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Looking For My Biological Mother

jjayerowlands  1 | -
23 May 2024 #1
Hello, I am the granddaughter of Jurek Jurkowski and Helena Smarzewska and the daughter of Anna Smarzewska. Helena had a brother Bronisław (born in 1930s) who also lived in Jasionowa Dolina. He was a bachelor and had no children. Helena (my grandmother) later GOT MARRIED TO BARTOSIEWICZ and they moved from Jasionowa Dolina to Sokółka. Bartosiewicz wasn't Anna's father, but he must have adopted her and gave her his last name.

When my grandmother Helena and Bartosiewicz went to live in Sokółka, my mother Anna (diminutive: Ania) came to live with her uncle in Jasionowa Dolina. Perhaps she lived with her mother for some time in Sokółka and later came back to Jas. Dol. When Bronisław died, Anna mother inherited his house in Jasionowa Dolina. She sold it and left Jasionowa Dolina. My grandmother Helena died in a nursery home in Dzięciołówka (it is close to Jasionowa Dolina). She was buried in a cemetery in Janów, in the same grave as her brother Bronisław. My mother Anna gave birth to THREE children. I heard my other Anna often sells cigarettes at the market called MADRO (it's in Białystok, so I assume she still lives here).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have found all this information but recently have hit a wall. Any information, big or small is greatly apprreciated.

Thank you,

Jillian (American given name)

Birth Name: Katarzyna (diminutive: Kasia) Bartosiewicz
Paulina  15 | 4429
23 May 2024 #2
Hi Jillian,

I'm not sure what kind of help are you looking for exactly?

My mother Anna gave birth to THREE children.

So did she get married? What is her surname now?

my other Anna

Do you mean your "mother Anna"?
Koter  - | 3
19 Jul 2024 #3
Hi Jillian, You now the name of your father ? Do you have any information about your siblings?
Novichok  5 | 7883
20 Jul 2024 #4
Don't. It seldom ends well.

Life is not a Hallmark movie.
Koter  - | 3
20 Jul 2024 #5
I know but asking Julian because her story is similar lot mine.
Novichok  5 | 7883
20 Jul 2024 #6
My post was for the OP.
Koter  - | 3
21 Jul 2024 #7
What you mine OP
mafketis  38 | 10816
21 Jul 2024 #8
Presumably you meant to ask "What does OP mean?"

OP = original poster (person who started this thread)

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