jon357 i had the greatest time in poland i cried as we came over to land at modlin airport this wa in its day a Luftwaffe base imagine that a son of a man who fought the nazis lands in his homeland searching for his roots in the same place where Goering sent his killing machines out wow good time is not the word, Words are are hard to find but the love i received from Poland and its people truly amazing
Bryszkiewski - searching for my Polish roots
@Ducati 14
Why Ducati? After all, it's a motorcycle brand.
Why Ducati? After all, it's a motorcycle brand.
WhyAlien are you not from earth?
not from earth
Since you asked, yes, I live in my own world.👽
Alien 25 Well that's ok i too live in my own world its a happy place to live i have started my search into Poland so will keep the thread up dated thanks for all who helped but me on the right track the good thing with the web as you start a search it leads yo to the path you need.