members feel really insulted to think someone could poke fun back at them.
They have a mini meltdown to think this is allowed here.
How dare you !
Which brings us back to another Polish trait......the Polish enjoy dishing out the yuk yuks but are totally offended if someone pokes them back with one.
19 May 2019   #349
I think you are mixing two words here. If you come here to insult in name of pay back as you admit of doing then you are in fact insulting and it's not a meltdown but calling it as it is.

However I don't expect you to understand.
gumishu  15 | 6228
19 May 2019   #350
Poszukiwany, Poszukiwana etc

checking the content of sugar in sugar :)
johnny reb  49 | 8003
19 May 2019   #351
I think you are mixing two words here.

Which two ?
It's you who is mixixing words, go re read my post.

However I don't expect you to understand.

You obviously don't as you skirted my point and turned it into your point by mixing words.
My point was that the Polish/Eurp members here often post with insultive posts of how stupid and what idiots Americans are.
Yet when the Americans fire back with an insult the Poles go right up on their ear with, "How dare you talk to us like that."

Which brings us back to one of the Polish character traits.
No big deal to me personally because I have learned how to laugh at myself which most Poles are incapable of doing.
Poles are incapable of constructive criticism in case you haven't noticed here.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #352
Stubborn, materialistic..

I possess all those features except for xenophobic and homophobic. Yes, those must be Polish traits!
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
19 May 2019   #353
Nobody is xenophobic and homophobic. We love all foreigners when they tend to their families at home.
And we are not afraid of gays. We just find them biologically useless and what they do revolting.
pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #354
When you stop imagining what they do (or even watching on special channels, I don`t know), you will be more relaxed and will let off some steam that troubles you.
19 May 2019   #355
I meant the difference between having friendly banter and insults. You admited this tread is supposed to be kind of pay back.
So what is it?

And frabklt speaking I find it extremely funny you taking about meltdowns and such as in my opinion you are one of the biggest primaddonas here.

As to Polish traits I would agree with stubborn, hot headed, enjoying certain level of conflict, not very good with follow through
Ironside  51 | 13124
19 May 2019   #356
I met this idiot

You seems to meet a lot of idiots or ghetto dwellers and some bottom feeders. I just wonder why is that? Are you some kind of social worker or you just rub your elbows a lot with this kind of people

Polish character traits.

I don't believe that such a thing as character traits for a whole nation exist. There some common character traits for a country dude to some specific circumstances and issues generally speaking. Talking about inheriting those or some of those traits due to DNA is a folly or nonsense.

"How dare you talk to us like that."

You think? Try other website in different countries and see what you find there. Not to mention Russia, China, Israel or Korea. If you think that Polish people are touchy it means you don't experienced much beside your own backyard.
Spike31  3 | 1485
19 May 2019   #357
Polish national traits are creativity, individualism, stubborness, contrariness, respect for family values, heroism in times of crisis
pawian  226 | 27817
19 May 2019   #358
Again, I possess all those traits, except for homophobia and xenophobia.
19 May 2019   #359
I don't believe that such a thing as character traits for a whole nation exist.

Exactly. I share many of the traits mentioned and I don't have a drop of Polish blood in me.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
19 May 2019   #360
Not really. Creativity isn't encouraged from an early age in Poland, individualism simply isn't true, stubbornness is seen in many other countries too, contrariness is a general European trait, there's little respect for family values here (cough cough Marta KaczyƄska cough) and as for heroism, we all know how the Polish leadership ran away in 1939. There are just as many heroes in other countries.

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